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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
1975 | Comedy, Drama

"Another all-time favorite would be Cuckoo’s Nest, which was particularly interesting from my perspective because a year or so before the film came out, I had seen the play. I was in college, and I was studying music. I wasn’t into acting or theater or any of that at the time, but a friend of mine was in the play, in a little black box production of the play at the theater department at the University of Montana where I studied music. And I went to see it, and it was, in many ways, an interestingly cast production, but it was brilliant. It was one of the first pieces of theater I saw that had that, you know, that real raw kind of Steppenwolf vibe that really blew me away. So when the movie came out, I kinda felt like, “You know, I don’t think I want to see this movie,” because the play was really so well done. But then I saw the movie, and obviously, [director Milos] Forman and the entire cast, down to people that didn’t even speak on camera, that movie was just so wonderfully done."

Hostiles (2017)
Hostiles (2017)
2017 | Western
In 1892, legendary Army Capt. Joseph Blocker reluctantly agrees to escort a dying Cheyenne war chief and his family back to their tribal land. Embarking on a harrowing and perilous journey from Fort Berringer, N.M., to the grasslands of Montana, they soon encounter a young widow whose family was killed on the plains. The travellers must now band together to survive a punishing landscape that's crawling with hostile Comanches and vicious outliers.

I nearly gave this one a miss, but with my back being a little buggered this week, and cinema seats being surprisingly comfy, I decided to give it a go. Thanks to Cineworld on Twitter for endeavouring to cheer me up with some vouchers too... tonight's movie was accompanied by a free drink and hot dog.

But anyway, to the film!

That had to be the most harrowing beginning to a film I have seen in a very long time. Hostiles has wonderfully crafted pieces, and Rosamund Pike gives such a powerful performance of a mother's loss. Another films that I probably wouldn't have watched before getting my Unlimited Card, but a very surprising, and shocking watch.
Every Pretty Thing (Darby McCormic #7)
Every Pretty Thing (Darby McCormic #7)
Chris Mooney | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was very lucky to win this book in Goodreads Giveaway, and get it approved on Netgalley. Thanks a lot for that. I didn’t have chance to read any other books in Darby McCormimck’s series, but after reading this one, I will try to get other parts as well. This book is seventh in the series, but it can easily be read without reading the previous parts. I really enjoyed this book and it was very indulging.

The main, participating characters in this book were Dr. Darby McCormic and FBI agent Noel Covington. The whole story was mostly described from these two people’s perspective. The book starts by introducing Karen, the survivor of attack. She is trying to find a serial killer, named Red Ryder, who killed her whole family. Then, author introduces Darby and Cooper. Cooper invites Darby to Montana, when Darby gets there, Cooper is gone. Through particular course of events, Darby gets to meet Noel, and they, together start looking for Cooper and Karen. Both of them have their own reasons to look for these two people, while looking for them, they notice that there are some dodgy things going on in the town. Both characters are very interesting and smart. I am quite a fan of strong women in the books, and I really enjoyed Darby’s personality. She is strong, fearless, smart, and very deterrent.

The plot of this book is well thought through, and interesting to read. It flows quite steady during the investigation, showing some turns and twists, but it really spikes towards the end of the book. I would’ve enjoyed this book more, if there would’ve been more suspense in this novel. Around the middle of the book, I kind of lost my interest, to be honest, there were only few turns and twists, but when the author got to the culmination, it was “wow”. I really didn’t expect those things to happen and I was pleasantly shocked. I am very thankful to the author for bringing up a topic about religion, and what it could do to people, if it is used too much.

The writing style in this book was easy to follow and pleasurable to read. I liked short chapters of this book; it didn’t get you bored, and view from different character’s perspectives made it more interesting for the reader. The events of this book are not very suitable for sensitive people, as there is some blood shedding going on in this novel. I really enjoyed the twist at the end of this book, and it got me curious about what is going to happen to Darby next. So, to conclude, I would recommend this book is you are looking for a nice mystery and thriller, filled with unexpected discoveries of a small town in Montana.
A Christmas Candy Killing
A Christmas Candy Killing
Christina Romeril | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sweetly Festive Debut
Identical twins Alex and Hanna have made a life for themselves in a small Montana town, where they have opened Murder and Mayhem, a combination mystery bookstore and chocolate shop. In the time they’ve been here, Alex has become friends with Jane, one of their neighbors. Jane invites Alex over to view a true crime show because she believes that one of their neighbors is the killer still at large at the end of the episode. But when Alex arrives, she finds Jane’s dead body. The police think it was a robbery gone wrong, but Alex wonders if Jane was really onto something. Can she find the killer?

