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Not Thomas
Not Thomas
Sara Gethin | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is such a sad story I often struggled to bring myself to read it. The novel is written as if it were a true story told by the central character, 5-year-old Tomos. Tomos has just moved in with his birth mother, following a long period of foster care which came to an end when the foster parent died.

The language with which it’s written, is very much like that of its protagonist, with common wording, present tense, short sentences, and childlike enthusiasm clearly conveyed. In spite of this, you may argue it’s not necessarily easy to read, as I shall explain.

In the beginning of the book, the neglect endured by Tomos is more commonplace, such as: occasionally having crisps instead of a cooked meal, making do with a removable ladder to on and off his bed, and his mum missing his nativity play. Later a teacher spots there’s an issue and starts bringing food and uniform for him to school.

However, after each let-down, the author must have thought “Right, what’s the worst thing that can happen next?” By the end of the book, there’s a rape, an arrest, and a murder. Eventually the teacher forges a rescue of sorts for Tomos, but things may never be the same again for poor Tomos.

Reading a book where the dialogue is in my own Welsh valley dialect made the story feel all the more real to me. In the first half of the book, the dialogue amongst the adults provides more depth, context and complexity to the story, which would otherwise only be hinted at.

In the end, it’s the realism of the story that makes it such a hard read.

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Whisper Me This
Whisper Me This
Kerry Anne King | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tackles delicate issues well (0 more)
2nd half loses its pace (0 more)
Captivating story that loses its pace
I want to start by saying i liked this story. The first half was very captivating, and will definitely keep you engaged. The author tackled a very delicate issue about abuse and the characters were very believable.

 I enjoyed the mystery surrounding the parents but if you read the sypnosis you can kind of see what's going to happen. I hate they put in a big spoiler in a typical sypnosis. It did lose some of its mystery but was still engaging. This mystery was all reveled halfway through the book and this is when it started to lose its pace and I lost my interest sadly but this is probably because this genre in general has never interested me.

I loved the characters and felt very connected to them. They were believable and you could relate to them.

Because of the big spoiler the story became too predictable which left me very disappointed. The fact I stick with this story despite it not being my kind of book shows that it was still engaging though and I would recommend. Just don't read the story sypnosis first.

I still think the story overcomes the shortcomings, and also think it is an important story to read. It is intense and the author did well telling such a complex story.

I'll give you the spoiler free sypnosis here : Single mother Maisey has always fallen short of her own mother's expectations but she is rushed back home when she hears here mother is in a coma and her father is facing charges of abuse and neglect.
She must make a life and death decision. Her confused father is destroying can't records including her mother's final wishes. What is the big mystery?
Life and Other Inconveniences
Life and Other Inconveniences
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma London is kicked out her home as pregnant teen. It particularly stings, because when Emma's mom died when she was a kid, her dad dropped her on his own mom's doorstop and never looked back. Genevieve, Emma's wealthy grandmother, took her in and raised her, but she never had much love for Emma. Perhaps because Genevieve was already dealing with her own tragedies: the disappearance of her young son, followed by the early death of her husband. Still, she had time to build a fashion empire--and neglect her other son (Emma's father). Emma hasn't let any of her family baggage stop her. She's built a good life for herself and her teenage daughter, Riley. But now she has a surprise call from Genevieve, asking her for help. Emma isn't sure she can go home again, but what if it's what's best for Riley? And maybe even for her?

What a wonderful read! This was a great book to consume poolside this summer.

I love Kristan Higgins' books and this one was no exception. Don’t go in expecting a light and fluffy romance, though. Sure, there are some romantic elements here and plenty of Higgins’ trademark wit and humor, but this is also a serious read that deals with momentous life events and tragedies. It’s sad, poignant, touching, and real. Because Higgins’ characters are so true to life, and because she immerses you so fully in their world, it’s easy to both laugh and cry while reading. It’s a character-driven read, and I was quickly drawn to Emma, Riley, and several others.

I definitely recommend this one, and if you haven’t picked up any of Higgins’ work, now is the time to start! 4.5 stars.