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Architecture & Morality by Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
Architecture & Morality by Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
1981 | Pop
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"There are certain bands that are hard to talk about, OMD, Simple Minds, where their earlier records were just phenomenal, and later on they made records that were too commercial and not quite as strong as their earlier ones. The first OMD album, Dazzle Ships and Architecture & Morality were flawless. They were beautiful, experimental, inspiring records, then a few years on they were making music for John Hughes movies, and they were good at it and I'm glad that they had success with it, but it wasn't nearly as creatively inspiring as the first three records. Architecture & Morality, I mean it's not hard to overdo the hyperbole, but it's a perfect album, so cohesive, and every song perfectly speaks to the other song, the unapologetic emotional quality of it is really inspiring. Even the artwork by Peter Saville, everything about it is perfectly crafted. One of my very odd musical moments was years ago when I was at South By South West in Austin and OMD were doing a reunion show at a BBQ at three in the afternoon, and they asked me to play bass with them. I found myself playing bass with OMD on 'Enola Gay' at a BBQ at three in the afternoon in Texas. It was one of those moments where you told me that actually I'd just done way too much mescaline and I was currently lying on a bed somewhere and making up the whole thing, I'd believe you. It's a shame that a lot of people came to know of OMD through the last couple of records that were more commercial. It's like Simple Minds, the first five albums are amazing, and then they became a stadium rock band. Now you mention Simple Minds and people think about 'Alive And Kicking' and 'Don't You Forget About Me' which aren't terrible songs, but the earlier stuff was experimental and textural and weird. Maybe someone sees OMD on this list and immediately thinks of a John Hughes movie, maybe they'll be inspired to back and listen to Architecture & Morality."

Deerskin (Le Daim) (2019)
Deerskin (Le Daim) (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Anarchic concept and lots of surprises (1 more)
Dujardin and Haenel act well
The violence won't be for everyone (0 more)
Killer styleโ€ฆ but bloody bonkers.
This French movie (with subtitles) by Quentin Dupieux is a black comedy that veers towards the violently absurd. So it certainly won't be for everyone.

- There's an anarchy to the black comedy on show in Deerskin that's mildly exhilarating. It really IS bloody bonkers. But the absurd story, of a man spiralling into a deerskin-lined black hole, is delivered in an extremely entertaining way.
- It's all delivered with a straight face by Dujardin (famous of course as the Oscar-winner from "The Artist"). And very good he is at it too.
- Adรจle Haenel was one of the two lovers in "Portrait of a Lady on Fire" (actually completed after this movie, which has been on the Covid-shelf since 2019). Here she again shows star-power as the barmaid with dreams of hitting the movie-making big-time. Every absurd twist and turn seems to be believable in her hands, once you understand that she is "into it".

- The anarchic story and the extreme violence will not be for everyone. There were 2 walk-outs in my cinema (about 10% of the Cineworld Unlimited audience).
- A few of the lines irritate: Georges mistakenly saying "creditor" instead of "editor" was an example.

Summary Thoughts on "Deerskin": Based on the trailer, I really wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this one. But it has a style about it that is unmistakable. I had no idea where it was going, and the denouement was surprising and satisfying.

It'll be a "marmite" film for sure - some will love it; many will hate it. I doubt there will be much middle ground for this one.

BTW, there is a mid-credits scene, a few seconds into the end credits. Doesn't add much, to be honest.

(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies on t'interweb here - . There's also a new Tiktok channel at @onemannsmovies. Thanks).
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021)
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Horror
5.5 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Taylor Russell - as in the first film, very watchable (1 more)
Production design of the "games"
The script is lazy, lame and insulting to the audience (1 more)
There are a load of plot holes
Totally clueless
I only gave Adam Robitel's original "Escape Room" 5/10. It was perhaps hoping for too much that his sequel - "Escape Room: Tournament of Champions" - would be better.

- As in the first film, Taylor Russell again stands out as a personable, attractive and convincing actress. She deserves a role in something a lot better.
- The production design on the "game sets" is certainly very impressive.

