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Queen & Slim (2019)
Queen & Slim (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance
Very slow
Finally got the chance to see this after missing it at the cinema and to be honest I’m kind of glad I didn’t get a chance to see it on the big screen, as I probably would’ve gotten rather bored.

The story behind this about racial injustice and the issues that are being faced in real life, especially in America, is important and I’d never deny that. I think the problem with this film is that it’s very slow. It starts off well and fairly fast paced, but within the first hour it starts to drag, lose it’s momentum and point, and could easily have had a lot of the filler cut out without detriment to the story. I’m also not entirely sure the two main characters are particularly likeable, especially Queen, and their actions and choices are often rather bizarre and don’t make sense. It’s a shame, because this film is actually well made with a great soundtrack and feel. I just wish they’d cut it down to make a much more fast paced story.
Everyday Life by Coldplay
Everyday Life by Coldplay
2019 | Pop
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Violin (5 more)
Adventurist metaphors
Lacking depth (0 more)
Adventurous album taking on the uplifting but also brutality of reality and it's every day themes.
A new (different) album from Coldplay, which is definitely revealing their experimentation. The band take on heavy themes of love, war, racism, faith, gun control, friendship, climate change, police brutality and other every day themes in life. It is a double album consisting of 'Sunrise' and 'Sunset', which reveals the difference between the every day highs and lows of the above mentioned themes.

The opening of 'Sunrise' is set beautifully with string arrangements, with the lead violinist doing an excellent job of playing uplifting but also emotional tones to set the mood for the themes. Good versus bad, happy versus sad.

Coldplay never venture far from meeting with Eastern and Western sounds to encourage the acceptance of different religions and ethnicities.

'Sunset' is accompanied with loungey rhythm and blues tones which compliment the themes and meaningful lyrics.

However I can't help but note that I feel some depth is missing to convey their messages.