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Puzzle Me a Murder
Puzzle Me a Murder
Roz Noonan | 2024 | Mystery
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Missing Pieces
Alice Pepper enjoys having her friends over to work on puzzles most nights. Among the group is her childhood best friend Ruby Milliner. When Ruby arrives home from a business trip early, she catches her husband with his mistress. The next morning, Ruby’s husband is dead, and the police are looking at Ruby as their prime suspect. Alice jumps in to find the killer. But does she have all the pieces to solve this puzzle?

Despite the fact that I’m not much of a jigsaw puzzle guy, I thought this sounded like a fun premise for a series. Sadly, I was wrong. I didn’t feel like the characters ever went beyond being types, and it felt like they had too many interests or skills in their background. It felt like the author was checking boxes instead of making well rounded characters. There wasn’t attention to detail, so these things bumped me out of the book. The novel could have lost 60 pages without losing anything, the pacing was that off. And the climax, while logical, seemed abrupt to me. I really did want to like it more, but I won’t give this series another chance.
Framed for Murder
Framed for Murder
Marla A. White | 2024 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Mel Clear a Frenemy?
Former police officer Mel O’Rourke is trying to settle into her new life running a B & B in the mountain town of Pine Cove. But then her past walks in. Poppy Phillips is a thief that Mel spent time trying to arrest when she was an officer. Poppy is looking for help since she stumbled over a body, and she is afraid the police will think she did it. The fact that Poppy was there committing a burglary does complicate things. Can Mel clear her? Does she want to?

I picked up this book thinking it was the first in a series. There is a novella that introduces some of the characters, and this book has major spoilers for that story. I also found the language in this book to be much worse than I wanted to read. The mystery was good, although I found some things bumped me, like police jurisdiction. It just didn’t seem logical, although maybe there is something I was missing. On the other hand, I really did like the characters and the relationships they were forming. Overall, this was a mixed bag for me.
Heard (Breaking Free #3)
Heard (Breaking Free #3)
A.M. Arthur | 2017 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
**verified purchase Dec 2018**

This is book three in the Breaking Free series. While it stands more alone from books one, Saved and two, Seen, I would STRONGLY recommend you read those first. Not least because there is an on-going story arc, but because you need to know how Karter came to this point: you need to know just how much he has changed over the course of the last few months, dealing with everything about the missing and abducted omegas. Also, I mean, I said so, right?? Both are 5 star reads from me too.

As is this one!

Karter responds to a break in, and chases down a scent that tickles his nose. Finding Jax, and his 6 week old son, is the source of that scent, and just what that scent means is a shock and surprise to both Karter and Jax. When Karter gets Jax' full story, the Alpha in him rears up and goes all out protect his mate, he has a good old proper MINE moment! But Jax is wary, not of Karter himself, but of Karter the ALPHA. He has been treated badly, abused by alphas in the past and he won't let it happen anymore. Can they make it work?

These books are quite difficult to read, not the writing, because that is brilliant, but the subject matter. Jax was abducted out of the home that Braun (Saved) managed to escape from, and when we find out what has been happening to those omegas who are missing, it's shocking! I mean, what happened to Kell (Seen) was bad, but this?? Really really bad, and I have a feeling there is a lot more about the missing omegas that will be worse, far, far worse.

Karter was brought up in a very strict household, his father was in control and everyone toed the line. His Omegin is a much softer person, who tries to keep everyone happy. Karter doesn't want to follow in his father's footsteps and works hard to control his Alpha tendencies. But he never realised how powerful the mating bond is, even before he and Jax fully mate, and he messes up along the way. Granted, he is incredibly sweet about it, and once he knows what he did to upset Jax or to anger Jax, he tries, you know, REALLY hard! And I loved him for it.

Jax is STRONG! He went into the home for alpha-less omegas when his previous alpha died. While Orris wasn't abusive, Jax knew Orris was in control and Jax swore to himself, that he would never be in that position again, especially after what happens when he is taken from the home. His reaction to Karter is something he wanted, but he knew that a new mating would muddy his scent and put his abusers off his trail. that he actually begins to FEEL for Karter, well, that wasn't expected and he begins to realise that things are beginning to change: the attitude towards omegas as people, not just baby making machines is changing, and maybe, just maybe, he and Karter and the baby can be really happy.

