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Mandy (2018)
Mandy (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Oh Mandy
#Mandymovie is an intoxicating & nauseating experience that left my head spinning & my body warm/tingly sunk into my seat. From the second #mandy starts i was simply hooked, #nostalgia running through my body & its #perfect visuals glistening off my eye balls. I felt almost in a #trance with its soothing/#hypnotic #soundtrack & its cinematography bathed in colour Mandy is simply #gorgeous right to its core. Atmosphere begins #beautifully creating so much intrigue, a sence of wonder/#mystery & a massive sense of love/commitment however its not long until this flips to deeply #unerving, #unsettling & down right skin crawling fast. So many scenes are Dialog sparce but with so much depth in the visuals & sound its really not missed or needed at all. An example of this is Cages love for mandy is shown as complete devotion, #passion/commitment like he sees her almost as a godess/his reason to live (shown using glowing light and warm fire acompanied by soft slow dialog) yet other peoples love for her is the complete oposite more as an #obsession, an object or a #desire (shown using pulsing red light, slow zooms and freeze frames and frantic pitch changing broken dialog). Its a masterful way of telling us about the characters & story making us feel/experiance there #emotions rather than wait for dialog to develop them for us. Acting is also stellar with this being #nicolascage best role in a very long time. His character is a #haunted & troubled man & his #pain can be felt deeply whenever he is on screen. Infunces/homages are everywhere here from #darioargento to #fridaythe13th & other #80s #horror movies. Infact mandy could easily be mistaken for a film released decades ago its that well made & its also destined to become a #cultclassic its self. Mandy is an absolute rare gem, every scene its drenched in such style, care & mesmerising #beauty youll be pushed to find another film like it now days. Im being vauge here on purpouse because to watching this film in the dark, on a big screen, turned up loud trully is one of the best experiences ive had watching a film this year. Insanely good & the perfect #arthouse #horror movie. #odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic

Andy K (10821 KP) May 13, 2019

What a great film!


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Captain Marvel (2019) in Movies

May 14, 2019 (Updated Jun 22, 2020)  
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Captain Marvel delivers a solid and safe chapter into the MCU
Contains spoilers, click to show
After 10 years of connected movies, Marvel are finally introducing one of their most powerful characters into their cinematic universe, and there's plenty to be excited about.
It's Marvel's first truly female led movie for a start, and the decision to forgo the original Mar-vell from the comics, and dive straight into the story of Carol Danvers is a wise move.
This decision routes the film in a 90s setting, with plenty of nostalgic call backs (Blockbuster anyone?), and a solid grunge filled soundtrack, that compliments a world that is yet to see The Avengers.

It's fun to see a non jaded Nick Fury, blissfully unaware of the extent of the cosmic universe, and a pleasure to see Clark Gregg return to the MCU as Coulson (a short but sweet roll). Side roles for Anette Benning and Lashana Lynch are nicely fleshed as well.
At this point, I'm still not 100% sold on Brie Larson, but she carries the film well enough for it to be an above average origin story, but honestly, the supporting cast outshines her at times (even Goose the cat threatens to steal the show at times).

As for the villains, well, the trailers painted the long anticipated Skrulls as the main threat, but the movie pulls a right turn midway through, and reveals that Talos and his Skrull followers are actually refugees, trying to escape the clutches of Jude Law and his murderous Kree death squad.

The Skrulls are a welcome edition to the MCU, and sets up a possible Secret Invasion storyline in the future, however, the direction of the story and the script pummels Jude Law into one the most underwhelming MCU villains we've had so far.

By the same merit, this film is all about it's titular character, and I would imagine the writers never wanted that focus to stray - Carol Danvers is here to stay after all.