Between the culinary cozy theme and the Christmas setting, I have to give this debut a chance. I’m glad I did. The first couple of chapters had a bit too much background on Alex and Hanna, but once the murder happened, things picked up. I appreciated how the clues were folded into the story. Not that I figured out the killer using them. The characters are good, but they could be a little stronger. Likewise, the setting is good, but could be a little stronger. Both of these are minor complaints since I am definitely ready to visit my new friends and this location again soon. I enjoyed the Christmas timing as well. This is a delicious debut.

Andrea (28 KP) rated Vampire Academy in Books

Aug 18, 2017  
Vampire Academy
Vampire Academy
Richelle Mead | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
Passes the Bechdel test on the first page. (2 more)
Primary relationship is a friendship
Strong female protagonist
Other books in the series are stronger, so keep reading (1 more)
Don't judge a book by its movie
Not about vampires, and that's a good thing.
This series represents some of Mead's strongest writing. While this isn't the best book in the series (I save that distinction for #2, #3, and especially #6) it does give the necessary set up for everything.

The primary relationship with the friendship and devotion between Rose and Lissa. Both women have their own stories through the series and the book easily passes the bechdel test and many others. That isn't to say that the male lead isn't worthwhile; he will most likely become one of your fav "book boyfriends" but his role become bigger later in the books.

While the series contains vampires and is set in a vampiric world (practically no humans in the series) I wouldn't call it a typical vampire book. The vampire setting serves more as a way to introduce a discussion on class structure and politics. We seem more and more of this later in the series.

One thing of note: the primary romantics relationship in this book is between a student and her mentor/instructor. Also, while she is above the age of consent in Montana (where this is set) she is under 18 for half the series.
Love's Mountain Quest (Hearts of Montana, #2)
Love's Mountain Quest (Hearts of Montana, #2)
Misty M. Beller | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love’s Mountain Quest by Misty M. Beller is the second book in her Hearts of Montana series. It can be read as a stand-alone (I have not read the first book yet) and not be left feeling like you are missing something.

Joanna, I thought was an interesting character. She is straight forward, she knows what she wants, and is a strong woman both physically and mentally. I thought Misty M. Beller did a great job of using these strengths while balancing out her softer feminine side. Isaac was more layered than Joanna as the story unfolds. He has a sense of mystery about him right until the very end. I thought both characters balanced each other out.

The storyline follows Joanna and Isaac on their quest to rescue Joanna’s son bouncing back and forth between them and the bandit’s party and their captives. I thought it flowed very well and kept the story progressing at a very good rate.

I give this story 4 out of 5 stars for the interesting characters, the theatrical elements to the story, and for the good flowing storyline. While this story was good, it did not live up to Misty M. Beller’s usual storytelling craftsmanship. I think because there was not as much detail and meaningful interaction between characters. But it was still a good story that I recommend reading.

*I volunteered to read this story in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Heaven's Gate (1980)
Heaven's Gate (1980)
1980 | Action, Drama, Western
Masterpiece or disaster? I think a little of both.
The controversy around the production, editing, release and financial and critical disaster around Heaven's Gate is long over now. The destruction of director Michael Cimino's career and the almost bankruptcy of United Artists over this film are several of the endless stories you can read about surrounding this western epic, but now it is 38 years later. How does the film stand up?

I'd say pretty darn well.

The essential story is a semi love triangle between a rich sheriff, a lawless brute and a prostitute/madam set against the American west in 1880s Wyoming. The story involves the decision by the government to kill anyone stealing cattle for their own purposes even if it is only to feed their starving family. (Kind of hard to explain). The main characters have to decide which side they are on for the slowly building eventual bloodbath standoff climax.

I had always heard about the film and it's extremes, including its length of almost 4 hours, but had not seen until today.

