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American Gods  - Season 1
American Gods - Season 1
2017 | Drama
It now exists (0 more)
Doesn't meet expectations (0 more)
I read the book quite some time ago, so knew the concept of the series but needed a little gentle reminder of the world we are exploring.
The series is very stylish with excellent dream sequences and imagery throughout, a la Hannibal, however at times I felt this dominated the actual storytelling somewhat.
With something like Hannibal, you don't need to worry about the story too much, people get killed, someone is doing it, twists and turns and suspect caught. So it was right for the focus of that series to be on the imagery rather than the telling.
However, here I think the story and concept are quite hard to get used to initially (and I don't think it really gets nailed at all during the series) and more should have been done to explain it. I'm not saying everything needs laid out neatly with a little bow on, but I think the style needed toned down a little and more effort invested in explaining the world. It felt a little bit like a TV show made for people who have just read the book.
The cast is excellent and it is an enjoyable watch, but a lot of people will struggle to get the hang of it (and may only stick with it in order to say they did rather than because they enjoyed it!).
With such a cult classic book as the source material, I think there were high expectations for it, which may not have been met (mine weren't, sadly).

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Garden State (2004) in Movies

Sep 20, 2020 (Updated Nov 26, 2020)  
Garden State (2004)
Garden State (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Whole quirk, probably just a feature length "Try not to cringe" challenge if I really think about it - which as a cringe connoisseur I always have a soft spot for and you will too if that's your thing - but this taps into something buried deep in the psyche, with an almost primal force. Not only does this capture how fucking insufferable "Hey, how've you been?" small talk can be, but this does better than most movies before or after it in depicting that time in your life (late adolescence/early adulthood) where you were the center of your own moody universe and nothing else mattered - when you thought that's how life would be forever and you just Felt So Deeply™, for good and for ill. It has this authentic, free youthful energy about it but it also has a pretty mopey demeanor to it as well. Hence why I think this would work better if these characters were a bit younger, but I digress - it does that so impeccably well that all of its other blatant shortcomings are easy to forgive (for instance I still can't decide if Braff nailed the emotionally detached, despondent aura of his disillusioned lead character... or if he just sucked). It's so magnetic stylistically (soundtrack is stacked and the cinematography rules) I think it does its job more than capably. Pretty mesmerizingly walks a fine line between "What the fuck is this?" and "Hey who left this bowl of onions here?". Portman is the final boss Manic Pixie Dream Girl.

Logan Eccles (135 KP) rated Hellboy (2019) in Movies

Oct 1, 2020 (Updated Oct 2, 2020)  
Hellboy (2019)
Hellboy (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
For TRUE Hellboy fans
Ok, I know I didn't give this a super high rating but I did rate it higher than IMDBs' 5.2. Now being a fan of "Stranger Things" I was super excited when David Harbour(Hopper) was cast as Hellboy. And boy did he nail it! All the cast and crew nailed it. You could tell what they were going for as soon as the movie started.

Before I go on with my Review fans of the Ron Pearlman Hellboy who are expecting this one to be the same especially after the first official trailer came out and it did just look like the same movie. It is not. I repeat IT IS NOT. Director Neil Marshall and screenplay writer Andrew Cosby made a movie more based on Mike Mignolas' comic. I know, I know, some of you are reading this going "so did Guillermo idiot!" And yes you are right but this film is Centered around the work from start to finish. I felt like I was watching a comic. As soon as it starts black and Wight with only red popping out it gives that Hellboy comic tone. Even the makeup and structure of Hellboy in this film look more like the comic.

Though the story is somewhat similar to the original movie it is just enough different to set it apart. The ensemble of characters does a good job of that. The set up of the new characters is great and they feel like they belong as opposed to just being replacements like I thought theywould be. Sasha Lanes' Alice and Daniel Dae Kims' Major Ben Daimio are great and different. When they finally come together as a full-fledged team, in the end, I was ready for more. As unlikely as that is I hope they do get a sequel because it showed potential for one and it was really fun. However, I am sorta glad I didn't see it in theaters I feel like its a better-enjoyed movie for home.
Hidden Rooms
Hidden Rooms
Kate Michaelson | 2024 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4 very VERY good stars
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian via BookSirens, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is the author's debut novel, and I reckon she nailed it!

