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War of the Ring (First Edition)
War of the Ring (First Edition)
2004 | Adventure, Book, Dice Game, Fantasy, Miniatures
This game is huge in more ways than one. Firstly the board is 41 by 54 inches so you are going to need a big table. Then there are a mass of plastic figures representing military units, blue for the Free Peoples and Red for the forces of Shadow. There are also figures for the main characters and others, and four decks of character and event cards. There is a 48 page reasonably well written and illustrated rule book. War of the Ring is a complex game and after set up which can take some time, play takes somewhere in the region of three hours.

So is it worth it? In my view yes.

Reviewer: Ashley Perryman
Read the full review here:
The Boys Volume 9: Big Ride
The Boys Volume 9: Big Ride
Garth Ennis | 2011 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Exposition ahoy!
Hughie is back from his sabbatical and contemplating rejoining The Boys in their crusade against capes. He spends some time with Colonel Mallory, the man who set The Boys up in the first place, and learns more about the history of corrupt corporation Vought American, and their attempts to use superheroes in the military.
Meanwhile, one of the Seven, Jack from Jupiter, is being framed for the murder of a trans prostitute. This story was harder to read, because of the language used by Butcher in speaking to and about the trans people.
Things are starting to come to a head, and it feels like Ennis has his eyes on the finish line, and is now putting in all the back story and setting up the inevitable conflict.
Wars Of The Roses
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think the title of the book is rather misleading - it's not really about the Wars of the Roses per se. The blurb on the inside of the dust jacket tells me it's a book looking more at the impact of this civil strife and the political, social and military situation. It does, as it claims, include many primary sources; 'English and European writings, diplomatic correspondence, personal letters and propoganda', but it is the promised 'detailed interpretation based on modern research' that I must have missed while reading this! To me this was a series of unconnected original documents linked with short paragraphs of text by Lander. In many places the book is so bogged down with inumerable footnotes that the flow of the text is completely lost.

Nice idea, but it doesn't work here.
Den Of Thieves (2018)
Den Of Thieves (2018)
2018 | Action, Crime, Drama
The Heist
Den of Thieves- is a decent action heist thriller, its also very slow at many points throughout the movie, only when the action hits thats when the movie is good.

The Plot: Nick O'Brien is the hard-drinking leader of the Regulators, an elite unit of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Ray Merrimen is the recently paroled leader of the Outlaws, a gang of ex-military men who use their expertise and tactical skills to evade the law. O'Brien, Merrimen and their crews soon find themselves on a direct collision course as the criminals hatch an elaborate plan for a seemingly impossible heist -- the city's Federal Reserve Bank.

Gerald Butler, Pablo Schrieber and O'Shea Jackson Jr. are all good in this film.

What else can i say.

Hadley (567 KP) Feb 4, 2020

This is one of my favorites, except Butler's character really annoyed me.


Antoine Fuqua recommended Apocalypse Now (1979) in Movies (curated)

Apocalypse Now (1979)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
1979 | Action, Drama, War

"Apocalypse Now, to me, is one of those movies where visually, I still watch that now and go, “How did he pull that off?” I’ve heard all the stories — the heart attacks, the house up for sale, you know, them going into bankruptcy — all the craziness, and I still watch that movie and go, “How the f-ck did they do that?” I mean, you’ve got cows being pulled in the air, and the whole military, helicopters flying everywhere… it’s so amazing. It should be a complete disaster. It’s the best example of “Just stick to it, and keep going,” you know. I just love that movie, and some of the memorable performances were just amazing. And it’s still one of the most beautiful films ever shot — no CG; all real."

Powerful and emotional.

A journey that would destroy so many is brilliantly written about in this. From the initial shock of the twin towers on that fateful day to the day of retirement, we are carried through many challenges.

Informative and heartbreaking, you learn things that would never cross your mind and feel so emotional.
I was hooked from the start and struggled to put it down. The pictures used really paint a bigger picture of family (which is what the military is), of togetherness and some of the numerous highs and lows that are faced each and every day.

