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No One’s Home
No One’s Home
D.M. Pulley | 2020 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
145 of 200
No ones home
By D M Pulley

Margot and Myron Spielman move to a new town, looking for a fresh start and an escape from the long shadow of their past. But soon after they buy Rawlingswood, a foreclosed mansion rumored to be haunted, they realize they’re in for more of the same…or worse.

After a renovation fraught with injuries and setbacks, the Spielmans move in to the century-old house, and their problems quickly escalate. The home’s beautiful facade begins to crumble around them when their teenage son uncovers disturbing details of Rawlingswood’s history—a history of murder, betrayal, and financial ruin. The Spielmans’ own shameful secrets and lies become harder to hide as someone or something inside the house watches their every move.

As tensions build between the family members, the home’s dark history threatens to repeat itself. Margot and Myron must confront their own ghosts and Rawlingswood’s buried past before the house becomes their undoing.

Such a good book!! Full of mystery and suggestions of paranormal activity all written around historical events, places and people. I read mainly at night and in the dark so I got a few chills reading this. Such a well balanced and well executed book! You got drawn into all these characters lives!
Phoebe's Light is the first book in suzanne Fisher's Nantucket Legacy. In this first book, we find our main character Phoebe Starbuck a Quaker on her 18th birthday; September 8th, 1767. Her father Barnabas decides it is time to pass along Great Mary's journal. Great Mary was Pheobe's great-grandmother and was well known for her wisdom.

Not only excited for her birthday, but the ship Fortuna has arrived in port. Phoebe has always imagined that she loved older widowed captain and she hopes to finally capture his attention. When Phoebe runs into the captain he is very interested in Phoebe's birthday gift and wants to read this journal for himself.
Soon Phoebe finds herself married to the captain Phineas Foulger and on a voyage with two things, her great grandmother's journal and a man sent by her father to mind her; Matthew Macy a cooper whom she once loved until he turned away from God.
Pheobe soon finds that life at sea is not the trip she envisioned. Seasick and disillusioned, she turns to the pages of great-grandmother Mary's journal and she finds a secret that has consequences for everyone on the ship.
This is a book that the reader will find hard to put down. Full of history and mystery; the plot takes the readers on many twists and turns and keeps your interest going.
I truly enjoyed this book and found it difficult to put down. Anyone who loves historical fiction will love this book. The author has done her research well and brought this research to life in her novels. I look forward to the next book in the series "Minding the Light".
I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes historical fiction.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”