Loved that Braun, Tarek, Ronin, Kell, Serge and Dex all play a part here and we catch up with them and the exciting news they all have!

I have Serge and Dex' story to read next, followed by Liam's story, who was the omega that Braun saw being kidnapped from the home.

I am totally loving this series, and I WILL be reading them all!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Darren (1599 KP) rated Alaska (1996) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
Alaska (1996)
Alaska (1996)
1996 | Action, Family
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Alaska starts as we meet the Barnes family, father Jake (Benedict) a small plane pilot and his kids Jessie (Birch) and Sean (Kartheiser), the family has started a new life in Alaska after their death of Jake’s wife and mother of Jessie and Sean. While Jessie has embraced this new life enjoying the beautiful sites, Sean is struggling with new life. We also get to meet to poachers Perry (Heston) and Koontz (Fraser) who have been hunting polar bears.

When their father goes missing, Jessie and Sean aim to go in search of him through the Alaskan wilderness discovering a captured baby polar bear cub that they release who joins them on their adventure, which only attracts the poachers attention as they find themselves chased through the wilderness by the poachers too in a race against time to find their father.


Thoughts on Alaska


Characters/Performance – Jessie is the sister of the siblings, she has embraced the change to Alaska learning to be part of the team with her father, while they both want to search for their father, she is the most prepared of the two. Sean hates his new life in Alaska and wants to move back to Chicago but you can clearly see he is grieving his mother with his behaviour, but with his father missing he will do everything he can to find him, learning to love the beautiful landscape they are part of now. Jake is the father of the family that has given up his 747-pilot job to start a new life in the small town in Alaska, he does spend most of the film trapped in his plane but his character gives Jessie and Sean the reason for going on their adventure. Perry and Koontz are two poachers hunting polar bears, they cross paths with the kids as they menacingly try to recapture the polar bear cub that they had released.

Performance wise, Thora Birch and Vincent Kartheiser are both great in the lead roles as the children in search of their father. Dirk doesn’t have much to do but does what he needs to well. Charlton Heston as the menacing poacher does seem to enjoy the role he plays in the movie.

Story – The story of two young teenagers going into the wilderness to find their missing father is a nice tried and tested formula, this style of film seemed to be the rave for family films around the time too, so to stand out you had to do something different. We get the moments of peril which are good and well-paced but we also get the moments of discovery which are just as important. Obviously, there are negatives here which include the idea the adults are clueless when searching for people in crashes and poachers being just evil people. I would also like to point out, that it is very unlikely a polar bear mother is just going to accept another cub, well that is what David Attenborough has taught me.

Adventure/Family – The adventure the kids get to go on is one I remember watching as a kid going, I wanna do that and I still would like to. The family side of this film is about the unity between a broken family doing everything to stay together and of course having a cute little polar bear helping them out.

Settings – Alaska as a setting, beautiful, stunning, peril filled and perfect for the story being told.

Effects – We only have a few effects in use here, most feels practical with the stunt work and working with a potential deadly animal in a polar bear.

Final Thoughts – This is easily one of the better kids work with animal films of the 90s, one that gives you hope in humanity and a wonderful setting.


Overall: Family night sorted.
    TB MIDI Stuff

    TB MIDI Stuff

    Music and Utilities

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    TB MIDI Stuff is a highly intuitive full-featured modular MIDI & OSC control surface for iPad and...

Leaving Time: A Novel
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jenna Metcalf is thirteen years old and more than anything, she wants to find her mother, Dr. Alice Metcalf. Alice is a doctor who studies the behavior of elephants, specifically, grief. She goes missing when Jenna is just three years old and there was a tragic accident at the Elephant Sanctuary where they lived and that her parents owned/worked. Jenna doesn't believe that her mother would have ever left her behind, so she enlists the help of Serenity Jones, a once famous psychic who helped to find missing people and Virgil Stanhope, a private detective, who was on the police force and was a part of the investigation of the accident at the Sanctuary. With their help, will Jenna be able to find her mother? And when she does, will she be disappointed by what she finds?

I have enjoyed reading Jodi Picoult novels for a long time. They always leave me with different kinds of emotions. Some happy, some sad, sometimes confused. [b:Leaving Time|18816603|Leaving Time|Jodi Picoult||26757264] was no exception. I felt a connection to each character. With Jenna, I felt sadness of the loss of her mother and her plight to find her. For Alice, a felt compassion for her work and the situation she was living in. For Serenity, I'm not quite sure my feelings about her, but she was a caring force in Jenna's life. For Virgil, it was pity, that he was unable to get his life together and accomplish his goals.

