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Moonfall (2022)
Moonfall (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Peter Capaldi, Dr Who, 'Kill the moon'

Arthur C Clarke, 'Rendezvous with Rama'

2001: A Space Odyssey.

Any number of Roland Emmerich's own disaster movies.

It might seem odd talking about all those, bit throw them in a blender and the result might be something like this!

I was expecting a traditional end of the world disaster movie - like 2012, say, or Deep Impact, or something along that vein - which the movie does start as, with the moon mysteriously knocked out of it orbit and hence causing all kinds of chaos on good old planet Earth. Roughly about 2/3rds of the way in, though, it completely changes tack, becoming more of a sci-fi spectacle than anything, and closer - perhaps - to one of Emmerich's own most successful films of the mid 90s ...
Ambulance (2022)
Ambulance (2022)
2022 | Action, Crime, Drama
6.6 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'd heard (read) this described as 'the most Michael Bay film to ever Michael Bay since The Rock', and - after now having watched it - I can see where they are coming from!

This is, essentially, a 2 (and a bit) hour long chase movie, with cops chasing after a hijacked LA ambulance with 2 of the robbers on board - alongside a paramedic being held hostage and a shot cop bleeding out in the back - after a failed bank robbery.

It's all very American (and sun drenched) - the amount of collateral damage and shooting going on would never happen anywhere else in the world (yes, I know it's a movie) - with Jake Gyllenhall in particular putting in a pretty unhinged performance as one of the two robbers.

One of those 'watch and forget' style action movies.
xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017)
xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017)
2017 | Action, Drama
Simple Story Line (2 more)
Action Packed
Good Cast
Bad CGI in some parts (2 more)
Over the top stunts
Action Packed, Explosions and All Around Craziness
Contains spoilers, click to show
Man do I love action movies, but this one seemed to get out of control sometimes. I really do like the XXX series but there were somethings I would change about this one. The fact that Xander Cage was dead and come back was fine, but I would have liked a little back story on where he was hanging out. It also felt like he was doing a good job staying off the grid so finding him that easily and getting him on board felt simple.

The opening scene was OK, that's usually the part of the action movie that is supposed to grab you. But with Gibbons blowing up and not being a part of the movie was kind of sad. I really do like Vin and Sam's back and forth during the movie. Adding a little comedy the way they do is why I like their chemistry on screen. The rest of the plot was simple and straight forward. Only adding a few twists to a movie like this makes it more fun to watch and less to think about what is going on.

I like the addition of the XXX teams, it really showed that something was going on in between movies. Although it made is seem like the "bad" XXX team went rogue, but they were still trying to do right by the country. The team up between the 2 was fantastic, they finally realized they were on the same team and kicked some ass.

Now for the bad, there were times in this movie where the stunt work was too over the top even for me. You can do action without all the flipping and jumping. There are great stunt coordinators out there that can put together a great fight scene with out all extra stuff and still make it a good movie. There were also a few parts of the movie were you could tell it was CGI and not edited very well. The most notable was the motorcycle jet skis on the water. You really could tell how fake it was. Which is sad because it really could have been a cool scene.

Overall the movie was fun to watch, I would see the other 2 XXX movies before jumping into this one. There are a few hidden easter eggs that might make the watch more enjoyable. I wouldn't look to hard into the quality, just sit back and enjoy the show.
The Windmill (The Windmill Massacre) (2016)
The Windmill (The Windmill Massacre) (2016)
2016 | International, Drama, Horror
5.2 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I spend a bit too much time on Facebook, of that there’s no doubt. As a result, I tend to pay attention to what movies my friends talk about. One such friend is horror author Edward Lorn, and one such movie that popped up in my feed because of him is The Windmill.

Set in Holland, The Windmill is a fun film that follows the traditional “haunted locale” story. Like most movies of this nature, viewers are presented with an abandoned building (the windmill), an old legend, and a supernatural being. In this case, the windmill is considered a gateway to Hell, courtesy of a miller that, after making a deal with the devil, ground the bones of his victims rather than flour. When a group of individuals embark on a tour of Holland’s windmills, what appears to be an every day, run of the mill (pun totally intended) attraction quickly turns deadly.

