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Piper (13 KP) rated Halloween (2018) in Movies

Nov 27, 2019  
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
Strong Characters (3 more)
Clever Camerawork
Myers is Finally Threatening Again
Callbacks and Subversions
"You're The New Doctor Loomis" (3 more)
Plot Holes
Too Much Off-Screen Action
Halloween: Predictably Unpredictable
Contains spoilers, click to show
After the nightmare of a film that was Rob Zombie’s 2007 remake, I refused to bother seeing the new Halloween on its release, choosing instead to pick up a DVD when the price got knocked down significantly enough - after all, we’ve had sixty-three Halloween films now and only half of them were worth watching (really, Season of the Witch?) and this looked, in all honesty, like just another slasher-film-reboot that wasn’t worth the time. Now don’t get me wrong, it absolutely was just another slasher film, but I wish I’d seen it in the cinema. And a year earlier than I did, too, because I missed out big-time with this one.

The plot is predictable, because of course it is. It’s Michael Myers, what’s he going to do except escape from a mental institution and murder some people? But it’s beautifully subverted; some of the characters you might expect to last till the end die before the halfway mark, and while there are a fair amount who are clearly written in just to be killed minutes later, they contribute to some fine, gory moments, so it’s kind of okay. There’s no real heartbreaker here - everyone you really rooted for just about makes it, and everyone that was kind of a dick is killed. And that’s fine, because in a way this isn’t the kind of slasher where it matters who lives or dies. This is a film about preserving a legacy, or perhaps just making one, and it works. We’re told fairly early on that this is a direct sequel to the original Halloween (Myers’ death toll at the start of this version, apparently, is five, which matches the amount of kills he made in the first movie - as far as I’m aware, Myers has actually killed over 100 people in all the films combined, so this is a nice subtle way of telling us what to remember and what to ignore completely). Having said that, references are made throughout to previous films, the best of which is of course a callback to the infamous scene where Myers tumbles out of a window only for his body to completely disappear - this time it’s Laurie Strode who does the tumbling, and she very much intends to do a little vanishing act of her own, Michael, so keep an eye on - oh, no, you looked away, I wonder what’s happening down there!

Focusing on Laurie for a moment, Jamie Lee Curtis does an absolutely excellent job here. Age has given her character wisdom, paranoia, and a whole lot of guns, and the acting carries a huge amount of weight and strength with it. Having said that, there are a couple of moments where all of Laurie’s fear-induced calculations don’t seem to have quite worked out - why bother going to such extreme measures to protect your house, if the front door you’re standing behind is half glass? But that’s the thing about this movie - whatever you plan for, whatever you think Michael Myers is capable of, he’s stronger than you think, he’s far more terrifying than you remember, and right until the end, he’s here to remind you that nothing you can plan for will ever be enough. Of course, we never actually see him die (again) so here’s looking forward to the next sequel…

The cinematography is something to at least wonder over - settings and locations are used well and established with some wonderful wide shots, and some of the best scenes are those where the camera just stays in one place, at a very carefully-selected window for example, and watches. Two scenes are worth a particular mention; the first, in which we follow our two podcast-host characters to a gas station, seems fairly dull until Myers catches up to them, but if you watch the background carefully enough you’ll see he’s there all along, beating people up and murdering quite happily (swapping his prison jumpsuit for those traditional blues in the process). The second seems a little superficial, in the grand scheme of the movie, but it’s well-shot nonetheless - we watch, from that aforementioned window, as a woman hears about all the nasty things Michael might do, and of course we can see him through another window, heading for her front door, and when he finally appears inside the house he’s all the way across the room, somehow, and he calmly wanders on over and stabs the woman quite coolly through the throat, in a scene which I think is most reminiscent of the original films.