Captain Marvel is a low stakes, colourful comic book adventure that nicely and safely fills a gap in the MCU, and sets us you nicely for post Endgame stories.
Lords of Chaos (2018)
Lords of Chaos (2018)
2018 | Drama
This Was a Miss For Me
Lords of Chaos is the tragic story of a teenager trying to bring Black Metal to Norway. Let’s get this out of the way now: The movie is a mess. I didn’t feel enriched after watching it in any shape, form, or fashion. Instead, I left with a very bad taste in my mouth and a desire to cut on a comedy after watching something so morbidly depressing.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 2
”What are you watching?” my wife asked from the other room. “Sounds awful!” She wasn’t wrong as the beginning attempts to explain all the W’s to the backdrop of hardcore, in-your-face metal. The music isn’t the problem, but I feel like they should have chosen one or the other: Either jump right into the metal music and set the tone or narrate the backstory first. Both made for a horrible mix.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 4

Conflict: 5

Genre: 3

Memorability: 4

Pace: 1
Show a gruesome suicide. Burn 100 churches. Stab a man in the woods. There was nothing that could be done to really get me interested in this movie. A lot of the film felt like shock value which diminished my interest in what was happening. My eyes spent more time running from what was happening than being engrossed in it. Pacing is one of the most important parts of a movie. You screw that up and it spells doom for the rest of the movie.

Plot: 7

Resolution: 3
One of the worst endings I’ve seen in movies. The worst part is you absolutely know it’s coming, but director Jonas Akerlund decides to make you sit through it anyway. After it was over, I felt like I had been skunked.

Overall: 49
There are some things that this movie did well. As you watch these characters go off the deep end, it definitely feels genuine and real. Unfortunately, for every one good thing I can name about Lords of Chaos, I can think of ten bad. This was a miss for me.
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
2003 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
The car chase scene saved it
I remember when the Matrix Reloaded was released in 2003. The hype train could not have been going any faster and full throttle. The fact that both parts 2 and 3 were filmed back to back and released the same year meant Warner Brothers was betting the farm that the movies would be huge successes and may continue to build a historic franchise for them.

The story continues kind of where the first truly exceptional groundbreaking first film leaves off; however, the tone is much different. I didn't think very much interesting exposition even occurs. The heroes and villains are pretty much the same as the first film. There is some strange Zion dance sequence where you get to see too many nipples and the story is kind of confusing and hard to follow.

When they started talking about the keymaster and gatekeeper, I started thinking of Ghostbusters and kind of laughed about it. They meet some French guy, his girlfriend some some weird twins with white dreadlocks who turn to ghosts whenever they are threatened.

And then comes the highway chase scene...

One of the great film car chases, the sequence goes on forever it seems (like over 30 minutes) and took months to film I had read. Having not seen the film in a while, I was drawn to the edge of my seat as some of the nuances were fresh to me as some of the details faded over time.

I had always thought one of the most the interesting parts of the original film, other than the groundbreaking special effects, was more cerebral meaning we are all sitting in these globules hooked up to the master machine looking like some sort of Borg creature powering the enemy Matrix while drowning in our dreams.

This movie takes a different direction and becomes more of an interesting sci fi drama with one killer car chase scene. The Smith battle at the end I felt was too forced and processed to be epic or interesting.

To be continued... in the Matrix Revolutions

Dean (6925 KP) Jun 3, 2019

You seem to rated this twice?

The Forest of Hands and Teeth (The Forest of Hands and Teeth, #1)
The Forest of Hands and Teeth (The Forest of Hands and Teeth, #1)
Carrie Ryan | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was everything I though it would be and yet nothing like I expected.

Come on, it's a zombie movie. If you go into this novel expecting it to have a happy ending or that no one important will die, then you are going to be gravely disappointed. In fact, after reading the ending, I was such a storm of emotion that I had to go play Pokemon to make it go away. I don't know which was sadder now that I think about it.

First of all, you have to go into this novel realizing that it is in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by zombies. How many books have you read or movies have you watched about post-apocalyptic worlds overrun by zombies where everyone is happy and everything is sunshine and rainbows? That is what I thought. This book is dark and tense and filled with so many secrets that it boggles the mind. Like Mary, I felt frustrated because I knew there had to be more, there had to be something that was not being let out and I wanted to know what was really going down.

Second, do not get attached to any character. There is always a chance that they will die even if they are the main character. I should have remembered this rule, but, alas, I fell prey to people Ryan created. I should have known there would be no happy endings or fulfilled romance in this novel. But I had hope.

The only reason I am not giving this five is because I hate the way Ryan writes. I am sure the novel would not be the same if it was written differently. I just did not like. I often found myself confused as to what exactly just happened or what was happening, probably because I also often found myself skipping over sentences and paragraphs because that is how Ryan writes.

