Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience
"Intelligence is as fixed as a person's height." Right? But guess what - you're part of the...

Afford Anything | Make smart choices about your money, time and productivity
You can afford anything, but not everything. We make daily decisions about how to spend money, time,...

The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P.
Nathaniel Piven is a rising star in Brooklyn's literary scene. After several lean, striving years...

I Love You Beth Cooper (2009)
Coming-of-age teen romcom in which a high school nerd professes his unrequited love in front of the...

Roksana Szczęsny (538 KP) rated Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015) in Movies
May 3, 2021 (Updated May 3, 2021)
I have a bone to pick about the scene where one of the younger characters makes out with an adult woman and this was set up under the pretense that she was teaching him to be more confident. However if this was an adult man kissing a 16/17 year old girl we would be canceling this movie. I don't think that's OK.
A lot of this movie is just shock value humor but certain scenes land better than others.
The characters aren't very relatable, they're your general stereotypes of people: the shy nerd, the awkward guy and the overly confident party animal.
All in all I'd say the movie was very forgettable.

Bostonian916 (449 KP) rated The Wizard (1989) in Movies
Aug 3, 2020
I recently rewatched this with my family. It still carries waves of emotions stemming from my childhood feelings about it, but a lot of things in the movie simply don't hold up to father time. I'm not sure that they were ever intended to though, to be fair.
Even at the time if felt like the movie was manufactured as a long play advertisement for the about to be released Super Mario Brothers 3 on the Super Nintendo.
With all that being said, and the inevitable baggage that comes with it, I still enjoyed it. So did my young children. I call that a win on any day/

May Day
The not-so-proud owner of a dead-end job and a cheating boyfriend, cosmopolitan Mira James jumps at...

Mark Halpern (153 KP) rated The Breakfast Club (1985) in Movies
Jan 7, 2018

Sheridan (209 KP) rated The Martian in Books
Jul 9, 2017
I loved everything about this book, Watney's sense of humour is golden and I love how he never reacts to a situation like you would expect a normal person to. Instead of breaking down and being dramatic (not every human reacts like this!!) he just accepts that s**t happens and moves on, that's a pretty admirable trate in a person. Not only did I enjoy the way the story was told through his logs but also through different points of view, I also enjoyed how incredibly scientific the book was, it's all reasonably accurate science too which is refreshing, most sci fi books drift into the realm of impossibly and become outright ridiculous but this kept the science pretty on point which is impressive. If you're a space nerd with a dry sense of humour (like me) I'd highly recommend reading this, it's an amazing book :)

Alpha (Vanguards Book 2)
Someone is about to get some Spice in his life. Spice returns to Chicago searching for her...
adult paranormal romance series fiction Vanguards