If you're a fan of real life stories, want an idea of past events or generally like to emerse yourself in a brilliant read then this would be a great place to start.
Navy Seals vs. Zombies (2015)
Navy Seals vs. Zombies (2015)
2015 |
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – LT Pete Cunningham is leading the Navy SEALS, he must put his trust in the newest member of the team in AJ, while trying to get the team through the hordes of zombies to prove once again that his team in the elite military team. Commander Sheer is running the operations from the military base, he doesn’t want to see his men take any unnecessary risks. VP Bentley is the man the team are sent to rescue, he is in the running for the next presidential race. AJ is he newest member of the SEALS team, he is about to become a father and this is his first mission as part of the team, where he must prove himself to the rest of the unit.

Performances – The performances in the film suffer because of the lack of interesting non-generic characters. none of the actors get a chance to show their skills as performers, with large parts of the film just being headless running around.

Story – The story here follows a Navy SEALS unit that must go into Baton Rouge to rescue the Vice president and the scientists behind the outbreak. This is everything a zombie story has given us before, we have a group of people running around a city trying to elude the zombies that outnumber them. We know the team will dwindle down as the film unfolds which is the normal. The starting point for the weaknesses comes from that fact this story is set in a world where zombie film don’t exist, which is clear by all the behaviour through the film. Most of the actual storytelling is saved for the closing of the film which fills in most of the blanks we don’t mention until then.

Action/Horror – The action in the film is just shooting zombies, it is nothing new and becomes overly repetitive after a while. The horror side of the film gives us zombies that run, they never feel like a threat to the anybody.

Settings – The film is set in Baton Rouge, which is considered a military area, I think, the truth is, it could have been any city without any major locations being shown.

Special Effects – The effects in the film are weak with even basic door explosion looking weak, the zombie look is acceptable for a low budget film.

Scene of the Movie – The explaining.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The stupid decisions.

Final Thoughts – This is a basic zombie film that offers nothing new to the genre, it I filled with stupid decisions and generic action.


Overall: Basic zombie nonsense.
7 Wonders Duel
7 Wonders Duel
2015 | Ancient, Card Game, City Building, Civilization
The original 7 Wonders was my #1 game of all time for a long while. While it has since dropped off my Top 10, I still have so many fond memories of it. Now, I know I am not breaking any stories here by finally reviewing its 2-player successor, but this game is really streamlined and fabulous. Obviously it is wonderful as it has earned the Purple Phoenix Games Golden Feather Award! But why do we love it so much?

7 Wonders: Duel is a 2-player tableau and engine-building card game set in the 7 Wonders game universe where players collect cards to create an engine to gain VP using any number of winning strategies. The game takes place over three ages and the player with the most VP at the end of the game, becomes victorious via military supremacy, or wins via scientific supremacy.

To setup, place the game board between the players with the green Progress tokens, Military tokens, and red Conflict pawn upon it. Shuffle the Age I cards and lay them according to the rule book (this formation changes for each age. Age I is setup in the photo below). Each player receives seven gold and they draft their Wonders according to the process in the rules.
On a turn the active player will choose one uncovered face-up card to be used one of three different ways. The card can be added to the player’s tableau and “built” by spending resources required, if any. The card may be discarded in exchange for coins totaling 2 + the number of yellow cards built in the player’s city. Lastly, the card may be used to build a player’s Wonder card by inserting it below the Wonder and paying the cost, as in 7 Wonders proper. The next player will then take their turn.

If on a turn a player builds certain card types into their city, special actions are taken. This happens as a result of building Military or Science cards. When a player builds a Military (red shield icon) card they immediately move the Conflict token on the board one space toward their opponent’s Capital (the end of the board closest to the opponent). Should a player force the Conflict token to reach their opponent’s Capital, the attacking player immediately wins! The other special action that can be taken is with a pair of Science cards being built. For every pair of like-symbol Science cards built, the active player may choose to take one of the Progress tokens from the game board and add it to their collection. These tokens can be very powerful, and just as in 7 Wonders proper, Science is a viable yet difficult strategy. Should a player build any six unique Science icons on cards they will immediately win!

