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Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Good, but doesn't live up to the book
I've read (and loved) the book, but I really tried to go into this with an open mind and I think for the most part, I succeeded.

Visually, this film is spectacular. But considering its Spielberg, that isn't a surprise. The pop culture references are a lot of fun, and the soundtrack is fantastic. The cast are great, Tye Sheridan plays Wade very well and he's a likeable character. Mark Rylance as usual is very good, but I feel like we could've seen a bit more of him. The only one who didn't come across well was Ben Mendelsohn - his Nolan just doesn't come across as evil enough. He just isn't that threatening.

The main problem is that this is very different from the book. Some things have been changed for the better (the 2nd challenge in the film was a huge surprise and very enjoyable), but for the main I feel like too much of the detail from the book has been left out, leaving just a hollow shell of the story. It's a shame really as i think this could have been fantastic, if it had just stuck a little closer to the book. Instead of coming out of this feeling in awe, I came out feeling a little underwhelmed with the sense that something was missing.
Encino Man (1992)
Encino Man (1992)
1992 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
Buried 'treasure'. (2 more)
Pauly Shore singing 'shoofly don't bother me.'
If that guy says 'shoosh' one more time..... (0 more)
Why can't all cavemen look like that?
Contains spoilers, click to show
I saw this movie for the first time when I was about ten years old. I was really into dinosaurs at the time and the idea of digging up a caveman in my backyard thrilled me about as much as finding One Eyed Willie. There is something innocently fun about movies made in the 80s and as silly as the plotline for this one is, the movie is still my absolute favorite.

Two nerdy, loner, high school seniors decide to dig a pool in one of their backyards in hopes of throwing a big party after prom and landing the most popular girl in school. What they didn't expect was to come across a caveman frozen inside a solid mass of ice who they thaw out using space heaters in their garage. After coming home to find their house trashed, they come face to face with a very not dead 1,000,000 year old man ... Or teenager. Makeover montage ensues, giving us the newly minted (not so missing) 'Link'. Boys take Link to school, Link wins over everyone, boys remain unpopular.

This movie is worth watching at least once just to see Pauly wheeze the juice and Brendan dance around like a crazy person.
Little Concepts: ABC French: Take a fun journey through the alphabet and learn some French! by Daniel Roode is an alphabet book introducing mostly animal nouns A-Z based on their French words with the English noun below. 

The illustrations are brightly colored and in a cartoon-like style kids should enjoy. This is a fairly good intro to French vocabulary. I say only fairly good because not all of the animals have their article before them and in French you've got to know if it is le or la to say it correctly. The description says there is a pronunciation guide, but it was not included in the preview so I can't comment on it. In addition, the pages for letters I, J, K, M, Q, R, V,W,X, and Y were also not included. I hope that this gets fixed before it is published; otherwise, it is a great introduction book to French.

If you're looking for a foreign language picture book or a different kind of alphabet book, this is a visually attractive option. I would love to have this added to my classroom/ school library. 

I received this ARC from Quarto Publishing Group – Walter Foster, Jr. via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

I give this book 3.5/5 stars. If it was not missing pages or information it would receive 5/5 stars.
The Birthday (Detective Natalie Ward #1)
The Birthday (Detective Natalie Ward #1)
Carol Wyer | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The 1st book in the Detective Natalie Ward series
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. “The Birthday” is the first in the Detective Natalie Ward series, a new series by Carol Wyer. A five-year-old girl goes missing at a classmate’s birthday party. Two years later her body is found. Soon after, another little girl, who was also at the party, disappears. Det. Ward is in charge of the investigation and worries it will end like her last job which did not end well.
I enjoyed the story-line involving the disappearances of the little girls. However, her last job was mentioned often and did not move the story along. Also included is the detective’s house life with her husband and two teenage children. I found myself attempting to skim those parts too. For me, the disappearance story-line has a nice pace to it. It does not drag or rush the story. The other parts just broke up that story-line and it did not seem to flow well.
I give this book 3 out of 5 stars. According to the scale used by Goodreads, which means it’s OK. I did not think the book was a waste of time. I would read another book by Wyer but it would not be a priority “to be read” book.
Anne of Green Gables: A Graphic Novel
Anne of Green Gables: A Graphic Novel
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this Graphic Novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I have been meaning to read Anne of Green Gables for years upon years. About a month ago I picked up the audiobook and decided to listen/read it. I really enjoyed the story. It was so beautiful in it's simplicity. When I saw there was a graphic novel on netgalley, I immediately had to download it and read it.

The artwork in this book is spectacular. It's beautifully done and just transports you to the lake of shining waters and makes you feel almost as if you're there with Anne enjoying the day. I loved how simplistic the story was and how placing into a graphic novel just seemed to work. The artwork is simplistic yet complex in its variety of colors and beauty.

With reading the book just a few weeks ago, I did notice a bit of the story missing or redone which is completely understandable. You can't fit everything in all the time. I mention this solely for those kids who might decide to read this instead of the book for school.