However, there are moments when you don’t see Michael at all, just the aftermath, or where we watch him enter a room and are forced to linger in the corridor while he does the dirty work. A couple of times that’s just fine, but considering the nature of the film it would be nice to watch the magic happen a couple more times. And while we’re on the negatives, I might mention that the reveal that the Doctor Loomis-type character who looked, felt, and sounded like a rip-off of Doctor Loomis, and was even referred to as “The New Doctor Loomis” did EXACTLY the same thing that Doctor Loomis did, surprise, and we were somehow expected to not see that coming like it was all one big, obvious, heavy-handed bluff. A couple of the other characters, too, felt like they were purely rammed in there to be irritating - there were a couple of strong scenes with our podcast hosts, but ultimately they were rude, on-the-nose and annoyingly egotistical, and I was happy to see them go, just like Alison’s friend Foggy Nelson.

The score, incidentally, is worth mentioning, from a haunting retune of the original Myers theme to darker and more dramatic variations on it later on that really would have been quite something to hear in surround-sound. I’m never usually one to appreciate the music of a film quite fully enough, so it was nice to have this grab my attention in quite the way it did. Overall, it’s a genuinely good follow-on that takes the best of the films before and makes the best use of the worst of them. Some of the characters might be a little annoying, some of the action could have translated better on-screen than off, but it was an honest and straight-up slasher film and it just wasn’t that bad at all.
Bosch - Season 5
Bosch - Season 5
2019 | Crime, Thriller
Cast are superb (1 more)
Taut thriller with many plot lines.
Some supporting actors are poor (0 more)
A slow burn but worth it.
Bosch season 5 is another slow burning police procedural following several cases being investigated by the LAPD West Hollywood Division.

Harry Bosch was created by Michael Connolly in a series of books and has been adapted very well for the small screen. Titus Welliver (Lost, Deadwood) is perfect in the lead role as the gifted detective who has a troubled past.

 This series opens with Bosch having fallen on hard times. With ruffled hair, leg in a brace and a cane, he is ushered off a bus in a make shift camp in the desert. Shuffling in a line of desperate addicts he waits for his reward for a day's work, a dose of opioids. After a run in with another addict he is caught snooping around the camp by one of the guards. He is taken to the head kingpin who thinking he is spying on them puts one bullet in the gun found in Bosch's backpack and points it at his head about to pull the trigger...

This series is possibly one of the best crime/detective shows around at the moment. It's pace is deliberate and slow with detectives taking their time finding vital clues (or missing them) but cleverly working multiple plot lines throughout the entire 10 episodes.
Fortitude  - Season 1
Fortitude - Season 1
2015 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
A genre-spanning atmospheric thriller
I watched Fortitude when it first aired a few years ago, and have decided to give it another watch now to refresh my memory now the final series has aired.

Fortitude is set in a beautiful location in the arctic, and the show really makes the most of showing off this location as often as possible. The plot itself is intriguing and bonkers, but yet doesn't quite go too far. It spans a verify of genres, from murder mystery and crime to drama and gory horror, and it does this really well. Some of the gory horror parts are actually quite disturbing (in an good). This is also a very character driven story, and most of the characters in this are well rounded and developed. It has a fantastic cast including some very well known faces like Stanley Tucci and Michael Gambon. However for me it's Richard Dormer that truly shines in this. He gives Dan a lot of depth and despite his errant and sometime psychotic ways, you do still feel sorry for him. I find it difficult to accept that this is the same person who plays Beric Dondarrion in GoT, he's that good an actor.

If you're looking for something that's well acted, doesn't stick to a specific genre and is honestly a little bizarre and unusual, then this is definitely worth a watch.
Molly's Game (2017)
Molly's Game (2017)
2017 | Drama
Objectively horrendous but a ton of fun, pretty much what one of those later MCU entries *should* feel like. A lot of fast-talking verbiage and flashiness which every single one of these stylish, ADHD biopics (which, for the record I enjoy incomparably more than the unbearable, cursory ones that get nominated for Oscars) stole from 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘰𝘭𝘧 𝘰𝘧 𝘞𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘵 - which I was convinced I'd never get tired of but I confess is actually starting to get pretty rote here. Like okay do we really need to halt the already legendarily messy and borderline unfollowable plotline so you can describe what the sticker on the fucking cheese platter says? It's also one of those movies where the acting is nice but nobody actually plays a real human (for better [Chastain, Cera, Strong, Costner] or worse [poor Elba]). The dialogue is, as you can imagine, unadulterated Sorkin which leads to some very amusing cringe without the filter this time around. I like it, pretty much a collection of rousing scenes that look and play nice but don't fit together too well (at all) on the whole. Best part is easily those iconic Chastain outfits. A much better poker movie than it is a true story movie, and a lot of the banter is stilted - but worth it entirely for the title character calling Michael Cera (playing a power-hungry real life Tobey Maguire) a "green-screened little shit".
The Snowman (2017)
The Snowman (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama, Horror
No, not that one
Nordic noir is big business at the moment, but with the incredible scenery of the locations lending themselves perfectly to film, is there any wonder?