The Windmill‘s cast of characters fits several different roles, from the uppity doctor to the vengeful model and even the cliché mad woman with daddy issues. These characters remain true to their personality types and don’t tend to waiver, even as things continue to spin out of control, for which I am thankful – even though it means that they’re downright horrible people. The acting is fairly well done in comparison to a lot of available horror movies, too.

One of the things that did bother me about this movie was an extremely brief lack of continuity. At the point in which the tour bus breaks down in middle of the road, an incident occurs and the bus falls over. That isn’t altogether strange, aside from the fact that it appears to have been knocked over by a bird flying into the window. Whether that was intentional or not, I did find it to be a bit amusing. Since I don’t consider this to be much of a spoiler, I figured I’d simply point it out.

While The Windmill contains several elements of the slasher genre, it appeals more to the psyche via the use of the demonic haunting and vivid hallucinations that reveal the deepest, darkest secrets of its cast. It’s not the best film out there, but it is certainly entertaining in its own right and is undoubtedly worth the watch for a bit of cheesy horror fun. The title, also known as The Windmill Massacre, can be found on Netflix in the United States.
Funny People (2009)
Funny People (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Drama
6.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
We all have our favorite Adam Sandler movies. There are the fans of The Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates and there’s the loyal camp who can quote Happy Gilmore or Big Daddy verbatim. You hear the name Adam Sandler’s and you think goofy, lovable guy. Dependably funny and quotable, from the mid-90’s on, he was the go-to comedian when we looked for an easy laugh. Of late, with the growing list of popular movies under his belt, when you think goofy, lovable funny guy, another name comes up: Seth Rogan. In “Funny People” you get them both.

Sandler plays George Simmons, a popular comedian who’s diagnosed with a fatal disease. Playing a comedian is hardly a stretch for Sandler, but for one whose dramatic turns can be counted on one hand, he plays the stricken man who’s suddenly face to face with his immortality quite convincingly. Rogan is Ira Wright, a desperate young comic who’s still vying for stage time at the local comedy club. George, perhaps recognizing a bit of himself or seeing a glimmer of comedic genius in Ira after catching his act, hires Ira to write for him.

Ira goes from writer and personal assistant/confidante to opening act as he helps George deal with his illness. He encourages the veteran comedian to reconnect with his compatriots in the business, opening the film to a parade of old faces from the stand-up circuit. George’s reflections on his life eventually lead him back to a lost love, Laura, played by Leslie Mann. Amidst the funny, laugh-out-loud scenes, are some believably tender moments, not just between Mann and Sandler but also, oddly enough, Sandler and Rogan.

Directing the comedic duo is writer/director Judd Apatow, who gave Rogan that growing list of successful movies after first casting him in The 40-Year-Old Virgin. Sandler could certainly use some of Apatow’s Midas-like touch after his recent string of marginal films. With a strong supporting cast of Jonah Hill and Jason Schwartzman who play Ira’s roommates Leo and Mark and Eric Bana, Laura’s husband, the movie is in turns hilarious and puzzling. The strong storyline of a veteran comedian taking a novice comic under his wings gets lost when George pursues a second chance with an unhappily married Laura. What could’ve been a touching passing of the torch tale is confused by an annoying love triangle. When the movie returns its focus to George and Ira, it’s saved, just barely, by the fact that we’re still watching two of comedy’s goofy, lovable funny guys.
Dead Rising: Endgame  (2016)
Dead Rising: Endgame (2016)
2016 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.0 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
There are a plethora of really shitty movies based on Games being released each year. None of them holding a candle to the source material it is based on. However each and every time I get suckered in because I want to be impressed by these attempts, as a movie fan and a gamer I need to be impressed. Lets be honest the premise of the Dead Rising games is just about absurd enough to work as a movie and with this being the second outing well have they learnt.

Based on the worldwide smash-hit video game series, Dead Rising: Endgame is the sequel to Dead Rising: Watchtower. Directed by Pat Williams (Continuum), written by Michael Ferris (Terminator Salvation) and Tim Carter (Mortal Kombat: Legacy) and starring Jesse Metcalfe, Marie Avgeropoulos and Dennis Haysbert.