Despite this novel being dark and depressing, it is one of the greatest zombie novels I have ever read and I will definitely be reading the second two.

I mean the second one deals with an amusement park and zombies. How can I pass that up?
Paddington 2 (2017)
Paddington 2 (2017)
2017 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Great Fun
I'm hoping this review doesn't turn into a lovefest, but Paddington 2, like its predecessor, had a way of pushing all of my right buttons. The gang is back with a few new faces to add, like Hugh Grant playing the role of antagonist Phoenix Buchanan. Grant excels in the role as you hate him and love him at the same time. He's smug, playful, and just a downright jerk. The film wouldn't have been the same without him.

The film's humor packs a powerful punch in a number of ways. It's hilariousness comes not just in the things that hit you directly, but the side things happening at the same time. In one scene the Brown family is talking amongst themselves with their usual funny banter while Paddington destroys an entire candy apple in one bite. I'm excited to go back again and revisit some of the things I may have missed.

Paddington's Aunt Lucy has her hundredth birthday coming up and Paddington finds something extremely special to give to her. He decides to get a job and scrounge up his cash to buy the item, but someone else has their sights on the item as well and is willing to stop at nothing to get it.

It's the perfect film to start 2018 off with a bang. While Paddington 2 does have a few extreme moments, those moments are forgivable when looking at the film as a whole. Every kids movie has its extreme moments, but not every kids movies can successfully pass on a positive message without making it look preachy. This is where Paddington 2 shines and sets itself apart.

The message is simple: We get further in life when we help each other and love each other. Now's as good a time as any to reinforce that statement. Paddington reminds us of who we should all strive to be as people. He goes through life without a care in the world and always puts his family and friends first.

A fun and heartwarming ride, you'll find yourself rooting for Paddington the whole way through. I give Paddington 2 a 98. Talk about setting the bar high for 2018! It's gonna be a great year.
I can't help it. I just find Flavia de Luce absolutely delightful. I want to be her friend, her confidante, her laboratory buddy. I confess that the last Flavia novel, The Dead in their Vaulted Arches, was probably my least favorite of the series (though still a fun read), and I was a bit tentative about this one. And it's true, I missed Buckshaw a lot (though probably not as much as Flavia). This novel finds Flavia in Canada, navigating boarding school after discovery that she's to be inducted in the same secret society as her mother.

Perhaps I envisioned a bit more secret-spy training for Flavia than the book delivered - instead, immediately upon her arrival, a dead body falls out of a chimney, and Flavia sets upon her usual course - proving the adults wrong and finding out whodunnit. It's a formula that still hasn't gotten old, because Bradley simply writes Flavia so well. She is such an amazing character - so likable, so true to herself. I can just picture her in the situations in which she finds herself, and imagine the adults around her and their expressions. Flavia has some good interactions with both her fellow students and teachers at this new academy -- many of whom knew her mother. the late Harriet. She proves herself a worthy detective, again, of course, using her wits and chemistry.

The whole Nide business is still a bit odd and confusing to me. I suppose that's the point, but it's hard not to have some resolution - though I suppose we are supposed to be sharing Flavia's similar frustration at this point.

Nevertheless, I am amazed at Bradley's ability to continue to write books that so embody this character. I often try to envision a Flavia film and then find myself hoping it never happens, as I would hate to have the Flavia in my head ruined by the movies.

Definitely worth a read, as always, and now I'm left bereft that I'll have to wait over a year for the next installment of Flavia's adventures.

(Note, I received an advanced copy of this title from NetGalley in return for an unbiased review.)

Dana (24 KP) rated Ready Player One in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I want to start off by saying that I read this for my book club with my friends, not that that changes anything, I just wanted you to know. Also, I did a hybrid reading of this. I would actually read the physical book for about half of it, but the other half, I listened to the audio book. (It's read by Wil Wheaton, y'all!)

Okay, so onto my review. I really enjoyed reading this book. I am not a gamer at all, but I do love 80s references., especially to movies. So even though I didn't understand a lot of the video game references (except Pac Man and a few others), I still understand the overall encompassing love of the 80s culture.