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Hypnotist are just a couple of movies that have fallen into this massively expanding genre.

Now, Jo Nesbø’s chilling The Snowman novel gets the silver screen treatment in a film of the same name. But can this continue the thrilling trend of whodunit novels being turned into fabulous crime dramas?For Detective Harry Hole (Michael Fassbender), the death of a young woman during the first snow of winter feels like anything but a routine homicide. His investigation leads him to “The Snowman Killer,” an elusive sociopath who continuously taunts Hole with ingeniously crafted cat-and-mouse games. As the brutal deaths show no sign of slowing, Harry teams up with a new recruit (Rebecca Ferguson) to try and lure the madman out of the shadows before it’s too late.

With Michael Fassbender at the helm, director Thomas Alfredson (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) manages to blend gorgeous imagery with an intriguing plot and excellent performances in a film that suffers from a couple of issues that stops it from becoming a must-see event.

These R-rated thrillers are ten-a-penny these days with the bar still being set incredibly high by Gone Girl. Last year’s Girl on the Train was a decent stab at dethroning David Fincher’s masterpiece, but it just fell a little short – well the same has happened here.

Michael Fassbender is uniformly excellent as troubled detective, Harry and the actor can do no wrong in his performances, but he’s suffered this year. After Assassin’s Creed failed to ignite the box-office, it looks to be a similar story this time. While The Snowman is technically competent and filmed beautifully, it lacks the sense of originality that breeds success.

It also doesn’t help that he’s surrounded by thinly padded supporting characters like former love interest Rakel (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and new police officer Katrine (Ferguson). Elsewhere, bizarre glorified cameos for Val Kilmer and Toby Jones leave you wondering if these actors expected a little more from their parts.

Perhaps I’m being a little harsh. After all, the cast is one of the film’s strongest suits. Add J.K. Simmons to the aforementioned roster and it really does have one of the best line-ups of the year. It’s just a shame the script doesn’t do more with them.

To look at, The Snowman is absolutely gorgeous. Helped obviously by magnificent Norwegian landscapes, Alfredson shoots using steady cam in scenes reminiscent of Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining, high praise indeed. In a year populated by CGI-heavy blockbusters, this comes as a real breath of fresh air.

Unfortunately, the constant use of flashbacks and a peculiar subplot involving a Winter sporting event ruin the pacing, though at 130 minutes, this isn’t too much of an issue. The ending however, is disappointing and lacks an emotional payoff after the film’s events.

Overall, The Snowman is a gritty adaptation of Jo Nesbø’s successful novel and while some of the plot choices leave a little to be desired, a great anchor performance by Michael Fassbender and stunning cinematography mean it’s definitely worth a watch; just don’t expect too much.
Unlocked (2017)
Unlocked (2017)
2017 |
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
London Has Fallen, but good
Every year it happens, a big blockbuster comes along and absolutely obliterates the competition at the box office. This year, that award has gone to the much-hyped and slightly disappointing Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2.

Then, a fortnight later, another massive hit arrives, Alien: Covenant this time, meaning any films caught between the two behemoths are generally forgotten. In 2016, that forgotten movie was Eye in the Sky. This year, it’s Michael Apted’s terrorism thriller, Unlocked. But is it a film worth watching?

After being tricked into providing information to the wrong side, a CIA interrogator (Noomi Rapace) finds herself at the centre of a devastating biological attack on London. As she tries to dodge those that pursue her, she stumbles along a terrifying web of lies along the way.

