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Awix (3310 KP) rated Gorgo (1961) in Movies

Feb 12, 2018  
Gorgo (1961)
Gorgo (1961)
1961 | Adventure
5.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The poster tagline 'Like nothing you've ever seen before' is really pushing it a bit considering this British suitamation movie is composed almost entirely of bits from other, better-known films. Generations of British people have grown up believing they've seen a proper Godzilla film when in fact they were just exposed to this in their childhood. On the other hand, Eugene Lourie also directed The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, one of the original Godzilla's main inspirations, so you could say he's just repeating himself rather than actually being derivative.

Soundly scripted with a decent twist and pretty good performances, and the devastation of London by Gorgo's mum in the final reel is well-staged. Persistent rumour suggests that a young John Carpenter made an unofficial sequel, Gorgo Vs Godzilla, but no-one seems to know for sure if this even exists - shame, as on the strength of this outing Gorgo and his mum had potential for their own series. Only really of interest to fans of vintage monster movies, but a distinctive and rather distinguished entry to this genre.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Trollenberg Terror (1958) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Jun 22, 2019)  
The Trollenberg Terror (1958)
The Trollenberg Terror (1958)
1958 | Horror, Sci-Fi
5.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Independent sci-fi movie has the inevitable hokeyness of films of its period but shows flashes of intelligence, until the climax at least. Vaguely Lovecraftian alien creatures take up residence atop a Swiss mountain, rip the heads off passing mountaineers, turn other people into zombies to eliminate nosey psychics, and so on. Fearing the world supply of cuckoo clocks, cheese with holes in it, and multi-purpose knives may be in peril, a group of assorted boffins attempt to sort things out.

Well, at least it's original, if not always in the best of ways. Things proceed in a relatively effective way until the aliens decide to come down the mountain and attack in person, at which point they are revealed to be tentacled monocular blobs entirely beyond the budget of the film to convincingly realise. The same could be said of many alien invasion and monster movies of the 50s and 60s and this is neither the best nor the worst example of the genre from that period.
Love and Monsters (2021)
Love and Monsters (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
7.8 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not too bad!!!
OK so I will start out by saying, do not watch the trailer! Unfortunately it is one of those trailers that show most if not all of the monsters your about to watch!

The film itself is pretty good it's cheesy got a bit of comedy but overall its just a good monster movie, it didn't wow me but kept me hooked enough to stick to it. It starts out explaining how and where all the big monsters came from, you slowly get introduced to the characters as the story unfolds. The main reason for the film if this guy hasn't seen the love of his life in 7 years, and is fed up of waiting around so decides to take a dangerous 7 day hike to reach her, but with monsters in his way every day is a struggle but he has good company with him, the adorable dog he met called Boy. But when he finally reaches his girlfriend a few problems are thrown into the mix.

Definitely worth the watch if you have the time!
Beginning of the End (1957)
Beginning of the End (1957)
1957 | Horror, Sci-Fi
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Minor entry in the 50s atomic bug cycle hits nearly all the same beats as Them!, only on a much lower budget. Scientists playing with atoms accidentally make grasshoppers grow to giant size; they naturally start trying to eat Chicago. Peter Graves captures a grasshopper and hooks it up to a lie detector in the hope of finding a solution. (This really is the plot.)

Sort-of has a reputation as one of the worst films ever made, but it's decently structured despite a few corny sections and has a go at providing all the things you want from a sci-fi B-movie about monster insects. The stink around the film come from the special effects, which are frequently dreadful, but on the other hand the script is wildly overambitious and the effects guys are clearly doing the best they can in a hopeless situation. It's still a rip-off largely facilitated by a combination of stock footage and inept back-projection, but by no means unwatchable. Them! is still vastly better in every respect, though.
Love and Monsters (2021)
Love and Monsters (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
7.8 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Man, I was expecting some good old fashioned silly nonsense out of this, but it turned out to be a whole buttload of fun, and stupidly wholesome.
Dylan O'Brien plays a perfect down-on-his-luck, sort of loser who everyone can relate to, and makes for a hugely likable lead. The story of Joel and his dog, Boy, wondering a post apocalyptic, monster-infested America is an engaging one, full of decent set pieces, great CG work, and colourful characters. It almost feels like a family friendly version of The Last of Us, which is absolutely fine with me whilst we wait for the HBO series to land. It's certainly the closest thing we have to a Fallout movie. The pacing is spot on, with plenty of funny moments (and a sharp script), a good dose of heartwarming inner turmoil, and well placed moments of peril, ensuring that proceedings never become boring.

Love and Monsters is a blast. I have everything crossed that it will get a sequel!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Konga (1961) in Movies

Sep 7, 2019 (Updated Sep 7, 2019)  
Konga (1961)
Konga (1961)
1961 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Staggeringly camp entry to the annals of man-in-a-gorilla-suit fantasy deserves about a 2 as a serious drama, but earns a much higher mark for sheer entertainment value. Michael Gough chews the scenery energetically as a mad scientist whose stated plans to discover the secrets of life by breeding giant rubber Venus fly traps actually seem to revolve around him leching all over his attractive female students and sending his pet ape Konga to strangle people. It all ends badly, as you might expect.

