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ClareR (5784 KP) rated Sabrina in Books

Nov 2, 2018  
Nick Drnaso | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A very topical graphic novel
This is very relevant at the moment. It makes for depressing reading about our society. A woman, Sabrina, goes missing and her boyfriend goes to stay with a childhood friend who is in the military, in order to get away from the media scrum. His friend is actually a very central character in all of this.
When Sabrina is found murdered, there are those on the internet who believe that this is 'fake news', that her murderer has been framed, and when they find out where her boyfriend is staying, they target the friend he is staying with. They send him emails trying to prove a conspiracy. When the video that the murderer made of Sabrinas actual death (which has been sent to news outlets)is leaked on to the internet, it means that anyone can watch the murder. But the conspiracy theorists still don't believe that this is all real. The it is a set up.
It's depressing and scary, and it really happens. It's fictionalised in the book, but it HAS happened. And that is what has made it stand out.
Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Manipulation of viewers anxiety (0 more)
No substance, wastes valuable plot opportunities, poor story telling (0 more)
So much hype so little substance
I was reluctant to watch this as it didn't immediately strike me as something I'd enjoy, however I read so much hype and praise for it, I simply had to.

When it started I was hopeful that actually this might just provide a pleasant surprise for me but by the end I was disappointed and left wanting more.

Let's face it, we've seen this film before in several different guises, 'The Mist' 'The Crazies' they all have one thing in common that makes me sigh every time, lack of depth. There's no imagination and explanation, in concept this could have been so much more but it remains a creature-less, face-less disappointment.

The whole premise relies on exploiting the viewers anxiety over the care of the children and the need to protect. I may be missing the point and I know this is a commentary on mental health but it's tenuous at best and I felt cheated by something that could have been so much more.
Star Wars: Last Shot
Star Wars: Last Shot
Daniel José Older | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Released roughly around the time of the worst-box-office performing Star Wars movie (a backlash to 'The Last Jedi', maybe?) of 'Solo: A Star Wars movie', this novel attempts to tie together three separate time periods: we have post 'Return of the Jedi'/pre 'The Force Awakens' family man Han who struggles to be a father to young Ben Solo alongside missing-from-the-movies (so far) Lando, a post Solo Hand and Chewie, and a pre-Solo Lando and L3 all chasing after the same McGuffin.

And, for me, it just doesn't hang together all that well.

Perhaps the biggest problem I had with it, however - and it's an irrational one, I know - is in the almost complete absence of the Millennium Falcon in the 'modern day' portions: if you're going to have it prominently on the cover, and have both Han and Lando working together, at least get their most famous starship in on the action!

Well, that, and the Ewok slicer prodigy. (I still associate Ewok's with Return of the Jedi and in how they are portrayed - i.e. as technologically primitive! - in the old Expanded Universe).

Amelia's Tea (8 KP) rated the Xbox One version of The Outer Worlds in Video Games

Oct 28, 2019 (Updated Nov 1, 2019)  
The Outer Worlds
The Outer Worlds
2019 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Shooter
Great writing, from story, to characters, to lore. (1 more)
It's beautiful, and atmospheric with great music.
At time of playing (launch, before any updates) there's a few clunky things: like constantly drawing your weapon when you don't mean to. (1 more)
I had one instance where entering a room in the final mission kept completely crashing my game, and I had to parkour my way around to overcome this. Hopefully this is patched out soon!
Saved the Single Player
I loved this game. I imagine I'll be playing it for many years to come, and I'm hoping desperately for a sequel! I've been missing single player RPGs desperately lately, with studios like BioWare leaving them behind.

This game really scratched that itch for me. It's got great characters, great gameplay and a great story. It's just great. I can't recommend it enough.

Obviously it has some kinks to be worked out, but I was very easily able to overlook them when playing.
I am a little disappointed that some features were left out, like third person view and romances, but hope that these could be implemented into a sequel. Either way, I still enjoyed playing.
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
1990 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
A worthy sequel
The Gremlins films huge favourites of mine as a child (worrying as I probably wasn't old enough to watch them), but I always preferred the sequel. Watching it back now, I'm so pleased to say it's still a worthy and rather entertaining sequel.

The plot has been scaled up since the first film, and whilst it's missing the christmas and horror style setting, it more than makes up with the sheer daftness of the entire story. It's ridiculous but so funny, with some great physical effects with the Gremlins, especially as they get themselves into new and interesting situations. Seen as this was released in 1990 the CGI is a little dated but fortunately this is used sparingly. The original cast are back, with some wonderful additions in the marvellous Christopher Lee and Robert Picardo. I remember parts of this terrifying me as a child and whilst it doesn't have quite the same effect now, this definitely isn't a kids film! This entire film is just wonderfully smart, silly and just a riot from start to finish. Definitely underrated and overlooked when it comes to the Gremlins films, but for me a worthy sequel.

Versusyours (757 KP) Dec 22, 2019

I am still awaiting part 3


Sarah (7799 KP) Dec 23, 2019

@Versusyours we can only dream!


