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Awix (3310 KP) rated Lady Bird (2017) in Movies

Feb 26, 2018 (Updated Feb 27, 2018)  
Lady Bird (2017)
Lady Bird (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama
Warm and funny coming-of-age movie written and directed by Greta Gerwig. Seventeen-year-old girl Christine (aka Lady Bird) contends with the last year of school, troublesome romances, college applications, and her fraught relationship with her mother.

You could argue that there's nothing going on here we haven't seen in a dozen other movies, but surely the point of a coming-of-age movie (which is what this obviously is) is that it deals with universal experiences. This one feels fresh and sincere, anyway, even if it isn't actually autobiographical (or so we are assured). It's a bit dismaying to realise that people are now making films which are nostalgic about the 20th century, but the period detail is well-judged, along with everything else. Great performances and some lovely scenes, and very positive in a way that feels extremely of this moment, without seeming overly angry or political. A charming movie that deserves all the success it has achieved.
The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
1974 | Action, Drama
Ninth James Bond film was rush-released to consolidate Roger Moore in the role, also to cash in on fad for kung fu movies at the time; forms part of the 'British civil servant travels by seaplane to sun-obsessed Christopher Lee's private island in search of missing girl, finds Britt Ekland waiting' movement of 1973-4. Bond must engage in battle of wits with triple-nippled assassin Scaramanga. Then-topical subplot about energy crisis trundles along in the background.

Not bad instance of Bond franchise as pure genre movie; decent fights and chases, but only one moment that really deserves a place on the 'best of Bond' showreel (the corkscrew bridge jump). Christopher Lee barely breaks a sweat as the best actor in the movie. Slightly sleazy atmosphere (in places it resembles a softcore porn movie with the sex edited out); you can kind of see why one of the original producers thought the series had run out of steam and departed before the next one.

Awix (3310 KP) rated 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) in Movies

Feb 20, 2018 (Updated Feb 20, 2018)  
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi
Kubrick and Clarke's proverbial good SF movie encompasses the entire history of the human race in 142 minutes (it takes the Fifty Shades trilogy 343 minutes to say considerably less about slightly more trivial matters). Much of the plot is left for the viewer to infer: where do we come from? Where are we going? What is our essential nature? What does it all mean? Probably appears to concern uplift of human race from primitive apes to transcendent star-beings by extraterrestrial forces, with the odd problem along the way.

Not the warmest or paciest of films, but still fabulous to look at and displaying a consummate mastery of image and sound. Probably says something about the film that the only performance most people can remember is that of Hal the computer. Not so much a film with a story as a series of unforgettable linked audio-visual experiences; one of those movies that everyone should see at least once, preferably on the big screen.
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Awix (3310 KP) Feb 20, 2018

Planet of the Apes, too. (Also Destroy All Monsters.) :)


Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 20, 2018

I know. Awesome films!


Awix (3310 KP) rated Haywire (2012) in Movies

Feb 20, 2018 (Updated Feb 20, 2018)  
Haywire (2012)
Haywire (2012)
2012 | Action, Drama, Mystery
5.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
'You should not think of her as a woman. That would be a mistake.'
Rousing action thriller looks on paper like another Besson movie, is actually typically classy Steven Soderbergh genre pastiche. Basically a vehicle for delicate flower of women's MMA Gina Carano to batter the living daylights out of an array of A-list leading men, which she does with aplomb and charisma.

The script is sympathetically structured so Carano doesn't have to do more than the minimal amount of actual acting, but the plot is competently twisty-turny and Soderbergh puts an impressive cast around his star. Some first-class fight sequences and chases, as you would expect. At the time I had my fingers crossed for a new subgenre of pro-celebrity martial arts movies with Carano proceeding to kick in Jude Law, Orlando Bloom, Ryan Reynolds, etc, in subsequent outings, but it never happened. Shame; notable careers have been built on considerably less potential than Carano showed in this film.
Penelope Sutherland is beginning to build her catering company, and landing the job catering the movie her best friend Arlena is starring is in a plum gig indeed. That is until a dead body is found outside the house where the two women live and accidents keep happening to on the set that appear to make Arlena the target. What is going on?