- The fact that SIX people are down with writing credits for this astonishes me. The whole thing comes across as lazily plotted, with virtually no character development of the players. (Yes, even less than the first film.) You might think Nathan (Thomas Cocquerel) as an athletic priest might be an interesting character. I was expecting him at one point to channel the dramatic demise of Gene Hackman's similar character in "The Poseidon Adventure". But no. Nothing much is done with this.
- It's a movie where the more you think about it afterwards, the less sense it makes. Some examples:
-- People are dead, but then again - when inconvenient for the plot - dead no longer.
-- There's some bizarre "daughter kidnap" sub-plot at one point, but that's never referred to again.
-- Acid rain has no effect on a lock... until that is, the rainwater is captured and poured on the lock! Bonkers!
- There's a tragic amount of inane running around and wailing that gets mentally tiresome. You can imagine this written in the script as "Now run down the corridor and adlib some 'teenagers in peril' noises". (This is a best case guess: I'd hate to think that some of the "Quick!"s and "Hurreeeee!"'s had actually been scripted).

Summary Thoughts on "Escape Room: Tournament of Champions": I found this one to be tragically bad. A lame attempt to cash in on the bizarre $155M success of the first B-movie. My personal recommendation: Avoid!

(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies on the web, Facebook and Tiktok. Thanks).

Reggie Watts recommended Slacker (1991) in Movies (curated)

Slacker (1991)
Slacker (1991)
1991 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I just recently saw Slacker, actually, within maybe the last year and a half. It definitely marked a certain bracket of youth at that timeโ€”and more specifically, Austin. But I love the way he captured this lackadaisical, lethargic driftiness, and conversations and characters and life. I love that trick where people are just talking and walking down the street, and then suddenly someone walks out to get something from the mailbox or something and the camera just stays with them and it becomes their story for a moment. That structure totally fascinated me. Even when I was in Seattle in the โ€™90s, that idea of people just hanging out, and you donโ€™t even know what youโ€™re doing, youโ€™re just spending time with people and talking philosophy, but itโ€™s not really going anywhere. Youโ€™re just talking about things to talk about things, and I really identified with that. Iโ€™m surprised I didnโ€™t see it back then. Iโ€™ve walked around Austin and done nothing and just had some random conversations with strangers and that spirit still exists there, to a certain extent. Itโ€™s not what people who are productive members of society would say is a good way to spend time, but I actually think nowadays thatโ€™s kind of a premium. I would like more of that in my life at this point, because just the overstimulation and how much information is pouring in constantly is ridiculous and also kind of false. Thereโ€™s this sense of urgency and importance that we have with time. And a lot of it has to do with technology and the culture that builds around that. But I think a movie like Slacker is hard for people to watch these days. Their attention spans are much shorter, and Slacker is the antithesis. Many of the movies in the Criterion Collection are atmospheric, and sometimes people are like, โ€œI donโ€™t know what to do with this.โ€ But to relax into it and use that as an example of another way of existing, I think, is important. So Slacker both reminded me of a time period and also kind of reminded me of the importance of that way of being."

The Girlfriend
The Girlfriend
Michelle Frances | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This whole story was told from three different perspectives, and I think Laura and Cherry shared the spotlight as the main characters, and Daniel was kind of supporting actor. I really enjoyed reading these different perspectives, I like to see what different characters think and how they analyze the situations. One thing was very obvious to me, that no one would be excepted into the โ€œrich circleโ€ with the name like Cherry. It just sounds trashy to me. I really enjoyed the unique personalities, which characters brought to this novel, as well as the complex relationships between each other. If I would have to pick my favourite in this book, I think it would be Daniel, I liked his personality and was feeling pity, that he was stuck in this crossfire.

Even though the narrative was sometimes quite repetitive to me, I enjoyed it. I liked the twists and turns which author incorporated in this novel, they made me more curious about what else the author has up her sleeve. I can easily see authors personal experience in this book. This book felt like some of the movies I saw, I think thatโ€™s where authorโ€™s knowledge of scripts and film industry comes in, as well as details of the TV serials which Laura was creating. I think that the daughter-in-law โ€“ mother-in-law relationship was quite realistic and relatable to some of the readers, I heard plenty of stories about evil mother-in-laws/ daughter-in-law.

I really enjoyed the easy flowing writing style of this novel, as well as great knowledge of London and rich peopleโ€™s lifestyle. I loved the short chapters of this book, which kept me interested of what will happen next, till the last page. Even though the ending was quite predictable, I think it rounded up the story nicely and left me very satisfied with it. So, to conclude, it is a chilling thriller filled with unique characters and interesting story, which really hooked me, as I really wanted to see how this mother-in-law โ€“ daughter-in-law relationship will evolve. I really enjoyed it and I do recommend to give this book a try.
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
Full disclosure - I hated Iron Man 3 upon release. As a kid, growing up and reading Marvel comics, I was so excited to finally see The Mandarin bought to life, with Ben Kingsley of all people in the role. So when the Mandarin twist hit just over halfway through the runtime, it annoyed me so much that I just couldn't enjoy the rest of the film.

