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Mothergamer (1514 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Monster Hunter World in Video Games

Feb 24, 2018  
Monster Hunter World
Monster Hunter World
2018 | Action/Adventure
Areas are beautiful, exciting monster battles, great gameplay (0 more)
Fun Adventure With Friends
The game is so much fun to play. It's more fun playing with friends and working as a team to take down monsters. The different areas are beautiful and fun to explore. Gathering resources is pretty straightforward and you can craft items and armor. While the gameplay doesn't hold your hand every step of the way, it is very well done. There's always something to do and it's great doing it all with friends and other players.
Full Mother Gamer review here:

David McK (3207 KP) rated Van Helsing (2004) in Movies

Aug 28, 2019 (Updated Oct 7, 2019)  
Van Helsing (2004)
Van Helsing (2004)
2004 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
6.8 (87 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Early 2000s (2004?) movie, that re-imagines the role of van Helsing (from the Dracula novel) as a Monster hunter, rather than the elderly scientist he is usually portrayed as, and with Hugh Jackman stepping into the central role as just that character.

Also starring Kate Beckinsale as Anna Valerious (and, yes, again wearing tight fitting trousers a la Underworld) and with Richard Roxburgh doing all but chewing the scenery as Count Dracula, this see's Van Helsing travel to Transylvania in an effort to uncover the mystery of his past and aid Anna in stopping her family's curse in a film that also sees many of Universals 'classic' monsters (Wolfman, Dracula's brides, Frankenstein's Monster, Jekyll and Hyde) involved.
Monster Hunter International
Monster Hunter International
Larry Correia | 2008 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
One book - I'm hooked!
Well, heck. That’s just what I needed. Another bloody series to get hooked on. If the second book is as good as the first, I’ll be well and truly hooked. So, honestly, I’m kind of hoping the second book sucks a bit so I can get off this fan train and save myself some money.

So, in case that first paragraph wasn’t very clear: I loved Monster Hunter International. I was hooked from the beginning, and happily went along for the whole crazy, monster-killing ride. It was just different enough to keep me interested. Oliver Wyman did a great job with the narration. His regular reading voice is soothing, and his voices are very different from each other. He never made me wince like some readers (ie: the guy who read King’s IT) do.

I’m not a gun nut. Not really. I mean, I don’t currently own one. I don’t see the need for automatic rifles. Blah, blah, blah. I do, however, like to shoot them and I like book and screen violence. Therefore, the sheer amount of shoot-em-ups and physical thumpings that went on in this book made me very happy. Pitt, Holly, and Harbinger (and the plot) were just a happy bonus.

One of the things that surprised me was that Monster Hunter International hit what would normally be a climax and cliffhanger scene with about six hours left to go in the audio. After how intense that particular scene was, I wondered how Correia could go on for six more hours. But, I trusted him, and his ass-kicking game had been strong so far, so I listened on. He managed quite well.

This book hit all the high points for me. The main character (Pitt) wasn’t perfect, wasn’t even sure of himself, didn’t feel like he was God’s gift to women, etc. Julie seemed a bit too perfect, but she didn’t have a lot of screen time, so she was easy to forget about. Holly and Trip were great side-kicks. However, Harbinger was the one that won me over. I spent half the novel going “Okay, something’s definitely not right about him? What..” and then when it was revealed, I was totally “HOLY CRAP!” Because I did not expect that.

I am telling you right now, if Harbinger dies in one of the Monster Hunter International books, I will immediately stop reading the series.

Epic fights, interesting story, fun characters, and a great narrator all combined to make Monster Hunter International a clear winner. Highly recommend this book!
Monster Hunter (2020)
Monster Hunter (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Please, please, for the love of God please stop letting Paul WS Anderson adapt beloved video games into "films"
Nothing about Monster Hunter feels rewarding. The narrative is diabolically boring, the CGI is complete ass, the dialogue is dumb, and above all none of it is fun.
This 1 star is purely for a half decent final fight scene, Meowscles, and Ron Perlmans hilarouslty stupid wig.
Tony Jaa going from Ong Bak and Warrior King to shit like this and Jui Jitsu is heartbreaking

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) Feb 26, 2022

Haven't seen it yet but it's that bad huh...


