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Gods & Monsters ( Book 1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
16 of 235
Gods & Monsters ( Book 1)
By Janie Marie

Monsters are real, legends are truth—and the man who saves Jane's life is an immortal knight. But it will be her secret past with the Angel of Death that changes everything.

Gods & Monsters - Book One
When the plague of all plagues begins its destruction, it isn't a miracle cure by scientists or even our military that saves us.
No, our saviors are monsters.

Jane appears to be nothing special. In fact, she's a sad sight to behold. Afflicted by the sorrow of her tragic past and failing marriage, the young mother of two is as terrified as every other soul when humanity faces doom. Yet, when hope seems lost, Jane does something even her estranged husband fails to--she fights. And she's not alone.

David and his companions are what our world has dismissed as mere legend. Their duty to the human race brings them across the country, and they all know it is no coincidence when they cross paths with Jane.

As it happens, Jane is special. She's destined to rid the world of darkness.

With monsters from every nightmare seeking her out, a noble immortal knight showing her what love truly feels like, a secret past that even Jane can't remember, and even more powerful beings wagering the fate of her soul, Jane will embark on an epic journey to save her family and the world.

So what will happen when they realize she's the greatest monster of them all?

Gods✔️ monsters ✔️ Arthur and his nights as immortals ✔️ what’s not to love right? Well I’m stuck as I wanted to give it 4 stars but there were a few draw backs for me the main one being it felt rushed in some places and sometimes abit over explained and slightly cheesy! But I absolutely love all the gods and mythology and all at war. All on sides you don’t expect I was enjoying the book then bam Hades and yea I’m a sucker for the God of the underworld!

Warnings: Triggers for abuse, sa, mental health disorders. Heavy violence, horror, strong language, emotional and controversial themes, sex, rape(not praised), will have multiple loves for the heroine.
Death is but a Dream
Death is but a Dream
Erin Hayes | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
*contains spoilers*

A police detective -- Callista, Callie for short -- saves a little girl from getting hit by a bus. She, herself, is then hit instead. She wakes up to find herself in the Underworld where she is taken before Hades and offered a deal. Protect his son, Plutus, and find out who wants him dead, and Hades will restore her to life. However, if Callie fails in her objective or dies while in the Underworld, she will die an eternal death, and her soul will never be allowed to have an afterlife.

It doesn't seem like a super great choice, but when a god offers you a deal, the "offering" part is really just a polite term to cover up the fact that you are going to do what that god wants you to do or your screwed. And so Callie has little choice but to accept Hades' offer. She meets several interesting characters along the way, including one of the Furies, Tisiphone, who becomes Callie's friend and ally in the Underworld.

Callie's job is complicated, however, by the fact that Hades forbids her to interview, interrogate, or even outwardly suspect any of his royal family of trying to kill his son, and even FURTHER complicated by the fact that Hades lies to her and manipulates her at every turn.

"Death is but a Dream" is a beautiful and original story of the Olympian gods, and it is quite unique in its view of Greek mythology. Perhaps the closest comparison I can make to a book/series already out there in the market is with Amber Benson's series that starts with "Death's Daughter." (I'm sorry. I can't actually remember what the series is called as a whole.) It has the same tone. Both feature strong, independent female protagonists who are thrown into a fantastical world that they want no part of, so yes, fans of Amber Benson's work will really enjoy this book, I think.

The only complaint I have is that the book could have benefited from some series editing. I had an e-book copy of the novel, and there were quite a few more errors than I would expect a published, completed book to have. Most of the errors were inconsequential -- missing commas, wrong words, etc. -- and could be easily overlooked or fixed by the reader simply inserting the correct word while reading, but still, a polished book should be as free of errors as is possible, and this book had a good number.

