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Rick Astley recommended Highway to Hell by AC/DC in Music (curated)

Highway to Hell by AC/DC
Highway to Hell by AC/DC
1979 | Rock
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was about fifteen-years-old and I had just started playing drums and somebody played this album in its entirety on the radio. My Dad had a garden centre at the time and I used to sit in the pickup truck listening to the radio – you know, in its own bizarre way [at that age], you just want to be on your own. So I remember being in that van and the radio DJ saying something about AC/DC and they put it on – I was nailed to my seat. And I'm a drummer, I've always liked rock bands and I've got a mid-life crisis band with some friends – we're called The Luddites. We just play three-piece punk or rock. We murder some of the classics for charity – that's how we get away with it. We go from Sex Pistols to Clash to Foo Fighters to Kings of Leon and so on. Really anthemic songs! Those last two bands have got an odd place in a lot of people's music world – certainly that very guitar heavy rock sound of the Foo Fighters – you would be shocked at some of the people who are into this heavy rock sound. Certain people – a mom with three kids for example – are really into this music! But it's all melodically very strong. Where were we? Oh yes, AC/DC. I made a cassette of this album. I used to drum to this album. Phil Rudd was a monster on the drums. He doesn't do anything – he's the rock Ringo. Whatever he's done needs to be done. People take the piss out of Ringo but everything he did was where it should be. How did I change from being a drummer to a singer? I borrowed a guitar from a guy in the band and fumbled through a few chords and tried to write songs and I became the singer because of that."


Kurt Vile recommended Good Old Boys by Randy Newman in Music (curated)

Good Old Boys by Randy Newman
Good Old Boys by Randy Newman
1974 | Singer-Songwriter
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"And then after that I got into Good Old Boys, which is a more refined thing, and at first I was like, no, I like Sail Away better, but Good Old Boys: he'll be singing like a love song, like a song like 'Marie', best love song ever, but then if you listen close, he's like, ""I love you the first time I saw you, and I will always love you Marie"". And then you realise, y'know, ""I don't listen to a word you say, when you're in trouble I just turn away"". You realise it's a love song from an asshole, a Southern asshole basically! There's another song on there, called 'Guilty', and that killed me. You've got to listen to the lyrics on that song. He starts out: ""Yes, baby, I been drinking, and I shouldn't come by I know, but I found myself in trouble, and I had nowhere else to go"", but then the production's amazing, it just kicks in with the drums and he's like: ""Got some whisky from the barman, got some cocaine from a friend"", and then it builds up and builds up, he's talking to his girlfriend. He's obviously a shit and he's shown up drunk at her doorway, and the punchline at the end is: ""You know I just can't stand myself and it takes a whole lot of medicine for me to pretend that I'm somebody else."" It's incredible! He always mocked the singer-songwriter thing, even though he was inspired by it. I say that in his moments like 'Guilty' and 'Marie', he says it better than Bob Dylan or anybody, or even Neil Young; obviously they're still talented at being real, they're both clever, they can put you on psychedelically any time they want and say [their lyrics] mean something or not and give a very cool response - not too cool, they can just answer any way they want, just be immortal. But Randy Newman has the concise moment that hits you in the gut; sometimes, I think, he's nailed it better than Bob Dylan. I totally think it's important to have humour in records. That's my personality anyway, but that's the best thing you can do, really. Because I was sometimes sad or melancholy, but I think the people that just ran that home, like in the grunge era, fucking like Smashing Pumpkins - I liked them when I was a kid - or even Eddie Vedder - no offence on them really, but at the same time they're victims of thinking there was this movement, like in the '70s, that there was this utopian dream that they'd change the world, like Crosby or something. But it's too one-sided after a while. Like fucking darkness in grunge - I don't know, no relief whatsoever? It's bullshit, it's too one-sided, it's not the way life is: life isn't that fucked, but it is. I just think that people, when they get too dramatic, it comes off like a bummer."

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Non-stop action (2 more)
Tugs at the heart strings
Moments of goosebumps
Scenes in Edinburgh Waverley station reminded me of my morning commute and therefore work :( (1 more)
Obvious impermanence
Just stops short of perfect
Contains spoilers, click to show
Contains spoilers, look away now.

You have been warned.

