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Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Literally everything about it (0 more)
Speechless. I am completely and utterly speechless. What a WAY to end a culmination of 22 movies over the span of 11 years! I was blown away by every little detail! The PLOT was amazing, the ACTING was amazing, the SETS were amazing, the GRAPHICS were amazing. Actually, no, amazing is an incredible understatement. I would strongly argue that this is a prime example of what a perfect movie looks like. It didn't feel like I was sitting through a three hour movie, if anything the three hour running time HELPED it achieve it's true potential. There was a perfect combination of wit, humour, sadness, joy, and overall satisfaction. The Russo Brothers have outdone themselves once again and set the bar EXTREMELY high to what a good movie should look like. I've said it once and I'll say it again: Avengers: Endgame is the movie of our generation.
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Good laughs and heroes, same old tired stories....
Was waiting to watch this one and had low expectations because I enjoyed the original and figured the sequel couldn't compete with it. But, it was finally on Netflix and the kids wanted to see it, so here we are. I don't know if I've just seen too many movies now or if the writers are just running out of ideas, but this film is basically a paint by number of so many recent films. Within the first 20 minutes, you get an idea of where this is going and who the villians are, and the film follows suit. Sure, the characters are fun as usual, but the story weighs them down and makes the movie feel like its runtime is extremely unnecessary. The kid in me enjoyed the laughs and heroes, but the logical adult in me has seen this story too many times before.
Popstar Never Stop Never Stopping (2016)
Popstar Never Stop Never Stopping (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Musical
Ever since I was born, I was dope.
After watching @The Lonely Island Presents: The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience (2019) , I was in the mood to re-watch one of my favorite movies. I was also aghast that I hadn't reviewed this yet.
I've loved The Lonely Island since Lazy Sunday, and I'm on a Boat was basically the anthem for my senior year of college (university). This is one of my favorite mockumentaries out of all of them. The songs are hilarious, and any movie that starts out with the line, 'Ever since I was born, I was dope', is going to be completely absurd. The crude nature of the songs always makes me laugh out loud, and I have the CD in my car. My favorites are 'Karate Guy', and 'Finest Girl (Bin Laden Song)', and they still make me snort-laugh whenever I hear them.
The humor isn't for everyone, most songs are explicit, with sometimes cringe-worthy detail, but it makes it funnier to me.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
"We're in the Endgame now ..."

The culmination of over a decade of Marvel movies and a direct continuation of Infinity War, this is the film that wraps up what will more than likely become known as The Infinity Stones saga.

It's also quite hard ton discuss without giving anything away: while we all knew that time travel would be a part of the movie (especially given the introduction of the Time Stone in Dr Strange), that did not play out exactly as I thought it would.

Personally, I also thought it spent too long dealing with the effects of Thanos' snap: yes, wiping out half of life would have a profound impact on those left behind, but did we need to go through them all one-by-one? All that served to do, really (IMO) is make an already long film even longer!

A good film, yes, but - for me, at least - it never quite hits the height of the preceding Infinity War.

Awix (3310 KP) rated X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) in Movies

Jun 6, 2019 (Updated Jun 6, 2019)  
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Final main-sequence entry in a film series that made a lot of noise about celebrating difference is likely to be met with indifference (at best). The sense that the X-Men franchise has finally run out of steam is only emphasised by the fact that this is another swing at the Dark Phoenix storyline, which somehow manages to be even less satisfying than the first time they did it.

A thin script and lacklustre direction are mainly to blame; there is the odd decent moment but they are not strung together effectively. Most of the X-Men feel like cardboard cut-outs this time. The usual charisma and acting skill is also largely absent, with only Michael Fassbender making much of an impression. I think it's fair to say that without the X-Men series there would not have been the MCU movies, so this franchise's place in history is assured - but the superhero movie has, ironically, evolved, and this film feels very tired and irrelevant.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Action scenes (1 more)
Underwhelming end to the arc
So after X-Men First Class we got Days of Future Past, which led to Apocalypse, and now Dark Phoenix, While the first three were good entertaining movies, and even though Apocalypse wasn't the strongest it still entertained, and the came Darl Phoenix, which is sadly and wholly underwhelming 1 hour 54 minutes.

Sophie Turner should have shined in the film, the performance felt stilted and in place, painful to watch, the knock on effect from this, you feel no empathy for Jean Grey.

One scene is more laughable than tense when Jean/Dark Phoenix with with Erik/Magneto.

As the house of mouse now owns Fox I suspect a reboot may not be as far away with, on general, Disney / Marvel knowing how to do a great superhero movie.

The best bot about this film ? the badges you can get at Frankie and Benny's
Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)
Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)
1969 | Classics, Drama, History
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Love Love Love it!
Okay so personally I am obsessed with Anne Boylyn and the Tudors period. I have numerous books on the subject and always look for more I can find out on the topic. So naturally this movie came as a treat. For a person who doesn’t watch many older movies it took me couple of minutes to get used to the quality but soon enough I got sucked in.
Both of the actors do an amazing job of portraying the characters and there are many turning points in the movie to keep the viewer entertained. For example my heart broke for Anne after she give birth to Elizabeth and Hendry acted like she just committed the worst crime in the worst. I suppose in his eyes she did, his drive for a son was obvious from the beginning and it’s not like she didn’t promise him one before she became queen.
The movie is definitely worth watching :)
Rough Night  (2017)
Rough Night (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Oh what a night
Four college friends get together to go to Miami for there best friends Jess (Johansen) bachelorette party with the addition of Jess's friend from Australia. Alice (Bell) who is the wild one is Jess's best friend and does not want anyone else to come between them plans a wild weekend with her other friends Blair (kravitz) and Frankie (Glazer) and the addition of Pippa (mckinnion) Well drugs and alcohol get involved along with the person who they think is a stripper and then the unthinkable happens and they have to try and figure out a way out of it. What happens you got to watch

The cast is a who's who in the movie world today. A mixture of action and comedy come together to make this movie. However it is again another movie made of of other movies bits with a higher end cast hoping to make it better. A few really funny scenes but otherwise MEH

Tamsin Clark (15 KP) rated Netflix in Apps

Jan 20, 2018  
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.7 (589 Ratings)
App Rating
Wide range of films and series (4 more)
Well priced and reasonable package options
Good at creating own content
App and site are easy to navigate
Subtitles and captions available
Some genres lack in content (3 more)
Slow to release newer films
Not everything has subtitles
App sometimes malfunctions on Amazon Fire Stick
Good for series lovers
I have used Netflix for a number of years now and the one thing I've noticed is that they aren't the best for being up to date with the latest movies and releases, especially in the horror field. However, over the years Netflix has excelled in producing their own material and have turned out some very stellar series that have truly been worth the watch. They're also very good for kids programs, with the ability to create a child's profile that limits them ONLY to programs rated for under 12s, which is great for my 5-year-old who can always find her favourite cartoons on her tablet using her profile.
Annie (1982)
Annie (1982)
1982 | Comedy, Family, Musical
Everyones favorite redhead
The story or a orphan who believes that her parents are going to be coming back to her ends living with the richest man in the world (Daddy Warbucks) who just happens to despise kids and dogs. The woman who runs the orphanage Mrs Hannagain treats the girls worst than endangered slaves is only housing them for the money she gets from the state and ususes it to buy booze.
Warbucks offers an insane amount of money if someone can prove they are Annie's long lost parents and the only way that can be done is by having the other half of a locket that annie has. Miss Hannigan has the other piece because (well not going to tell ya that part) and trys to hatch a plan to get Annie and all of the money.

The movies based off the musical that is filled song, dance and great cast.