Journalist Chase Carter Heads back into a quarantine zone to find the truth as to what happened to his partner. He and a small group of Journalists want to expose the creators of the outbreak. What he is going to find is a huge cover up that is going to threaten everything. General Lyons (Dennis Haysbert, President Palmer in 24 “Yaaaay”), is a Military officer who will never let anyone get in his way. Racing against the clock, Chase and crew must slice, hack and use any weapon at there disposal to find there way through the zombie hordes and out of the quarantine zone.

I really couldn’t figure out where I stood with this movie at first. I felt like I maybe should of been on the side of thinking it was hot trash. However the Dialogue all though Cheesy at times suits the world its in. The acting although not exactly Andrew Lincoln levels is pretty damn good for this type of flick. Budget and effects wise I had no complaints you could see they hadn’t cheaped out on the practical or the FX on the Zombies they were genuinely scary and brought a certain amount of originality.

I would recommend you see this movie. Go into expecting a fun action packed romp of a movie. Brad Pitts World War Z this movie is not, Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead Remake this movie also is not, but the best thing is that it knows its not those movies, it knows its a Dead Rising tie-in and it brings all of that together in this glorious fun time at the movies. Who knew Jesse Metcalfe was a total Bad Ass????
Farming (2018)
Farming (2018)
2018 | Drama
No Thank You
A young black teenager struggling with his identity joins up with a gang of skinheads. Despite what seems like an intriguing premise, Farming has to be one of the all-time worst movies I’ve ever seen. Since I’m on a streak of reviewing bad movies, might as well keep the train rolling.

Acting: 5
I couldn’t tell up from down, good from bad from these characters and, while that is attributed partly to writing, I think it falls on the poor acting performances as well. With the exception of a couple people here and there, almost everyone dropped the ball in this movie. It was almost as if they were making something they wanted no part of and, as a result, never really gave themselves over to it.

Beginning: 6
The beginning was good enough to get my attention. However, definitely didn’t love it. Like the majority of the movie, it was missing something for me. Little did I know, I was in for even more disappointment…

Characters: 1

Cinematography/Visuals: 0

Conflict: 3

Entertainment Value: 4
After twenty-five minutes of watching, I knew the movie was pretty much headed nowhere. It’s hard to enjoy a movie when you spend the majority of it breaking down and destroying the main character until it’s no longer interesting. It was like watching someone pick at a dead ant. The more I watched, the more I lacked interest.

Memorability: 0
Never have a single solitary desire to see this movie again. The message sucks. The movie sucks. “Forgettable” doesn’t begin to describe it.

Pace: 6
The pace is solid in spots but the story is so painful it negates that things are moving quickly. I wanted this to end so many times and it wouldn’t. It frustrated me to no end.

Plot: 1
An interesting premise spoiled by terrible execution. The movie should have centered on empowerment, yet it lingered too long on the tearing down portion. Eventually that becomes a bane to your audience and hard to stomach.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 36
I did sympathize with the main character’s culture shock in Farming having to go from African culture to British culture. I can imagine it would almost be enough to drive someone crazy and it definitely did a number on him. I would have liked to see his story told in a better fashion with a stronger glimmer of hope. That’s what we watch movies for, right? To hope for something better than the same old mundane shit we deal with on a regular. Farming dropped the ball and I’m damn sad about it.
The Hunt for Red October (1990)
The Hunt for Red October (1990)
1990 | Action, Mystery
I spent a minute trying to figure out a logline for this movie and I couldn’t quite get a grasp on how to put it into words. Something about a submarine led by a defective Soviet commander headed for American soil and special agent Jack Ryan (Alec Baldwin) having to hunt him down. That’s the best I can do.

Acting: 10
Performances were strong across the board and is not where the movie fell flat in the slightest. Alec Baldwin delivers as Ryan with a sharp charisma that makes the movie just slightly more bearable. I was also impressed with Sean Connery’s role as villain Marko Ramius. Definitely the type of guy you love to hate and Connery did a solid job of bringing him to life.