I still really, really enjoyed the book, though. I highly recommend it.
River Marked (Mercy Thompson, #6)
River Marked (Mercy Thompson, #6)
Patricia Briggs | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book takes a different direction than previous books in the series, because Mercy is doing something that I think is quite rare in the typical Urban Fantasy heroine -- she is getting married. As a married woman, I quite like this turn and the extra confidence and sense of permanence it gives Mercy, but I don't think this is something that every reader will fully appreciate. Still, it feels fresh and new to me, and I think it has the potential to "breathe new life" into the series.
The loose ends of Stefan's mess from the previous book are quickly tied up, and the plot swiftly moves on to a "surprise" wedding for Mercy. The set-up of the wedding was quite endearing, and I even teared up a bit over it. These two sub-plots take place rather quickly, though, as the main focus of the book is what occurs during Mercy and Adam's honeymoon.
Mercy figures out quickly that they have been set up by certain fairy acquaintances for reasons that no one really knows. I was laughing at this, as it feels like a bumper sticker motto: If the world needs saving - send Mercy! So of course, Urban Fantasy heroine Mercy does not get a typical honeymoon, but one fraught with peril and impending doom.
While it may seem on the surface to be a random way to introduce new characters and magical elements into the series, I think that the events that happened at the Columbia River were a great way to focus on Mercy's native heritage and answer many of the questions that I have been harboring through the series about her ability to transform into a coyote. She makes some new friends of native descent that are able to help her tackle her looming battle with the river monster, and she discovers that she is not the only native who can become another animal. She also learns more about her father and his relationship with her mother. The walking stick also plays a major part, though I hope this is not the last we've seen of it. That stick has too many quirks to just let it go.
The river monster itself was quite a creation - as much fantasy as I have read, I've never come across anything quite like it, though some creatures of Greek mythology comes close. Abominations like that remind me why I avoid watching horror movies. The behavior of the otterkin also reminded me of the way members of a cult exalt their leader - creepy. I can't wait for the next book!
Dreamland: A Ghost STory
Dreamland: A Ghost STory
Nick Clausen | 2019 | Horror, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to give a HUGE thank you to the author for giving me the chance to read his book and review it! I like quick reads, especially ones that make it difficult to put down. Why must I have to go back to reality? Can't I have my OWN dreamland? Without the demonic sirens?

Do you often remember your dreams? Most of the time, I don't and I always saw it as more of a blessing than anything. Who knows what my head concocted in my sleep. How about dreaming of someone whom you never really got to meet? Louie is twelve and never got the chance to know his father before he died of cancer. Now, he's dreaming of a man in a blue suit, who happens to look like his father and knows stuff about him and his mother.

Louie is dreaming of his father and they can talk and be together in a place called Dreamland. Sounds like a good thing, doesn't it? Don't be fooled! Everything has a price.

It's hard explain to his mother, however. Louie knows things his father told him that he couldn't possibly know from anybody else. So...what is this Dreamland and is it too good to be true?

This novel is the first one I've read from Nick Clausen and like I said, it was difficult to put down. I enjoyed the way the story was written. It's not told in any specific point of view from the characters, so you're able to know what's going on with this situation and the other without having to switch POVs.

Sirens are no joke! If you've read any bit of Mythology, you would know just how awful these creatures are. They are fun to read about, but damn, I don't want them in my dreams, not ever.

I would definitely categorize this as horror, but not going as far as to say Stephen King or watching an episode of the Twilight Zone. I think of it more as Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark? Don't knock that show. That was my show growing up in the 90s. I'm babbling, which is part of my charm.

I enjoyed reading this story and I felt bad for Louie and his mother, but I'm happy with how it ended and feel like there would have been no other way to do it. A quick read...but not in the dark.
Batman: Nightwalker - DC Icons Book 2
Batman: Nightwalker - DC Icons Book 2
Marie Lu | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Batman: Nightwalker gives us an origin story for the Caped Crusader that we didn't know we needed - even if it doesn't feel like the dark, gritty Batman we know from the Dark Knight or the comics. Bruce is an eighteen-year-old boy who is still trying to figure out who he is in a world where his parents were murdered when he was a child and he has just come into their vast fortune. He struggles to figure out how to live up to his parents' legacy and finds himself in a dangerous situation.

