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Super Blood Hockey
Super Blood Hockey
2017 | Action, Sports
Nostalgic graphics, and gameplay. Great music. Arcade style hockey game, with brawling. (0 more)
Characters are slow - you have to unlock the option to speed them up. (0 more)
Blood and pucks!
This game reminded me of the good old days of hockey games, by which I mean THE FIGHTS! I remember playing hockey games on the Sega Mega-Drive, and most of the fun to be had in those games was derived from trying to start a fight in the game. It was a novelty, but a lot of fun. So much fun, in fact, that there was a Monster Hockey League game that tried to amp up the violence a bit. Super Blood Hockey is a fun tribute to those old hockey games, with a dash of extra violence. No need to wait around for a fight, they happen quite a lot. Even the ref can get knocked over in the mayhem! My only gripe with the game is that the speed of the characters feels sluggish, and almost tank-like in their turning for some. Luckily, you can unlock a feature to adjust the characters weight, essentially giving them all a speed boost. I feel like it should be faster off the bat, but still, this is a great nod to those old hockey games, and has a fantastic, frantic arcade feel to it. Highly recommended, especially with friends!
The Pigeon Will Ride the Roller Coaster!
The Pigeon Will Ride the Roller Coaster!
Mo Willems | 2022 | Children
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will the Pigeon Enjoy a Roller Coaster?
Pigeon is ready to ride a roller coaster. He knows he will need a ticket. He knows he will need to wait in line. And he knows it will be scary as it twists and turns at high speed. But he is ready. Is he really ready for what will happen next?

This is a mostly fun entry for fans of Pigeon. It’s told in typical style with illustrations and dialogue only. There isn’t quite as much interaction for us, but Pigeon still carries the book by himself. The story didn’t go quite the way I thought it would, but once I adjusted my expectations, I had to laugh at the outcome, especially the final page. And it provides a good lesson for all that sometimes things you are looking forward to turn into disappointments. I think the biggest issue with the book will be some of the vocabulary choices, which will be a bit beyond the target audience. Yes, I get the concept of stretching a vocabulary, but I think a couple of the words are a bit too abstract for the age group. Still, fans of Pigeon will be glad they picked it up.
Fire HD 8 Tablet with Alexa
Fire HD 8 Tablet with Alexa
eBook Readers
Affordable (3 more)
Expandable Storage
Good for reading
Good for video
Somewhat poor image quality (2 more)
Some apps/browsers are slow
Need to sideload some apps
Fire HD 8 6th Generation Tablet
For the most part, this is a solid tablet. I mostly use it for reading and watching movies and it works well for those things. Most apps run pretty smoothly on it. The browser (Silk) works pretty well but can be somewhat slow.

Another downside was that I had to sideload Google Play onto this tablet because there are several apps that were not available through Amazon's selection. They do seem to have most things, but obviously, they would prefer you to use their reading platforms over others so some of them are not available through their app store.

The screen may not be as clear as an iPad or some other tablets, but it still works very well. I've watched movies on it and read comics and have had no issues. If it's important to see an image as clear as possible for any reason this may not be the tablet for you. I've spoken with some photographers who will not use this tablet because it somewhat distorts the images they want to view. Of course, for most people, I doubt that will be a problem.

The device has either 16GB or 32 GB options. This may seem small to most people, but the Fire allows you to expand that with an SD card.

If tablet color matters to you, I love the magenta option for this tablet and I think that the color choices of the 6th generation were much better than the current generation.

Overall, this is not a perfect tablet but it is still a great device. If you have the need for high image quality or fast speed, this may not be the tablet for you. If you just want a tablet to enjoy media on that can fit into just about any budget, this might be what you're looking for.
The Third Avenue
The Third Avenue
Michael Jenkins | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Third Avenue takes us on another breakneck-speed adventure with spy, Sean Richardson. This time however, the danger comes from China - or rather a breakaway faction called Red Spear. Sean’s job is to infiltrate the organisation, find out what they want to achieve and how, and destroy them. Of course, not everything goes to plan. But there’s no need to worry, because Sean and his team have everything under control!