At its core, Unlocked is an enjoyable romp that verges on the side of unremarkable but a few standout scenes, cracking cast and confident direction ensure it is one of the better films in a genre clogged with tripe.

Speaking of that cracking cast, it features the likes of John Malkovich, Toni Collette, Orlando Bloom and Michael Douglas. Each of these stars act well though some, Malkovich in particular, are sorely underused. Nevertheless, he and Collette add a level of class to proceedings whilst Douglas looks like he’s there just for the wages.

The story, written by Peter O’Brien is actually pretty good. It’s nothing particularly original, but manages to sustain enough interest to see Unlocked through its taut 98 minute running time. In fact, I wouldn’t mind seeing a sequel, it’s genuinely that intriguing.

The parallels to last year’s London Has Fallen will no doubt be drawn and the fragile subject matter that both films tackle is one that is perhaps a little too hard to stomach for some moviegoers. However, Unlocked delves into the topic of British terrorism in a much more sensitive way, rather than money-making with all-out spectacle.

Cinematography wise, it’s more of the same – competent but unexceptional. The action is staged well but Michael Apted struggles with the smaller details; there’s some lazy editing and poor sound mixing. The special effects are few and far between, helping the film’s cause in a way, but those that are there are more than up to the task of bolstering its appeal.

Overall, Unlocked is an entertaining thriller that has a stellar cast. It’s well paced, nicely shot and tackles the subjects of urban terrorism sensitively, but you’ll have a hard time remembering it a few months down the line, it’s marketing has just been that terrible.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated The Staircase in TV

Jun 27, 2018 (Updated Nov 27, 2018)  
The Staircase
The Staircase
2018 | Crime, Documentary
8.0 (25 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Tells the entire story, from the very beginning of the case until now and provides some closure. (0 more)
Pretty Captivating
I went straight into watching the Staircase immediately after watching Evil Genius and initially was underwhelmed due to the simplicity of this case in comparison to the case in Evil Genius. However, after sticking with the show after a few episodes, I found myself more invested and binged the entire series over the next few days. I never watched the original 9 episodes when they originally aired back in 2004, which I was actually glad of as it allowed me to take in the entire story in a few sittings from start to finish.

There are a lot of interesting characters in this doc and it is really them that keep your interest throughout. Michael Peterson is interesting to watch and listen to, regardless of whether or not you think that he is guilty of the crime he is accused of committing. The rest of the Peterson family are also interesting and it is eye opening, - if slightly harrowing, - to see all of these people go through this decades spanning ordeal. Michael's lawyer, David Rudolph is also pretty entertaining and it is compelling to watch him work.

Out of all of the docs I watched recently, this one provides the most closure and tells the most complete story, which makes sticking with all of it's 13 episodes feel satisfying.

I wanted to add a wee bit onto this review after I went to see David Rudolph speak in Glasgow last night during his, 'Inside The Staircase,' World Tour. It was an interesting night and well worth going to as a fan of the documentary. David brought with him some unseen clips from the show and some unseen autopsy photos. After seeing this fresh evidence, I personally am convinced that the Owl Theory is the most plausible scenario at this point. At first, I thought that the Owl Theory was absurd, but after David laid out all of the evidence to support the theory last night, I don't see how it could have possibly played out any other way. Regardless, this is still a very interesting case and the documentary is well worth a binge if you haven't already seen it.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Dante's Inferno (2010) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Jun 23, 2019)  
Dante's Inferno (2010)
Dante's Inferno (2010)
2010 | Action, Animation, Drama
7.5 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A commercial for the Dante's Inferno video game aired during Super Bowl XLIV, which gave viewers the impression that the game would be incredibly reminiscent of games like Devil May Cry and God of War. Although I never played the game, Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic was sent to me by the Amazon Vine program. My expectations weren't very high and that seemed to pay off in the long run. The animated feature takes the Batman: Gotham Knight approach where six different animation directors take hold of the film, but Dante's Inferno tells one semi-coherent story.