If you go into this book expecting Batman, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. This is a teenaged boy who is realizing that he wants to do more for his city and is coming to the conclusion that Bruce Wayne might not be enough. This book is his real origin story and Marie Lu brings his transformation back to its roots. We meet the boy who will one day become Batman, not the man we are familiar with as the Dark Knight.

I really enjoyed getting to know young Bruce in this story, although Alfred certainly stole the show. You could feel the bond that they had with one another, which translated so much more authentically than some of the other relationships in the story. I felt that Diane and Harvey were a little underdeveloped in the story, so I never really formed a connection with them. I really enjoyed the little cameos from characters we're familiar with and the characterization of people that we know are much more important in the Batman mythology in later years.

Superhero books are definitely difficult to write because they're so action heavy and as a result, visual, but I feel that Lu managed to capture the kinesthetic nature of the book well. She definitely delved more into Batman's detective nature, which was really nice because we don't see that as often as his fighting bad guys schtick. If you're interested in seeing the detective Batman dig into mysteries and try to foil a criminal organization than you should enjoy this book - just don't expect giant action-packed fight scenes.

I have really enjoyed the DC Icons series thus far because it brings the characters we've grown familiar with back to their roots. They're teenagers who are still figuring out who they are in the world, regardless of their future superhero journey. They are fragile and unsure, yet with a thirst for justice that one day will allow them to grow into the superheroes we know and love.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review Posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>.

Note: Formatting has been lost due to copy and pasting.

<i><b>Disclaimer:</b> I received this book from YANR Blog Tours for free in exchange for an honest for the blog tour. This does not influence my review in any way.</i>

     I think 3 words grabbed my attention: Tir na NOg. Only because the place was familiar from another series (I'll leave it for you guys to ponder on that). Okay, not just Tir na NOg. The blurb grabbed me as well. *o* So with that concept, I thought it might have something to do with faeries and would you be glad to know I was wrong.

     I haven't read anything about Celtic mythology, or any books about it (I usually stick to Greek and Roman myths...), so Morrigan was made much more interesting to read knowing that fact. I love the fact that the author placed a glossary at the very beginning of the book - it was very helpful (hey, I'm pretty sure I'll be pronouncing everything foreign-like wrong in the end anyways, regardless of glossary there or not. But I'm sure it'll be helpful for the majority of us).

     Here, we have a girl named Morrigan, who's an orphan and moving from home to home constantly. Until one day, she finds out her world isn't what it seems... AND she's different than what she thought she was. She can control fire, read the future (at least a glimpse), and move things... with her mind.

     I find Morrigan an enchanting read. Like any fantasy book, we enter a different world that's "parallel" to our modern day world. I love the way Tiarn reacts to Morrigan's technological knowledge/use of modern items in Tir na NOg. However, I did find some things a bit confusing and didn't really make sense. I also loved the choice of words, especially in transitions.

     I also loved the way the villains are formed. The author is descriptive and detailed with them (trust me... I had the shudders. No Nightmares though). Just when you think someone is a villain, it ends up being another... (which is a good thing, in my humble opinion). I'm also curious if there's going to be a sequel... due to the way the book ends. ;)

     By the way, just because there's a werewolf, does not mean this story is going to be Twilight fashioned. It's not. ;)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two girls grow up, as close (or closer) as sisters, until a boy and a strange man (?) come between them. Aurora is the daughter of a famous musician, who died when she very young; her mother still spends most of her days in a drug-induced haze. It's up to her best friend (whose name we never learn -- she's simply the narrator of this tale) to protect Aurora, who is described as lovely and other-worldly, from herself. The girls spend their days together -- watching movies in Aurora's bed, partying hard, dancing in mosh pits at concerts, etc. One day they meet a musician named Jack, a beautiful man/boy, who enraptures the narrator, and seems to set them on a course to be torn apart.