I love movies as well as mysteries, so this combination of the two was right up my alley. It’s a very fun book as well. The pacing was a bit off, but never for very long at a time, and the mystery led up to a great solution. The characters are strong and human, not the over the top characters we can get somethings when movie stars are involved. I’m definitely looking forward to the next in the series.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984)
Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984)
1984 | Adventure, Drama
Umpty-tumpth Tarzan movie goes back to Burroughs and features most of the stuff you'd expect from this kind of thing: posh English couple cark it somewhere in Africa, leaving infant son to be raised by wild apes. He grows up, quickly learns to wear a loincloth so as not to outrage the censor, rediscovers his heritage, and so on.

Christopher Lambert is pretty good as the Lord of the Apes, though the script has to explain exactly why Tarzan has a French accent; Ralph Richardson and Ian Holm are really better in supporting roles, though. If the film has a problem it's that it's just a bit too downbeat and glum for a Tarzan movie - you can take gritty realism just a bit too far, and director Hugh Hudson seems determined to make serious angry points about the evils of imperialism, colonialism, and the British establishment. Still, it's probably preferable to most of the previous, ultra-silly Tarzan movies.
The Raid (2011)
The Raid (2011)
2011 | Action
Best Fight choreography ever (1 more)
100 minutes of non-stop action, it's beautiful in the way the violence is done. Amazing.
Nothing. (0 more)
Wow, just wow
Lots of movies get described as "an adrenaline rush, from start to finish" and rarely do they deliver. The Raid does exactly that. The best fight choreography, its more of a violent dance than fighting...stunning in its visceral display. The story is simple, yet goes deeper than just "get the bad guy". It's survival behind enemy lines, at all cost...but manages to preserve the hero's humanity as well. There are mine.t's of little action, but they are filled with nail-biting tension...and with the rate of the body count, there isn't a guarantee even the hero makes it out alive.

Sidenote: while a different movie altogether, yet with the same feel, if you like The Raid then give Dredd (with Karl Urban) a watch. Also a great film, and highly underrated.
Why Not Me?
Why Not Me?
Mindy Kaling | 2015 | Biography, Humor & Comedy
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full disclosure - I'm not really familiar with Mindy Kaling. I know she's got a show and she's funny. And Ive seen her on random talk shows here and there, but I've never actually watched one thing she has acted in. But she's funny, and her books get lots of stars, so I thought - why not get to know her?

It's written more like journal entries than a biography, and tell the most random stories with the most random thoughts interspersed. She goes off topic A LOT. But I kinda feel like that's how my brain works too, so I could totally follow. I like this girl's style! She's does talk a lot about her struggles to fit it - and I think that's something we can all relate too.

I think I'll be checking out some more of Mindy's books - and probably a few TV shows? Movies perhaps? Its interesting to get to know a celebrity through a book - I might just try it again sometime.
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
1993 | Adventure, Sci-Fi
Why do we like dinosaurs so much?
Just when Spielberg was on a minor low after the critical and box office disappointment of "Hook" in 1991, he decided to make not only A movie about dinosaurs, but THE movie about dinosaurs to turn things around.

The original Jurassic Park is a modern marvel of cinema in many ways, but mostly the ground-breaking visual effects. Yeah, there had been other movies with prehistoric beasts, but none that integrated them seamlessly with human actors before this film.

What a great idea (based on the book) of having human beings visit a remote coming soon amusement park and watch what happens when everything goes wrong.

There are so many iconic scenes, I can't even begin to list them. The T-Rex, the raptors, the spitting ones. It was all just magic.

The tension build to the ultimate climax will never be beaten even with the 27 sequels.

Sarah (126 KP) rated IMDb Movies & TV in Apps

Jul 12, 2018  
IMDb Movies &amp; TV
IMDb Movies & TV
Entertainment, Lifestyle, Reference
8.6 (116 Ratings)
App Rating
A wealth of tv and movie information (0 more)
Ads are becoming a little too intrusive now (0 more)
An Absolute Must-Have
This has to be one of my most-used apps, one I go to on an almost daily basis. We use it for settling arguments over what else an actor has been in, the names of people we can't quite recognise, who the familiar voice in an animation belongs to, if a TV channel has missed out episodes of a series that is being shown and even the dates when a new series is due to be broadcast. One of my favourite things is that it also tells you the filming locations for TV shows and films. I really is a one-stop app for almost all the information you could possibly want to know about movies and shows. I have it installed on my phone, my Kindle and my tablet, and frequently use the website. I would hate to be without it now!