Beginning: 8
Wasn’t 100% bought in after the first ten minutes, but enough happened to make me want to watch more. While I have seen way better movies in my day, I have definitely seen way worse beginnings too. It gives you a bit of story while creating excitement and intrigue for the story.

Characters: 5
The acting was fine. The characters, on the other hand, bored the absolute hell out of me. None of their storylines or backgrounds compelled me to ultimately care about the story as a whole. How many times have I said bad characters breed bad movies? Couldn’t be truer here.

Cinematography/Visuals: 5
This movie relies a lot on smoke and mirrors. First you see a submarine, then it disappears. You see a missile, then it’s gone. After awhile the parlor trick gets old and so does the story. It felt like their action sequences suffered from a lower budget.

Conflict: 5
The action was mediocre at best. For this to be a movie about dueling submarines, there certainly aren’t a lot of dueling submarines. I can’t think of a better way to say this: This movie is really boring. There is way too much close-quarters talk and not enough actually happening.

Entertainment Value: 6
For every solid moment The Hunt For Red October brings, it gives you more scenes of people just sitting around discussing strategy. The high points were few and far between. It’s not a total dumpster fire, but I was certainly hoping for more.

Memorability: 4

Pace: 2

Plot: 10

Resolution: 2

Overall: 57
Contrary to what you might think, I hate shitting on movies. Sometimes, as is the case for The Hunt For Red October, it’s unavoidable. With such a stellar cast, I was hoping for more.
Only The Brave (2017)
Only The Brave (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama
Strong cast (0 more)
The movie drags a little and is too long (0 more)
A true story that deserved to be told
Only the Brave is based on the true story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots - the first ever municipal fire crew to be certified as Hotshots, which is the name given to the brave firefighters that tackle wildfires on the ground. It's another true story I wasn't aware of, and as with many of the others that have had movies made of them recently, it is just as deserving to be told. My appreciation of the movie, in particular how it all ended, was certainly improved based on the fact that I had no prior knowledge of the story.

Although, we do get to see a number of wildfires throughout the movie and get to fully appreciate the scale and danger that they present to both firefighters and residents in the path of destruction, Only the Brave never descends into an over-the-top disaster blockbuster. Instead, the movies main focus is often on the team of firefighter themselves, their family lives, and how they juggle all of that along with such an intensely demanding work life. At times though, this side of the movie doesn't work so well as we constantly meander through some of the less interesting parts of the lives of the crew, and I felt the whole movie could have benefited by shaving about 30 minutes from its run time. There's a great, all-star cast to help things along though - Josh Brolin is supervisor Eric Marsh, Miles Teller one of his rookies, and that's just the start of it. Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Connelly, and Andie MacDowell all feature in strong supporting roles.

Despite its slow start and extended run time, I definitely found Only the Brave an enjoyable and emotional story.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
For me, this was just a perfect movie
After the intensity and shock of Infinity War, I was certainly expecting some kind of epic payback and a plan to try and correct or alter the devastating effects of the snap, but I had no idea how that would all play out and wrap things up for us. Marvel have perfected the art of producing trailers which either give very little away, or hint at something which then doesn't even play out the way you expected. Not only did the trailers for Endgame follow that trend, there were parts of the trailers that weren't even in the movie! The result is something which gave me everything I hoped for, and a lot more.

Endgame also manages to include pretty much every single MCU character to date, including characters who you would never even imagine seeing in this movie. And it expertly and effortlessly juggles every single one of them too, weaving multiple plot threads and themes, paying homage to and referencing much of its back catalogue of movies. It rewards an audience that has been invested in these movies all the way, and it does this all perfectly. These are characters that we've followed and loved for over 10 years, experiencing their highs and their lows right there with them. We've laughed with them, felt their pain and their suffering, felt empowered and inspired by them. Endgame is the closing chapter to what has been one hell of an incredible journey and was always going to provide us with heightened levels of all of those emotions. Once again, I certainly wasn't expecting it to do that quite as perfectly as it did, and in as many ways as it did too. For me, it was the perfect conclusion to an incredible saga, and it completely blew me away.