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Back to the Future Part III (1990)
Back to the Future Part III (1990)
1990 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Final part of the Back to the Future trilogy, this is the 1880s set Western-in-all-but-name one, with Marty travelling back to that period of history to save the life of his friend 'Doc' Emmett Brown (who, here, gets a lot more character development than in any of the previous two movies).

Lots of knowing nods and winks in this one - most egregiously being Marty McFly's chosen name of 'Clint Eastwood' when he meets his ancestors - with the DeLorean time machine again incapacitated in the past, necessitating an ingenious solution (here, to get up the requisite 88 miles per hour).

Probably could have done without the 'flying train' coda at the very end, though!

Phil Leader (619 KP) rated Hiding in Books

Nov 14, 2019  
Jenny Morton Potts | 2018 | Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Keller Baye is the son of a murderer, a man he is about to watch die for his crime. A man who only wants one thing from his son: revenge.

Rebecca Brown is an orphan who has been brought up by relatives in a remote Scottish house and who's thirst for knowledge about her parents and the car crash in which they died only grows keener the less those around her are prepared to talk about it.

Despite the miles between these two people they are connected by a single thread, and that thread is set to bring them together and reveal the truth.

Roughly the first part of the book tells the backgrounds of the two main characters, gradually revealing one event at a time exactly who Baye and Brown are, what drives them and how the loss of their parents has had an indelible effect on both their lives. The second half relates the events that unfold once fate has driven them together.

Both characters feel very real, especially because of the care that has clearly gone into each of their back stories. Baye in particular could have just been a mere cipher of a child who went off the rails after his father went to prison. But that one event alone conspires with many others to shape Baye into the urgent tool of his father's revenge that he decides to be.

The stories of the character's very different childhoods is engrossing, effectively told a series of anecdotes. Baye delivering justice for his cat. Brown burning the playing cards. All these seem very real because they could really happen.

When the tension starts to build in the second half of the book it's not like a spring winding up; it is more like a boiler that is getting hotter and hotter and the pressure is rising all the time. It's not clear when something is going to break but it's clear that something will go very wrong at some point.

This is a superb thriller with an excellent plot, some very good twists and written at a perfect pace, fast enough to keep the momentum up but slow enough to ratchet the tension up at the end of each chapter. An easy 5 stars and a new J Morton Potts fan.

Rating: Scenes of sadistic violence and some others of a sexual nature
The Stalker
The Stalker
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A murder on their doorstep
A case that's too close to home . . .
The body of a young woman has been discovered in Bellahouston park, the second in a matter of months. It's clear to Detective Superintendent William Lorimer of Police Scotland that they have a repeat killer on their hands, who is sure to strike again.
Lucky for DSI Lorimer that his wife, Maggie, is miles away from potential danger, touring Scotland to promote her first book. Faced with strangers at every event, Maggie doesn't notice the quiet, non-de script man sitting in the back row.
But he has noticed Maggie Lorimer. And soon his will be a face she never forgets.

Wow... what a great crime thriller this was. I didn't realize this was part of a series but it didn't impact on reading this one at all. It was very easy to follow the main characters and was easily read as a stand-alone.
I loved the complexity of the plot and it flowed very well.
There is plenty of tension and suspense throughout. The writing here is very atmospheric and draws you in.
The pace is just right as it helps the suspense level and atmosphere.
Very good characters and very relatable. I think the writing is superb and very well written.
The author has done a superb job of putting you in the shoes of the victim and how the range of emotions happens.
This is a wonderfully chilling crime read and I highly recommend!!

 Thanks to Net Galley and Little, Brown for an ARC.
L.A. - Single by Kyan
L.A. - Single by Kyan
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Kyan is a singer-songwriter and producer from Cambridge, England. Not too long ago, he released a music video for his “L.A.” single, which was shot in South Africa.

“I came across an incredible self-portraiture photographer, Danielle Terblance, on Instagram. I had had this video concept in the back of my head for a while to create a narrative around a series of still images. We created it using 500 photographs, edited down from the 4,000 we took over the two shoot days. The piece follows my character as a fallen angel, attempting to navigate his way through the South African landscape back to The City of Angels (L.A.).” – Kyan

‘L.A.’ tells an interesting tale of a young guy with an aching heart who relocates to L.A to get his mind right.

Apparently, he tries his best to cope with life after experiencing an emotional breakup with his ex-girlfriend. Even though L.A. is five thousand miles away from where she stays, he can’t seem to get her out of his mind.

Later, he admits that he’s been lying on a sofa for a week. Also, in his mind, she’s everywhere he goes and in everything he knows. Therefore, he realizes that he needs her in his life.

‘L.A.’ contains a bittersweet storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and lush instrumentation flavored with sentimental elements.

“The narrative concept came from my personal experience of traveling to L.A. after a breakup with my long-term girlfriend and record label. I’d always viewed L.A. as this distant, shining beacon of dreams and opportunity. Then, all of a sudden, I was going there under really difficult circumstances. Due to the breakups, the trip had switched from being something I was running to, to something I was running from. In the weeks before the trip, L.A. became an escape, a chance for air amongst the intense emotional claustrophobia I was experiencing inside.” – Kyan

Since releasing his debut EP, entitled, “The Purple Experiment”​ ​​in 2014, Kyan has toured with the critically acclaimed trio, ​London Grammar​​.