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Feb 26, 2022

It wasn't for me mate but I know a few friends who thought it was ok


Rebecca Hope (5 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Monster Hunter World in Video Games

Mar 22, 2018  
Monster Hunter World
Monster Hunter World
2018 | Action/Adventure
Huge variety in monsters (0 more)
Not a good beginner game (0 more)
Monster Hunter: World
Gave this game a try after watching my boyfriend play it for extended periods. He seems to really enjoy it, so I gave it a whirl. I do enjoy playing it, however, I am a huge newbie when it comes to video games, and for someone like me, it is a little too much for me to pick up. I'm sure that I'll get there, but some of those monsters are pretty tough to beat. Great if you enjoy a good challenge!

Che (148 KP) Apr 20, 2019

My husband is hooked on this game now.


Awix (3310 KP) rated Predator (1987) in Movies

Feb 13, 2018  
Predator (1987)
Predator (1987)
1987 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Testosterone-drizzled SF action movie. Elite team of mercenaries - 'veer wescuers, not assahseens!' declares Arnie at one point - are dropped into Latin American jungle on shady political mission, proceed to kill everyone in sight (maybe they need to reconsider how they think of themselves), discover formidable alien big game hunter has plans to turn them all into trophies.

The cast is charismatic, the action is exceedingly well-staged, and there's a very good monster (Jean Claude van Damme was originally supposed to play the Pred but was sacked for complaining about the suit and not being beefy enough). There's also a surprisingly understated subtext about the Vietnam War, for which fighting an invisible monster in the jungle is a not-unreasonable metaphor. Not far off the quality of the other big-name 80s SF movies; inability to produce an equally memorable follow-up suggests the Predator is a one-trick pony, however.
Monster Hunter (2020)
Monster Hunter (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Everything (0 more)
Absolutely Disastrous
Monster Hunter is the 15th feature film directed by Paul WS Anderson and is based on a popular gaming franchise of the same name. This is not Anderson’s first attempt at a video game movie, as he is arguably best known for giving us the Resident Evil movie series and the 1995 version of Mortal Kombat.

As is the case with the examples above, this film is in no way faithful to the source material. I am not a huge fan of the Monster Hunter games but I have played enough of them to know that they are nothing like what we get in this generic action movie filled to the brim with clichés. Frankly, this movie runs the gamut of mid 2000’s mediocre action film clichés like it is following a formula from a textbook.

When reviewing any movie, – even one as trashy as this, – I always try to find some positives before tearing through the poor elements, but I am genuinely struggling to find anything here that didn’t annoy me or make me cringe. Even the one thing that you would think would be a positive, – the fact that the movie’s runtime is only 103 minutes long, – still isn’t a positive because the film still manages to feel so long and dragged out.

Anderson is a decent director, I know this from Event Horizon and the first Resident Evil film, but at this point in his career it genuinely seems like he isn’t even trying anymore. I’m honestly convinced at this point that the guy just looks at the box art for whatever video game series he is adapting and decides that is all of the research that he has to do.

The technical aspects of this movie are garbage. The editing is abrupt and extremely cheesy with no flow or cohesion, just a ton of hard crash zooms and awkward transitions. The score sounds like royalty free suspense stock music that a freelancer might download for background music for a low budget Youtube video.

Read the rest of my review at:

Anna Marie Green (7 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Monster Hunter World in Video Games

Jul 3, 2018 (Updated Jul 3, 2018)  
Monster Hunter World
Monster Hunter World
2018 | Action/Adventure
Fantastic Gameplay Possibilities (4 more)
Intelligent Monster AI
Climbing Difficulty
Good Community Management
It's Damn Good Fun (If you have $30, buy it.)
Feels Incomplete (2 more)
Experienced Players Lack Challenge
Mediocre Story
Monster Hunter, One Year Later
Monster Hunter: World was Capcom's fiest big success in the Western market. After years of cult status on the DS, they finally broke through to the world of consoles and had so much success that they dubbed MH:W their benchmark for future games.

But should they?

MH:W is, at its core, is a dungeon crawler designed to feel open-world within its own constraints. With beautiful environments such as the Coral Highlands and the toxic areas festering beneath the Rotten Vale, MHW looks and feels much more massive than the trodden paths you follow. Your first hunts feel thrilling as you take different paths to chase your limping prey, and a cycle of different weather, monsters, and endemic life keep you invested in immersion.

But after hunting a tempered Nergigante for the 20th time, things do begin to fall out of place. You experience the malaise of a Saitama-like hero. Have you become too strong?

Challenging fights become the norm. The occasional arch-tempered monster appears, but scaled damage isn't always the same thing as new difficulty.

In the handheld games, there were dozens of monsters with distinct abilities and variations. MH: Generations had 73 large monsters to hunt. You could even play as a palico.