All in all, this graphic novel expertly shows you the simplicity of the story and enhances it with the beautiful artwork. If you love Anne of Green Gables, I highly recommend taking a look at this. It's spectacular!
Fitbit Versa
Fitbit Versa
Wearable Technology > Smart Watches
Color Screen (3 more)
Sleep Tracker
Fitness Tracker
Battery Life (1 more)
Not integrated with apple health
So far so good
I had a first generation Apple Watch and after 3 years it broke on me. When I started my journey into smart watches I kept thinking of all of the things I wanted my Apple Watch to do and everything that I used in functionality. Ultimately, I decided to try the Fitbit Versa.

One of the things that I love about the Fitbit Versa is that it is a sleep tracker along with a fitness tracker. That was the one thing I always felt was missing with my Apple Watch. I also love the fitbit app more than the apple health app. It gives you great insight and it seems a little more thorough information on your health, steps, floors, and what not.

One thing that I wish is that the battery life really was the 4 days that it promised. I tend to find that my Versa will need charging on that 3rd day. The other thing that I wish was offered was integration with the apple heath app. I don't use it often but I like when things actually work together.

All in all, this has a better battery life than the Apple Watch & some pretty cool screens.
The Wolf and the Rain
Tanya Lee | 2018
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Voluntary honest review after receiving a free ARC.

An excellent book and fun read, if a bit of a bumpy beginning. It takes a little time to get into it.
After a collapse of civilization due to climate change. The North and South of a country has split into opposites. Divided by a heavily militarized border. The North is chaos and almost anarchy where the only authority are the elite compounds or the gangs there are many ways to die in the harsh living conditions. The people are ruled by superstition and fear. Most of the citizens are illiterate and disease is rampant, even if you go to a "stitcher" it is just as risky or riskier as doing nothing. In the South there is order and an almost totalitarian society where the government uses science and logic asking for complete obedience in return. And that you fill out a form for almost everything, even when choosing a sexual partner.

Samarra (Sam) is the main character. She has made a new home in the North after escaping from the South. She has a job as a carrier to one of the compounds that inhabit the North. Felling guilty about taking the place of a former teammate and daughter of a friend. She becomes obsessed with trying to find out what happened to the missing (possibly dead) girl.
Meagan’s life ended 2 years ago when her husband walked out the door and died in the war. She had to keep it together for her children and make a life for them to grow and thrive in. She never thought her broken heart would heal until one day the missing piece came back.

Edward left his family to go off to war, thinking he was making the right choice, he knows now it was for selfish reasons not legitimate ones. He was left for dead on the battlefield and now has a second chance at this family. He just has to believe he is worth the second chance.

Meagan has to work hard to get Edward to see that his life was spared for a reason. A reason to fight for his family this time and not fight for the country. He has some limitations with his injuries but she knows in her heart that her Edward is strong as ever. No matter how much Edward objects to her observations.

Edward must work past his own limitations to find his strength within. Seeing his children in a new light reaches deep in his soul and gives him the will to survive and thrive. Together they mend his broken spirit and remind each other of their love and strengths.
The Shining (1980)
The Shining (1980)
1980 | Horror
The atmosphere is perfect. (1 more)
Jack Nicholson gives the performance of a lifetime.
Some of the film is confusing and/or hard to follow (2 more)
Shelly Duvall is underwhelming.
The movie is a tad too slow at times, drawing unwanted attention to how long it is.
Ok, this is the second time I've seen this film. The first time I hated it, even though I really wanted to like it. I found it boring and just pointless, minus Nicholson's truly amazing performance. I decided to give it a second chance because it is considered the greatest horror film of all time, and the current polar vortex just felt like the perfect opportunity to get in the mood. I definitely enjoyed it more this time around. It kept my interest throughout this time around, and there actually is quite a bit to love, but alas, I still find this film highly overrated. There are still so many parts that either don't do it for me or just simply don't make any fucking sense. Maybe I'm just missing something obvious. If that's the case, fair enough, but I don't quite entirely get it. Nicholson is still a god in this film and the film is fantastic at building true tension, but the greatest of all time this film simply is not. Sorry.

Lindsay (1727 KP) rated Storm Taken in Books

Jan 4, 2019  
Storm Taken
Storm Taken
William Michael Davidson | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Technical, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Storm Taken is one action packed but also as some different elements to it. It was enjoyable and really a good way to look at a storm and the way we prescriptive them. Ever wonder what it like to look at thunderstorm and wonder it something of it own.

There a storm that taking be surprised by all. Things start to go missing? Is there someone taking things with out anyone knowing. To the locals on Naples they do not know that the storm is feeding on something until they are trapped on the island and can not get off or anyone can get on the island.

Can a storm feed of fear and make people to turn on one another or will they unite? I wonder about this if a storm really can feed off our fear? Is it some weather weaponize from the government? Is is a freak storm? To know for sure it hard to say. But the story behind it is good. There seems to be few plots and is there a mad man running around?

The author does a really good job with it. There seems to be a bit mystery. We learn that we may need to learn survive and get along with neighbors. Will the families work together or will they start turning on each other?