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Nails (2017)
Nails (2017)
2017 | Horror
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
If you’re looking for a film packed with clichés and continuity issues, I recommend Nails – an Irish film currently available on Netflix. I ended up watching it yesterday with my sister-in-law and while it isn’t absolutely awful, it was definitely something I won’t be watching again.

The movie begins with a bam, jumping immediately into what can be read in the above synopsis. There’s not much of a build up and the characters are awfully flat. In fact, we don’t really get much of a chance to learn anything about them other than that Dana Milgrom, the main character, is helpless and dismissed by her healthcare professionals, and Steve Milgrom is a cheating asshole (because hey, what movie does that not happen in?). There’s also a daughter, and while she plays a major role toward the end of the film, she’s fairly minor otherwise.

What bothers me most about Nails isn’t its dry characters, though. The film is riddled with continuity errors. For instance, Dana is struck by a car and hits the pavement, but her face appears to have been severely burnt after the fact. Also Dana’s broken arm somehow heals faster than her face. Similarly, her stitches don’t lighten up or begin to heal. Later, there’s a scene where she’s tossed haphazardly over a wheelchair, then magically has repositioned herself.

As for clichés, here’s a list of them:

-Creepy scenes accompanied with ear shattering music
-Borderline creeper psychiatrist
-Eric Nilsson is an “angel of mercy” that killed five children then, surprise, killed himself in the same room Dana just happens to be stuck in.
-Hospital has a prior nefarious history and record of poor choices
Steve’s affair
-The dismissal of Dana’s concerns as being a mental issue (though this does have some importance when you consider the current mental health battles, it is hugely overplayed in horror movies without actually addressing the issue itself)

This is just a short compilation of issues I found with the movie. It’s one saving grace really is the type of monster being radically different from what you usually see. I felt Nails, the entity itself, was unique enough to save this movie from a one skull rating. Nonetheless, it could have been a lot better.
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
Anna and the Apocalypse (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror, Musical
There's genuine festive joy in here, yes it's a little blood-stained, but still... festive joy. There are Christmas trees, an innuendo-filled song and Santa, it's probably more on the non-Christmas side of festive watchlists but I'm here for it anyway.

The songs are fantastic, they're fun and catchy with some great dance montages. It really does peak on the musical side of things. My only quibble would be Paul Kaye's song "Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now", it's a little cheesy and doesn't feel quite like the tone of the rest of the film. On repeated viewings though it does grow on you, but not quite enough to jump off the bottom spot.

You do need that comedy villain to hate though and in that respect Paul Kaye certainly does really well. In fact the whole cast were great, and there isn't even a caveat. "They were great... considering it's a monster movie." Every performance fit with their character and they managed to make an apocalyptic film feel really upbeat. Everyone had the right amount of pizzazz in them to make this zombimas spectacular come to life.

Being focused on such a small group and area meant that it was really easy to engage with what was going on. It's filmed really nicely as well with your classic background zombie action for comedy effect. All in all this is an enjoyable (sort of) Christmas film and has something for everyone in the family.

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AJaneClark (3962 KP) Dec 9, 2019

I enjoyed this movie for what it was, a light and festive zombie flick! 🤣 thank you for your review x

