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The Assistant
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
43 of 235
The Assistant
By S.K. Tremayne

Newly divorced Jo is delighted to move into her best friend's spare room almost rent-free. The high-tech luxury Camden flat is managed by a meticulous Home Assistant, called Electra, that takes care of the heating, the lights - and sometimes Jo even turns to her for company.

Until, late one night, Electra says one sentence that rips Jo's fragile world in two: `I know what you did.' And Jo is horrified. Because in her past she did do something terrible. Something unforgivable.

Only two other people in the whole world know Jo's secret. And they would never tell anyone. Would they? As a fierce winter brings London to a standstill, Jo begins to understand that the Assistant on the shelf doesn't just want to control Jo; it wants to destroy her.

This book was a very good reminder of why I do not have an Alex in my home! Very dark very mean and chilling to the bone. Well worth a read!

b.Young (97 KP) rated The Wordsmith in Books

May 15, 2018  
The Wordsmith
The Wordsmith
Alan Ayer | 2017 | Horror, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unique plot (0 more)
Horrifying in a good way
Have you ever wondered how famous authors pump out great book after great book? Well, it's probably not quite how Walt Erickson does it...or is it???

I read this book because I found it offered for free in the Amazon Kindle store. Honestly, I wasn't expecting much. Y'all! I was wrong to set my expectations so low!
This was a truly horrifying glimpse into what one famous author does to keep writing those best-selling books of his. And (spoiler): He's. Not. Writing. Them.
So who is? How does he keep from being found out?
My first thought was that his typewriter is bewitched and doing the writing for him.
My second thought was that he had a ghost writer that he pays very handsomely to keep quiet.
I had some other thoughts about it, but they were just too PG.
Let me just tell you, that NONE of my thoughts were what was actually going on and I was beyond freaked out when I discovered the truth!
This story reminded me a little of Secret Garden and a little of some episode of The Twilight Zone I saw when I was like 10.
If you read this and you will think you entered The Twilight Zone.

Stormi (105 KP) May 15, 2018

Thanks for the review!!! I went and grabbed it. Hope to get to it soon!!!

Broken Monsters
Broken Monsters
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Broken Monsters was what I call “High Concept, Poor Execution.” There were two major things that caused me to decide not to finish it.

The first reason: The story was written from several different characters perspectives, and it switched almost every chapter. Some books can get away with this (generally there are two or three PoV) but this one had like 5 different voices, and it was just too much to keep track of.

The second and most important reason: The relationship between the police officer and her daughter. Seriously, no police officer is going to pick up her high school daughter and start telling her all about the secret case they haven’t yet allowed the press to get wind of, or tell her details or hunches, or—what really set me off—have her daughter help her use a search engine to find photos from nasty crime scenes. You just don’t do that.

The premise was cool and the bad-guy was amazing (his PoV was my favorite) but I just couldn’t keep going with those two factors.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, this second entry into the Rogues Club series was much better than the first. As with the first book, the plot is unoriginal and I have read better books with the same theme, but it was still a nice, easy, and sometimes humorous read. Also, I love scarred/tortured/etc heroes, they're my weakness! :P All the characters were much more enjoyable and believable, especially Alex and Hawk (I've found that Annette Blair's secondary characters are usually more interesting than the hero and heroine, except Alex and Hawk were equally enjoyable this time), there was more humor, and overall I actually enjoyed it. My main problem was the secret keeping; there were times when I thought, "Just tell him/her you idiot!" Sometimes that can be very annoying in romances. However, as I said before, this book was a nice read to pass the time but nothing too remarkable.
41 of 230
Secret of Magic: Rebels & Spies ( Academy of Falling Kingdom book 2)
By Marisa Mills and Drake Mason

The good news: I miraculously survived a would-be fatal fall.
The bad news: A demon helped me do it.
The worst news: Prince Alexander saw everything.

Reverie is supposed to be paradise -- but the power holding the floating city aloft isn't holy; it's demonic. Now demons are attacking my classmates -- and I think they're targeting me. If we can't find the source behind the attacks, the entire kingdom could be in danger of falling from the sky.

And Alexander knows I'm a fraud.

I came to Reverie to steal something. Now I need Alexander to steal something, too. Because he has one thing I never will; the trust of the king.

But can I convince him to exploit his father's trust to save his people? Or will Alexander tell the world who I really am?

The Secret of Magic is a young adult fantasy adventure full of monsters, murder and romantic intrigue. Fans who enjoyed Rachel Carter’s Black Mage series and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy will love this sprawling magic academy!

I loved it! From surviving the fall to the very last chapter I found it interesting and just wanted to keep reading. I knew her true identity it was kind of obvious I was just willing it along until Wynter found out too! Looking forward to seeing where they all go from here.

Janeeny (200 KP) rated The Binding in Books

May 8, 2019  
The Binding
The Binding
Bridget Collins | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not enough 'Magic' (0 more)
Emmett is a boy with a gift, he doesn’t realise it but he is a natural ‘Binder’. Binders are people who can take any memory you wish to forget and bind it in a book. So Emmett is sent as an apprentice to a local Binder, but this story isn’t about Binding, this is about Emmett and something he may have forgotten.

I do appreciate a good-looking book, and this is one good looking book. The cover art just draws the eye and the marbling effect on the inside cover is just beautiful. Then you have this little blurb

“Imagine you could erase grief.
Imagine you could remove pain.
Imagine you could hide the darkest, most horrifying secret.

Captures the imagination, right?

 The Binding is categorized as 'Magical Realism', although it doesn’t totally deliver on it’s promise.
The story starts out around Emmett, and you know there is a deep secret there which will eventually unravel. He is sent to an old Binder as an apprentice to learn the trade, which basically involves laying your hand on the person who wishes to forget as they tell you their memory. That is essentially it for the Binding aspect of the book. This story is predominantly about Emmett and his past, and ‘Binding’ plays a very small part in that. Don’t get me wrong I did really enjoy the direction that the book took, but as somebody in my book club pointed out, we would have liked to know more about The actual Binding and the books. Maybe if Bridget Collins releases more books based around this I may get my wish!