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Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
8.0 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A woman tries to do her taxes.

Well, that was one absurd movie.

Takes its basis as the good old Multiverse - basically, every decision you have ever made creates a new reality (basically, Terry Pratchett's 'The Trousers of Time'), and starring Michelle Yeoh alongside Ke Huy Quon (Temple of Doom's Short Round), this takes that notion to its extreme.

Some of the martial arts action scenes are brilliant, but you'll probably spend more time than enough trying to work out just what on earth is going on ....
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 2
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 2
2019 | Sci-Fi
A real slog
All the focus and punch of the first series seems to have been lost. So many of the plotlines were just nonsense and throwaway. And frankly nobody ever dies. Even when they definitely seem to be dead, along comes some nonsense organic 3D printing and they're back again.
I was vaguely aware there was something about red signals throughout but it was only in the last few episodes I worked out what the point was.
Some more truly atrocious acting from Anthony Rapp and another bad pantomime baddie performance from Michelle Yeoh.
So much of the story just didn't add up, for example there were a number of holes in the time travel aspect, and so many of Discovery's discoveries seemed to be never mentioned again (the 3D printing, the harnessing of energy) despite having numerous possibilities.
All in all a long, tedious slog of a series.
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
1997 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Umpty-tumpth Bond film rests on the laurels of GoldenEye perhaps just a bit too much. Evil media magnate Carver tries to orchestrate a war between the UK and China so he can sell more papers and grab a satellite TV franchise; British intelligence decides to disrupt his scheme by sending James Bond to have sex with his wife.

Well-mounted set pieces, and plenty of them, plus Michelle Yeoh gets an eye-catching role as the 'Oh, James!' character, but the problem is that the rest of it feels like karaoke Bond, without the self-awareness or attempts to move the franchise on that lifted GoldenEye somewhat - plus, it's just not as well written. The result is a mid-range entry in the series, assuming one overlooks the schoolboy error of Bond not being able to read Chinese (as any fule kno, he got a First in Oriental Languages at Cambridge). This still equates to an entertaining movie, just not an exceptional one.
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
2017 | Sci-Fi
Some of the cast are atrocious (1 more)
Takes a dip after a few episodes
Darker than your normal Star Trek
This series of Star Trek comes in after Enterprise, but before the original series, The Next Generation etc. It chronicles the battle of Starfleet against a resurgent Klingon empire.
Gone is the usual Star Trek single episode storylines, where the ship encounters a race or problem and everything is wrapped up in one episode. Everything within the series links together as a whole long storyline without much deviation. In hindsight, I think knowing this would have made me more engaged with the first few episodes, I think I got a bit bored after the first couple.
The series as a whole is good and sets up a nice second series at the end.
One thing that really bugged me was the atrocious sub-Shatner ham acting of Anthony Rapp (Stamets) and Michelle Yeoh chewing the scenery in the last few episodes.
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Crazily good
I had not expected to like this film, mainly because it's a modern rom-com and most of them turn out to be pretty rubbish - but Crazy Rich Asians however is definitely not one.

It's a rom-com, so I'm afraid to say it is ridiculously predictable but I've yet to see a rom-com that isn't. However in this film it's the getting there that matters. It's funny, witty and full of a surprising amount of heart. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty much in tears by the end. It does drag a little in the middle and could have been cut a little shorter, however it's saved by a very engaging cast. It's so refreshing to see a film cast entirely made up of Asian actors and some very good ones at that. From Michelle Yeoh to Gemma Chan, it's the performances that really make this worth watching. This is probably the best modern rom-com I've seen in a long time, and while it doesn't quite match up to the classics like When Harry Met Sally, it's still a highly entertaining and emotional film.