OK, here goes. On leaving the cinema I felt a mix of emotions. Excitement at the events I had witnessed, Anxiety for the wait for the next film, Thoughtful over the conclusion (Thanos, work complete, settling down for some time on the farm). But no sadness. Not a jot. I had just watched some of my favourite characters perish: the excellent new incarnation of Spider-man, the strong principled leader of Black Panther, all of GotG except the rabbit one, etc etc. One click of Thanos' fingers and they were gone. But ... I just didn't really care. I knew that the next film is going to involve another click of his (or more likely someone else's - my money is on Nebula) fingers and all his actions will be un-done and it turns out nobody died after all, because Disney.

The fact that it was all the new members of the team/universe that perished and all the original avengers survived (hawkeye TBC) was a total cop-out. I am so bored of Captain America and Iron Man (though I like Stark's comedy quips), and Hulk is fatally flawed as a hero due to being totally uncontrollable. Prior to Ragnarok I strongly disliked Thor, but now I do seem to dislike him less. Plus it is hard to see how any of those are strong enough to overpower Thanos and fix what he has done (if it comes down to a sombre, from-the-heart Cap speech that makes Thanos see the error of his ways then the cinema will see ROSS SMASH).

The whole movie is outstanding, don't get me wrong. The action, the pacing, the different new interactions, the story and backstory and the humour. Oh my, the humour. I think this is possibly the funniest MCU film yet - the writers really have nailed the one-liners this time. It could be that there is more tension and the humour cuts through it, that you notice it more, but so funny. The scenes with Spider-man (IRON SPIDER!!!), Iron Man and Star Lord and Drax were awesome.

Outstanding moments for me:
Thor's appearance in Wakanda (kicking names and taking asses) - proper goose-bumps
The first conflict in New York - Spidey, Iron Man and Dr Strange against Ebony Maw
The battle on Titan

Annoying moments for me:
Star-Lord ruining everything - twice! All he had to do was kill Gamora when she asked him to (before Thanos realised and made his gun shoot bubbles!). And then when they were so close to getting the gauntlet off Thanos (I was convinced they would get it off and Nebula would take it and be so much worse than Thanos). I guess this showed the human side and how emotional attachments are what define us blah blah but it was another moment where an illogical action from one person ruined the endeavours.

Still, the emotional rollercoaster was better than I expected and I am so looking forward to Ant-Man and the Wasp, Captain Marvel and part 2.
John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)
John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)
2017 | Action, Crime, Thriller
Baba Yaga
#keanureeves #johnwick2 #johnwick When i got up out my seat after this had ended my heart was pounding and thats when i realised john wick 2 was something special. Its been a while since an action film has made me feel this excited, engaged and short of breath but this film nailed everything almost flawlessly. From the start this film oozes quality, every shot its perfect and has a gritty kind of beauty to it. Its filmed so well too with none of those stupid jump cuts action films today seem to shove in your face constantly to hide bad cgi or awful choreography, but in john wick 2 every fight, every trigger pull is framed so carefully and perfect that you see EVERYTHING thats going on in one clean swoop. The sound too is outstanding, you hear every cartridge hit the floor during gun fights and the roar of a cars engine you feel it in your chest and even the cinema floor was rumbling too. Id say this is way better than the fist one too as the director has clearly learnt more techniques/styles and take inspiration from older action films and stuntmen. I also can not wait to see this on #4k because the detail and destruction is nuts, mud, water, blood and glass is literally splashed everywhere. Blood fans will be happy also as this film is gratuitously violent (cough cough pencil scene). A definite must see film, its such an explosive rush from start to finish and its a lot smarter/fun and well made than your average action film. So excited for part 3. #film #review #action ##gore #blood #new #rubyrose #violent #style #odeonlimitless #odeon #cinema #2017
Slated (Slated #1)
Slated (Slated #1)
Teri Terry | 2012 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog at <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

Slated by Teri Terry has been on my to read list for ages, so when I found out I was going to be moving from the UK to the US, I bought it ASAP because it isn't out over here in the US yet. I'm so glad I bought this book. It is so so so good!!

Kyla is a 16 year old girl whose memories have been erased in order to be a more compliant citizen. In other words, Kyla has been slated because she supposedly broke the law. Kyla can't remember anything about her previous life although she is having terrible nightmares that seem too real to just be a dream. Plus, she keeps drawing things that she can't remember ever seeing. Soon, people start disappearing around Kyla for no reason at all. Are they being Slated or is there something else going on?

