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Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Corporate Citizen (Roma Series Book Five) in Books

Feb 8, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
Corporate Citizen (Roma Series Book Five)
Corporate Citizen (Roma Series Book Five)
Gabriel Valjan | 2016 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
We get brought back to Boston. Boston got two murders that bring Binca and gang with her all but Dante. What could be up with the US Military and now another mafia member named Peterson?

We meet up with Nick Adams and some named Magician. Who is he? Loki help Binca and gang and what do they want with a drug that named Barney? We run into the mastermind LB. Who does kill LB? How is Farese involved? What will ever happen to Farese? You will need to read to find out.

Gabriel Valjan bring you once again though intense investigation. What will happen to the group and Binca? Why all the murders and what does Farese want. There a mystery of men that seem to disappear along with one or two people, Nick help Alex and Erica. What the mystery with the pill and PTSD?
7 Wonders
7 Wonders
2010 | Ancient, Card Game, City Building, Civilization
High Player Count (3 more)
Card Drafting Stratagy
Building your engine
Card Drafting and Civilization building at it's finest, with a large player count which is so hard to find.
love this game, plus it's 2 player version 7 Wonders Duel. it's a really great light to medium weight game about how you choose to build your civilization. You start with a wonder, which gives you a starting power/resource, then you build from there by adding card to your tableau which in turn gives you the ability to buy more things. you can build your military and bully your neighbors, or focus on knowledge, or make sure your civilization is rich with resources and money, and trade with your neighbors... Each thing you do builds up to doing more. Great Game especially showcases what modern games can do and still good for relative beginners to the Board game world.
Point of No Return
Point of No Return
Rita Henuber | 2014 | Erotica
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Military romance seems to be my favourite thing to read at the moment. I love sexy alpha males and hot 'hold their own' heroines and this book does not disappoint. I enjoyed the technical details that seem to bring a scene to life and there's no shortage of steamy bits too. This fast became a book I couldn't put down.

Only one issue I had with this book and that was the phrase 'flaming fish balls' , once or twice I could have handled but it's constantly cropping up, I thought it was because the author wanted a substitute for the 'F word' , nope, I was wrong because ' f''king flaming fish balls' was in it too. This did detract from my enjoyment and so I give this book a 3.5 Stars instead of a 4. I would certainly read others by this author and I would recommend this book.

3.5 Stars
The Wall of Storms (The Dandelion Dynasty #2)
The Wall of Storms (The Dandelion Dynasty #2)
Ken Liu | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am incredibly impressed with the amount of research that must have gone into this book, for politics, military strategy, engineering, physics, and more. That being said, to me the most important thing is characters and I think they fell a little short on this one. Parts of the plot were a little confusing and hard to follow as well. Jia's struggle for power/efforts to unite the throne seemed silly and it was difficult to see the political accumen involved. I was also surprised at how cold and calculating she became. The plot started off rather slow and seemed to end too soon with a lot happening far too quickly at the end. Ultimately this book read more like the first in a series with The Grace of Kings as a prequel. Nevertheless, I still admire the work that went into this book and the brilliance behind the ideas.
The Cost of Victory (Crimson Worlds #2)
Jay Allan | 2012
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second novel in [a:Jay Allan|1024374|Jay Allan|]'s 'Crimson Worlds' military sci-fi series, this (I felt) was a marked improvement over the previous entry; over [b:Marines|16050877|Marines (Crimson Worlds #1)|Jay Allan||21833513].

A largwe part of the reason for that, I feel, is due to the increased scope: told in the more familiar third-person narrative than in the first person, with that decision wideningo ut the scope of what can be conveyed: no longer are we restricted solely to what impacts on the central character himself.

That's not to say this is perfect - certain sections did have me (virtually) rolling my eyes in disbelief, and required ever greater a suspension of disbelief than normal - but this was definitely a more enjoyable read than it's predecessor.
T2: Rising Storm
T2: Rising Storm
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Following on from the end of <i>T2: Infiltrator</i>, this novel continues the story started in that novel. The infiltrator of the previous novel may have been destroyed, but she has left behind 2 clones who continue her work, while Sarah Connor recuperates in military hospital from the wounds she received destroying it.