This is a very strange book. The first half or so is actually pretty compelling and interesting. The story of Aurora and the narrator's friendship is fascinating, and their "girls gone wild" story is plausible, if not a little much. Aurora's mom could clearly care less where her daughter is. The narrator's mom, Cass, was friends with Aurora's mom, but they clearly fought when the girls were young and are not on speaking terms, though Cass cares deeply for Aurora. This is all good stuff.

Once Jack arrives and Aurora meets Minos, a bizarre music producer, things get weird. The book takes on this mystical, paranormal feel, and it's just strange. It almost feels like this part of the plot was forced into what was otherwise just a good (really, good) story about friendship and teenage girls and life. I won't go into many more details about the plot, but the narrator basically goes on a quest, which I didn't completely understand and then the book just ends, leaving you hanging and everything unresolved. And despite the fact that there is another book in the series, it looks to be about the girls' mothers, not the girls, therefore giving me no resolution whatsoever! Grr.

That's not to say that McCarry's writing isn't lovely. It's a beautiful, poetic book - almost too much at times, as I found myself practically skimming to get to the actual plot. The narrator was a compelling character, and the whole story was so well-written that I could imagine every person, every wild party, every journey. I just think that it almost would have been just as good, if not better, without all the crazy characters and odd mythology-type "stuff" thrown in. But what do I know, really? And I'll probably read the second book out of total curiosity because Maia (Aurora's mom) and Cass were pretty fascinating.

This was probably closer to 2.5 stars for my overall feeling at the end, but bumped up a bit for the beginning and the general writing.
Madeline Miller | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.9 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
I admit that I purchased this book solely on the cover which is amazing and the first edition print run has the most amazing embossing on the hard cover itself – like Helios himself the sun is luminescent when it shines upon it!

This was my first foray into ancient mythology and I had not read the Song of Achilles first, which I don’t think really matters but it’s likely there will be parity between the tales at some point. I did however, find that this book was really accessible for those who had a little knowledge. Most people know Zeus and Athena and many will know the stories of Icarus and Deadalus, and Theseus and the Minotaur, and by having just that little bit of understanding made the book all the more joyful to read.

Circe is a tale told in retrospect, a tale of a goddess in exile. Throughout her hundreds of years she is tested and put through trials, often lonely, but not always – and taking the time to learn all that she can about what she truly is, not just a goddess but a witch with a great power. I found it it was a story which ebbed and flowed, much like her life on her island of Aiaia. There was often a great deal to love, I enjoyed her interactions and reactions to what she learns and also the calmness about her time alone and the knowledge that she has committed wrongs that will endure as a result of her vanity. I hate to use the Journey word but that it what this story comes down to – as an immortal however, she is a lot more stubborn and has many hundreds of years longer to learn from what has come before, but there is learning and catharsis.

However there was just a little bit too much time spent getting to the place she gets to. I devoured the first 250 pages, I loved that it was a new genre to me and I was enjoying what I was reading, however, I found the last section lagged and it felt that it was a little repetitive. She’s stuck on an island so I get that there wasn’t much else to do but sit and wait for people to come to her but I felt that the final section, which was the most poignant could have been wrapped up a little better and without the slight ick factor that I felt about a certain turn of events.

I give this 4* the first 250 pages were 5* all the way but I felt it just stumbled at the last section which was a shame.

Rhys (240 KP) rated The Outsider in Books

Jun 30, 2018 (Updated Jul 7, 2018)  
The Outsider
The Outsider
Stephen King | 2018 | Thriller
8.7 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good pacing, three diamentional characters, introduction to new mythology. (0 more)
Hardly ‘bad’, but this is technically a kind of sequel to the Finders Keepers novels. (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
‘The Outsider’ is a crime/horror novel of four distinct parts. The first is the murder and investigation described in the blurb. This part is more traditionally crime novel than horror and introduces the main characters, giving them all distinct personalities and building up to the twist. Part two takes place after said twist (obviously, giving this away would destroy the enjoyment of the first part) and involves a new focus on the ‘antagonist’ of the third part: Ralph Anderson.

