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10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Athena College Library has a new director, and Oscar Reilly seems determined to drive all the staff away. The heads of the library’s departments hate him and Charlie’s friend Melba is ready to quit. In fact, Charlie’s issue, that Oscar is claiming allergies as a reason that Charlie can’t bring his cat Diesel to work anymore, seems minor. It’s not terribly surprising when Oscar turns up dead, but who actually killed him?

Those who like this series will love this installment. The characters are as delightful as ever, and we get some advancement on series plot threads. The murder is set up well with good suspects and motives that Charlie has to work his way through until we reach the logical solution. This is my favorite to date in the series.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book in hopes I would review it.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
A Dance with Dragons: Part 1: Dreams and Dust
A Dance with Dragons: Part 1: Dreams and Dust
George R.R. Martin | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ugh! I'm so frustrated! Who knows how long I'm going to have to wait to find out happens next!? That is the crappiest part of this book. There are still so many loose ends with the conclusion of this part.
As usual, this book did not disappoint. There was still the usual blend of treachery, lies, murder, etc. Without giving too much away, I was thrilled to read about Cersi finally getting hers!! She is one of my least favorite characters. But I was also bummed to read the arc of Jon Snow. :( I'm hoping that Martin has a surprise up his sleeve still with Snow. He was an intriguing character.
I guess all I can do now is wait with the rest of the world to see what happens next. Well played Martin!
12th of Never (Women&#039;s Murder Club, #12)
12th of Never (Women's Murder Club, #12)
James Patterson | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am a huge fan of James Patterson. The Women's Murder Club is my favorite series. This book did not disappoint at all.

This time, Lindsay Boxer is having a baby. She and Joe Molinari successfully got married in the last book and now baby makes three. Lindsay is just getting back to work and boy does she have her hands full. A body has been stolen from the ME's office. An old case she helped the FBI on has resurfaced and there is a professor who is dreaming about murders before they happen.

All of this is a lot for a regular cop to handle, but add in the emotions of just having a baby and trying to catch a killer and will Lindsay be able to handle it all.
A Pairing to Die For
A Pairing to Die For
Kate Lansing | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Parker Pair the Victim with the Correct Killer?
Reid Wallace’s estranged family has come for a visit to Boulder, Colorado, and Parker Valentine is hoping to make a good impression on her boyfriend’s family. However, things aren’t going well as Reid’s family is constantly judging everything she says as not being up to their standards. Never mind their opinions of her wine. The visit is interrupted when Reid is arrested for murder. Oscar, the sous chef at Reid’s restaurant and his long-time friend, was murder behind the restaurant, and the police are certain that Reid did it. Parker doesn’t believe that Reid is capable of murder and sets out to figure out what really happened. Can she free her boyfriend from jail?

The first in this series was one of my favorite books from 2020, so I had high hopes for this one. I’m pleased to say I enjoyed it. There is plenty of conflict in this book to keep us hooked. I did think the pacing started to slow in the middle, but about the time I thought that, it picked up again and kept going until we reached the end. The characters are still rich, and I appreciated the growth in their relationships, while the new characters fit perfectly into Parker’s world. For those interested because of the wine theme, there are plenty of scenes in Parker’s winery. I’d forgotten that this series is written in the present tense, which I don’t mind once my brain adjusts. There are three delicious sounding recipes with suggested wine pairings at the end of the book. If you haven’t started this series, you need to fix that. If you’ve read the first, this book will please you.
Connections In Death (In Death #48)
Connections In Death (In Death #48)
J.D. Robb | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've said it before and I'll say it again: the In Death series is hands down my favorite series from any author in any genre. Terrific, well-written characters in a not-so-distant future NYC; the series manages to be both familiar and fresh, even after 48 installments. That's saying something.

The very first line of the very first chapter made me laugh out loud, and is so perfectly Eve Dallas:
"The legalized torture of socializing lined right up to premeditated murder when you added the requirement of fancy shoes."

Beginning with a cocktail party during which Eve and Roarke and other recurring characters are socializing and being generally hilarious, this installment was in my opinion a bit more "fun" than the previous installment. That's not to say that there aren't plenty of serious moments, of course, but I found a bit more levity throughout. For example, Eve's complete bewilderment when Roarke shows her the progress on the farm in Nebraska which he purchased on a bet between the two of them. This may have been one of my favorite moments.

The case Eve is working is gang-related, and much easier to navigate than the convoluted case at the center of #47. Crack's new girlfriend, Rochelle - who is also Roarke's top pick to run An Didean - loses her recovered addict/gangbanger brother in a gang hit, and we go from there. It was nice seeing Crack in a different light, as well, and I enjoy him with Rochelle.