You have admire a film where people are given lines like 'There's a monster gorilla that's constantly growing to outlandish proportions loose in the streets!' and manage to deliver them with a relatively straight face - or perhaps that's just me. Much here to appreciate if you enjoy overacting, dodgy special effects, absurd melodrama, and terrible dialogue. The climax feels a bit bolted on considering what has come before, and it's disappointingly limp and static, but a hugely enjoyable Bad Movie in all other respects.
Siren Queen
Nghi Vo | 2022
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Title: Siren Queen
Author: Nghi Vo
288 pages
Published: May 10th of 2022

Let's start off by I love the name of the book and the blue color palette on the cover. Blue makes it very pretty and anything that says "Siren" catches my intrest. Even though it's not about that I'm glad I read it. This book is about Luli Wei a beautiful talented wanting to be a star in pre-code Hollywood. In it she knows how the movie business can be very dangerous but she doesn't seem to be bothered by this. She also prefers to play a monster rather than a maid. She learns the worst monsters of all are not on screen but rather in reality around her in Hollywood. She also learns success always comes with a very steep price to pay and it's never lovely. This book caught my attention from the beginning and is well written. It has an interesting story plot and is one book I'd definitely reccomend. Also, reality is just sad.
Dirty Heads
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3 of 220
Dirty Heads
By Aaron Dries

The story of a boy who dreamed of becoming a man… But dreamed up a monster instead

You’re on the run. Marked. Don’t think about the kid you used to be when you’re homeless and dumpster-diving in the rain. Just eat whatever you find to keep your engine full. Because the shadow with too many teeth wants you tired.

You’re easier to catch when you’re tired.

It has hunted you since the summer of 1994, back when we confessed who we were through mixtapes. When every movie at the video store had dirty heads. You were thirteen and thought you knew who you were. Only the shadow with too many teeth knew you better. It still does. And it won’t stop. Not until you come home.

Back to where it all began.

I’ve never read anything like it. It was just one of those books where you are shook to the core but can’t stop reading. So so good. This was so brilliantly written.
    Action Movie FX

    Action Movie FX

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    Apple App of the Year ACTION MOVIE FX lets you add Hollywood FX to iPhone and iPad movies that YOU...


Fred (860 KP) rated Scoob (2020) in Movies

May 16, 2020  
Scoob (2020)
Scoob (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Enjoyable enough
The movie was enjoyable enough & I would probably watch it again, just to try to catch the little Hanna-Barbera references throughout it. The movie starts with the meeting of the gang & then, using a very cool remake of the original theme song sequence, moves ahead to when the gang are already seasoned "monster" hunters. But although I did enjoy it, it had a lot of problems.

Most notably, the voice acting. For some reason, instead of sticking with the current actors who do the character's voices, they decided to replace them with more well known actors. Problem is, most of them sound nothing like the characters, it kind of throws everything off. Will Forte may be the exception as his Shaggy is close enough & of course we do have Scooby's current voice, Frank Welker as Scooby. But then, this is where it gets silly. You have Frank Welker, the original voice of Fred in your movie, but you decide not to use him as Fred. WTF? Really? So you got Fred, Velma & Daphnie played by actors that sound nothing like the characters. Quick mention too about the voices of the main characters when they were kids. Terrible & annoying (quick enough?). The movie also features Blue Falcon & Dyno-Mutt. Since this is not supposed to be the original Blue Falcon, his voice change is acceptable. However, Ken Jeong is just a weird choice for Dyno-Mutt. The character has no personality & is nothing like the character should be. And to be honest, I didn't like the role reversal of Falcon being a coward & Dyno-Mutt not being a screw-up. The main villain of the film, Dick Dastardly, is voiced well, but just like the others, sounds nothing like the original voices, so it throws it off. In fact, if they had not said his name was Dick Dastardly, I would have no idea it was supposed to be Dick Dastardly.

So now, let's talk about Dick Dastardly. In the cartoons, it was either just he & his dog Muttley being the bad guys or he had a few others try to help him. But in this film, they instead have him with a whole slew of robot minions, who I guess were supposed to be like the Minions of Despicable Me, but these guys have no personality at all & the character & the film suffer because of this.

There is also another character in the film. She's Blue Falcon's.....something. Sidekick? Helper? I don't remember her name, nor do I care. She is utterly forgettable & useless. But she's the only person of color I can think of in the movie, so I guess that's why she's there. That's fine, but I wish she had a more prominent role, rather than just be there to fill a gap.

So, why did I like the movie then? Well, it's fun & there were many times I laughed out loud. there were jokes that kid's would definitely not get, that I did. The animation is top-notch & beautiful to watch. There is also a lot of nostalgia factor, whether you're a fan of Scooby or of the dozens of other Hanna-Barbera cartoons of the 70s. The story works well enough, for a Scooby Doo movie& the pacing is nice. There are no points where the movie gets slow or boring. Like I said, I'd probably watch it again & that's good enough.

Fred (860 KP) May 17, 2020

I realized after I wrote this review, as long as it is, that I could have written twice as much. For a Scooby Doo movie.