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
2019 | Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
Scary Stories to tell in the dark is a film based on a series of children’s books famed for its terrifying art work. The film tells of what happens when a group of children discover the story book of Sarah Bellows, the town’s urban legend who is supposed to have poisoned and killed the children who heard her stories.
Scary Stories is one of those films that takes a mix of different horror elements, put’s them through a blender and sees what comes out; it is part Slasher, as a number of the children get attacked and killed in a variety of different ways, part J-Horror as the children have to find out what it will take to stop Sarah (in a similar style to the Ring or The Grudge), and part monster movie as a variety of creatures are set out after the children.
The one thing Scary Stories isn’t is a children’s film, the monsters are heavily based upon the art work from the original books and, after a slow beginning the tension and atmosphere are ramped up. There are a few jump scares but the film does not rely solely on these and the ones there are, are well crafted, you know something is going to happen but not when. Some of the children do died, although not in bloody ways.
For a film based on a series of stories ‘Scary Stories to tell in the dark’ doesn’t quite become an anthology movie which is a bit surprising, each monster has its own back story however, these back stories quickly become secondary as the hunt for the truth about Sarah takes over.
I think, at its heart, Scary Stories is mostly a classic ghost story, the book is a classic cursed item like the video tape in the ring or the mirror in mirror mirror (the horror film not the Disney one) which is fuelled by Sarah’s anger at the injustices she suffered when she was alive and which can be negated when something is put right. Of course anyone who has seen more than a few horror movies knows that a bad spirit can’t be kept down for long and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark does leave the way open for a sequel.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Jabberwocky (1977) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Jabberwocky (1977)
Jabberwocky (1977)
1977 | Action, Comedy
Little bit Slithy, little bit Frabjous
Oddball comedy-drama that sets the tone for much of Terry Gilliam's career by being visually ravishing but a bit all-over-the-place story-wise. Gilliam's background at the time was in TV comedy, which may explain why so many well-known TV comics turn up in the film - apart from Michael Palin, there's Warren Clarke, Harry H Corbett, John le Mesurier, and so on.

The thing is that this isn't actually very funny - there are the seeds of some good jokes here, but the fact the movie has been filmed and edited in the style of an art-house historical drama kills most of them dead. Still, the medieval period has seldom been brought to the screen with such an authentic sense of filth, squalour, and misery, and the monster suit is pretty good. That said, if you're not into absurd comedy, Dragonslayer (1981) tells a very similar story in a more accessible style.

(And I have to say I'm astounded a film so focused on gore and bodily functions has only got a PG certificate. Caveat emptor.)
Colossal (2016)
Colossal (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
An interesting idea
I remember seeing a trailer for this film when it was first released, and as didn’t play at my local cinema I hadn’t seen anything from it since until it popped up on Netflix recently.

It’s a very interesting idea and a great take on the traditional monster movie. Without going into too much detail, this film really doesn’t pan out the way I was expecting. It took me a little while to adjust to this, but I actually really enjoyed it and the ending was beyond satisfying. It was great to see Jason Sudeikis play something other than his usual type of comedy character, and Anne Hathaway was wonderful as always. I do think Dan Steven was ridiculously underused and they really could’ve given him a much better part.

The effects are a tad dodgy at times but given the low budget, it’s not a massive surprise or issue. I do think there are some slightly irritating plot holes and it does drag a little at times, but overall still a rather good film and a refreshing change to the traditional “Godzilla” style films.

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 2, 2019

I liked this quite a bit more than I thought I would. I think this movie has the distinction of being the very first I rated on Smashbomb! 😊

Humanoids from the Deep (1980)
Humanoids from the Deep (1980)
1980 | Horror, Sci-Fi
5.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Roger Corman-produced mash-up of Jaws and Creature from the Black Lagoon aims for maximum schlock and succeeds; ends up with a vague resemblance to The Shadow Over Innsmouth which it really doesn't deserve. A chemical accident produces a race of fish-men in cheap-ass monster suits who have the hots for anything in a bikini. The disreputable godfather of any number of dodgy Sci-Fi channel movies, and the kind of thing Hannibal used to appear in between episodes of The A-Team.

The odd thing is that credited director Peeters seems to have been trying to make a relatively serious movie; much of the more explicit fem jeop stuff was edited in by Corman having been filmed separately by Jimmy Murakami. The rather primitive production values and slightly stodgy plot means this would never have been a particularly great film, but the brazen tackiness of the fish-want-girls plotline makes it feel that bit more trashy. Doug McClure, to his credit, looks vaguely embarrassed to be participating. These days, much of it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste; certainly less enjoyable than it sounds.
Rampage (2018)
Rampage (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
When three different animals become infected with a dangerous pathogen, a primatologist and a geneticist team up to stop them from destroying Chicago.

Lots of eyebrow action from The Rock, but even that couldn't save him from being upstaged by George the gorilla.