Fast forward a few years and I can just about look past it and find the positives in this threequel.
There's a lot less Iron Man this time around, and a lot more Tony Stark. This isn't an issue though as luckily Robert Downey Jr. is reliable as ever further proving why Iron Man has become the face of Marvel Studios.
There's also a lot of emphasis on his relationship with Pepper (Gwyneth Paltrow), which is a great aspect of this movie. It really drills home how human Tony's story is, even with all the crazy tech flying around.

An issue I do have with Iron Man 3 is the villains however. Marvel Studios are still balls deep in the habit of having boring bad guys at this point, and Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce) is unfortunately another underwhelming antagonist to add to the pile (although I can appreciate that Shane Black didn't resort to another evil-person-in-an-Iron-Man/hero-suit, an issue that seems to plague these movies).
I like Guy Pearce generally, and he's doing his best to ham it up, but it just lands flat and severely de-rails the film as a whole.
Ben Kingsley is great as usual. It's not his fault that the writers fucked with The Mandarin so much, and he works wonders with what he's given.

Iron Man 3 does boast some decent set pieces. Tony's home being blown to shit is a highlight, and the finale is pretty fun and aestheticly fan pleasing with the House Party Protocol. The CGI is near flawless, even 7 years later.

Overall then, not the worst of the bunch but certainly not in the top 50% (for me anyway) but still an important part of the overarching MCU narrative.
The New Mutants (2020)
The New Mutants (2020)
2020 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
So yeah, I actually quite liked The New Mutants. It's getting absolutely mauled online, so I was honestly expecting an absolute shit storm that I was going to hate, but that's not the case.

For a film that was delayed over and over again, and suffered apparent reshoots, I was glad to find a pretty coherent narrative, wrapped up in a modest X-Men package. I say modest because TNM for the most part, is a pretty grounded drama surrounding 5 teens in a facility designed to help them control their burgeoning mutant powers. The first two thirds of the film have little in the way of big superhero moments, some glimpses of powers here and there.
The cast are all believable enough - Anya Taylor-Joy is a standout as Illyana Rasputin aka Magik.
It's also refreshing to see and emphasis on some LGBTQ characters in these kind of movies.

I've been a fan of X-Men comics from a young age, so seeing the likes of some more obscure characters such as Magik, Mirage, Wolfsbane, Cannonball and Sunspot (who has appeared once before in Days of Future Past) is pretty cool. Without going into spoilers, the choices in antagonists is inspired as well.
The whole final act is actually a bit of a treat for people who know a bit about the wider X-Men comics.

Although I found a fair bit to like in TNM, it doesn't quite hit the strides that it could. There are horror elements present, but nothing remotely scary - I can't help but feel that once upon a time, there was a version of TNM somewhere that was a lot more full on. Its a film that whilst ok, has a lot of untapped potential that for one reason or another just wasn't realised, and it feels a little frustrating.

