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Clash of the Titans (2010)
Clash of the Titans (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
6.3 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The creators of this remake of Clash of the Titans changed quite a few things from the original 1981 film. They perfected the special effects, lost all the campiness, but still failed to make an engaging film. Director Louis Leterrier, (Incredible Hulk, Danny the Dog) needs to find a way to redeem himself after this emotionless film.

The script is obviously the problem here, because most of the actors themselves have shown their mastery of the art in recent movies. Sam Worthington (Avatar), Liam Neeson, and Ralph Fiennes are all actors we know and love and they have shown us their capabilities in commanding performances in other films. Unfortunately, Clash of the Titans is likely something they will want to leave off their resumes.

The movie tried to have us empathize with Perseus (Worthington) and the humans in their battle against the Gods, but try as they might, little was felt for either side’s petty grievances. The film began by attempting to explain away a conflict between men and the Gods, but without any degree of detail behind this central plot-line, there was no real tension between the two sides. The characters themselves were poorly established in the beginning of the film. There is no relating to them without understanding their motives in the first place.

The movie stumbled along from subplot to subplot, without giving adequate reasons to the audience why the characters were doing what they did. It is likely obvious from the trailer that Perseus ends up fighting the Kraken, but there wasn’t any reason for him to do so. The Kraken would destroy a city, yes, but he was a prisoner of that city. What reason would he have to fight for a city that was indirectly responsible for destroying everything he loved? Does anyone else see a problem with this?

The special effects were quite stunning in 3D, but some scenes were simply edited with too many abrupt cuts and had too many awkward camera angles, making it difficult to follow the action. Unless you’re taking 3D to “James Cameron” levels of immersion, you’re probably better off getting it right in 2D. Without a compelling story, 3D is just a gimmick.

On a more positive note, the movie clocked in under two hours.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
1977 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Spielberg's best
When people think of Spielberg's best, they'll either jump straight to Jaws or Schindler's List. While both are fantastic movies, there is one movie in my opinion, that is often forgotten & is truly his best. Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I first saw this as a kid, when I forced my parents to take me to see it on their movie night, while my 5 brothers were stuck at home being babysat by my Grandma.

Anyway, let's talk about the movie. From the beginning scene with the planes in the desert, you know you're in for something special. At the time I saw the movie, I was big into UFOs. I knew all the stories, all the alien types, all the photos. I even knew who Dr. Allen Hynek, who ran Project Blue Book, was & recognized him at the end of the film, where he makes a cameo. My dad, who was not into sci-fi & didn't believe in the supernatural, told me many times that this was one of his favorite films because "It could happen".

And that's part of the movie's appeal. It could happen. But it's Spielberg's direction of the actors that makes it seem even more real. The way Roy's family acts when all together is all too real & much like real people would act. Everyone in the film is great. If I had only one complaint about the movie, it would be that Roy's wife leaves him too quickly. It's almost like she doesn't even like him & is so quick to give up on him. In any case, she is played very well by Teri Garr. We meet a lot of strange people on the way too, who also have seen these UFOs, like the whistling guy, who saw Bigfoot once too. And he's believable. Again, it all seems like it could happen.

Then there are the special effects. Done by ILM, who had no peers at the time. The UFOs look like they're there & the Mothership at the end still drops my jaw. Throw in John Williams memorable score & you got movie magic. Whenever I think of this film, I get in the mood to watch it right away. And I usually do. I probably have seen this movie over 50 times & will watch it again & again. Close Encounters is Spielberg's best & my third favorite of all time

Andy K (10821 KP) Jan 22, 2019

So great!

Second Nature (2016)
Second Nature (2016)
2016 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
So this movie couldn’t have found its place in the world at a more opportune time (What with Trump vs Hillary and all). A balls out funny as hell comedy about a woman who against all the Nay-Sayers is going to run for Mayor against a womanizing, no morals and for lack of a better word Ass-hole who thinks the job is already sewn up. Seems standard right?? Well no not really throw in a Magic Mirror and some Freaky Friday gender swapping and you have Second Nature.

Without jumping into Spoilers though, the Kicker is this… Its not our main characters who have swapped roles like in most of these movies. It is the world around them!!!

Set in the small town of Louisburg, a shall we say “Freak Accident” befalls the Mayor. Upon his death it becomes a race to the position between Amanda (Collette Wolf. Hot Tub Time Machine, Interstellar). Amanda has all the best intentions for the town. She wants to protect the citizens including her Grandmother. However she must first overcome her opponent Bret (Sam Huntington. Sully, Superman Returns and Fanboys) Bret thinks he has the whole thing sewn up, loved by all at the city council and a real ladies man. They get into a heated argument one night while Amanda is holding her Grandmas “Magic Mirror” and the roles of Men and Women are swapped leading for some pretty hilarious results. Which actually turns this into a somewhat Social statement at points.

