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Kyera (8 KP) rated Amina's Voice in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Amina's Voice
Amina's Voice
Hena Khan | 2017 | Children, Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amina’s Voice is a powerful middle-grade novel that I believe is so important for young readers to experience. Amina is a Pakistani-American, so we are given a wonderfully diverse, young voice to understand her world and it is so important in the current world climate. We, as a people, need to foster a sense of understanding and acceptance rather than fear and hate.

One of the events that happen in the books is heartbreaking and you wonder how people could behave in that manner. Unfortunately, these things happen in the real world and it’s dismaying to see people treat other fellow human beings in a less than honourable and respectful manner. It was so wonderful to see the community come together after the event, no matter their race or religion to help their neighbors. It is a ray of light in the darkness.

This short book follows Amina’s life from her sixth-grade classes and middle school friends to her time at the Mosque with her Muslim friends and family. The tale is honest and heartwarming, allowing us into her mind and connecting with her family. Although it is a short tale, it is no less important to read. I would highly recommend it to middle-grade readers (and really anyone else who is open to middle-grade fiction) because it is such a powerful and important read.
Welcome to Nowhere
Welcome to Nowhere
Elizabeth Laird | 2017 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contemporary War
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

The eximious children’s author, Elizabeth Laird, is continuing with her magnificent streak of prize-worthy novels. Her soon to be published book Welcome to Nowhere will be eagerly consumed by fans and new-readers alike. With a contemporary setting and shocking truths, young readers will become more aware of the events happening near and far.

Omar is only twelve, yet has a life style that will seem alien to the majority of readers. Living in Syria, Omar works to earn a wage as well as attends school, whilst also helping to care for his Cerebral-Palsy-suffering brother and three other siblings. Although Omar’s life is not easy, it is preferable to the events he is soon about to witness.

In March 2011, Syria broke out in civil war after the daring behaviour of a couple of schoolboys. After these vandals scrawled the phrase “the people want the regime to change” onto a wall, the government decided to fight back. With shootings regularly occurring in the streets, and bombs falling on houses, Omar and his family flee their city home to live with family in the countryside. However, they cannot stay there for long before danger finds them again. Running from the enemy, Omar and family find themselves on the streets with thousands of other refugees. But, where can they go when they have nowhere to call home?

Although Welcome to Nowhere is set before the development of the extreme Muslim group, ISIS, Elizabeth Laird provides an accurate description of the lives of Syrians and refugees at this present moment. Most young readers, and possibly many adults, may not understand what caused the current refugee crisis and may even regard them as the enemy. This book will open hearts and minds after revealing the terror and destruction thousands of people have faced, their experience of refugee camps and their desperation to be able to live in safety.

As well as revealing truths about the situation in the Middle East, Welcome to Nowhere educates the reader on the customs and beliefs of average Muslim families. Although slightly antiquated – men dominate over women – they are not all that different to the Western world. Omar wants to become a successful businessman, whilst his sister is desperate to go to school and university. Laird also writes of scenarios that are not unique to Syrian citizens, in particular medical conditions such as Cerebral Palsy and the way these people are attacked by social stigmas.

Whilst not labeling this book as ‘exciting’, Welcome to Nowhere is a story that will engage the readers’ attention. As a book with both entertainment and educational value, Elizabeth Laird’s latest book is worthy of significant praise. It is not often that a writer will dare to reveal the gritty truth about the current situation in the world, and thus Laird must be commended for persevering with such a difficult, challenging story. Although targeted at young adults (ages 12+), older readers will also enjoy and learn from this exceptional novel.
Pray for the Girl
Pray for the Girl
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lucy Abbott never pictured herself coming back to Fawn Grove, Maine. Yet after serving time in Afghanistan, then years spent as a sous chef in New York, she's realized her only hope of moving on from the past involves facing it again. But Fawn Grove, like Lucy herself, has changed.
Lucy's sister, Wendy, is eager to help her adapt, almost stifling her with concern. At the local diner, Lucy is an exotic curiosity--much like the refugees who've arrived in recent years. When a fifteen-year-old Muslim girl is found murdered along the banks of the river, difficult memories of Lucy's time overseas come flooding back and she feels an automatic connection. At first glance, the tragedy looks like an honor killing. But the more Lucy learns about her old hometown, the less certain that seems.
There is menace and hostility here, clothed in neighborly smiles and a veneer of comfort. And when another teen is found dead in a cornfield, his throat slit, Lucy--who knows something about hiding secrets--must confront a truth more brutal than she could have imagined, in the last place she expected it . . .