Riley's sister-in-law to be, Beth, is murdered, and her brother Ethan, is the prime suspect. Riley knows he's innocent, and sets about to prove it.

What I particularly liked about this, was being kept on my toes! Until it all came out, I didn't know whether Ethan did it or not!

Beth is keeping secrets, and those secrets cost her, but again, it takes time for things to come out.

Everything does take a time to come out, and I suggest, if like me, you weren't liking the slow pace, KEEP AT IT! It does speed up and move at pace. I am glad I kept with it.

Riley tells a great tale, even with this illness that rocks her through much of the book. I enjoyed her, especially as she is the only voice in the book. I liked the way the illness was dealt with, or not for much of the time!

I think I might not have enjoyed this so much had someone else had a say, which is contrary to my usual "I wanted to hear from everyone" thing, I know, but I really did like Riley.

It's well written, and well delivered. There is just enough suspense, once it kicks off, to keep you fully engaged and invested with this group of people.

As an ARC reader of many years, my primary genre is romance. Once in a while something different will come through and my interest is piqued. I am certainly glad I took this one on, and will absolutely read more by this author as and when.

4 very VERY good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Dark Tower (2017)
The Dark Tower (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Western
Idris Elba (0 more)
Everything else (0 more)
Could have been so good!!!
Omg. If there was a book that could have been a great movie franchise,Dark Tower was that book. What the hell was Stephen King thinking with selling the rights to a no name director. I heard the only reason the director got the job was because the books helped him learn English.

Yeah ok so what? Just because I played a video game all the way through doesen't mean I should direct a movie version of it.

Why the hell was this a sequel to the books also? Not everyone has read the books. Newcomers aren't gonna understand this because they never read the books.

Idris Elba was a great Roland and sadly the only good thing about the movie. Matthew mccoughnahey was ok as the man in black. Honestly I thought Ray liotta would have been better.

This isn't a god awful movie,it's just a very poor take on the books. If Ron Howard had stayed on I know he would have nailed it.
Black Mirror  - Season 1
Black Mirror - Season 1
2011 | Sci-Fi
These three near-future / alternative reality episodes tell of a different chilling aspect of human life. All are fantastical, though worryingly plausible. Charlie Brooker has pretty much nailed the line between believable and speculative fiction.
The first episode sees the UK prime minister forced into considering an unpleasant act after a ransom demand from a kidnapper. It serves as a good representation of media coverage and their involvement in spreading panic and stoking outrage.
The next episode was a near-future look at a world where some classes of people spend their days on exercise bikes, presumably powering society. They are forced to watch endless hours of a small number of TV shows and are charged a fee to skip pop-up adverts for porn shows. The indictment of where society is headed, including the disposability of talent shows and how much more mandatory watching adverts could become, felt like something of a warning to turn back now!
The final episode revolved around people having the ability to instantaneously rewind and re-view moments of their lives and cast it to TV screens. The story looks at how this plays a part in a man's suspicions over his wife's faithfulness to their marriage. Similar to the previous 2 episodes, it shows that the technology, and people's reliance on it, does not help real life in any way, rather it further fuels suspicion and malcontent.
Three stories about the way the human race is headed told brilliantly.
Tristan (The Hawks, #1)
Tristan (The Hawks, #1)
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book, right? This book is bloody AMAZING!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This book, right? This book is bloody AMAZING!!

I mean, this is the author's first book, that I can see, and it blew me away, it really did.

It's told from Nim and Tristan's point of view, with two others getting a say for a short time. They have clear and concise voices, and you get the setting of this world in dribs and drabs. You do NOT get everything all at once, and I really loved being able to process every little bit as and when it came at me.

And you can process it, just in time for the next bit to be thrown at you. And I really LOVED getting thrown at! I can't tell you how much I love being able to take steps into a new world a bit at a time, I really can't.

There is something much bigger going on here, that is revealed, I'm sure. The clues are there, I think, but I'm not sure I put it all together in the way it's meant to be put together. I mean, SOME things are totally clear, but it's the other bits and pieces that are a little fuzzy and I love that they are, cos I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED the next book to make things unclear!

Tristan and Nim's story is dark and deadly, and somewhat graphic in it's violence in places, but it really is needed, for you to get what has happens to the Blues since the ambush and death of their king. There is passion and love here, but it's not especially explicit, but as much as the violence IS needed, the sex is NOT. You get all you need between Nim and Tristan with what is here.