The title of this book is very straight forward. Slating is the main point of this book. I wouldn't have picked a different title as I feel this one is perfect.

The cover is a bit too plain and boring. It's just kind of meh. Anyone who has read my reviews in the past knows how I don't like covers that just have a face on them. To me, it is an easy way out. It doesn't take much thought when it comes to putting a face on a cover. I wish the cover would show a bit more of the story.

The world building was great! The world in which Kyla lived felt very believable. In fact, the whole storyline felt believable. I especially thought the scenes in which Kyla is in the hospital felt like I was living them as well.

I felt that the author really nailed the pacing. I was hooked from the very first page. Everything just flowed so easily, and I felt myself become totally lost in the pages as the story progressed. It only took me longer to read Slated because I moved from the UK to the US so I didn't have much time to read, otherwise, I'd have had that book read in about 3 days or less.

The dialogue in Slated feels natural. This is a YA book, and the dialogue fits the genre perfectly. Not once does the dialogue feel forced or sound like it was adults speaking. I really enjoyed the internal conflict when it came to Kyla. As for swearing, I don't think there is any in this book.

All the characters in Slated were believable. Kyla really seemed to come across as a character who had lost their memory. At first, I was a bit concerned because Kyla seemed to know what things were even though she had lost all of her memory including motor skills. However, this was explained in the book. Kyla seems very much like a teenage girl. We don't really get to know too much about Amy or Jazz, but even they felt like real characters. For some reason, I couldn't connect to Ben. This wasn't because he was a poorly written character, but it was more of a personal thing. I just found him a tad bit annoying for some reason that I can't explain. My favourite character was Kyla's mum. I just loved the way she interacted with Kyla. Both Kyla's mum and dad are both hiding something that hasn't been revealed in this first book.

Everything about this book was fantastic. I can't think of one single thing wrong with it. It was so much fun to read. I'm only disappointed that I have to wait so long for the second book in the series to be out.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 14+ due to violence.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Little (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Little (2019)
Little (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy
an we just acknowledge the fact that Marsai Martin actually pitched this movie? She also has a credit as executive producer. She's 14... 14!!

Yet another film where we know what's going to happen, in this instance it's not a problem.

Jordan has made her way up to being the boss and she's made it her mission not to be pushed around anymore. But that attitude means that she's universally despised in the office. When she encounters a young girl in the office she lays out some hard truths for her about life, and when Stevie takes out her magic wand and wishes Jordan was little again I don't think anyone could see what was coming. (Apart from us movie folk.)

We follow little Jordan and her assistant, April, as they try to navigate life, school, the office and men. The ride is a bit crazy.

Marsai Martin steals the show, she has a knack for the adult characteristics and takes to the comedy so naturally.

Issa Rae was a bit of an unknown entity to me despite having seen her in The Hate U Give. Her character of April seemed to be just the right level of down to earth and crazy to be able to deal with such a bizarre situation and overall I thought she came across well in all aspects apart from one which I'll come to in a bit.

Regina Hall is a favourite of mine and I could see why she was right for this part and she nailed pre-little Jordan. Post-little Jordan though was not to my liking. She seemed to be very badly written. Somehow her epiphany moment didn't stick, all it seemed to do was make her awkward in a whole new way.

Let's talk about the rom in this rom-com... why did they put it in? Firstly we have Justin Hartley, I'll give you a moment to remember Ty Swindel... you'd be forgiven for thinking he had a big part in this film, the trailer makes it look like he's a love interest for April but in the end his role was nothing more than trying to "liven up" the portions of the film that were based at the school.

Next there's the lovely Preston, April's co-worker, who is just the sweetest thing. You know that they're meant to be together but the script has other ideas. It drags out and at no point do they properly develop that part of the story. We get to the end and it's there suddenly, I seriously wondered if there was a scene cut out in editing that made it connect or if they'd just forgotten about it. Either way it ruined an otherwise good run for April in the film.

Lastly there's Trevor, Jordan's love interest... he is dumb as a box of rocks but they've given him a sweet side. He assumes that Jordan has been hiding the fact that she's got a daughter and that's why she's guarded, cue some sweet, if weird, overcompensation... but here's the thing, once Jordan gets big again why is he still there? How does she explain away the whole child thing? We're not going to talk about it? Oh, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.

