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Independence Day (1996)
Independence Day (1996)
1996 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
It easy to forget how jaw dropping Independence Day was when it first landed in the mid 90s, thanks to the plethora of sub-par disaster films that followed in its wake, thanks in no small part to this very films director, but the fact remains that it's is still blockbuster gold to this day.
It's cheesy, it's loud, it's dumb, but it has an incredibly likable cast, effects that still hold up, and absolutely shit loads of general destruction.
It also has possibly THE best speech ever commited to film. If you don't get all riled up during that speech, then you are dead inside, I don't make the rules.
Moonfall (2022)
Moonfall (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Peter Capaldi, Dr Who, 'Kill the moon'

Arthur C Clarke, 'Rendezvous with Rama'

2001: A Space Odyssey.

Any number of Roland Emmerich's own disaster movies.

It might seem odd talking about all those, bit throw them in a blender and the result might be something like this!

I was expecting a traditional end of the world disaster movie - like 2012, say, or Deep Impact, or something along that vein - which the movie does start as, with the moon mysteriously knocked out of it orbit and hence causing all kinds of chaos on good old planet Earth. Roughly about 2/3rds of the way in, though, it completely changes tack, becoming more of a sci-fi spectacle than anything, and closer - perhaps - to one of Emmerich's own most successful films of the mid 90s ...
Men in Black (1997)
Men in Black (1997)
1997 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
"Protecting the earth from the scum of the universe"

The second of the mid-to-late 90s of Will Smit's one-two rapid ascension to movie super stardom (following Independence Day), which sees him recruited by Tommy Lee Jones to join the Men in Black: a top-secret government organisation set up to monitor alien presence on earth.

While we're now up to four entries in the series as a whole following this summer's (2019) by-all-account-disappointing Men in Black: International, it's easy to forget just how well this movie still holds together, alongside some classic exchanges such as:

"Why the big secret? People are smart"
"A person is smart. People are dumb panicky dangerous animals and you know it"

"You do know Elvis is dead, right?"
"No, Elvis is not dead. He just went home"
Star Wars: Tie Fighter
Star Wars: Tie Fighter
Jody Houser | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
During the mid to late 90s, there was a series of graphic novels company, all centring around the pilots of Rogue and (later) Wraith Squadron, and 'spun-off' from the immensely popular X-Wing and TIE fighter games by the now-defunct Lucasarts company.

That's all gone by the wayside (and recatogorised as Legends) ever since Disney bought out Lucasfilm.

I picked this one up when it was on sale for part of 2020s Comixology 'May the Fourth' (be with you) sale, having previously read the novel it leads into (that novel being Alphabet Squadron). As such, this story follows a group of Imperial pilots - rather than the more common point of view of Rebel pilots - flying various missions for the Empire, leading up to the battle of Endor and receiving word of their defeat.

Yes, the art is really rather good.
Yes, the story is really rather bland.

David McK (3207 KP) rated True Lies (1994) in Movies

Mar 29, 2020 (Updated Apr 10, 2022)  
True Lies (1994)
True Lies (1994)
1994 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
The early to mid 90s were a great time for action movies.

Cliffhanger. Speed. And this.

Starring a pre-Governator Arnold Schwarzenneger, Jamie Lee Curtis, and a pre-TVs-Faith-from-Buffy Eliza Dushku, this basically posits the question "What if James Bond was a family man? And what if his wife doesn't know he's a spy?"

When he then discovers that said wife is - he thinks - having an affair (but is in reality falling victim to a scam artist), he then decides to 'give her a bit of excitement', which leads to her getting caught up in his 'real' job and finding out more about his life!

With a rarely-looking-hotter Tia Carrere, those tango scenes (and *that* striptease) alongside plenty of stunts and gunplay (and the Harrier jump jets) - and, of course, the one-liners! - this is a pretty enjoyable big budget action movie

(Edit: I've just discovered it's directed by a pre-Titanic James Cameron, which helps!)
Mid90s (2018)
Mid90s (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama
It doesn’t take much to remember that Jonah Hill (writer and director) had already acted in one of the greatest coming-of-age movies at the age of 24. A cursory glance at Superbad shows it to be a hilarious and quotable movie. But a deeper look at the film reveals the true story. Two high school friends (Hill and Michael Cera) who realize they are drifting apart because of incoming adulthood and that they are powerless to stop it. Keeping that in mind, Hill was quoted during the production of Mid 90s as saying that coming-of-age films are cliché and what he really wanted was to make a skateboarding movie that avoided the 80s “cowabunga” tropes. The result of that focus is Mid 90s.


Sunny Suljic plays 13-year-old Stevie, a quiet and often confused boy looking to escape his bleak and abusive home life by connecting with a group of local skater kids. While Suljic absolutely steals the show with his superb acting, his (mostly no name) costars deserve massive kudos for this endeavor as well. Lucas Hedges (Manchester by the Sea, Three Billboards outside of Ebbing Missouri) plays Stevie’s abusive older brother Ian. Though he is quickly established in the opening shot as the antagonist, his character arc throughout the film is one of the greatest and you find yourself soon empathetic to his plight nearly as much as Stevie’s. The skater gang is comprised of Ray (Na-kel Smith), Fuckshit (Olan Prenatt), 4th Grade (Ryder McLaughlin) and Ruben (Gio Galicia). These four seem apathetically content to take Stevie under their wing after he begins hanging out at their skate shop. During this time they expose Stevie to a world of drinking, smoking, drugs and sex as well as a complex set of personalities that Stevie struggles to understand but tries desperately to emulate. This reverence begins to lead him down a path that worry not only his mother and brother, but also occasionally members of his new social group. The actors playing his newfound friends all bring a beautiful authenticity to their roles. They certainly aren’t playing “themselves”, but their personalities don’t feel concocted or forced.