First time Writer/Director Micheal Cross has brought an extremely well thought out and accomplished fresh take on the whole Gender/Body swap genre of movie in a way that I guess I was surprised by if I am honest. The movie has a great cast of characters that all have there moments to shine. A special mention to Carollani Sandberg who plays Amanda’s best friend Nat, she is hilarious in this movie . Wolfe and Huntington have a great chemistry and the laughs in this movie just keep on coming and at a cool 80 minutes it never has time to outstay its welcome. We at 365Flicks highly recommend this Movie, its a good time to be had.

Produced by Nicholas Gyeney under his Seattle-based production banner Mirror Images LTD (Beta Test, Matt’s Chance, The Penitent Man).
Knives Out (2019)
Knives Out (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Donut Hole
Knives out is a classic old fashioned murder mystery given a breath of fresh modern day life to make it one of this years biggest delights. Knives out from the get go clearly and proudly wears a history of films/tv shows that it ows its existence to on both of its arms from Murder she wrote to Hetty Wainthropp a dash of Clue and many other murder mystery stories/tales too. Sets are fascinating with every nook and crany intricately stuffed full of the very things that inspired it almost as if its proud to display and pay great tribute to this sadly almost forgotton genre. As a film its comparable mostly to murder on the orient express mixed but its quirkiness, intelligence and charm help it soar way above that movie. Daniel Craig plays an almost Poirot character and its fascinating to watch his mind tick over and piece the puzzle together gradly along side the viewer. Its a slow burner but not a second of it drags as we follow the gradual and methodical webb spun infront of us. Pieces of clues are scattered everywhere tucked away in subtle background objects, woven into dialog and even hinted at in character names keeping your brain constantly engaged/stimulated and your eyes and ears paying attention. Its all so intricate, gradually layered, unpredictable and intelligent not even once using cheap methoods or reasoning to come to a conclusion. Subbtle themes underline the entire film too pulling the film into the present and making it higly relevant to today's goings on. Characters are deceitful, betray each other/lie constantly and the film depicts how these traits can be just as bad as murder but almost never face the same consequences. Symbolisum and metaphors are also everywhere along with great use of shadow showing inocence and and sinister intent (echoing back to classic film noir movies). Knives out certainly indeed left me smiling and challenged as well as thought provoked and rewarded. A clever, intriguing and facinating movie with a message that in a world plagued with racism, polotical lies, selfishness, deceit, distrust and the internent being used instead of knowledge nothing is more powerful than the wisdom of the old and the kind heart and inocence of a good heart.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) in Movies

Jan 30, 2020 (Updated Jan 30, 2020)  
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Horror, Romance
Pride and Prejudice. Zombies. That's it pretty much!
The book was released a fair while back now, and it's a shame that a film adaption took so long to materialise - by 2016, countless 'quirky' zombie movies in a similar vain had saturated the market, and what we're presented with is a film that tries reasonably hard to be something 'out there' but ultimately feels uninspired.

The main issue I found with PPZ was the actual zombie side of things! The zombies themselves looked great, the make up used is gruesome and effective, but the scenes of horror are seldom, and just quite boring. The final act sees a massive horde introduced into the narrative, but said horde probably gets less than two minutes screen time.
The actual Pride and Prejudice side of things felt way more fun.

The cast is pretty strong, even if a few of the characters are insufferable. Lily James is a great lead as Elizabeth Bennet. Her and her sisters make for a strong band of kick-ass zombie slayers. Sam Riley as Mr. Darcy took a (really) long time to win me over, but I actually ended up enjoying him as well.
Lena Headey is entertaining as a badass eyepatched version of Lady Catherine, and it's clear in moments like this that PPZ is just a bit of fun horror comedy fluff that shouldn't be taken too seriously.
The undisputed highlight of the cast is Matt Smith though. His comedic timing is on point and got a few genuine laughs out of me.

Another thing I found frustrating is the story that we weren't being told...the film opens with an animated story book style flashback of how the zombie apocalypse came to be, and what happened in the ensuing chaos. Even the soothing tones of Charles Dance can't distract me from the fact that this exposition dump sounds like a far more interesting story!
Couple that with the fact that we only get glimpses in the distance of a zombie infested flaming London completely surrounded by a massive concrete wall, and you can't help but feel that the film is a bit of a missed opportunity.

Oh well - here's hoping we get a Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters adaption somewhere down the line!
Dolemite Is My Name (2019)
Dolemite Is My Name (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Perfect Score With No Shame
Dolemite is My Name follows the story of Rudy Ray Moore (Eddie Murphy) and his rise to fame with the creation of his legendary character Dolemite.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
The first five minutes involves a hilarious scene of Rudy trying to get his record played by a DJ (played by Snoop Dogg) who only puts on the hits. It’s a great introduction to the character and his plight. Beautiful way to get things kicked off.