Little doesn't hit all the comedy spots, and there are certainly scenes that don't seem to have any relevance (karaoke at the restaurant I'm looking at you) but it's still funny. I didn't find it as funny as the woman across the aisle from me who on several occasions let out a very loud and extended "HAAAAAAA!", but it was entertaining.

What you should do

Watch this one when it streams, it's mindless fun and you really don't have to think a lot. I'm sure it'd be good for a girls night in.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Homegirl seems like a great idea, especially if she knows when I need a musical pick me up.
Admins (2017)
Admins (2017)
2017 |
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Glengarry Glen Ross, Clerks, A Few Good Men, The Big Short, Office Space and Waiting, What do these flicks have in common? No matter the genre they fall in they all have great writing, great dialogue and superb execution of both these factors from there core cast. While Admins may be a Low Budget independent movie it has all these key ingredients and deserves your attention.

Since Movies like Clerks and Office Space hit our screens and gave us a real good look into work life culture, well many movies have came and went since that tried to capture that magic but more often than not they fail because they lack the witty dialogue or lead cast delivery. Aaron Goodmiller and Eric Espejo have achieved a rare feat and brought us a movie that holds many similarity’s to the movies they (and we) love but also expertly elaborates becoming not only a love letter to the genre but an excellent reminder that there is still life in this genre yet.


Admins is a day in the life story of Dan and Randy. Dan and Randy are a couple of systems admins at a “government company” and much like your normal average Joe, spend most of there days figuring out how exactly to fill there work time. So yeah that’s pretty much all I can say plot wise other than what follows is a string of interesting, candid, funny as hell conversations (most notably the “Rape Card” conversation) as Dan is trying his damned hardest to better his position in the company and Randy just calls it like he sees it.

For me this flick lives in its performances and I don’t just mean from our two leads. Lets for a second talk about them though Jay Saunders as Dan the put upon employee who has the intelligence and the aspirations of making it, well I thought Saunders nailed this. Playing off him was Doug Henderson as Randy, please please please please someone pick this guy up and take him all the way. Henderson is an absolute scene stealing son of a bitch, his effortless delivery of some fairly complex dialogue makes him a joy to watch. I see a bright future for this guy. Just check out this delivery…


Both the leads are utterly brilliant but I cant take anything away from the supporting cast, Rebecca Wahls and Devon Brookshire in particular shine in there scenes as Vera and Kathy respectively, both playing very strongly off the cocky confident leads.

This recommend couldn’t be any stronger, I want you all to go check this flick out. Aaron Goodmiller has done a fantastic job on directing duties considering he was thrown into it at short notice after writer Eric Espejo had to bow out. Yes it is low budget, but this is a movie that knows where it lives and what its strengths are, complex witty dialogue and a brilliant cast that can deliver. Admins uses those strengths to there fullest and truly is a gem of a movie not to be missed.

So with that in mind here is where you can get a hold of it, and I suggest you do…
To Touch You (Mates #4)
To Touch You (Mates #4)
Cardeno C | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a fitting end
I purchased both the ebook, AND audio copy of this book (November 2017)

This is book 4 in The Mates Series, and the last one. You don't need to have read the other three, but there is some overlap with books one, Wake Me Up Inside and book 3, In Your Eyes, so there may be spoilers, sorta, kinda.

Yoram Smith is 7 years old when he first meets Salvatore Rossi, and he knows nothing but the pull of his scent. Sal is, in Yoram's eyes, his friend. It takes a turning of Sal to vampire and over 20 years before Sal finally admits that Yoram is his mate.

I LOVED this final installment in the Mates series! I really did. But I can't split the narration from the book, so the lines might be a bit blurred on this one.

I read this book, in December 2017, and I was going through a rough patch, so didn't actually write a review for it, then the audio came through the blog for review, and I had credits available, so I grabbed it. SO glad I did!

I loved Charlie David's narration, his voices especially. Yoram is 7 when we first meet him, and I was curious how David would change his voice as he grew. Nailed that one, I tell ya! At7, at 14 and as a full groan Yoram, his voice is the same but different, if that makes any sense? I could tell it was Yoram at every step of the way.

And trust me, it's a very long way these two took to finally get together! Sal doesn't fully understand the workings of being a vampire, he finds no joy in feeding and certainly not socialising with them, but he HAS to feed. Until the blood turns up on his doorstep, and THAT blood is different. Takes him a while to figure out where it's coming from!