Lucy is trying to heal from her past, so coming home is supposed to help with that.
I love the authors' description of the characters and town.
Very well developed plot with many layers to this novel.
The twist in part 2 was just a big WOW!
The ending I did not see coming at all.
Really enjoyed reading and have no trouble saying highly recommend!!

Thank you Net Galley, Kensington Books, and Joseph Souza for sending above book for review.
Love in Exile
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Full Review</a>
Love in Exile by Ayse Kulin is a family narrative told between 1903 and 1941 during difficult times in Turkey. It occurs after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Balkan Wars and World War I. During this time families were torn apart by politics and war. This story is not just about war and difficult times but also a love story of two people who must find a way to be together despite their family differences and objections.

Sabahat Yedic is a lovely and smart woman who wishes to peruse her education despite the cultural expectations that she finish. She is driven and stubborn and stands up for her wish to complete her goal. Sabahat's family is Muslim. Her family taught her that as a women she should have a good family and children but she believes that her life should be so much more. She persuades her family allow her to continue her education. Sabahat meets a handsome mane named Aram, who is a young Armenian Christian. He has many qualities and views that match the same views of Sabahat. Soon after meeting they fell in love. The two love birds could have allowed their families to dictate who they love but decided to not allow their families choose who to love. They withstand traditions and risk everything to be together.
The descriptions of the city of Istanbul during the time of the story allowed for the story to come alive. I could feel the love and everything that surrounded me as I read.

I received this book from the published via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated The Parisian in Books

May 30, 2019  
The Parisian
The Parisian
Isabella Hammad | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Compelling historical fiction
Midhat Kamal arrives in Montpellier in 1914 to study at the University to become a doctor. He falls in love with his University professor landlords daughter, Jeanette, but he becomes disillusioned with the family, and leaves to continue studying in Paris. He lives here during the war, and becomes friends with other Arabic men during a tumultuous time in the Middle East.

When Midhat returns home to Nablus, he is expected to conform to his fathers wishes, marry a woman from a good Muslim family, and work for the family business. He is thereafter known as The Parisian to those who don’t really know him, because of his style of dress and his outlook on life.

Politics soon begin to affect every part of his life, as the colonial powers of Britain and France flex their muscles. Their unwillingness to learn histories and the way people actually want to live cause untold problems, which actually we still see the consequences of today.

I can see that some may struggle with the French and Arabic peppered through the dialogue (I don’t speak Arabic), but I do think it was used in such a way that I didn’t lose track of what was happening, and it lent some credibility to the story. Midhat slips in french words to his speech when something surprises him, or he feels strongly about something. His second language has become a part of him. Endearments are usually in Arabic as well (it took a little while for me to realise what they were, and there are other words used that aren’t just endearments, I’m sure!).

This is a beautifully told story. It’s hard to read in places - history isn’t always very pretty. But I think it’s important to learn about the past in order to understand the present and hopefully learn from past mistakes.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book to read and honestly review.
Viceroy&#039;s House (2017)
Viceroy's House (2017)
2017 | International, Drama
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The 80:20 Rule.
India, 1947. Churchill’s government has sent Lord Grantham – – sorry — Lord Louis Mountbatten of Burma (Hugh Bonneville, “The Monuments Men“) as the new Viceroy. His mission is to make sure he is the last ever Viceroy, for India is to be returned to independence. But racial tensions between the Hindu and minority Muslim populations are brittle and deteriorating fast. Can India survive as a single country, or will Mountbatten be forced to partition the country along religious lines to avoid civil-war and countless deaths?

Of course, there is little tension in this plot line since we know Pakistan was indeed founded by Muhammad Ali Jinnah (played by Denzil Smith) on August 14th 1947. (In reality, Jinnah’s victory was short lived as he died of TB the following year). The rest of India went on to be ruled by Jawaharlal Nehru (played by Tanveer Ghani). What the film does remind this generation of is the extreme cost of that partition, with riots, mass abductions and rapes, over a million estimated deaths and one of the biggest migrations of populations ever seen. (All of this is largely shown through original newsreel footage, which is effectively inter-weaved with the film).

So as an educational documentary it is useful. However, as an entertaining movie night out? Not so much. After coming out of the film we needed to buy some milk at Tesco and I was put on the spot by the checkout lady to sum-up the film: “Worthy but dull” was what I came up with, which with further time to reflect still seems a good summary.
This shouldn’t have been the case, since the film is directed by the well-respected Gurinder Chadha (“Bend it like Beckham) and boasts a stellar cast, with Bonneville supported by Gillian Anderson (“The X Files”) as Lady Mountbatten; Michael Gambon (“Harry Potter”) as General Ismay (Mountbatten’s chief of staff); Simon Callow (“Four Weddings and a Funeral”) as Radcliffe (the drawer of ‘the new map’); and Om Puri (“The Hundred Foot Journey“) as former political prisoner Ali Rahim Noor. Playing Mountbatten’s daughter is Lily Travers (“Kingsman: The Secret Service“): Virginia McKenna’s granddaughter.