But that variety just isn't in MH:W.

Granted, the game is an experiment and has provided some good content for no extra cost to the players, which is a feat of its own in comparison to all the other big game developers (EA, Microsoft, Square Enix, Bethesda). They also do an excellent job managing weekly challenges and encouraging community between players. Kulve Taroth hunts were a blast and the free meal in the Hub was an excellent bribe.

MH:W still needs more monsters and at least one new environment. Since its release in January 2018, only three monsters have been added to the game: Deviljho, Kulve Taroth, and Lunastra. Behemoth from Final Fantasy is also making an appearance this July. That's a monster every two months. Don't get me wrong here— that's a fair schedule for content release. Overwatch clocks in at about three months for every hero, so two months is a respectable jog for the quality of the quality of the game. Still, even Overwatch -with it's full player-controlled roster- can become a bit of a slog without those regular updates.

The easiest fix? Capcom needs to finally add in G-Ranks with weapon rarities 9 and 10, and the terrifying monsters to match. The other MH games have generally had these ranks, and the MH:W G updates have been teasing us in rumors since the release, yet we haven't seen any evidence of their existence. A massive content update containing new unique weapons trees, rarity 8 varieties of dead-end trees, armor transmogs, new endemic life and monsters, better armor designs, and more material choices... Capcom has incredible potential on their table that could rekindle gamers' interest in helping the Fifth solve the new mysteries of the New World.

Or, god forbid, suffer the gamers by making them by Monster Hunter: World 2 just to feel like they actually completed the first game.
Dracula (English) (1931)
Dracula (English) (1931)
1931 | Horror
7.8 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bela Lugosi (0 more)
I am Dracula
Dracula- such a classic film, such a excellent film. It is so perfect, its a masterpeice. This film really started "the unviersal monsters franchise", this and "Frankenstien". Without those two films, we would have no "unverisal monsters", we would have no "monster/creature films", i mean we still would but their wouldnt be good/the same. So thanks to this film and frankenstein, we got "the universal monster franchise" and films about "monsters/creatures". Also if it wasnt for "Dracula" and "Nosferatu", we wouldnt have any movies about vampires. So once again thanks to "Dracula" and "Nosferatu" we have movies about vampires.

The plot: The dashing, mysterious Count Dracula (Bela Lugosi), after hypnotizing a British soldier, Renfield (Dwight Frye), into his mindless slave, travels to London and takes up residence in an old castle. Soon Dracula begins to wreak havoc, sucking the blood of young women and turning them into vampires. When he sets his sights on Mina (Helen Chandler), the daughter of a prominent doctor, vampire-hunter Van Helsing (Edward Van Sloan) is enlisted to put a stop to the count's never-ending bloodlust.

And of course, you cant forgot about the amazing and fantasic Bela Lugosi. When you think of Dracula, you think of him. He was so perfect as Dracula.

Like i said before this film is a masterpiece and my second favorite film of "the unverisal monster franchise".
The Scent of Dragon’s Blood ( The Tattered Realm book 1)
The Scent of Dragon’s Blood ( The Tattered Realm book 1)
Kova Killian | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
161 of 230
The Scent of Dragon’s Blood ( The Tatteted Realm book 1)
By Kova Killian

When the Knight in shining armor needs saving, you send in his hybrid monster girlfriend. . . and her squishy human friend to save the day.

"It's tragic how something so beautiful has been twisted into something so fearful."

Cree has been on the run from the Dread behemoth King since she was a child for crimes her mother committed.

Crimes. . .

Her mother didn’t mean to.

Cree never thought she would fall for one of the knights that stalk her. . . let alone the captain that protects the king. But she did.

And now he’s cursed.

To keep them both safe, she hides in the realm behind The Mirror.

Humans are strange creatures, but in her short year in their realm, they have time and time again shown their kindness.

Too bad the Hunter finds her. And now her human friend, who has no idea how to protect herself, is in danger of the King and his knights.

At least she found a counter curse for her knight. . . maybe.

So what do you do when the knight in shining armor needs saving? You send in his hybrid monster girlfriend. . . and her squishy human friend to save the day.

This book holds so much potential! The premise was good, the characters were good and it really is something I’d like to see developed. But the whole thing was so rushed you just fumbled through each chapter wondering what the hell. I just couldn’t push past how rushed it was which is such a shame. It also left a lot to guess work to I mean a 40ft Wolf??? Was that her sarcasm?? Or maybe it’s really late and I should sleep!