Listening to this book I was intrigued by the subject matter. Based on the idea that "an elephant never forgets" it was fascinating to learn about how elephants interact with humans and with each other, especially after they suffer a loss. A lot how we as humans grieve. This is another book that will make you think and keep you on your toes, covering subject matters of wildlife, mental illness and supernatural abilities. In the last 5% of the book there was a twist that I didn't see coming and it made me rethink everything I had just read/listened to. This is why Jodi Picoult is one of my favorites.

My favorite line from the book: "...there was a tear in the fabric I was made of and he was the only color thread that would match to stitch it back up."

See more of my reviews at
Just Let Go (Harbor Pointe #2)
Just Let Go (Harbor Pointe #2)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For Quinn Collins, buying the flower shop in downtown Harbor Pointe fulfills a childhood dream, but also gives her the chance to stick it to her mom, who owned the store before skipping town twenty years ago and never looking back. Completing much-needed renovations, however, while also competing for a prestigious flower competition with her mother as the head judge, soon has Quinn in over her head. Not that she’d ever ask for help.

Luckily, she may not need to. Quinn’s father and his meddling friends find the perfect solution in notorious Olympic skier Grady Benson, who had only planned on passing through the old-fashioned lakeside town. But when a heated confrontation leads to property damage, helping Quinn as a community-service sentence seems like the quickest way out—and the best way to avoid more negative press.

Quinn finds Grady reckless and entitled; he thinks she’s uptight and too regimented. Yet as the two begin to hammer and saw, Quinn sees glimpses of the vulnerability behind the bravado, and Grady learns from her passion and determination, qualities he seems to have lost along the way. But when a well-intentioned omission has devastating consequences, Grady finds himself cast out of town—and Quinn’s life—possibly forever. Forced to face the hurt holding her back, Quinn must finally let go or risk missing out on the adventure of a lifetime.

My Thoughts: What do an Olympian skier, a flower shop and a small town have in common? a storyline for a wonderful novel "Just Let Go". When Olympian skier Grady Benson comes to town no one knows the trials he has been going through, but like most people, they assume he lives and acts a certain way. With the help of a judge, a teenage boy and Quin, all help him realze what he's been missing in life. Sometimes God does put people in our lives to either help us or four us to help them. This s a story about not judging a book by its cover. Learning to take time to get to know someone. We all have a life, a past; burdens we carry with us and sometimes we have to learn to let it all go and move on with the future. That is the theme of this novel. Well written, and hard to put down. The reader can easily identify with the characters. The characters in the novel all work well and interweave in the storyline that compliments the narrative.

I truly enjoyed this story and Courtney Walsh's writing.
On My Life
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Framed. Imprisoned. Pregnant.

Jenna thought she had the perfect life: a loving fiancé, a great job, a beautiful home. Then she finds her stepdaughter murdered; her partner missing.

And the police think she did it...

Locked up to await trial, surrounded by prisoners who'd hurt her if they knew what she's accused of, certain someone close to her has framed her, Jenna knows what she needs to do:

Clear her name
Save her baby
Find the killer

But can she do it in time?

This is the first time I have read any novels by this author and I really loved this book.
I could not put this novel down. I read it from cover to cover in the space of a day. It was gripping, compulsive and a truly engaging and absorbing read!
This book is beautifully written, full of red herrings and her description of prison life for a Nonce was well researched. All the way through this book I had to stop reading as it was very distressing at times.

The novel opens with Jenna under arrest for the murder of Emily, her partner’s 14-year old daughter, after being found covered in blood cradling her dead body. Her partner, Robert, is missing, presumed also murdered and shocking images have been found on her laptop.

She is placed on remand and locked up in HMP Fallenbrook surrounded by prisoners who would certainly harm her if they learn of the crimes that she is accused of. Fearing that she has been framed by someone close to her, she then discovers that she is pregnant. Jenna is determined to clear her name and find the killer. An almost impossible task from inside prison with almost no resources. The cards certainly seem stacked against her.
Along with Jenna’s harrowing experiences in the prison, there are also flashbacks to her developing relationship with Robert and Emily.
What made this novel different from other novels in the thriller genre is the engagement with social issues associated with inmates, including new and expectant mothers, incarcerated in the U.K. prison system. In her Author’s Note Clarke cites her sources and influences. In addition, she visits and teaches in prisons and was provided with firsthand accounts so that she can depict authentically the day-to-day life in a U.K. prison.