For the first portion of the story, then, John is out on his own with Dieter von Rossbach, rather than working with his mother. This allows the character to grow and mature somewhat, while it also provides the opportunity to bring back some other faces from the film in the Sarah Connor portion of the story, most noticeably in Dr Silbermann (the psychiatrist from T1 and T2).

The novel also takes to opportunity to further explore the paradoxical timeline of the world, with one key scene in particular towards the end showing how Skynet became sentient.
The Cured (2017)
The Cured (2017)
2017 | Horror
surprised by this
I decided to watch this movie as I was looking for a shortish one to watch, and I love zombies. I fully expected this to be shoddy so I was very surprised when it was actually kinda amazing.
Starts out with an interesting concept of people who were infected with the "maze virus" becoming cured. The kicker is that they remembered everything they had done when they were zombies.
Everyone who was "cured" then becomes subject to abuse, fear and polarised from the rest of society. They are outcast and given undesirable jobs and required to report back to the military every day.
The unrest within the "cured" starts bubbling over and terrorist groups are formed.
The main characters are believable and all the acting is on point. highly recommend this movie, it has a lot of depth to it and cultural and social relevance
The creator (2023)
The creator (2023)
2023 | Sci-Fi
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Taken from the pages of today’s headlines; “The Creator” presents a fresh yet complicated look at A.I. and how it may play into the future.

Director Gareth Edwards presents a future where A.I. has evolved to be incorporated into all aspects of society ranging from medical to production and the military.

When a deadly attack hits Los Angeles, the United States declares war on A.I. units and not only bans them but looks to hunt down and eliminate all units worldwide.

This causes an issue with the Asian Block where A.I. units are manufactured and actively incorporated into society with zero prejudice or concerns.

Joshua (John David Washington), sits out the conflict in Asia content with his wife and the pending birth of their child. When a U.S. raid arrives it is revealed that Joshua is actually undercover for the military and his wife sees this as a betrayal and flees with her allies and A.I. units but is killed in the process.

Years later Joshua is recruited to take part in a raid to eliminate the person behind the A.I. and take out the new weapon they have reportedly constructed. Unwilling at first; Joshua is convinced by the possibility that his wife survived the attack.

During the raid, it is revealed that the weapon is a robotic child Joshua named Alphie (Madeline Yuna Voyles) and Joshua is forced to flee with Alphie and in doing so; has divided loyalties as his focus is to find his wife despite the U.S. forces in hot pursuit and destroying all the communities with A.I. they encounter.

While parts of the film do tend to run a bit long; the cast is top-rate and the film provides an interesting debate on A.I. and its use in society and does so with a solid amount of action in the process.

4 stars out of 5
The Punisher - Season 1
The Punisher - Season 1
2017 | Action
Jon Bernthal (1 more)
Tackles some very timely subjects
Contains spoilers, click to show
Once you get through the violence, this show hit home for me having so much military in my family and close friends.

It looks at some subjects that are for me very hard to watch. Soldiers come home from war and try to fit back into society. Fighting PTSD and the realization that society might not have a place for him, ex-Army soldier Lewis acts out in a violent and horrific way to get the public's attention in an attempt to get the world to see the way he sees. It was really hard to watch Lewis's transformation from a confused, out-of-place ex-soldier to a violent terrorist in his death.

Add to this the gravitas that Jon Bernthal adds to the role of Frank Castle and you have a very deep and almost sympathetic show. You just need to get past the sheer violence.
Who on Earth is Tom Baker?
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WOW... Okay, Tom's life is very... unfortunate. And while I was interested, I realized I wanted more of the stories of his career and less about how he came to be. The first half of the book is his struggles with God in a religious upbringing, the third quarter is his struggles in military service. And while these stories are simultaneously heartbreaking and emotional, they are such a drag to read. It's not that he doesn't tell the story well, he does, injecting his trademark humor onto just about every page. But the tragic nature of the events counters that humor making it more gallows and inappropriate than anything. I SLOGGED through the first half. It does pick up some once he becomes an actor (and like The Doctor, Tom is a bit of a name dropper). Insightful and interesting, but I'm still not sure I have any idea who on Earth is Tom Baker...