Overall, a worthy installment. Can't wait for #49!
Custom Baked Murder
Custom Baked Murder
Liz Mugavero | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stan’s mother is engaged to Frog Ledge’s new mayor, and the pair are throwing a big engagement party. However, the groom to be isn’t there. Instead, Stan is running into several people she is less than happy to see again from her days in the corporate world, including her ex-boyfriend. The night gets worse when a body is found upstairs. The police quickly make an arrest, but something seems off. Are they trying to cover something up?

Since the last book took place out of town, it was wonderful to be back in Frog Ledge and spending time with our favorite characters. The author has really built a sense of community, and I love how she is growing Stan, the others characters, and their relationships. The downside of that is the murder moves slowly in the beginning as the sub-plots that help with the community building are front and center. But the mystery takes center stage in the second half, offering us several viable suspects and some great twists and surprises.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2072 KP) rated Three Shots to the Wind in Books

Apr 1, 2022 (Updated Apr 1, 2022)  
Three Shots to the Wind
Three Shots to the Wind
Sherry Harris | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cozy Trope Twisted by Murder
Chloe thinks she is settling into her new life in Emerald Cove, Florida, when she starts to receive a series of mysterious gifts. While she knows they aren’t from her new boyfriend, she isn’t prepared to learn they are from her ex-fiance, Perry Franklin, who is in town for an accounting conference. Unfortunately, she learns this when she stumbles on his dead body at a crime scene. When they were together, Chloe thought Perry was boring. Had she misjudged him? What could have led to his murder?

I love how this book put a twist on the familiar cozy trope of the main character’s ex coming to town to try to win her back. Of course, Perry also wasn’t who Chloe thought he was, and exploring that gives us suspects and motives. I enjoyed following Chloe as she solved the case, and the climax wraps things up nicely. This story also gives Chloe a real chance for growth, which I enjoyed seeing. Additionally, a sub-plot gives some of the supporting characters a chance to grow as well. Sherry Harris is one of my favorite authors, and this book once again shows why.
Judge & Jury
James Patterson | 2006 | Crime, Mystery
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Andie gets called up for jury duty, she is dreading it. She doesn't want to be a part of this trial at all. During jury selection, she tries her best to not get called, but unfortunately for her, she gets a seat in the jury box. The trial is for a mob boss who has killed numerous people and gotten away with it every time. Nick Pellisante is the FBI agent who has been hunting down Dominic Covello for years now. Finally he has him in jail and awaiting trial and he can't wait to see him put away for life. When the jury gets sequestered, it doesn't stop Covello from having his people get to them. Will he get away with murder again or will he finally face his fate?

I have enjoyed James Patterson books for a long time. His books aren't always the best, but they are great for a quick read and lots of entertainment. Having Joe Mantegna read this story made it even better. Criminal Minds is one of my favorite shows so I could relate to the reader on this book. I plan on catching up on all of my James Patterson reading in the new year. I'm already caught up on the Women's Murder Club series.

In this book, I like the way that Andie handles the situations that are put to her. She is a mother and very strong willed. The relationship she develops with Pellisante along the way helps them both in their lives. A quick book to enjoy on my way to and from work.
I have found the series to be lots of fun. It features a spunky heroine who is at home in all the great cities in Europe, is great at her job, and takes the more than occasional murder in stride.

The thing I find most intriguing and also most inviting about this series is the fact that the murder takes place so late in the story that you almost forget that this is supposed to be a murder mystery. Instead, you get to meet all the characters, learn their secrets and affiliations, begin to develop feelings for them. It is very Agatha Christie like and very cool. The great characters added to the brilliant descriptions of European cities, tour stops, and culture makes the reader feel like they are taking part in the tour and gives them a personal stake in discovering whodunnit.

Death of Leprechaun is no exception. Lana has secured a spot on her current tour for dear friends of hers and she is really looking forward to touring Dublin. Unbeknownst to her, almost every member of the tour has a connection to a corrupt reporter who ends up dead. Everyone he has written about or even for has a motive to want him dead, but only Lana’s tour group had access to the murder weapon.

Beyond the search for the murderer, I have to admit my favorite part of this book is when Dottie and later Lana hang a lantern on the fact that guests in Lana’s tours always seem to turn up dead. Though I will give kudos for the switch up here in that the tour group is still suspect, but the victim, is an outsider.

Readers who enjoy travel fiction, epic character development, and clever mysteries will enjoy this series.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily
They&#039;ll Never Catch Us
They'll Never Catch Us
Jessica Goodman | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was very creeped out by the background of the town from the very beginning. I don't know how the girls were able to be brave enough to run around town by themselves ever again but I agree that they should be able to instead of being too afraid to train for their dreams.

Stella and Mila were my favorite characters and I could not stand how people were not really looking for Mila just as they hadn't after the first murder. The cops were trying to say girls just do these things when clearly it was a generalization. The teenage boys also treated the girls unfairly. Nick clearly was abusive and controlling and I automatically suspected him of killing Mila just because Ellie had told her what had happened between her and Nick. I don't want to give away any spoilers to this thriller but I def recommend because it grabs your attention from the very beginning.