The people in this world are varied and different, with their own skills and powers and traits unique to their race. Some hints about dragons and Nephilim. Wings for Nim, her brother Val and a couple of Tristan's men. Those things are just *there*, you know? You don't get a big long winded explanation, just Nim stretched her wings. And I loved that!

Like I said, I bloody LOVED this book, and if this really IS this author's first book, she nailed it! Absolutely NAILED it and I cannot wait to see what comes next. I know that Val is next, Nim's brother, and given what happens to him in this book, I think that one might be a much more difficult read.

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Sometimes the Magic Works: Lessons from a Writing Life
Sometimes the Magic Works: Lessons from a Writing Life
Terry Brooks | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Real Life Stories (1 more)
Brooks' Experiences as a Writer
Preachy (0 more)
If you are planning an epic like LOTR or Shannara, you need to read this
I always wanted to be a writer when I grew up, I loved reading. I don't write much now, but when I was, I read lots of 'How to Write' books. Most are crap. This is one that is worthy of a read.
You can not deny that Terry Brooks has nailed the epic fantasy journey, better than Tolkein, it's still going strong. I love his writing and his stories. Although I didn't take as much from this as King's On Writing, I did enjoy reading it and seeing a little into the man behiind the books. This book is not just for wannabe writers, it's for his fans as well, you learn a little more about how Shannara and Landover came about.

Merissa (11704 KP) rated Eeny Meeny by Laura N. Andrews in Books

Jun 15, 2022 (Updated Jun 19, 2023)  
Eeny Meeny by Laura N. Andrews
Eeny Meeny by Laura N. Andrews
Laura N. Andrews | 2022 | Romance, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
EENY MEENY is a standalone novella in the Nursery Crimes series. I have to say, this is the first time I've read about a psychopath as the main GOOD character!

Honestly? This novella was brilliant. Originally, I planned on giving 4-stars but then I realised that there is nothing wrong with the story as it is. It's just me being greedy, wanting a full-blown novel. Of course, with it being a novella, the pacing is fast and the emotional connection between the main characters is pretty much instant, but still!

This is a complete story, including details of Elizabeth's childhood, her relationship with her mum, and her feelings for Isaac. She may not have the full scope of emotions but she loves him with all that she is. And that is enough! You also find out about those she targets and why. It really is all here.

Ms Andrews' writing never disappoints! Very different to what she's written previously, she nevertheless nailed it. Very different and I loved every word. Highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 8, 2022

Rat Scabies recommended Live at Leeds by The Who in Music (curated)

Live at Leeds by The Who
Live at Leeds by The Who
1970 | Rock
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Like with the Slade live album, I'd been to see The Who and it was quite an experience, again at the Orchid Ballroom in Purley. It's one of the most unknown venues in the country, I think, but it was the biggest ballroom in Europe and it used to hold about 5000 people. It was huge, and you wouldn't even know it was there when you drove past; it was just a doorway, in Purley. And I think The Who had just come back from America where they'd been doing Tommy. So it was Townshend in his white boiler suit and nailing Keith Moon's drums down before the set, and The James Gang opening. I'm not sure when Live At Leeds came out, whether it was before or after that, but I just remember how amazing the album was because it had all of those pull-outs and receipts and photographs and things. I was sitting on the train and looking at the record and really hoping that people would think I was in the record business and that I'd received this white label with a load of bills. But again I'd seen them play that sort of show, and I think Live At Leeds really was them at the top of their game. As a live band they'd really pulled together and they'd done their homework. They'd done enough and they'd really nailed how to put it together on stage. For me they didn't do a better live thing. Tommy I liked, but I thought a lot of it was unnecessary and went on a bit, and it was a bit more Who than I wanted, in some cases. The real thing that always stuck with me with this record is where they do the jamming stuff and Townshend takes off on that discordant thing, and the dynamics and atmosphere are liable to go up and down, taking it from this raging onslaught of rock down to this level of almost subtlety, and then to build it up again from that. They're good dynamics, and those are often hard to find. There's something about that sound they got as well: not so much as a band but just the guitar sound. It was very clean and there was a lot of clarity. And the drums: the sound never changes, but the dynamics of what he does have peaks and troughs."
