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1408 (2007)
1408 (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
The Room
1408- is a excellent psychological horror movie that is very underrated. It has suspense, thrills, chills, horror, terror, and more.

The plot: Mike Enslin (John Cusack) is a successful author who enjoys worldwide acclaim debunking supernatural phenomena -- before he checks into the Dolphin Hotel, that is. Ignoring the warnings of the hotel manager (Samuel L. Jackson), he learns the meaning of real terror when he spends the night in a reputedly haunted room.

Like i said before it is a excellent movie. It will twist and turn your mind.

I would highly reccordmend this movie.
The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe
The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe
Society & Culture
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
A interesting short history narrative for all ages.
I have always liked Mike Rowe. So one day while on a road trip I discovered the way I heard it. It made the several hour long trip go by quickly. The way I heard it involves true stories about people and their lives. He takes people you know and gives them a fun narrative. When he begins you don't know who it is, so along the way you hear hints/clues to who they may be until it's announced at the end. It's a exciting way to learn something new.
Disclaimer: I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Well, Scott's brother Mike has done it again. Not only is he in trouble, which is par for the course with him, but this time, he managed to find himself imprisoned in INDIA, of all places! Now it's up to Scott to drag him back home, flying halfway around the world to a foreign land he's never been to before to do so. The thing is, Scott and Mike are twins, and along the way, Scott gets mistaken for his brother on more than one occasion, which helps him learn just what Mike's been up to during his time in India. However, during his trip, Scott meets some interesting people, learns a lot about the scenery around him, and might even start learning a little more about himself than he ever would have known had he stayed back in Evanston.

This book had me laughing almost from the start, and I really didn't want to put it down. The adventures, or probably more accurately "misadventures" that Scott finds himself involved in are sometimes downright comical, and Mike hasn't made this trip easy for him, by any means. The supporting characters are just as great, and I found myself as deeply engrossed in their stories as I was the main one. I also felt like I actually learned a lot, as well, as there's quite a bit of factual and historical information involved throughout the story. Not that I believe I could pop over to India and blend right in, but I now have a new respect for backpackers and other people who find themselves implanted in foreign countries.

This book is humorous, informational, a good coming-of-age story, and kinda trippy in some places. This would definitely be a book to read whenever you're traveling, as you might learn some tips to get you through, even if you aren't in India!

4 1/2 stars
What Kind of Girl
What Kind of Girl
Alyssa B. Sheinmel | 2020 | Crime, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The rumors spread quickly at North Bay Academy. Popular track star Mike Parker's girlfriend has accused him of hitting her. She even told the principal. But, they wonder, why not the police? Why did she wait so long to tell? Why hasn't Mike been expelled? Some students at the school want to hold a rally--to expel Mike. But others aren't so quick to believe his girlfriend.

"But (of course), by lunchtime everyone at school knows, as easily and quickly as if they'd announced it over the loudspeaker: Sad Girl accuses Golden Boy of abuse."

This was an interesting book. It tackles a lot of heavy subjects within its pages. It also presents an intriguing format. The beginning of the book is told via archetypes: think popular girl; nerd; sad girl; the girlfriend, etc. It's a strange, almost gimmicky, format and meant it took some time for me to warm to any of the characters (especially since you don't know their names). Over time, the book grew on me, but it was hard to overcome that slow start.

There's so much going on in this one. Abuse, self-harm, drug use, mental health, eating disorders, and more. Please keep this in mind in terms of trigger warnings. I applaud Sheinmel and all she takes on. It's a very brave book, and the characters have a lot of depth. I think it might have had even more if the book maybe shortened its focus on just a few issues, versus trying to take on so many. Still, it's a very relevant story, and you can't help but appreciate how it tackles such big themes and emotions. I can see how it would be helpful to young adults. Even I found myself identifying with one of the characters and growing to root for all of them. 3.5 stars; rounded to four here for the powerful topics and messaging.

Russ Troutt (291 KP) rated It in Books

Jul 19, 2019  
Stephen King | 1986 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.8 (94 Ratings)
Book Rating
What's up losers?! I finally faced my fear of reading IT. My fear wasn't Pennywise, but the thickness of the book at 1,153 pages. As heavy of a book as it is, IT seemed to just float in my hands. Once I lifted open the manhole cover and climbed into the sewers of Derry, Maine the story flowed like the rain waters of the deadly 1931 and 1957 floods. If I had attached playing cards to my book you would've heard them clicking and clacking away as I turned each page faster and faster.

