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Pacific Rim (2013)
Pacific Rim (2013)
2013 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Great effects and editing (2 more)
Characters are fleshed out
Giant robots fighting giant monsters!
A few slow moments (0 more)
One of my absolute favorite Sci-fi movies!
Everything you want in both a summer blockbuster and a Del Toro movie. Love the idea of escalation. Humanity felt so defenseless, the only way fight giant monsters was to create giant robots. The military approach is done well. Just enough human emotion to ground the story, but IMO not enough to get in the way of what you really want to see.
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
2017 | Drama
Some original ideas (1 more)
Great sets and Sfx for the locations
Hungries? Why so many films, TV shows don't like the word Zombie! (0 more)
Another good British Zombie film
A decent low budget British Zombie film. It starts very well and was similar to 28 days later with some of the opening scenes. The 2nd half is a little slower as a few survivors from a military base try to protect a girl who could hold the cure. I didn't like the ending but overall the film has some good elements.
Military Wives (2020)
Military Wives (2020)
2020 | Drama
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Based on true events, Military Wives tells the story of how the very first military wives charity group came to be formed. That initial group was soon followed by more Military Wives groups, with some of the earlier ones even starring in 2011 BBC reality show 'The Choir', led by Gareth Malone. The Military Wives choirs have continued to grow since then and now comprise of 2000 women, located at over 70 military bases around the world, producing hit singles and albums as they go from strength to strength. The movie is directed by Peter Cattaneo, who directed The Full Monty, and the trailer really does have that traditional feel-good British comedy vibe which we seem to churn out year after year in an attempt to be "this years Full Monty". I wasn't sure if this was going to be for me, but after I found myself thoroughly enjoying Fisherman's Friends last year, I went in with an open mind.

At a UK army base, soldiers are preparing to leave for another tour in Afghanistan. As they say goodbye, we're given a chance to be introduced to the wives and families who will remain in the houses located on the base while the soldiers are away. Straight away, we get real insight into the lives of these women - trying to maintain some kind of normality, while constantly living in fear of the phone call or the knock at the door that might come at any time and turn their lives upside down. The women all vary in their experience of army life - from young, newly married wives to wives who are old hands at moving from base to base and country to country, coping without their husband for long periods of time.

Kate (Kristin Scott Thomas) is married to the regiment's colonel and assumes that she is therefore superior to all the other women on the base - jumping the queue in the small on-site grocery store and generally looking down her nose at the others. Lisa (Sharon Horgan) is much more laid back than Kate, happy to just go with the flow. She has been charged with pastoral care for the wives while their partners are away, and is more than happy just to organise the odd coffee morning or a few glasses of wine rather than anything more productive and engaging for the group. With her husband away, and having to deal with a past tragedy that we learn more about as the story unfolds, Kate decides to try and poke her nose in and organise Lisa and the other wives. Consequently, Kate and Lisa clash... regularly.

After unsuccessfully trying out knitting as a suggested activity, one of the wives suggests singing. Unfortunately though, none of the women appear to be very good at singing and the bickering between Kate and Lisa doesn't really help improve them either. While Kate reads up on vocal warm-ups and learning how to conduct a choir, Lisa digs out her old electronic keyboard and is happy just to have the group try and sing along to a few old pop songs.

Military Wives does manage to follow that traditional Full Monty template I described earlier - with a mismatched bunch of inexperienced singers who eventually manage to get it together enough to be able to perform their own song at the Royal Albert Hall. However, I did feel that the emotion and the drama surrounding these women, who could lose their husband/wife at any moment, really brought something different to the movie, something which I don't feel the trailer accurately portrays. The comedy and the feel-good factor that these trailers like to put across was a lot more subtle, and as a result I enjoyed it far more than I was expecting to.
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama
6.1 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Tom Cruise returns as Jack Reacher in the second cinematic installment of the popular character in the book series by Lee Child. In “Jack Reacher: Never Go Back”. After helping the military with an operation, Reacher returns to his drifter ways but is enticed to travel to Washington D.C. to visit Major Turner (Colbie Smulders), after establishing a friendship with her via phone during the recent operation.

Reacher has left the military behind and why he agreed to do the task for the Military is unclear aside from the actions of those involved upset his moral compass and made him become involved.

Upon reaching D.C. Reacher is informed that Turner has been arrested and charged with espionage and that she has requested that he not be allowed to see or contact her.

This does not sit right with Reacher and the fact that Turner occupies the same office that he was commanded has made this more than a personal score for him. Reacher also notices that he is being followed by some military contractors and soon suspects that he and Turner are in serious danger.

Reacher uses his resources and abilities to break Turner from confinement to save her life and sets off to clear her name and stay ahead of the forces that seem to know their every move.