But unfortunately, for me at least, the film lumbers from scene to scene, seldom engaging with me. Bonneville’s Mountbatten, whilst perfectly sound, was just a re-tread of Downton with added humidity and curry; Anderson’s (probably extremely accurate) crystal-glass English accent quickly becomes tiresome; and elsewhere a lot of the acting of the broader Indian cast is, I’m sorry to comment, rather sub-par. For me, only Om Puri, who sadly died in January, delivers an effective and moving performance as the blind father (literally) unable to see that the arranged marriage for his daughter Aalia (Huma Qureshi) is heading for trouble thanks to Mountbatten’s man-servant. And no, that isn’t a euphemism…. I’m talking about his real manservant, Jeet Kumar (Manish Dayal)!!
As an aside, the late Puri (probably most famous in western cinema for “East is East”) has made over 270 feature films in his prolific career, over and above his many appearances on Indian TV. And he still has another 6 films to be released! May he rest in peace.

Probably realising that the historical plot is not enough to sustain the film, the screenwriters Paul Mayeda Berges (“Bend it like Beckham”), Moira Buffini (“Tamara Drewe”) and Gurinder Chadha try to add more substance with the illicit romance between the Hindu Jeet and the Muslim Aalia. Unfortunately this is clunky at best, with an incessant 30 minutes-worth of longing looks before anything of substance happens. Even the “Lion“-style denouement (also with a railway train connection) is unconvincing.

After that, the film just tends to peter out, with a ‘real-life photograph’ segue delivering a rather tenuous connection between a character not even featured in the film and the director!
Mrs. Chadha has clearly corralled an army of extras to deliver some of the scenes in the film, in the hope of delivering a historical epic of the scale of Attenborough’s “Gandhi”. For me, she misses by a considerable margin. But that’s just my view….. if you like historical dramas, its a film you might enjoy: as the great man himself said “Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress”.
The Big Sick (2017)
The Big Sick (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
I like it when there's an Unlimited screening of a film I'm not entirely sure about. I'd seen adverts for The Big Sick and was on the fence about seeing it, but when you get a sneaky Unlimited you have to go.

Based on Kumail Nanjiani & Emily V. Gordon real-life story (click on that link to see them interviewed on The View), The Big Sick is a romantic comedy that will have you laughing out loud.

Kumail's family are determined to find him a Pakistani Muslim girl so that he might settle down and follow in their traditions. But Kumail is anything but traditional. He's trying to make it as a comedian, while driving Uber in his spare time.

He meets Emily at one of his gigs and the pair hit it off. As they get further into their relationship though, Kumail worries what his traditional family will say about her. But Emily finding his parent's catalogue cards of potential brides changes everything.

When Emily is taken sick, her friend call Kumail for help. With the hospital putting her into a medically induced coma, he's then left with the prospect of contacting her parents, who up until this point, he'd managed to avoid...

It's a recurring things with my friends that they always ask me what I've seen or have booked at the cinema now, and this is the first one that has pretty much made them all react in the same way...

Me: I'm going to see The Big Sick.
Them: *scrunches face up at the title of the film*

I'm not even kidding, something about the title just doesn't sit right with them. But I have been urging them to go and see it anyway. Kumail Nanjiani is such a funny guy, if you haven't seen him in Franklin and Bash you really need to.

This film was funny and emotional, and felt very real. I feel contented about having watched it, and that doesn't happen a lot with me. Ray Romano and Holly Hunter make a great pair alongside Nankiani and Kazan. It's an all-round nice film, heartbreaking at points, but still wonderful.

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Home Fire in Books

May 10, 2018  
Home Fire
Home Fire
Kamila Shamsie | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two families both from Britain and both with Muslim backgrounds, but from different socioeconomic classes. The Pasha Family, Isma, Aneeka, and Parvaiz, they have lost both of their parents and Isma is the head of the household. When Aneeka and Parvaiz have finished school, she decides that it is now time for her to go to America to finish her studies to be a doctor. With the help of a family friend she does just that, but worries constantly about her brother and sister back home. While in America she meets, Eammon Lone. His father is a high political figure where they are from and it's strange to meet someone like this in America.

