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Notes from a Small Island: Journey Through Britain
Notes from a Small Island: Journey Through Britain
Bill Bryson | 2012 | Travel
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rambling, in all ways
A friend recommended this as a good read, although just quite why escapes me, but I thought I’d give it a read. Whilst there are some great bits in this book, it’s let down by its rather rambling and long winded nature.

This is rather like a informal guide book, and actually, I’d love to see real guide books like this - giving a rather honest and frank opinion on a city or area. I do think Bryson might have held back a little on his opinions, but there are still quite scathing in parts and that’s what I liked about this book. He’s really captured the essence of Britain and British life, even considering the fact that this book was written over 20 years ago! From terrible lift maintenance, the nightmare of driving in Britain and the mick-taking way of life, he really has got us spot on and there are a lot of times I laughed out loud reading this.

The problem is that Bryson goes on a rambling trip across Britain, and his writing style is rather rambling and long winded too. I struggled to get through some of this book as it doesn’t half ramble on, especially as it’s a country I know a fair bit about already.

Still I’d recommend this to anyone wanting to find out more about Britain, just bear in mind it’s a few years out of date!

Ross (3284 KP) rated Rejoice in Books

Oct 18, 2018  
Steven Erikson | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heavy-going treatise on man's reaction to alien interference
*** Disclosure - I received a free advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***
I have been planning on reading Erikson's Malazan series for some time but have yet to take the plunge. Getting approval to read Erikson's new sci-fi book gave me the chance to experience his writing style without such a big commitment.
The book itself feels like a short sci-fi story where Canadian sci-fi author Samantha August is abducted by aliens and is shown how the alien race are helping the human race, in order to keep Earth safe for their future use. The aliens start to implement a number of changes in the planet, and other planets in the solar system, in order to protect the human race, and Earth itself, from their inbuilt self-destructive nature. Despite these improvements (no violence, drugs or alcohol, replenished food stocks and animal populations) the human race do what we do best - look past the surface benefits with suspicion to find the underlying threat and to use it to further our own selfish goals.
This short is then padded out with more in-depth insight from a large cast of characters - the leaders of a large number of countries, Murdoch-esque media oligarchs, and a range of former arms dealers and warlords. Their insights give the book a feel like World War Z, where the same story is told from a number of different viewpoints to give the varying angles and opinions. While this does add to the overall story (where Samantha's chapters focus on the high level changes and reactions, we are treated to some localised insights), most of these characters are pretty throwaway and don't really seem to have a distinct voice.
The book itself is very heavy-going, with very detailed in-depth analysis of the political, religious, ideological, economic and sociological issues being faced by the human race when such an intrusion, though a beneficial one, is experienced.
This is not a book one can pick up for short periods or read when tired, it really does take some effort to concentrate to get the most out of it.
While it was an interesting take on how such a good thing would likely be ruined by human nature, the narrative was quite detrimental to the overall piece.

ClareR (5674 KP) rated The Lost Man in Books

Mar 2, 2019  
The Lost Man
The Lost Man
Jane Harper | 2019 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
An atmospheric, addictive mystery.
A man's body is found in the Outback near what is locally known as 'The Stockman's Grave'. He had been out in the open and died of dehydration. His brothers are called to identify his body, and the family are then thrown in to the process of organising a funeral for him on Christmas Eve.
This is a family with many secrets - a family who have had hard lives and upbringings - and these secrets are ready to come out into the open.
The eldest brother, Nathan, can't believe that his brother died in the way that he did. They were all born and raised in the Outback, and wouldn't make the mistakes that led to the death of his brother, so he wants to try and find out exactly why and how he died.
I really enjoyed this book - they're a complicated family with a difficult past. I loved the way we are drip fed the stories of their lives, and the circumstances that made them who they are.
I love the Jane Harper books that I've read so far - she is so good at writing an uncomfortable atmosphere, and I really felt for the characters. The descriptions of the Outback, the bleakness and the heat, are so graphic that I feel like I could be there too (and with that heat, I'm glad I'm not!). I have Force of Nature sat on my bookshelf, and I'm really looking forward to reading it next!
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this really fabulous book!