If this was not enough trouble for Reacher, he is also implicated in a crime he did not commit and learns that there is a young girl named Samantha (Danika Yarosh), who has been targeted to get to Reacher even though he has no idea who she is and how she is involved.

What follows is an exciting mix of action and suspense as Reacher and Turner battle enemies and try to solve the clues behind their situation before it is too late.

The sequel has a premise that grabs you early on and an energy that keeps you compelled to the action. Cruise seems to be very comfortable with the part in his second outing as Reacher and it shows as he commands the screen with a mix of physicality and restraint that underscores the complex nature of the character. Smulders also does well with the physical nature of her part and works very well with Cruise as she is far from a damsel in distress.

The film at times takes some leaps of faith but the intensity and suspense of the film as well as the solid action scenes and pacing make the film a very pleasant surprise and one worth watching.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a former military brat, I love to read anything about the military. As a long time fan of Travis Thrasher's this book was a double bonus for me. I loved every second of this 5 star worthy novelization of true events.

PTSD is a very real, very scary thing for many folks. This story is about that. I felt every emotion of Heather and Darren as if it was my own. Every pain filled moment, every tear filled scene was my own. That is powerful when a novelization can do that to me. The beautiful story of Heather and Darren become a part of me and I won't soon forget them.

If you are looking to read a book that will fill you with hope, understanding, mercy and faith, then grab this book now. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I imagine it will be just as powerful as this book is. Five stars just doesn't seem like enough praises for this. Hats off to Travis Trasher for creating a beautiful, emotion filled novelization of Darren and Heather's story.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under not obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The Blood Crows (Eagle, #12)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book number 12 in Simon Scarrow's (what was originally called) Eagle series (before the 'Eagle' moniker was dropped with the publication of [b:Centurion|2993197|Centurion|L.D. Alford||3023669]), with this one seeing the return of Roman soldiers Macro and Cato back to the scene of the first novels: back to the still-untamed Britain.

The newly promoted Prefect Cato (who has thus overtaken his old mentor and friend Macro - now a Centurion - in rank), as well as Centurion Macro, are given the task of taking command of a military outpost on the borders of the empire: a military outpost in which the previous Prefect has been killed in mysterious circumstances, and in which (it proves) the current Commander and his Blood Wolves are carrying out a policy of total war against the inhabitants of the valley in which the fort is situated.

It's not long before Cato has to assert his own authority, as well as finding ways to deal with hordes of vengeful natives on his doorstep ...

As before in the series, I found this to be an enjoyable read: it will also be interesting to see where the series goes next! :)
7 Wonders Duel
7 Wonders Duel
2015 | Ancient, Card Game, City Building, Civilization
Great Two Player Game (0 more)
Aww man, I have to plan ahead (0 more)
Great two player adaptation
My wife and I like this game for its smaller table footprint, speedy turn play and the play time is not extensive. This game is about creating your own ancient civilization. There are multiple paths to victory, and it is important that you think out your goal based on the cards laid before you and observing what your opponent is doing. You can achieve victory through military might, having a strong economy to get lots of money, or just building the best buildings and getting your wonders made.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Mar 25, 2019

keep em coming! Love the board gamers.... they get my Kudos.

First Man In Leading from the Front
First Man In Leading from the Front
Ant Middleton | 2019 | Biography
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
To be honest this is not my type of book of read, it was purchased for my husband to take on a flight but he forgot it so I picked it up and started to read it and have not put it down. You may know him from the TV programme SAS Who Dares Wins. This is not the typical autobiography that you read, yes it does give some of his history in the military but it is more about the inner turmoil that they are go through in the way of demons, attitude and how to deal with things. Recommended to everyone
In the Valley of Elah (2007)
In the Valley of Elah (2007)
2007 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I didn't know much about this film before I saw it but heard critics and fans a like giving great reviews about it. A father and former part of the military police goes in search of his son who has gone AWOL after returning home from Iraq.
This is a great film, with a very good cast giving great performances especially Tommy Lee Jones and Charlize Theron. It touches on quite a few political views about the army and war in Iraq and the effects it can have. A truly moving film based on true events.
Last Man Standing (Black Ops Inc., #7)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was such a great novel. I am truly devastated that this is the last novel in the series. The characters in these novels are inspiring and devastatingly lovable.

Cindy Gerard truly makes you feel emotions for each of her characters. Last Man Standing was yet another amazing novel that made me laugh, cry, and want to throw the book at points.

I do wish that more of the BOI's were in this novel but I felt like it wrapped up very nicely. Now I have to find another series that will fulfill my want for attractive Military men. Hmph!