Also, he has had a series of collaborations with the likes of ​Cedric Gervais & Just Kiddin, Duke Dumont​​, electro-pop king ​Madeon​​, ​Benga​​, and ​Knox Brown.
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Virtually brilliant with Easter Eggs a plenty.
Of all the Spielberg films of recent years – and possibly with the exception of “The BFG” – this was the film whose trailer disconcerted me the most. It really looked dire: CGI over heart; gimmicks over substance. I was right about ‘The BFG”, one of my least favourite Spielberg flicks. I was definitely wrong about “Ready Player One”: it’s a blast.

The film is fun in continually throwing surprises at you, including those actors not included in the trailer and only on small print on the poster. So I won’t spoil that here for you (you can of course look them up on imdb if you want to: but I suggest you try to see this one ‘cold’).

It’s 2044, and the majority of the population have taken the next logical step of video gaming and virtual reality and retreated into their own headsets, living out their lives primarily as avatars within the fanciful landscapes of “The Oasis”. You can “be” anyone and (subject to gaining the necessary credits) “do” anything there.

When the housing market is stacked against you. Columbus Ohio circa 2044.
The Oasis was the brainchild of a (Steve Wozniak-like) genius called James Halliday (played in enormous style by “Actor R”) and supported by his (Steve Jobs-like) business partner Ogden Morrow (“Actor P”). The two had a big falling out leaving Halliday in total control of the Oasis. But he died, and his dying “game” was to devise a devious competition that left a trail of three virtual keys in the Oasis leading to an ‘easter egg’: which if found would provide the finder with total ownership of the Oasis and the trillions of dollars that it is worth.

But the game is not only played by amateur “gunters” (egg-hunters) like our hero Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan, “X-Men: Apocalypse“) and his in-Oasis flirting partner Samantha (Olivia Cooke, “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl”); there are big corporate game-hunters involved like IoI (that’s eye-oh-eye, not one-oh-one as I assumed from the trailer) who fill warehouses with combinations of nerd-consultants and professional game players to try to find the keys before anyone else. Which hardly seems fair does it? Ruthless boss Sorrento (Ben Mendelsohn, “Rogue One“) and his tough-as-nails hench-woman F’Nale Zandor (Hannah John-Kamen, “Tomb Raider“) really couldn’t give a toss!

In the future, everyone is reaching out for something.
What follows is two-hours of high-octane game-play and eye-popping 3D (it is good in 3D by the way) that melds a baseline of “Avatar” with soupçons of “Tron”, “Minority Report” and Dan Brown novels. But its a blend that works.

I was afraid as I said that CGI would squash flat any hope of character development and story, and – yes – to be sure this is ‘suppressed’ a bit. You never get to really know many of the ‘pack’ members to any great level other than Wade and Samantha. And exactly what drives the corporate protagonists, other than “corporate greed”, is not particularly clear. What gives the film heart though are the performances of “Actor P” and (particularly) “Actor R”, who again steals every scene he is in. For their limited screen time together, the pair bounce off each other in a delightful way.

I have to make a confession at this point that I spent the whole film thinking “Miles Teller is way too old for the part of Wade”! Tye Sheridan (who I think *does* bear a likeness!) is actually much more age appropriate, and is fine in the role. But the star performance for me, out of the youngsters at least, was Oldham’s-own Olivia Cooke, who has a genuinely magnetic screen presence. She is most definitely a name to watch for the future.

Ready Player One
Young star of the show for me – Olivia Cooke as Samantha.
Lena Waithe (“Master of None”) plays Wade’s inventor friend Helen.

The story, although simple and quite one-dimensional, in the main intrigues: there is nothing like a Mario-style chase for keys to entertain when it is done well (I am so old and crusty that in my day it was “Manic Miner” on a ZX-Spectrum!).

He’s iron and he’s just gigantic! Reb’s creation becomes a force to be reckoned with when needed.
And there’s not just one “Easter Egg” in this film: the film is rammed to the rafters with throwbacks to classic pop-culture icons of past decades, and particularly the 80’s…. the film could have been subtitled “I ❤ 80’s”. Some of these are subliminal (Mayor Goldie Wilson anyone?), and others are more prominent but very clever: “The Zemekis cube” and “The Holy Hand Grenade” being prime examples. This is a film that deserves buying on Blu-ray and then slo-mo-ing through! The nostalgia extends to the music by Alan Silvestri, with occasional motifs from his most famous soundtrack!

For me though, the highspot of the film is a journey into a recreation of a classic ’80’s film which – while a scary sequence, earning for sure its 12A UK rating – is done with verve and chutzpah.

Wade’s avatar, Parzival.
Although a little overlong (2 hours 20 mins) and getting rather over-blown and LOTR-esque in the finale, the ending is very satisfying – roll on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

Spielberg’s recent films have been largely solid and well-constructed watches (“The Post” and “Bridge of Spies” for example) but they have been more niche than mainstream box office draws. I firmly predict that “Ready Player One” will change that: here Spielberg has a sure-fire hit on his hands and word of mouth (rather than the ho-hum trailer) should assure that.