Characters: 10
Rudy would be enough to score this category a ten on his own. His charisma oozes onto the screen, only matched by his never-quit attitude. It’s no wonder he quickly became one of my favorite protagonists in film. Dolemite is My Name doesn’t stop there as each character brings a fun, unique flare to the film. You’ll get to see Wesley Snipes playing the role of actor/director D’Urville Martin. With all the craziness going on throughout the movie, D’Urville remains unamused and his lack of enthusiasm adds a hilarious punch to the film. I also thoroughly enjoyed characters Jerry Jones (Keegan Michael-Key) and Lady Reed (Da’Vine Joy Randolph).

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
Rudy is trying to get a movie off the ground with little money and resources. It feels like everywhere he turns, a new problem arises. The ensuing shakeups keeps things interesting and keeps Rudy advancing the story. Everything crazy that can possibly happen throughout the filming of his movie absolutely does and it’s fun to watch how things unfold.

Entertainment Value: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10

Plot: 10
From albums to movies, you get to see every nuance of Rudy’s journey as the story progresses. Varying other side stories keep things interesting while not deviating too much as to slow the overall pace down. Every little piece works perfectly.

Resolution: 10
Great wrap to the movie that makes you appreciate Rudy even more. It’s both a culmination for all Rudy’s hard work and the true definition of who he is as a person. I appreciate its simplicity and finality, not overstaying its welcome.

Overall: 100
Call me crazy, but at the time of this review, Dolemite is my Name holds the ninth spot in my All-Time Top Ten List. It has everything you want in a movie from funny to heart. Hands-down, it is the best biopic I’ve seen.
Cars 2 (2011)
Cars 2 (2011)
2011 | Action, Animation, Comedy
6.8 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Producer Brad Lewis (Ratatouille)steps into the director’s chair for this sequel that follows racing legend Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) and his trusty sidekick, Mater (Larry the Cable Guy).

Passports are secured and ready to take part in the biggest race on the planet, Lightning and his freinds prepare to take on the best racers in the world. As the first-ever World Grand Prix approaches, cars from every continent prepare for the ultimate competition. But who will have what it takes to become the fastest car on the planet? Just as Lightning McQueen edges up to the starting line, however, his old pal Mater gets sidetracked on a top-secret spy mission that takes him from Japan to Europe. Thankfully Mater’s friends are always willing to lend a helping wheel, and as the race gets under way, everyone shifts into high gear to help out an old friend.

“Cars 2” It’s James Bond meets “Fast and the Furious” and Full of ACTION! None of the characters from the first film are forgotten Of course Tow Mater stands out the most for his hilarious ways of a small town country tow truck who isn’t afraid to do or say anything! Mater is as FUNNY as can be and shares a range of emotions with Lightning . The bond between Lightning McQueen and Tow mater “Mater” are classic as for Mater he encounters a reality check when he’s able to understand how others view him for the first time out of Radiator Springs. When Mater is mistaken for someone else a whole new world of adventure is opened up for him which causes him to grow.

I saw the film with an all ages group in the theater and I observed that everybody was enjoying it as well.

Watching this movie in 3D really made you feel like you were there! It’s funny when computer graphics of animation are realistic enough to make you become part of the story. It is amazing how much technology has changed from when I first encountered Disney animation in the 1970’s.

If you enjoyed the first Cars movie your sure to enjoy this one too! It is a must see! Never a dull moment. A Wonderful start to the Summer of family Movies.
House of Dracula (1945)
House of Dracula (1945)
1945 | Horror, Sci-Fi
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Get The Gang All Together: The Crossover II
House of Dracula- was a direct sequel to House of Frankenstein, and continued the theme of combining Universal's three most popular monsters: Frankenstein's monster (Glenn Strange), Count Dracula (John Carradine), and the Wolf Man (Lon Chaney Jr.).

The plot: This monster movie focuses on the iconic vampire, Count Dracula (John Carradine), and Lawrence Talbot (Lon Chaney), better known as the Wolf Man. Both beings of the night are tired of their supernatural afflictions, so they seek out Dr. Franz Edelmann (Onslow Stevens) for cures for their respective curses. While trying to aid the imposing creatures, Edelmann himself develops a transformative condition, adding to the many ghouls lurking around the foreboding landscape.

The working titles for the film were Dracula vs. the Wolf Man or The Wolf Man vs. Dracula.

Although Glenn Strange appears as the Monster in most of the film, footage of Chaney as the Monster from The Ghost of Frankenstein and Boris Karloff from Bride of Frankenstein was recycled; Karloff appears in a dream sequence, while Chaney, as well as his double Eddie Parker, are seen in footage in a fire scene.