At first, this is a really cool dystopian sci-fi book focusing on a kid who is trying to win an Easter Egg hunt inside of a video game to get out of a crappy situation at home. By the end, there is action, romance, bad guys, and so much more. Kind of like what you would find in a typical 1980s classic film.

I think what I loved most about this is all of the hidden allusions to the 80s. Yes, there are the overt ones like to Ferris Buller's Day Off or Pac Man or Blade Runner. But there are a lot of little moments as well that are subtle that I barely caught. I don't want to give any away, so I won't spoil them on here. This book almost becomes it's own kind of easter egg hunt for the readers.

I loved trying to figure out the clues with Winston. A few of them, I did get, but some I did not. It was still fun trying to write down all of the clues and figure it out like a code cracker.

I loved the relationships in this book, especially since they weren't the main focus of the novel. It was refreshing to see people getting along and working together toward the same goal.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend you see it before you go see the movie next year!
The Rocketeer (1991)
The Rocketeer (1991)
1991 | Action, Drama, Family
Hated it
Me trying to find something I liked about The Rocketeer: "Well that part was cool. Yeah, but it was quickly ruined by x,y, and z. Besides, the terrible part that happened right after made it all for nothing. Ok, but what about...Nope, that was pretty crappy too."

If Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice has taught us anything it's that sometimes superhero movies get it wrong. Not only does The Rocketeer get it wrong, it steps on its own feet before it can even get off the blocks properly. Oftentimes we have the case of decent actors getting placed with a dud of a script, but that's far from the situation here. Sure the actors didn't have much of a chance with the awful writing, but I have the strangest feeling that even if the writing had been superb these actors still would have found a way to muck it up. It's that bad. I'm talking grind your teeth bad.

To its credit, the film doesn't dupe you as it gets off to a terrible start almost immediately. Twenty minutes in and I was already thinking of the number of different things that I could have been doing rather than watching The Rocketeeer. Was it all bad? No, but mostly. The redeemable parts were quickly ruined by their own contradictions. Perfect example, everytime main character Cliff Secord (Billy Campbell) donned the Rocketeer suit, the action was pretty sweet to watch. Considering the fact that he wasn't in the suit for even a full half hour, things soured pretty quickly.

Corny moments abound in the film. I was hoping for a base that was more serious and less campy and all I can say is: Mission Not Accomplished. Between the absolute joke of a villain, the lame plot twist, and a number of other things, I don't know what bothered me the most.

The Rocketeer is the story of an aviator who is on the run from the mob after discovering a jet pack in the 1930's. Yeah, now that I think about it, the plot should have told me everything I needed to know about expectations. Skip it. I give it a 10.
Tomb Raider (2018)
Tomb Raider (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure
The acting is top notch (2 more)
Lots of action
Very loyal to the game series
Would have liked more puzzles (0 more)
The Story of Lara Croft is an interesting one
Watched this last night. As usual, I try not to see any reviews until I see it, so I'm not swayed by other's opinions. And so, not knowing if the movie was liked or disliked, I was able to watch it & make my own opinion.

I am a fan of the game series & love the new entries. I'm very glad they decided to follow the new games for this film & I found Lara's "origin" to be real interesting. I was not a fan of the Angelina Jolie movies. I found her too snooty & arrogant to like the character. But Alicia Vikander plays the characters perfectly. She plays a young Lara, who's tough, but has some vulnerability to her. She's an underdog we can root for, but she can hold her own too. A perfect balance.

Daniel Wu & Dominic West play their parts well. Although I would have liked to have seen Wu pull off some martial arts moves, like his character on "Into the Badlands", but I'm also glad they didn't fall for the stereotypical Asian.

But. a movie is only as good as it's main villain. And this movie has a great one. Played by Walton Goggins, who doesn't get the credit he deserves. This guy is great. He can make you love him & he can make you hate him too. I've never seen him in a bad role.

There's really not much to say about the story, as it's practically a live-action remake of the last 2 video games stories mashed together. You know what to expect, lots of action, lots of raiding of tombs. I kind of wish there would have been more puzzle solving in it. Some of the puzzles were solved without even showing them. Lara just solves them. I kind of wish I could have figured them out. But I guess I'm just used to playing the game & doing everything myself.

Anyway, the bottom line, it's a fun film, well worth watching.