The movie does quite a bit right, but the shining star is the sprawling vistas depicting the American west including Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. Cimino filmed extensively during the "magic hour" meaning he could only film for a few minutes per day during that few minute period between sunset and night.

The film does go on a bit long, but the payoff is worth the wait and I would still highly recommend any film fan give it a try. You will not be disappointed.


Merissa (11765 KP) rated Always (Single Dads #4) in Books

Mar 30, 2021 (Updated Aug 2, 2023)  
Always (Single Dads #4)
Always (Single Dads #4)
RJ Scott | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
ALWAYS is the fourth book in the Single Dads series, and this time we meet Adam, Eric's friend. He now lives in Sean, Eric, and Leo's old house, where he is recuperating from a career-losing injury. He is able to offer a couple of rooms to rent for one of his friend's friends and his son. Cam is trying to hide from the media and wronged people for a while before he disappears again.

Adam does not have it easy - and this story helps bring to light his constant physical pain and mental anguish when someone treats him like he's fragile. Cam has his own injuries, but they're all on the inside. He is (understandably) skittish and is determined to make it to Montana, where he is convinced a better life awaits him and Finn.

This one wasn't as 'light and fluffy' as the others and previous couples still play a big part in the story, especially Eric as he was a co-worker and has his own guilt to contend with. I thought the pacing was perfect, and the storyline was smooth and kept my interest from beginning to end. There are some sexy scenes but they certainly don't take over the story.

This was a great addition to the series, and I can't wait for Nick's story. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 30, 2021
***NOTE: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

Crazy Mountain Kiss takes place in the Crazy Mountains of Montana. The corpse of a young girl who went missing months earlier has been found in the chimney of a rental cabin. The sheriff and her team, along with Sean Stranahan, a private detective, investigate to discover where the girl has been since her disappearance, and the events that lead to her death.

There are almost as many people trying to impede the investigation in some way as there are individuals trying to locate Cinderella's trail. A mix of law enforcement, ranch people, and other colorful (and at times unsavory) characters keep the story interesting. The author does a good job of casting suspicion first one way and then another, keeping me guessing all the way through. I like mystery novels that manage to keep me from figuring out who the culprit is too soon in the story, but that haven't kept some important detail hidden up to the end. This novel is like that. You are privy to every detail Sean Stranahan uncovers as he questions Cinderella's family and acquaintances and searches for clues.

I did feel a little confused at the main characters relationships near the beginning, but since this is the fourth book in a series (but the first one I have read) that isn't too surprising. The author does let you in on what is going on with the main characters, but I think I might have liked the story more and the characters might have mattered a little more to me if I had started at the beginning and had more backstory for them.
Born of Hatred (The Hellequin Chronicles #2)
Born of Hatred (The Hellequin Chronicles #2)
Steve McHugh | 2020 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Born of Hatred ( The Hellequin chronicles book 2)
By Steve McHugh

There was a time when Nathan Garrett was feared. When the mention of his name was enough to stop his enemies in their tracks. That time has long since passed.

When Nathan's friend asks for help investigating a pattern of horrific crimes, he reluctantly agrees. But his investigation leads to a serial killer who is something more, or less, than human, a creature of pure malevolence and hatred.

There are some things that even a 1600-year-old sorcerer hesitates to challenge. But when evil targets those Nathan cares about, his enemies will discover exactly who Nathan used to be. And why they will learn to fear him once more.

Born of Hatred is an action-packed, Urban Fantasy set in modern-day England with historical flashbacks to late nineteenth century Montana. It's the second book of the Hellequin Chronicles, following the widely praised Crimes Against Magic, which introduced sorcerer Nathan Garrett.

I did t think I could enjoy the second as much as the first, I was so wrong!
Loved it!! Written by a Brit the character is English it’s set in England and what’s not to love about Nate!! I love the bloke he’s powerful and funny! This one be brings Hades and Persephone In to the picture and I absolutely love all Hades parts in books! The werewolf pack are brilliant, Tommy and Kasey are great I even warmed to Olivia!! Shame about the romance not working out but a mere mortal isn’t enough for our Nate! The big bad was really chilling along with his ghouls and the barren! We are one step closer to finding the assholes in Avalon. Brilliant read! Ooo and yes the Hellequin is back!!!