Sam (74 KP) rated More Than This in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
More Than This
More Than This
Patrick Ness | 2014 | Children
8.9 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
However, I never managed to get into it. I didn’t realise it would be quite as sci-fi as it seemed to begin with and struggled to relate to the protagonist.

I thought this was going to stay as a DNF forever, as I had a tendency to never try to pick a book up again after I have DNF’d it. However, just before I was going on holiday I saw a review for it over on another blog and decided that I should try it again. My tastes have changed a lot in a few years, so I was hoping I would find it easier to read this time around.

And I was right! I wasn’t hooked right at the beginning so it took some commitment to carry on reading. But now I really enjoyed the concept of aliens used in this and all of the mystery.

I actually got hooked on this! It’s almost like reading an episode of Black Mirror, which is another thing I’m addicted to.

Fair enough, I wasn’t completely sure I liked the characters, but you don’t have to love the characters in order to enjoy a novel.

I have an obsession with urban explorers going into abandoned places, and I love their videos. More Than This is set in a completely abandoned world, and I found Ness’s description of how nature took over a familiar place was really fascinating. This made me really like his writing and now I’m considering reading more of his books!
The Little Dog (A Red Grouse Tale)
The Little Dog (A Red Grouse Tale)
Leslie W.P. Garland | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Thriller
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first of The Red Grouse Tales follows a working week for Bill, a forester who has drawn the short straw of being partnered with Blackman, an unpopular co worker. On the way to their remote work site on the first day they encounter a small white dog sitting at the side of the road. Bill is curious why it is sitting miles from anywhere. Blackman shows a complete disinterest, if not active dislike. As the week wears on Bill comes to ponder on who Blackman is and why he behaves like he does. The final day is one he will never forget.

The tense nervousness Bill feels working with Blackman through the week permeates the page, the writing creating an energy from the silence between the two men and the attempts by Bill to keep away from Blackman as much as he can. As Bill's thoughts turn to the nature of what makes people do bad or evil things the presence of his co-worker becomes almost unbearable. Neither Bill nor the reader can wait for the week to end. The final events of the week make Bill question not only good and evil but if such deeds can provoke divine retribution.

As with the other Red Grouse tales, there is a subtle paranormal thread running through the story, and a great deal of philosophy too. It works almost perfectly as a short story, with its limited week duration and building sense of suspense and drama.

An excellent introduction to the Red Grouse stories, setting up the series quite neatly

ClareR (5674 KP) rated Bird Therapy in Books

Apr 17, 2020  
Bird Therapy
Bird Therapy
Joe Harkness | 2020 | Health & Fitness, Natural World
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bird Therapy tells us how important nature is for our mental wellbeing. Joe Harkness has struggled with his own mental health for many years, and after reaching crisis point, he decided to get out into his own local natural environment. He began birdwatching, and soon realised that the combination of getting out in to the countryside and having a purpose to do so (birdwatching), helped him to find calm in an otherwise anxious and depressed mind.

This book not only looks at the medical evidence, proving the worth of getting out into our green spaces, but also looks at how birdwatching could work for the reader too. There are loads of helpful tips at the end of each chapter as well. For me though, the real beauty of this book is in the writing itself. The descriptions of the places where Joe goes to find birds, the times of year and the birds themselves are really inspirational. They make me want to go to these places and find these birds myself (I’m now obsessed with the idea of seeing a Shrike, after I googled it and found a picture of one sat on a fence, with what looks like a toad hanging out of its mouth!). I will enjoy my garden for now, in this time of Covid 19 isolation, but when we’re allowed back out, I’ll certainly be getting out into the countryside near where I live.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book, and to Joe Harkness for so actively participating in the process.