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Grave Expectations
Grave Expectations
Alice Bell | 2023 | Crime, Mystery, Paranormal
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a fun read and something a little different to the usual murder/mystery and whilst there are times when I found it a little immature - surprising really as the main character is in her 30's - overall, I quite enjoyed it.

The main characters of Claire, Sophie, Basher and Alex are an excellent eclectic group of people (and a ghost!) and I found their friendship was really well developed and felt authentic; the other characters ... not so much; they were a little stereotypical which was unfortunate. The mystery element was intriguing but the pace was a little slow.

Overall, a pretty good read although it may appeal to a more younger audience than me, i.e., under 30's!

Thanks to Atlantic Books, Corvus and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of Grave Expectations.