I loved that Zev and Jonah ( book 1) and Samuel and Korban (book 3) play a part here, but I especially loved that Ethan and Miguel are a HUGE part of this book. When I read this, I could hear the voices of these guys but they weren't right, not at all. So it was great to be able to catch up with them here.

I loved that, once Sal finally dug his head out the sand and returned to Yoram, he was all in, totally and utterly.

Like I said, I can't really split the narration from the book, so

5 stars all round!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
X-Force, Vol. 2: Old Ghosts
X-Force, Vol. 2: Old Ghosts
Christopher Yost | 2009 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow, I can't believe I stopped reading this incarnation of X-FORCE around Issue 3! Mind you, I was going through personal issues, and a darker, edgier comic was more angst than I could handle at the time. However, now that I have it all in digital and I am in a better state - mentally, physically, spiritually - I couldn't have picked a better opportunity to dive back in from the beginning.

Volume Two is as good as, if not better than, the first Volume. The continuity throughout is seamless, not missing a beat, carefully tapping into old "big bads", with end-result being a high-tension, white-knuckle thrill-ride that manages to inject some humorous dialogue (Oh, Domino, you always says some snarkiest remarks sometimes, but ah, that timing! *grin*) every so often but never enough to break the mood.

Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost were the perfect choice for the writers of the series revision. They get in the characters' heads when the write, presenting us with the ones we knew rather than badly-plotted inconsistent shadows of their former selves.

Especially good, I remarked on this review of Volume One, is their treatment of X-23/Laura Kinney. She wants to be part of something, a "family" of sorts. It shows as her involvement in the team progresses. She watches out for them, tapping into techniques learned during her time in the Weapon X Project, working to ensure that everyone should remain alive, thus remaining a "family" of sorts.

Logan is still watching over from a distance, but close enough that if things get really bad, I imagine he's pull her. The way Yost and Kyle write it, I took it that Logan was still not comfortable with Cry-clops' decision for to be on the team, but as befits a father, he wants to give her the room to find herself

The only thing I didn't like about Laura/X-23 was the art. Facially? Nailed it, you seemed to be late 16, early-ish 17. However, her body was leaning towards objectification. From the noticeable breast enhancement to the bared mid-riff (Domino was not drawn as such) to the super-tight, two sizes too small uniform, I was, to say the least, disappointed that was how Marvel (and artist Mike Choi) chose to present her! X-23 illustration quibbles aside, the art overall was solid!

Again, I can't say enough good about the overall story, art, etc. If you are looking for a good X-read, look no further, for you have one right here! Enjoy.
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Log on or log off?
#ralphbreakstheinternet is an ambitious sequel not only full to the brim with #popculture but intelligence too. Opening up I wasnt sure i was going to like #wreckitralph2 but then as it slowly gained momentum i started to see not only obscure references to things i love #2001aspaceodyssey #carmageddon #totalrecall #lalaland but clear inspiration from #tron & #tronlegacy as well as a ton of really clever & intelligent ideas. More an animation for adults than #children this time around the sequel deals with way more mature themes & adult subject matter but thats not surprising really with a film based around the #internet. Visuals while also bright & colourful at times generally have a darker more creepy & grimey look to them at times which i really was not expecting & therefore im wondering if younger #kids will be bored or scared because of it. Thats not to say visually its not great because it is, the world they have created here is fantastic filled with life & detail with so much going on that at times it was overwhelming & incredibly immersive. They have absolutely nailed every inch of what being an internet user is like these days here & theres a running theme of how the internet is used as a tool to exploit us all & not only take our money but our lives too. Its also touched on how the internet creates competition between us, obsessions & rivalries even with out friends. Infact there is so much depth here & so many different current themes are explored that i found my mind on the verge of overflowing trying to think about them all. While there are alot of negative themes i was happy that the film does infact conclude with an extremely positive message & i walked out #happy yet feeling my thoughts had been provoked. Genuinely also really #funny there was one character that had me #laughing out louder than the kids in my screening. As #disney now seem to own everything they also make great use of all the properties they own giving the film a very #whoframedrogerrabbit feel which was so fun yet a worrying sign of control. A damn good #animated film especially for grown ups that will leave your brain thinking & your mouth #smiling. #retro #starwars #princess