The original score for the film was done by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross as well as a selection of 1990s Hip Hop. And while the original music by Reznor and Ross accents the film perfectly, the 90s throwback songs struggle to do more than remind the viewer of the period and provide the sporadic nostalgia kick. In fact, most of the 90s nostalgia does little to add to the film. Thus, while the opportunity was there to give us a solid examination and social commentary on 1990s culture, Hill seems to fall short of that concept and instead uses the references as a gimmick to tie in smaller plot points.


In addition to the music, there are a few other elements that add to the hipster vintage nature of the film. It was shot entirely on 16mm and is presented in square 1:1 ratio. While this is certainly an unusual choice as more movies are shifted to wide screen formats and square televisions are no longer produced, it pushes the film closer towards the verité genre that is necessary to keep it within the indie style guide.


Mid 90s, along with Eighth Grade have positioned A24 studios in a fantastic place. They’ve demonstrated their willingness to get behind first time writer/directors and the results have been impressive to say the least. If they can remain on this type of pace I could see how the Academy would take notice come awards season.


So despite his view that they are cliché, Jonah Hill has once again created a poignant and powerful coming-of-age movie and he’s managed to wrap it into just enough skateboarding reality to give us the love letter he was hoping to produce. The film is not without its faults, but it’s not one you should miss.

Nick Love recommended Heat (1995) in Movies (curated)

Heat (1995)
Heat (1995)
1995 | Action, Crime, Thriller

"It’s a toss-up because I love The Insider and, actually, Miami Vice as well. I’m going for Heat because, for me, when you’re really getting into a film is when you start imitating the characters and repeating lines and all that. I never really did that with Sonny Corleone but I did fantasise and think, God, how cool is Neil McCauley in Heat? It’s one of those movies that blew everyone away. In the mid-90s it was a very tired time, you know — a lot of the 80s panache had gone out of the movies and the early 90s was a period for me where I was discovering people like Almodovar. I was just bored of American films. Heat came out of nowhere. It was so muscular, so brooding and so clinically cool. Actually it’s long — it could have done with 20 minutes cut out of it I imagine — but that’s Michael Mann‘s condition. I haven’t seen Public Enemies — there was just something about it that stopped me, which is strange for me when it comes to Michael Mann. I went to see Vice the day it came out, first performance on the Friday. I was mesmerised by it. But Heat was such a powerhouse of a film. Even though I’ve inhabited the wrong side of the tracks in my life, I believe I’m still a good boy, a moral boy, but of course everyone roots for the bad guy in that film. DeNiro is just too fucking cool."

Small Town Ecstasy (2002)
Small Town Ecstasy (2002)
2002 | Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In the ’90s and 2000s, HBO Docs and HBO Films were making some of the most incredible documentaries ever. Even while these weren’t being released in theaters, docs were having this crazy renaissance. I have no idea who was in charge or what was happening, but every month there would be some insane, amazing documentary coming out. This one is disturbing. They’re all disturbing, but in a way I find interesting. Maybe because that can make you feel better… I don’t know, but I am interested in this. I really like the backdrop, which is mid- to late-’90s small-town rave culture. This dad has an 18-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter who are in the rave scene. He’s a preacher, a normal guy, married, has two kids. One day, for whatever reason, he’s like, “Fuck the life I built, I am going to go to the rave with my kids.” He takes ecstasy and becomes their peer: a gnarly, insane raver. He leaves his wife, he gets an apartment with his son, he’s taking ecstasy every night. It’s also funny and obviously more fucked up because it’s real. What I love about documentaries is that Hollywood would take that movie and turn it into a broad comedy and it would be, “Dad parties with his kids!” But to me it’s a drama, it gets into the complexities of what drives someone to do this, how it feels for their kids and for their ex-wife, what experiences led him to break."

Specter of the Past (Star Wars: The Hand of Thrawn Duology, #1)
Specter of the Past (Star Wars: The Hand of Thrawn Duology, #1)
Timothy Zahn | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Back in the early 90s (round about '91 or so, so pre Special Editions), Timothy Zahn released a new Star Wars novel - <i>Heir to the Empire</i> - that would both become the first in a trilogy, and the first in the Star Wars expanded universe (EU) series as a whole.

The main antagonist of those stories was Grand Admiral Thrawn, a brilliant strategist who believed that a species art held the their weakness. Indeed, the novels were also the first to ever name the capitol of the Empire and the Old Republic ('Coruscant').

By the end of the trilogy, Thrawn was defeated and assassinated. Or was he?

This novel was first released in the mid 90's, round about the time of the Special Editions, and before the first of the Prequel trilogy. Set 10 years after the events of <i>The Last Command</i>, this also sees the return of certain characters from Zahn's previous entries in the Star Wars canon, but (I felt) was not quite as entertaining a read.