If a Military or Science supremacy victory is not achieved, the game continues to Age II, where setup of the cards is different, but play remains the same. Similarly, Age III is setup differently still and has the added bonus of three random Guild cards, which may add significant strategic icons or abilities. At the end of Age III the players count their VP from the various sources listed in the rule book and the ultimate champion is then crowned!
Components. This game comes in a very small box, so the components are also quite small. I believe myself to have medium-sized man-paws and I have not had any issues with size of components. They are all very high quality, as is to be expected from Repos Production, and are fantastically illustrated. The Conflict token is enticingly menacing, and it lures me into concentrating on a Military victory every time I play. I need to just ignore it, but it’s so beautiful! All in all, the components are great, and even though the cardstock is relatively thin, my copy has withstood many plays and has seen very little wear and tear.

So 7 Wonders: Duel exists for all those players who love 7 Wonders but do not wish to play it with the 2-player variant rules. While Duel is certainly a little sibling, it is also its own beast of a game and should be treated as such. There are several key changes in rules for Duel, such as the trading with the BANK for missing resources upon building versus paying a neighbor to borrow their resource production. Also, the obvious change of adding a board with an ever-dancing Conflict token is unique to this title. Wonders are treated differently and instead of receiving one Wonder with three layers, Duels gives each player four Wonders with just one layer.

Aside from the differences between the two games, I do believe that if you are a fan of one you will also like the other. I can see, though, gamers who dislike 7 Wonders enjoying the smaller 7 Wonders: Duel. There is just something about being able to focus on one other player and agonizing over every turn so that your opponent receives a useless card from the offer, or taking every Military or Science card possible so as to end the game as quickly as possible. My brother, Bryan, greatly dislikes 7 Wonders, but he does not mind playing Duel, or at least that is what he led me to believe…

Myself, though, I think I still prefer original 7 Wonders, and I believe it is because I can soar through a game of it in under 15 minutes while holding a conversation with the other players (as long as they have played before and are very comfortable with the rules). Duels creates a more intimate feeling and eats up more of my brainpower. Purple Phoenix Games has awarded 7 Wonders Duel the coveted Golden Feather Award, so we agree that this is a fabulous game. If you have been waffling over grabbing a copy of Duels, please do yourself a favor and just purchase it! I promise you will have a great time with it, and if you end up disagreeing with me, let me know. We can play whatever you like next time we meet.
Designation: Submissive (The Designation Series #1)
Designation: Submissive (The Designation Series #1)
Jamie Kassel | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
DESIGNATION: SUBMISSIVE is the first book in The Designation series, and is told in first person, present tense. This isn't my favourite way to read, but I was intrigued enough by the story to try it.

The premise of this story is a good one - it's a dystopian or post-apocalyptic scenario where men have been genetically altered and have become either dominant or submissive (on an individual scale). They can bond, but it is rare. Plus, the military doesn't like it as it's money down the drain. The military also finds other centres where men have been altered and cryogenically frozen. This is where Craig comes in. Sam is the dominant soldier who has been looking for a submissive who will submit all the time, in every way. Craig has been promised a dominant of his very own but was then sent on a one-way mission.

This book is high on steam if not downright erotica. I don't have an issue with that. The parts that got me were when Sam and Craig would get 'busy' but then Craig would go off on a two-page internal monologue. I'm sorry, but if it's that good, then you won't have coherent thoughts! I would also have liked a little more world- and character-building apart from the s3x side of things.

Saying that, I did enjoy it and am intrigued to know what has happened to Robert, so I will be continuing with the series.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 11, 2023
G.I. Joe---The Movie (1986)
G.I. Joe---The Movie (1986)
1986 | Action, Animation, Family
The real toy story
Most of u us had G.I Joes growing up and watched the cartoon and we wanted to beat the evil organization called Cobra. It is brought to life in this action packed movie

Duke (Tatum) is a life long military man who is charged with delivering new top secret missiles when his unit is attacked by members of the evil Cobra. We see the use of future weapons and good battle scene and he and partner Ripcord (Wyanes) are saved by members of the G.I Joe elite. The go with them to learn about the unit and ultimately the missiles get stolen and they join the unit to fight back and recover them. THe movie has some good twists and turns and a good fight scene here and there. This movie spawned a sequel why I don't know