I love these books. Sean Richardson is reminiscent of James Bond, and always seems to be getting himself out of serious trouble - that’s after he’s got himself into it in the first place!
I hope there’s more to come from Sean Richardson, because I’ll be reading the books!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and Michael Jenkins for joining in the conversation.
Lost and Found (Tactical Solutions International #3)
Lost and Found (Tactical Solutions International #3)
Maggie Clare | 2020 | Romance, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
good but not great.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

You know sometimes, you just need a book you can read, and not really pay much attention to? One that doesn't tax the brain too much?

This is why I enjoyed this book. It was just what I needed after a particularly difficult day at work. I started it, and then I was done.

It's a really good book, but one that didn't blow me away.

I did enjoy the speed that things moved for Lissa and Cam. Usually, that would be a negative, but I think for these two, who have known each other forever, it was probably the best thing for them.

Some attention to the language used would have been good. At points it refers to certain parts of the male anatomy in the vernacular, slang and then, for some reason, it switches to the proper name for it. Kinda threw me, that.

It does get a bit steamy, but while it's hot, it's not a lot. If that makes any sense!

I liked that who I thought was the stalker, wasn't and I love being kept on my toes for that!

I liked it, but I didn't love it.

3 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Young Enough (The Age Between Us #2)
Young Enough (The Age Between Us #2)
Charmaine Pauls | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
You need book one first!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in The Age Between Us set, and you MUST read book one, Old Enough, before you read this one, it is not a stand alone.

I'm not gonna write a blurby bit, cos I might give something away!

When it all starts to unravel for Jane, and indeed for Brian, together, and separately, its like a ball rolling down a hill. As it moves, it gets faster and faster, and for Jane and Brian, things move at great speed, one thing after another after another, til the only way is for them both to walk away. When reading this unraveling, its like Oh My God. Then its, No Freaking WAY! And SAY WHAT NOW!!!

Because Pauls chucks so many, so bloody MANY things at this couple, and at us, it's a wonder they are still standing. So many twists and turns, so much that came totally out of left field, that I was totally blown away with the plot twists!

I've filed it on the darker/grittier shelf, because some of the things that are thrown at Brian and Jane need that tag. But if I tell you what they are, that would give plot lines away, so if anyone wants to know, please feel free to message me, and I will tell you, but I'm not doing that here.


It's again, first person present tense, from both Jane and Brian's point of view. And as much as I loved this book, more so than the first, I still can't get past that. And for that I'm sorry!

Its very well written, though and you really do feel for both Brian and Jane when things start to go wrong. Strangely, I felt more for Brian than I did for Jane. Well I did, up to a point, and after that point?? It was Jane I felt more for!

So, even though I enjoyed this one more than book one, I still can't get past the present tense .....

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
I Know What You’ve Done
I Know What You’ve Done
Dorothy Koomson | 2021 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the ideal book for those that want to see behind the curtains and front doors of their neighbours. Which says a lot about me, because this book had me on tenterhooks from the very first page!

One of the neighbours is the victim of an attempted murder, and just before she passes out on the pavement, she knocks on the door of another resident to warn them of something. She forces her diary on to them, saying that all they need to know is contained within.

The recipient of the diary has a past of her own that she’d rather no one knew about, and so it appears do a lot of the other residents of Acacia Villas.

The information of each of the residents involved in nefarious goings-on is drip fed at just the right speed to keep you turning the pages, and there are many gasp out loud moments!

It’s a great read, and recommended.
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to Dorothy Koomson for reading along, commenting in the margins with us Pigeonhole readers!
Idle Heroes - Idle Games
Idle Heroes - Idle Games
7.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Challenging battles (0 more)
Lack of active players (0 more)
Ideal for time wasting
I originally trialled this game in order to get free credits for another game, but rather than delete it after achieving the desired goal, I have kept pursuing it.

The game itself involves the development of heroes, you start by building up 3 star and 4 star heroes, progressing towards 10 stars. Initially I found it quite fast to develop 5 star heroes, collecting my daily bonuses from activities to speed up the process. Progressing to six star +, brings a whole new level of challenge, as you need to merge specific heroes together - I have found that this takes a lot more time in order to collect the correct amount of resources.