I've got no knowledge of the video game this is based off... but really, who needs it. Yet another film that does what you want it to. It's a solid action adventure with hints of comedy.

The parental advisory at the beginning saying there were crude gestures had me confused. After all I feel like we see that quite a lot in movies but it's never listed on the rating card at the beginning. It all makes sense once you see a giant gorilla flipping off The Rock.

A great monster movie that won't leave you disappointed. I'm almost certain that I'll be seeing this one again. My initial viewing was in 3D, there were no particularly bad parts to it in this but I certainly didn't feel like anything benefited from it.

Classic enjoyable Rock action, love Jumanji, and looking forward to Skyscraper. He's definitely on a roll.

Awix (3310 KP) rated King Kong (1933) in Movies

May 21, 2020  
King Kong (1933)
King Kong (1933)
1933 | Adventure, Fantasy
Landmark pulp adventure provides everything you want from a monster movie and almost nothing you don't want. Surely everyone knows the plot of one of the most famous films of all time? Blonde, island, gorilla, tall building, biplanes.

The reason King Kong has endured and been endlessly remade is simply because there's barely a duff bit in it (although Bruce Cabot comes close as the juvenile lead): even the bit with them getting to the island, which could be filler, is smartly filled with brazen foreshadowing of the rest of the plot. From then on it's rampaging and dinosaur fights all the way. Slightly eccentrically structured, in that the whole New York sequence almost feels like an afterthought to the rescue of Fay Wray on the island itself. One also wonders if there was an actual decision to make Kong so sympathetic at the climax, or whether this was a happy accident: if Kong was really intended to somehow be an anti-hero, it's odd that his chief tormentor not only survives but goes on to star in the rush-job sequel. Nevertheless, a groundbreaking classic and the wellspring of an entire genre.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Oh my God...
#godzillakingofthemonsters is overlong, overstuffed, bland & lacks the one thing that at bare minimum I expected from a movie about big #monsters #fighting, EXCITEMENT. Now I quite liked the first #godzilla movie & yes it was to focused on the human element but visually it was really sticking & I found its slow build up to the reveal of Godzilla intense & exciting so that when he's finally introduced fully his presence became that more intimidating & thrilling. Sadly although in this sequel the monsters are given way more screen time at around 2hours the human element is still far to overpowering. That would be fine but its all so #boring & only serves as exposition to move the plot along. Dialog is sloppy/bellow basic & repetitive, acting is average at best & no one is likeable. Story wise its incredibly weak/bare bones which makes me wonder why it takes so long to play out considering we are only all here really to see monsters #fight. Cgi is really dodgy in places & I'm not sure if this is a throwback to past films but it feels odd & disjointed because at times its also impressive like it suddenly found its budget again. For an hour & a half I found this movie terrible with nothing setting it apart from stuff like #sanandreas or #geostorm. There are big set pieces upping the pace but like those movies they are a hollow mess of washed out cgi/badly framed fights that just weren't exciting at all. Why a 3? something changes in the last half hour & things do get a little cool for a bit, the score becomes epic, cgi looks great, theres some nice visual touches, #animation has weight & #action invokes some thrill but by then its all a just a bit to late. Theres also some #beautiful artsy establishing shots at times too throughout the movie & the subtle metaphors about the effects of #nuclear #weapons/war & looking after our #planet are well implemented too but thats about it. Im still #excited for #GodzillavsKong but just hoping this is a case of middle film itis but for now there are way better monster movies out there as i cant recomend seeing this one at all to be honest which is such a shame. #shingodzilla #godzillamovie #kong #japan #anime #gojira #kaiju
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Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) May 31, 2019

Its so hard to get content seen nowadays the hashtags help more people see my reviews easier and fit within the character count on instagram (where im primarily based). I dont know how this site works yet so ive just been copying and pasting then from there. It takes so much of my time to work, watch all these films and write reviews too so i havent been removing all the hashtags to save time. Im sorry if they frustrate you, i will try and start removing them if i can.


Lee (2222 KP) May 31, 2019

I wondered why the hashtags were there too, as it makes things difficult to read. But it kind of makes sense if you're just copying and pasting from Instagram