Part three introduces Holly, a character from the Finders Keepers books (that I have not read at this time) and continues for most of the book. This part is heavily inspired by several vampire novels and series including ‘Dracula’ and ‘The Strain’ but keeps a distinct Stephen King feeling.
(Part four is epilogue, which ties up loose ends and ensures that the characters who survive, as well as some who do not, have a happy ending.)

Previous King novels can feel forced, or full of ‘fluff’ that exists only to pad out the time between gruesome murders and intense horror. In this novel, every piece of dialogue has a purpose, whether to build on a character’s.... character... or to make the world seem more real, ground the supernatural in reality.

Despite what is said on the ‘bad’ section, this novel works well as a stand alone. Holly, the character that connects this to previous works, is written as though it will be a reader’s first encounter with her. She is built up from scratch and goes through development at the same rate as the other characters (her previous appearances are described enough that a reader will know the gist, but do not give away anything from the ‘Mr. Mercedes’ trilogy other than that Bill Hodges at some point dies.)

(For context, I am not a regular reader of King’s novels, having tried ‘It’ and ‘Insomnia’ but quickly loosing interest in both.)

Why not full marks? Around half way through the novel there is a scene that simply does not fit in with the rest of the story. The character that will eventually become King’s equivalent of Renfield from ‘Dracula’ meets the Outsider in the bathroom, with said character appropriately terrified. Why is this such an odd scene? Throughout the tense conversation (in which the Outsider’s powers are shown in full) Jack is suffering from an upset stomach (and King seems strangely obsessed with describing.) Horrible, yes, but horror it is not.

Overall, I would recommend this novel to a fan of Stephen King or to someone who wants to get into his writing.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Bird Box (2018) in Movies

Dec 26, 2018  
Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
It's easy to draw comparisons between Bird Box and one of this years biggest hits, A Quiet Place. As Malorie (Sandra Bullock), guides two young children towards a boat, all three of them blindfolded and terrified of the consequences should they remove them, the similarities with the post apocalyptic themes of A Quiet Place are clear. In that movie, you couldn't make a sound for fear of drawing the attentions of the ominous killers, while in this one you're unable to use your eyes to look at the world around you.

But Bird Box does what AQP didn't, by going back in time 5 years to see how the apocalypse all came about. A pregnant Malorie is visiting the hospital for a scan, along with sister Jessica (Sarah Paulson), while news reports detail events unfolding throughout the world. Something is causing thousands of people to suddenly commit suicide, and it has found its way to American shores. As Malorie and Jessica leave the hospital, everything around them descends into panic, chaos and destruction. Cars crash, people throw themselves in front of oncoming cars and thousands of others are running to escape from who knows what. As her sister meets an untimely death, the heavily pregnant Malorie is helped into a nearby house where a large number of people have already found refuge.

We manage to catch our breath for a short while, while the survivors piece together what has happened, offering their theories. As one of them explains - "Humanity has been judged and we've been found wanting. They go by different names. You got world religion and mythology that's full of mentions of demons or spirit creatures. People who’ve seen these creatures almost always describe their encounter as with an entity who takes on the form of your worst fears, your deepest sadness or your greatest loss. It’s not bullshit. It’s real talk, it’s facts."

Life continues in the house for a while, with all the windows covered to prevent anyone from seeing something that might lead to their death. There's a tense trip to the supermarket for supplies, driving a car with blacked out windows and only a satnav to guide them, along with various dramas between the group. Every so often, we rejoin the future timeline, as Malorie and the children (referred to only as boy and girl) make their way along the river.

Bird Box is more of a slow burn than A Quiet Place, and we never actually see what is responsible for causing the suicides either, but I still found much to enjoy with it. And as we become fully immersed in the present timeline, following the blindfolded journey, things build to a tense and satisfying climax.

Beatriz (138 KP) Dec 26, 2018

I watched this the other day, I loved it


Melkat1977 (4 KP) Mar 3, 2019

Loved this movie, it leaves a lot of room for interpretation. I'm tempted to go read the book!