However, it's far from being the worst entry in the X-Men franchise, and the fact that it's finally landed and it's watchable is a small miracle in itself. I was so so convinced that it was going to be complete garbage, and it's nice to be wrong.
Superbad (2007)
Superbad (2007)
2007 | Comedy
It's been about ten years to the day that me and my middle school friends saw this for the first time on television, naturally it became a classic from there since we were the embodiment of all of these guys, in spades - their demeanors, writerly crassness, even their *looks*. Plus it was just funnier than hell on top of that. At the time we saw college and the possible divide of our respective friendships as something that was untouchable, so far away that you couldn't even picture it if you tried. Ten years later, now in my fourth year of college and no longer friends with any of those guys, I view this through a completely different lens - and it's even better now than it was back then. This is still, and forever will be, one of the greatest comedies of all time - nay - one of the greatest *movies* of all time. The way as a middle schooler it depicted what was to come, and now the way it depicts what was - both nostalgic for the past and for the future, it's no wonder every teen sex comedy from then on copied this because it's a goddamned fully optimized template to use. Comedies that touch the two hour mark better be funny as sin and/or at least do some decent emotional heavy lifting. This does both with a colossal ease. I can wax lyrical about my love for this all day: the amount of respect it has for and in spite of all its (totally realistic) crudeness, the way I'm always doubled over in crippling laughter from Cera singing "These Eyes", Christopher Mintz-Plasse giving the Holy Grail of teen sex comedy performances (though... everyone is spotless), the picturesque time capsule of being in that awkward high school/college transition that's done so effectively that we as middle schoolers couldn't see at the time even though now as a college student I can see it depicted right there before my very eyes a la real life, etc. I really don't think a single element is done any lesser than it should be. Hope to still be watching this expertly-made masterpiece again another ten years from now. Comedy perfection.
Divergent (2014)
Divergent (2014)
2014 | Action, Sci-Fi
๐˜‹๐˜ช๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ. Unabashed (better) ๐˜๐˜ถ๐˜ฏ๐˜จ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜Ž๐˜ข๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด ripoff which doesn't just have nothing to say - but worse - it has nothing to say yet *thinks* it has something to say. A fucking terrible metaphor about conformity depicted through surface-level teenage angst and wince-worthy 2014 YA genre tropes while deliberately (and frustratingly) refusing to provide any world-building above routine exposition, but sometimes it's fun! Woodley is pretty crappy but everyone else is solidly engaging, Teller is great as a piece of shit and James is shockingly one of the better 'faceless white beefcake' roles - but of course the winner goes to evil Kate Winslet in full Hillary Clinton mode, pantsuit and all. I fully admit to being enchanted by this movie's stupid little world and it's never unwatchable either, often quite enjoyable - but can we talk about how idiotic of a system this is? You're telling me in order to stop discrimination and foster peace (from some conveniently absent events just known as "the war" [ugh]) they thought it'd be a good idea to make distinctly unconnected factions based on - essentially - a Buzzfeed "What's Your Personality Type" quiz, which aren't allowed to communicate and all of whom evidently hate each other that they then force a bunch of moody TEENAGERS to choose which one they want to be in - the single MOST IMPORTANT AND PERMANENT LIFE DECISION they'll ever make - and AREN'T ALLOWED a single switch EVER (because... reasons, ostensibly you aren't allowed to change as a person); and if they fail or want to choose a different path they just become HOMELESS FOR LIFE. (A sadly close unintentional riff on capitalism, actually). Anyway I like when this gets trippy and when it acts as a slideshow of these supposedly helpful organizations (which don't serve their respective purposes here at all) just start doing a bunch of fucked up things to their new recruits literally from day one but all its non-politics aside I'm sick of when movies like these make the blandest character in the movie not only lead the whole thing, but also make their only discernable personality feature that they're "not like the rest of us". Yeah, no shit they aren't - they're way less interesting.
Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
1987 | Horror
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I, and I can't stress this enough, fucking love Slumber Party Massacre II. It may not be as cinematically mature as the first one, but it's 100% more entertaining and batshit crazy.

The lead characters, as per usual, are walking, talking, clichรฉ slasher victims, but much like the first, they benefit from a decent slab of development, and feel like a believable group of friends. One could argue that the amount of times we get to see their band play is a little over the top but it sort of works.
Some of the shooting style is completely bizarre. A lot of characters talking directly to the camera which is a little cringey, but mainly uncomfortable. This style is also adopted for an extended dance sequence about half way through. Honestly, it's all a bit bizarre but kind of in keeping with the sheer absurdity that is eventually thrust upon the audience.

That absurdity is of course, this movies antagonist, simply credited as The Driller Killer. This dude is dressed head to toe in leather, with a rockabilly style quiff, and sports a huge drill as his weapon of choice, that happens to be mounted upon a demonic looking electric guitar, a guitar he likes to rip solos on whilst simultaneously piling up bodies. I can't truly describe how ridulous this villain is, but he's certainly memorable, full of one liners (surely a direct reaction to the popularity of Freddy Krueger), and you guessed it, even gets himself a musical number (whilst still drilling people to death of course)
This completely off the rails approach to the slasher sub genre is what sets the movie apart from a lot of its peers, and is the reason why it's become such a cult classic.

Slumber Party Massacre II is a movie that was never going to win academy awards, and is considered by many to be another trashy slasher. Personally, I think it's a blast. It doesn't take itself too seriously, the killer is low-key hilarious, it has some decent practical gore, and encompasses everything cheesy but magnificent about 80s horror. It deserves unconditional love.