Strange recounts that a scene with the Monster stuck in quicksand was particularly arduous for him. On top of three hours of getting into makeup, Strange spent the rest of the day buried in cold sand, including during the lunch break, and was so cold by midafternoon that he could barely feel his legs. Lon Chaney Jr. attempted to help Strange keep warm by passing him a bottle of scotch, with the result that Strange was so drunk that after getting out of costume and makeup, he had difficulty dressing himself in his street clothes. Chaney's drinking contributed to his reputation as being difficult to work with, and probably was the reason Universal let him go after the film was completed.

The film, which was the seventh Universal film to feature Frankenstein's monster, as well as the fourth with Count Dracula and the Wolf Man, was a commercial success, but was one of the last Universal movies featuring Frankenstein's monster, vampires, and werewolves, with the exception of the comedy Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948), in which all three appear.

Its a fun entertaing horror film starring the universal monsters.
Rambo: Last Blood (2019)
Rambo: Last Blood (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Drama
Rambo's Last Hurrah, Decent Action Flick
Rambo: Last Blood is a 2019 action movie directed by Adrian Grunberg, with screenplay written by both Sylvester Stallone and Matthew Cirulnick and story by Stallone and Dan Gordon. It was produced by Millennium Media, Balboa Productions and Templeton Media and distributed by Lionsgate with producers Avi Lerner, Kevin King Templeton, Yariv Lerner and Les Weldon. The film stars Sylvester Stallone, Paz Vega, Sergio Peris-Mencheta, and Adriana Barraza.

In Bowie, Arizona on his father's horse ranch John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) lives with his old friend Maria (Adriana Barraza) and her granddaughter Gabriela (Yvette Monreal), eleven years after the events in Burma. Against Rambo and Maria's wishes, Gabriela ventures to Mexico to find her estranged father when her friend Gizelle finds his location. In Mexico she is drugged and kidnapped by a Mexican Cartel and now Rambo must do everything he can to save her.

I have to say that before I saw this movie I was hearing bad things from reviewers and critics. That made me lower expectations before I saw it but what I took away from it was that it was going to be lacking story wise but definitely shouldn't be lacking in action. Then I was very surprised to learn that the creator of Rambo said that the movie wasn't good. Now I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy the movie. After watching it, I have to say that this movie was good. I have to be honest and say that usually I'm a sucker for revenge movies but this movie was better than what I thought it would be. The plot, of course was very simple but for the story it was trying to tell, it didn't need to be complicated. The acting was alright, some actors could have done a better job. Stallone did a decent job reprising John Rambo. The setting when they travel to Mexico was pretty realistic and I really liked his ranch in Arizona that was the backdrop for the third act of the movie. The action was really brutal and gory which was expected as the last installment in the franchise Rambo was also equally brutal. All in all I thought this movie was pretty good, I give it a 7/10.
Angel Has Fallen (2019)
Angel Has Fallen (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Thriller
Not The Best In The Series But A Good Farewell
Angel Has Fallen is a 2019 action/thriller movie directed by Ric Roman Waugh with screenplay written by Waugh, Robert Mark Kamen and Matt Cook from story by Creighton Rothenberger and Katrin Benedikt. Producers on the film included Gerard Butler, Alan Siegel, Matt O'Toole, John Thompson, Les Weldon, and Yariv Lerner. It was produced by Millennium Media, G-Base and distributed by Lionsgate. The film stars Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Jada Pinkett Smith, Piper Perabo, and Lance Reddick.

Undergoing training at a private military facility, Secret Service agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) finds himself hiding the fact that he's suffering from migraines, insomnia and self-medicating to deal with severe back pain. He is nominated by the President Alan Trumbull (Morgan Freeman), for the position of Secret Service Director to replace retiring Director David Gentry (Lance Reddick). An assassination attempt occurs during the President's fishing trip and his security detail is killed by armed drones, leaving only himself and Banning the sole survivors. Banning is arrested by FBI Agent Helen Thompson (Jada Pinkett Smith) after finding substantial evidence that Banning is responsible for the attack. After escaping from his captors Banning must evade his own agency and the FBI to find the real threat to the President. To save the country from imminent danger he must turn to unlikely allies and uncover the truth to clear his name.


This movie was all over the place but it was good. I think i liked it better than the last one which was London Has Fallen, but not as much as the original movie Olympus Has Fallen. It was refreshing to see Gerard Butler's character Mike Banning humanized a bit in this film. The plot was a little predictable but I enjoyed the whole man on the run while trying to still do his job angle to it. Like I said the movie was kind of all over the place and didn't have the action scenes as tight as in the other films especially in the middle of the movie but it didn't matter too much overall. Fairly entertaining, it was a good movie to end the summer action movies off with. I give it a 7/10.