Andy K (10823 KP) rated Klute (1971) in Movies

Jul 21, 2019  
Klute (1971)
Klute (1971)
1971 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
Great 70s thriller!
Another great thriller from Alan J. Pakula, director of All the President's Men, The Parallax View and Presumed Innocent starring Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland.

A down and out call girl teams up with a private detective to try and solve a missing persons case.The two end up in a torrid relationship both persons seemingly using each other for their own gains. The investigation has several twists and turns through some drug addicts, an unsavory pimp and even some disco nightclubs. Tensions mount as the call girl herself becomes a target of the mysterious vigilante.

I love 70s thrillers like Play Misty for me, Blow Out, Dressed To Kill and this film. Something about the characters talk to each other and also seeing the vintage hairstyles, wardrobes, cars and music always puts you right in the mood.

Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland are perfect together onscreen as they both portray somewhat unsavory characters in this film but you are still rooting for them. Those who don't like slow developing stories might be bored; however, I thought it was well put together and worth the wait.

Highly recommended!

We Need to Talk About Kevin (2012)
We Need to Talk About Kevin (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Lacks the punch of the book
The book about this is one of the most enthralling and haunting books I’ve ever read, and I was really hoping the film would be just as good, but sadly it falls a little short. And I know I shouldn’t compare film to book, but that’s pretty much impossible.

Don’t get me wrong, the film is quite good. It’s has great performances from Tilda Swinton and Ezra Miller, with an unusually creepy soundtrack and in general it’s a very bleak and dark film. It does well to get across the main parts of the book, but the main problem for me is that it doesn’t include anywhere near enough detail from the book. It covers the bare minimum, but i feel like it misses out a lot of the detail. I know a film can never include everything from a book, but for me this was missing a lot, especially about some of Kevin’s crimes and dark deeds. This is probably a case of reading the book ruining the film, I’ll admit I maybe should have watched the film first!

Kelly (279 KP) Jan 15, 2019

I agree, totally. The book was disturbing and stayed with me for a long time, challenging my perspective on nature vs nurture in the case of Kevin. The film seemed to lack same punch, I think this is because a lot of the book is wrote around Eva’s personal thoughts and feelings, sadly books like this rarely translate onto the big screen.

You Were Never Really Here (2018)
You Were Never Really Here (2018)
2018 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
286. You Were Never Really Here. One intense movie! Intense soundtrack, intense action, intense subject matter. We meet a guy named Joe, sure he looks homeless, but in reality he's a war veteran that lives with his aging mother. The audience gets just a few glimpses of Joe's background and they aren't pretty. Now he's dedicated his life to rescuing missing and exploited children, and more importantly for those that hire him, he punishes those responsible, very brutally, weapon of choice: ball-peen hammer. And the one case the film focuses on, turns out to be very sinister indeed. Joaquin Phoenix is intense as Joe, a man unafraid of violence, but extremely tormented by his past. Definitely worth a watch. (Side note: If you watch it, towards the beginning of the movie Joe exits his house, you can hear in the background a small dog barking like crazy. Joe pauses for a moment, twitches just a bit, camera cuts to his mom watching him out the front window, you hear the dog bark one final time, yelps as in pain and goes silent... Do you think Joe killed the doggy???) Filmbufftim on FB
Dreamcatcher (2003)
Dreamcatcher (2003)
2003 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
A little bonkers
I’ve read the book, and I still found this film to be bonkers and completely crazy. So I really don’t know how anyone who hasn’t read the book can watch this film and have a clue what’s going on.

To be fair, even for Stephen King this story is a bit far fetched and a slightly confusing mix of genres. The film follows the basic plot from the book although obviously missing a lot of the more detailed aspects. It has a good and very decent cast, although sadly some like Timothy Olyphant and Jason Lee. And I’m really not entirely sure how I feel about Morgan Freeman being the bad guy, he definitely feels a little miscast. The effects in this are rather poor too, even when considering it was made in 2003!

Overall it’s not a bad film and watchable if you’ve read the book, but the crazy plot isn’t made any less sane and I really don’t think the boys friendship is highlighted as much as it should be like it has in some of King’s other films (IT and Stand By Me for example).
Village of the Damned (1995)
Village of the Damned (1995)
1995 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.2 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Thumpingly unsubtle SF remake turns up the horror dial but doesn't seem aware that sometimes less is more. After a strange town-wide blackout, the citizens of Midwich (do they really have 'villages' in Northern California, anyway?) discover ten women have simultaneously become pregnant. They give birth to eerily similar children who seem to have psychic powers.

Released in 1995, this is very much The Midwich Cuckoos for the X Files generation, but ends up just another signpost marking the decline of John Carpenter as a film-maker worth paying attention to. The sad thing is that he really does seem familiar with both the original British film and the source novel (elements of the book missing from the 1960 film reappear here) and is obviously trying to do his best to honour them, but where John Wyndham is chillingly subtle and understated, John Carpenter is just walloping the audience with a succession of predictable set-piece 'shocks'. Reasonable CGI but overall it looks cheap and unconvincing; some reasonable performances from an interesting cast, but there's a limit to what they can do with such a duff script.