     After spending the last couple of months with Bill, Ben, Beverly, Richie, Mike, Eddie, and Stan I feel like they're my best friends and I'm now part of the Loser's Club. I really hope in the coming years I don't forget about them, like a memory hidden away in the barrens of my mind. Maybe I'll have Mike make an entry in his journal.

Wahiawa, HI, July 19th, 2019, just past Midnight: If you were to look into my eyes at this moment you may see what appears to be deadlights in my eyes. I assure you tgey are only lit up with excitement and joy, as Stephen King's IT floated its way to the top as the best book I've ever read.
Phantom Outlaw at Wolf Creek
Phantom Outlaw at Wolf Creek
Sigmund Brouwer | 1990 | Children, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Danger on a Montana Ranch
Ricky Kidd is on a month long vacation with his friends Mike and Ralphy at Mike’s uncle and aunt’s ranch in Montana. When he arrives, he hears the legend of a bank robbery that happened decades ago and the phantom of the outlaw that still haunts the nearby canyon. Or is it a legend? Mike and his visiting cousin, Sarah, insist on investigating, and Ricky sees evidence with his own eyes that the legend might be true. Can Ricky uncover the truth of what is going on?

This is another wonderful book in a favorite middle grade mystery series. The characters are sharp and provide some wonderful laughs. Sometimes their antics slow down the mystery in the first half of the book, but parts of the plot are being worked in to the fun, and the second half pays off the questions wonderfully. The suspense at the end is great, and the way Ricky works everything out is perfect. These books were written for the Christian market, and they work Ricky’s faith in organically without ever once preaching. The books are a bit dated now since they were originally released in the 1990’s, but as long as you know that going in, you’ll be fine. It might take a bit to track down this mystery, but it is worth it.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Spy School at Sea in Books

Sep 13, 2021 (Updated Sep 13, 2021)  
Spy School at Sea
Spy School at Sea
Stuart Gibbs | 2021 | Children, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cruising for Danger
Ben Ripley is off on another mission. The CIA has reason to believe that Murray Hill is boarding the cruise ship Emperor of the Seas, so Ben, Erica Hale, her parents, and Ben’s friend Mike, are all joining the ship for a cruise through the Panama Canal to find Murray and stop him. The ship turns out to be much bigger than they envisioned. Will they find him in time? Can they figure out his plan and stop him? And will Ben and Mike be able to keep the secret they are hiding from the Hales?

This is book nine in a delightful middle grade mystery series, and fans of the series will be thrilled with this entry. Those new to the series will find some minor spoilers for the previous book, but everything they need to know is explained here. The plot is fast moving with multiple action scenes that had me turning pages as fast as I could. There is some depth to the characters, and that continues to be explored here without slowing the action down. Meanwhile, the laughs are plentiful, and I was glad I wasn’t reading this book in public. I’m a decade or three beyond the target middle grade audience, but I don’t care. These books are wonderfully fun for all ages.
Phantasm (1979)
Phantasm (1979)
1979 | Horror
Campy creepy fun
I had never seen this horror classic until last night. For some reason it had always escaped me.

When teenager Mike stumbles upon some gruesome happenings at a funeral, he decides to investigate. He discovers the mysterious "Tall Man" whom he battles with his brother to see who survives.

It certainly has the low budget film look with shoddy lighting and the usual low budget effects, but there are enough creepy images and those cool flying metal spheres to keep you entertained throughout.

Since I have just purchased the Phantasm 5 pack, I definitely see more Phantasm in my immediate future.

Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)
1989 | Horror
6.1 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Out of fresh ideas
Hard to sat any 5th installment of a series stays fresh. This installment was released only 1 year after part 4 simply because the lead actress was young and they didn't want her to grow up too much.

The result is the same old same old feeling with a lower budget meaning bad lighting and not even good gore effects.

Actress Danielle Harris does a good job keeping the story going at a young age. She even has a tender moment with "Uncle Mike".

Overall, this leg of the franchise is complete and none too soon.

Sword and Scale
Sword and Scale
Society & Culture
7.1 (19 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Accounts of crime (2 more)
Recordings and interviews
Many episodes
Production can be cheesy (0 more)
Controversial but popular podcast
Sword and scale is a bit like marmite. You either love it or hate it.
Whatever you think, this crime podcast narrated by Mike Boudet is a hugely popular show in term of active listeners.
It really does draw you in and you have plenty of episodes to go through. Sword and scale is to the point and can be a bit insensitive or biased.
It's usually the host that draws the controversy. However in my mind the solution is simple. If you are easily offended don't listen..