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Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Full review here:

Despite the struggles Solo is having at the box office, this for me is a fun ride with some great performances and a real breezy tone that keeps it enjoyable. My reservations (that this movie wasn't needed) remain unchanged after watching it and I can think of so many more stories in this universe that would be a better pick- but taken for what it is, I had a great time with it. And yes, I enjoyed this a lot more than I did The Last Jedi.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
Oh what a spangled web Sony weave: Spider-Man: Into The Spider-verse (2018) #Review
Bringing the multiverse to your friendly neighbourhood multiplex, Sony have finally captured lightning in a bottle for the second time and created a great Spider-Man movie. With (literally) dazzling animation, a breezy and effervescent story and engaging character work, “Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse” delivers the first evidence that, with the right talent behind the camera, Sony’s much longed for Spider-Man centric cinematic universe could just work...

Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn (2 more)
Will Smith is Actually a Great Deadshot
The Two Seconds Batman is Involved
Weak Story (3 more)
Terrible Villain
PG-13 was an Underwhelming Choice
Most of the Characters are Forgettable
A Half-Assed Suicide (Squad) Attempt
After the success of Deadpool six months prior, an R-Rated anti-hero action movie that pushed the envelope, Suicide Squad just felt weak. The movie about DC's most famous rogues should have took a chance on an R rating as well. There's just something not quite right with these characters participating in a (mostly) family friendly romp. They fight black, faceless zombies, sort-of curse, and sometimes make lame jokes along the way. Along with that, there's too many characters crammed into the movie without any previous introduction or characterization. At the very least, Harley and the Joker should have been in an entire Batman movie before the Suicide Squad movie happened, if not Deadshot as well. Instead we get a miniature helping of Batman versus these foes in the early minutes of the movie, and then this ragtag group of baddies is thrown together to fight an evil bigger than themselves without much in the way of good storytelling. It's sad, really, because these characters are compelling in their own right. If DC really wants to have a cohesive movie universe, they need to slow down and build the movie versions of these characters before slapping them all together and expecting people to care. That, or at least give these awesome anti-heroes an equally awesome antagonist to square off with; the Enchantress is just lame.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
My favourite Marvel Universe movie to date...
Contains spoilers, click to show
Now I'm a Thor girl myself and if anyone asked me my favourite superhero it would always be him. However.... I watched this movie a couple days ago and I think it changed my life! It really puts into perspective how loved Iron Man really was and how much Peter looked up to him as a father figure. It's quite emotional and if I could cry I'm sure I would have. It was also nice to see some closure for poor little Peter and he can finally be happy with MJ... but that ending! I hate Jake Gyllenhaal so personally I'm pretty glad he died and about 1/3 into the movie I said he would be the bad guy... called it! I think I actually screamed a little in the cinema when I watched the end scene.... how can they do this to me!?!

Also like to add... very sad there was no Stan Lee cameo...
Videodrome (1983)
Videodrome (1983)
1983 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Seminal Cronenberg movie, which, being a Cronenberg movie, doesn't easily fit into any other category. Jaded small-time TV executive becomes obsessed with what looks like a hard-core snuff channel, transmissions of which he stumbles across. But the Videodrome signal has a profound effect on his sense of reality and the world around him begins to warp into new shapes...

Starts off relatively conventionally (I say relatively: for instance, Debbie Harry plays a sado-masochistic radio talk-show host) but soon becomes a dense and challenging rumination on the place of the media in modern society and how we perceive the world - with the grotesque mutated imagery for which Cronenberg was then known, of course. A fascinating and powerful movie, still very timely, although it's clear that they couldn't think of an ending. Cronenberg chose to make this instead of directing Return of the Jedi: there's a parallel universe somewhere where the Ewoks were a lot more messed up.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) Apr 10, 2020

Great movie

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
2016 | Fantasy
Alright, but missing something
This movie was visually great, couldn't fault it, the SFX where stunning and the acting was top notch, but the story was too confusing at time

First off the visuals of this movie where sublime, stunning, it felt like I where in the roaring 20's New York, the acting was why you expect from an Academy Award Winner Eddie Redmayne, I liked the chemistry between him and Dan Foglers character, who places a muggle named Jacob, who is kind of thrown into the magical world and is forced to just go with it,

Right now the story, to be there was too many things going off at once, it's like they wanted to set up a universe right off the bat, and not ease you into it, the "Finding of the Beasts" made sense, you could have just had a movie about that, but it started adding in other plot lines, e.g. Ezra Millers story, which just went off the rails a Little, and the added ending was pointless (If you haven't seen it then I won't spoil it)

But this movie is worth a watch for the visuals alone

Mekkin B. (122 KP) Sep 17, 2017

Have you watched The Fantastic Masculinity of Newt Scamander by Pop Culture Detective on Youtube? It's definitely worth a watch!

Power Rangers (2017)
Power Rangers (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Everything is better than the show because they got a better budget and better actors. (1 more)
References to the shows universe and legacy are littered throughout this movie see if u can spot them all
Basically the very first episode of power rangers but updated and expanded upon which isn't necessarily a bad thing but letting u know that it's not a new team just a reimagining (1 more)
Only the last half is power Rangers stuff which is understandable because it's an origin story so be warned in case ur expecting ranger stuff throughout
How a power rangers movie should be!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Overall this movie was mixed for me I didn't hate it but I didn't like it way I can describe it is if DC got ahold of it.

The movies fine but don't expect too much from it also be aware this is a reimagining of the mighty Morphin Power rangers first episode so it's not a new team or a sequel to a season just it's own thing.

The cast owns it in this movie especially the blue ranger billy. Also the suits look awesome and the megazord is pretty awesome too.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
The Cast, The Music, The Comedy (0 more)
The Villians, Retreaded plot points from the first film (0 more)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is a hilarious romp of a superhero movie. Chris Pratt and friends return as the titular Guardians a few months or so removed from the first film. This time Star-Lord and friends must figure out the mystery of Ego The living planet and Star-Lord's origins. Writer/Director James Gunn strikes gold once again in this highly anticipated sequel. The way he has portrayed this ragtag team has set them apart from other heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. My only issues would be the retread of the whole "we are family" story. Vol. 1 already established that they became tight-knit through their trials on Xandar. The other would of course the weak villian of the film with the whole take over the universe plot point. Other than that it is a solid film.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Covered about 30 yrs of saga plot holes. (0 more)
Was literally a plot filler. (0 more)
Plot filler : a star wars story
Ok so Rogue one looked like it had the potential to be something new and continue to grow afterwards, but what we got was a movie that was literally just made to cover decades of plot holes, piss off fans and cash in on a major franchise!
This was the Suicide Squad of the star wars universe, only better characters, better story and people kinda enjoyed it.
It had its usual great VFX but a more darker grittier tone which worked well with the story.

Unfortunately this movie didn't even have any of the good scenes from the trailer which one can only assume ended up on the cutting floor.

David McK (3251 KP) rated Aquaman (2018) in Movies

Jan 20, 2019 (Updated Dec 8, 2022)  
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Well, that was .. colourful.

Aquaman, as a character, is one that I'm not really that familiar with, only really coming onto my radar as a result of the 2017 movie Justice League.

Here, Jason Momoa reprises his role from that movie as the titular Arthur Curry aka Aquaman of the title, who finds himself caught in the middle of a brewing war between the Atlanteans and the (unsuspecting) human world.

Far removed from the early (somewhat dour) first movies in DCs Extended Universe - at one stage, an octopus plays a drum (I kid you not) - this is big, bold and colourful, with Arthur on a - literal - quest to recover a trident belonging to the first King of Atlantis that will grant him the powers to avert this war.