This book was a slow start for me. I wanted to dive right in, but it was not very easy. The subject matter is deep. The Pasha family lost their father because he decided to join the ranks of the Taliban and he was killed for it. The fear is that Parvaiz, the brother will go through the same fate. When Isma loses contact with him while she is in America, she really starts to get scared and when the same becomes true of her sister Aneeka, she worries even more. What can she do so far away from her family in order to help them. Maybe with her connection now to Eammon, she will be able to help her family.

Eammon decides to help Isma out, but not in a way she expects. He is returning to England as she is about to send a parcel to her family. Eammon offers to put it in the post in England, but ends up delivering it himself and meeting Aneeka. There was an immediate attraction for him, but Aneeka has an ulterior motive. While Eammon be able to detect this or will he find out too late. When Aneeka asks Eammon to talk to his father about helping her brother return to the country, he feels like he will be able to help her, but his father doesn't want to have anything to do with the Pasha family given their father's past.

How will this turn out for everyone involved. Will they be able to settle their differences in order to help a young man who has made some stupid choices?
More Than Just a Pretty Face
More Than Just a Pretty Face
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

This is the first book I've read where the main characters are Muslims. It's a good insight into the religion and the various ways people follow it.

So this starts with Danyal. He's not the best in school, but, as quite a few people point out, he's got a pretty face. It's not that he's stupid or anything. He just has other interests in life such as cooking, which he is very good at and wants to become a chef. His father doesn't agree with his career choice and they have several tense conversations. His mother, on the other hand, cannot wait to marry him off to someone who would be good for the family.

I've just struggled to write the above description without giving too much away about this story.

I did enjoy this. Danyal, as I mentioned above, may not be the brightest guy but I really grew to like him. He was quick witted and passionate about what he cared about. His Renaissance Man speech showed that perfectly. History was far from his favourite subject but the Bengal famine became something he wanted to let people know about and he did it in a way that didn't judge so much as inform. Very well thought out.

I also quite liked the romance. It was a very slow burn. They spent quite a lot of time together but mostly as friends. The more time they spent together, laughing, studying and cooking, the more the feelings grew and I was willing them to get together properly, family be damned. It took a long time, though, with other factors getting in the way.

This book was a great insight for those of us who aren't Muslim into what the religion is like and the broad range of ways you can follow it. Sohrab was very invested in the religion, Intezar wasn't following it that much, if at all, and Danyal was like a happy medium.

This was enjoyable but, for me, it was a little too focused on the history and Churchill for the Renaissance Man challenge. I know it was a big part of the plot but History for me, like Danyal, bores me. I wanted more of the romance.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Stork Mountain in Books

May 25, 2017  
Stork Mountain
Stork Mountain
Miroslav Penkov | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Bulgarian-born, short storywriter Miroslav Penkov has turned to full-length novels with this captivating book, Stork Mountain. Set in the Bulgarian Strandja Mountains on the border of Turkey, he explores religion, mythology, the past and the present in a society affected by long-term political unrest.

The narrator, a young man who remains nameless throughout, relocated to the United States of America as a child after the fall of Communism. Now he returns to his home country to find his grandfather, an elderly man he lost contact with three years ago. However his real motive is purely for self gain: to sell his section of the family land in order to pay off student loans and his rising debt.

Naturally, things do not go according to plan. The protagonist finds his grandfather hiding in the village of Klisura, a place divided between the Christians and the Muslims. He also discovers that there is no longer any land for him to sell, making his journey fairly pointless. Instead of returning to the Western world, he stays in his grandfather’s house and, very slowly, begins to learn the truth about his family’s past, the man his grandfather once was, and the superstitious pagan activities still affecting some of the village’s inhabitants today.

Stork Mountain is full of the history, folklore and mythology of a little known about European country. Although ultimately a contemporary novel, there is a lot to learn about events that led up to southern Bulgaria’s current condition. As well as being informative, Penkov plays with his readers’ hearts by including a Romeo and Juliet-esque relationship between the narrator and a Muslim girl, and also reveals a similar affair between a younger Grandfather and the girl of his dreams.

Books containing politics are often reserved for those with particular interest in the topic, however Stork Mountain is suitable for a much larger audience. The inclusion of Bulgarian folklore adds a dark fairytale-like quality to the story; and the romance, something for the reader to latch onto.

On reading the blurb I jumped to the conclusion that this book would be boring. I was wrong. Whereas stories with similar themes can be hard going, Stork Mountain was fast paced and easy to read. There were a few confusions about who was talking or whether the narrative was about the past or the future, but these issues may be something that is improved upon as the author finds his groove in full-length novels.

Even if, like me, you have prejudged this book to be boring, I urge you to give it a go. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised. Miroslav Penkov definitely has a future in the world of literature.