The film surely has no issue with showing graphic violence, gore, or nudity as there rarely isn't a moment in the 77 minute feature where buckets of blood aren't falling from the sky or where Dante's beloved Beatrice isn't exposing her rather well-endowed set of breasts. The changes in animation seemed rather infrequent and drastic at times while at others it felt a bit more natural. The voice acting is pretty top notch as the film utilizes voice actor veterans such as Mark Hamill, Steve Blum, and Kevin Michael Richardson.

Dante's descent through the nine circles of hell was unintentionally humorous at times though.; the main example being when he's fighting off and fleeing from the army of dead babies in Limbo. Also, his father accepting Lucifer's offer to work for him in exchange for all the gold he desired and the slaying of his mortal son wasn't surprising, but the fact that his mouth now looked like female genitalia was. Certain things just didn't add up at times. In the end, Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic isn't terrible but isn't fantastic either. It's not worth hunting down specifically, but is worth sitting through on a rainy day afternoon or something.

The only special features included on the DVD are the EA game trailer and animatics for five scenes in the film.

For those interested in which animation studio did what, here they are in order:

Film Roman (American animation studio)
Manglobe (Samurai Champloo) picks up when Dante enters Limbo (directed by Shuko Mirase who did Ergo Proxy and Witch Hunter Robin, easily the best out of the bunch)
Dongwoo Animation handles the next four circles of Hell (unfortunately)
JM Animation steps in when Virgil and Dante reach the City of Dis
The final circle is handled by Production I.G.
Nine Dragons (Harry Bosch, #15; Mickey Haller, #3; Harry Bosch Universe, #20)
Nine Dragons (Harry Bosch, #15; Mickey Haller, #3; Harry Bosch Universe, #20)
Michael Connelly | 2009 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Monumental Book but Average Entry
It seems like a normal case. In fact, if it weren’t for the fact that the South LA bureau is too busy, Harry and his partner would never have taken on the case. The owner of a convenience store has been shot and killed. Because the owner is Asian, Bosch quickly calls in the Asian Crime Unit, and the trail seems to lead to the Chinese triad. But that’s when things get personal, and Bosch finds himself heading to Hong Kong on a personal mission. Will he succeed? Will that impact his case at home?

Normally, I love Michael Connelly’s books, but this one felt a bit forced. The initial set up in Los Angeles was good, and as we traveled to Hong Kong, I was all in. Maybe it was the fact that I knew how the portions in Hong Kong would end, but I started to get frustrated there. While I bought the trail that Bosch followed, I felt that Bosch was too over the top in his arrogant behavior. I kept wanting him to slow down and listen to the advice others were giving him. The end of the book contains some twists that I might have bought elsewhere, but here, they felt completely forced into the story. Of course, even subpar Connelly is still worth reading; it just isn’t his strongest. Fans of the series will want to read this one since it will impact Bosch’s life for the rest of the series.
Heaven's Gate (1980)
Heaven's Gate (1980)
1980 | Action, Drama, Western
Masterpiece or disaster? I think a little of both.
The controversy around the production, editing, release and financial and critical disaster around Heaven's Gate is long over now. The destruction of director Michael Cimino's career and the almost bankruptcy of United Artists over this film are several of the endless stories you can read about surrounding this western epic, but now it is 38 years later. How does the film stand up?

I'd say pretty darn well.

The essential story is a semi love triangle between a rich sheriff, a lawless brute and a prostitute/madam set against the American west in 1880s Wyoming. The story involves the decision by the government to kill anyone stealing cattle for their own purposes even if it is only to feed their starving family. (Kind of hard to explain). The main characters have to decide which side they are on for the slowly building eventual bloodbath standoff climax.

I had always heard about the film and it's extremes, including its length of almost 4 hours, but had not seen until today.

The movie does quite a bit right, but the shining star is the sprawling vistas depicting the American west including Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. Cimino filmed extensively during the "magic hour" meaning he could only film for a few minutes per day during that few minute period between sunset and night.

The film does go on a bit long, but the payoff is worth the wait and I would still highly recommend any film fan give it a try. You will not be disappointed.