I would like to thank the author, Hodder and Stoughton and Netgalley for the advanced copy in return for giving an honest review.
Then She Was Gone
Then She Was Gone
Lisa Jewell | 2017 | Thriller
8.1 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
Then She Was Gone by the Sunday Times Bestseller Lisa Jewell, was a super-fast read for me. Several years after her daughter Ellie has gone missing , Laurel meets new man Floyd, who is absolutely smitten with her. When he takes her home to meet his kid Poppy, Laurel is surprised as how much she reminds her of her missing daughter when she was the same age. Coincidence? Or something much more untoward?

I think you can tell where this one is heading…

Admittedly, I guessed pretty early on, what was going to happen and how Noelle was involved in the whole situation. Yes, I’m being cryptic here, trying hard not to reveal spoilers for anyone who has not read this yet. But, even the blurb is an unsubtle clue. What blew me away was what was really going on with Laurel’s new boyfriend, Floyd in the final scenes. The way Lisa Jewell connected everything together and revealed the truth made this a very exciting read.

Was Floyd really as bad as Jake’s girlfriend, Blue had thought? Could he really be blamed for his actions bearing in mind his upbringing and how he came to be with Poppy? Would there ever have been a right time to reveal all? It’s bit like those situations when you mean to call someone up, but forget, and keep forgetting until much later. Only by then, so much time has passed it feels too late to ring at all. But in Floyd’s case, and in this analogy, he doesn’t even own a phone…

I thought the plot was a little bit far fetched, but despite this it worked. In fact, as we hear what really happened to Ellie, I found myself thinking the theme had changed from psychological thriller to borderline horror. By the time I got to the end I was positive this was a four star read, and then the last page did it for me. I shed a tear! Yep, I thought it was sad and unless my hormones are playing up for some odd reason, that last page did it for me. In between howling and sniffing, I moved my 4 stars to a 4.5 star rating! Oh, Lisa Jewell, please promise me you’ll never go back to chicklit! I cannot wait to see what you come up with next in this genre. I await to be dazzled! (And I don’t have to wait long as Watching You is due out in July).

Clever, moving and addictive reading.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Child in Books

Jan 21, 2018  
The Child
The Child
Fiona Barton | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a worker tears apart an old house under construction in London, he makes an unsettling discovery: tiny bones. The police believe they belong to a baby who was buried years earlier. The story catches the eye of journalist Kate Waters, who immediately wants to determine the child's identity. Her research leads her to a missing child from several decades in the past: a stolen baby, who was never found. Kate finds herself drawn into the missing baby's case and the lives of several women: Angela, a mother who had her baby stolen many years ago; Emma, who once lived on the block where the baby's bones were found; and Jude, Emma's mother.

I really enjoyed Barton's previous novel, The Widow, and I have to say that THE CHILD did not disappoint. It's hard exactly to describe her books, but they have some sort of power over you, drawing you into their narrative and making it difficult to come back to reality until you've reached the end. Much like THE WIDOW, we're presented with a cast of disparate characters-not all of whom are particularly likeable. I hadn't realized, for some reason, that THE CHILD would feature Kate again--a journalist we previously met in Barton's earlier book. I found Kate a much more engaging protagonist this time around: she came across as more human and flawed.

Otherwise, the novel focuses on timid, depressed Emma and her difficult relationship with her mother, Jude, who kicked Emma out of the house at the sixteen. Each woman has a turn at the narration, as does Angela, who is still reeling from having her baby stolen from the hospital (and never found). Barton does a skillful job weaving their stories together. Everything unfolds in bits and pieces as the tale progresses in the eyes of each of our narrators. For me, it was extremely riveting: just as one shocking piece came out, another one would fall into place.

Barton also gives us an excellent look into the journalism business, with a focus on how Kate writes her stories, with a strong emphasis on real (face-to-face, non-Internet-based) research. We see firsthand how the current social media craze is affecting the newspaper world. It's refreshing, as we get to basically see a crime/story solved, yet not necessarily through the lens of a typical police drama.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. I figured out parts of it as it went along, but found it to be a very compelling read. Definitely worth picking up.