The creators of the game provide a large number of diamonds on a daily basis, which is beneficial to players, as it means you do not have to spend money in order to progress through the game. There are paid options if desired, where you can purchase VIP, which gives you access to additional aspects to help speed the game.

Heroes can be used in battle against the computer in the tower of oblivion and various other forums within the game, but you do find you become stuck at a level, sometimes for many days whilst trying to up grade.

To support the social aspect of the game, there is the option to join a guild. If the guild is active and works together, then this supports the development of your own team. One thing I have found on this game, is that there is a lack of audience of the game at the moment, and a large number of inactive players. This has meant that guilds do struggle to start up. The game also operates across several servers which cannot interact with each other, meaning friends need to be directed to join specific servers (and will have to carry out the introduction activities twice).

All in all the game is enjoyable and addictive, however it does have a few flaws, which I am hoping will be ironed out with time.

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Solomon's Sieve (Knights of Black Swan #7) in Books

Apr 6, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Solomon's Sieve (Knights of Black Swan #7)
Solomon's Sieve (Knights of Black Swan #7)
Victoria Danann | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book starts with a speed date from hell and someone talking to you from the afterlife - I kid you not! Only Victoria Danann could bring those things together and make it work in such a way that it seems absolutely 'normal'.

Being back with the Black Swan is always a pleasure and this book is no different. After six previous books, there is a sense of familiarity with how characters will react, what they will say, what their body language will tell you.

The one thing I will say about this book - and it is also the reason I am only giving 4 stars instead of the usual 5 to Victoria - is that it is such a busy book! There are a lot of things going on so you will need to read carefully. For example, you have the Sol/Farnsworth story, Raif and Mercy, B Team being brought back from retirement, Z Team having their babysitting mission, and Rosie having her sabbatical. Unfortunately for me, it felt like there was so much going on that I missed out on parts. I would have loved for Raif and Mercy to have their own story, linked with Farnsworth's search. I felt like they were only in the book for a couple of scenes and now they're together.

This is my only 'niggle' with the book and of course, I can still highly recommend this series as one of the best paranormal romances that I have read. These books are definitely keepers and are to be kept, cherished and re-read for years to come.
* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
September 6, 2016
Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher
Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher
Maxine Sylvester | 2020 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best about his book was how Ronaldo chooses to put his new friend over getting an award for himself. (0 more)
fart jokes (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher by Maxine Sylvester was a wonderful children's book. It is a cute story about a reindeer and his friend at the Flying Academy. The story teaches about the value of friendship and what it means to put your friend's well being before personal gain. It alos brings up judging someone on their personality and not on how they look.

Ronaldo is a level two cadet at the Reindeer Flying Academy and wears his two snowflakes that show his rank on his jacket with pride. He consistently stays at the top of his class and is in the running for getting the Golden Snowflake for having the best speed overall for the year. His best friend, Rudi is in fourth place but that dose not seem to affect their friendship.

One day after completing his flying challenge Ronaldo sets down his bag with camrots in it to watch Rudi finish his challenge. When the friends return to eat the carots they find the carrots are
missing and this is not the first time this has happened. On the way home the two friends discuss how to find the animal responsible for the missing carrots. Not too far from his home Ronaldo meets Ernie who is lost. He agrees to help Emie find her family again in secret. Rudi helps develop a plan to get a message to Ernie's family but it will cost Ronaldo the speed record. Ronaldo decides that helping a friend is more important than breaking a record and takes the risk to help award for himself.

What I liked best about his book was how Ronaldo chooses to put his new friend over getting an award for himself. Ronaldo and Rudi also overcome their fear of The Forest of Doom in order to help Ernie and Ernie saves Ronaldo from bullies. There really isn't much that I did not like about this
book. If I had to pick something it would be that I could have done without the fart jokes, but I understand the appeal they have to younger children.

Target readers for this book are elementary students. Second grade students shoulhandle this book without a problem. Some words may need to be looked up but not too many of them. Having to look up a few words would help expand a young child's vocabulary so that is just another plus for this book. I rate this book a perfect 4 out of 4. This book has a great story line that moves along steadily and the chapters are short enough that they do not discourage young readers. The characters are cute and even the artwork is done nicely.