
Nicola Gordon
(1 KP)
Last Active: Sep 20, 2017 
Madbatdan82 (341 KP) rated Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018) in Movies
Mar 2, 2019
Slaughterhouse Doesn't Rule!
This really pains me to write this as I LOVE Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Ever since Spaced and Big Train I've loved everything they've done...until now. This black comedy has no laughs! The attempted 'comedy' in this is 'theyre posh' and have funny voices. It really does fall flat at every turn. The characters don't really develop and the creature designs are terrible. It would get a 3/10 but I gave it an extra mark for some good gore but all in all this is a shame and such a massive waste of Pegg, Frost and the (normally) excellent Michael Sheen who again is used for laughs by having a posh voice! Such a shame...I need to go watch Shaun of the Dead to get the bad taste out of my mouth.

Paige (277 KP) rated Shaun of the Dead (2004) in Movies
Dec 7, 2018 (Updated Dec 7, 2018)
Casting (Simon Pegg and Nick Frost). (3 more)
Prosthetic Makeup.
Emotional Investment.
Shaun of the Dead (2004).
'Take car. Go to Mum's. Kill Phil. Grab Liz. Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold?'
Shaun of the Dead is a 'slice of fried gold,' with consistent irony throughout that contributes towards the comedic content, uncommon throughout differentiating zombie movies. 'Next time I see him, he's dead,' is an ironic quote from Shaun of the Dead (2004) that is also foreshadowing.
Progressing from this, the casting for Shaun of the Dead (2004) was exceptional. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have done alternative movies together, encompassing Hot Fuzz and The World's End. Their undeniable friendship contributes significantly towards their ability to collectively produce fantastic movie's, all of which have no fault.
Furthermore, the prosthetic makeup is also an imperative aspect to confer when deliberating the positive aspects of Shaun of the Dead (2004). When taking into consideration that this film was released in 2004, the prosthetic makeup was beyond expectation, with multiple scenes that are hard to watch attributable to the gore.
Comparable to this, an alternative aspect to confer when deliberating the positive aspects of Shaun of the Dead would be the emotional investment in each character. Shaun of the Dead (2004) makes evident an imperative moral; to not take those you love for granted. One of many subtle morals throughout Shaun of the Dead (2004), which subsequently contribute towards the emotional investment in each character, to be understood upon watching the movie.
To conclude, Shaun of the Dead (2004) is a contributor towards the extensive amount of zombie movies released. However, it is an innovative, unique zombie movie, integrating comedic content and irony, whilst maintaining the high quality of prosthetic makeup and emotional investment you would expect from a movie depicting the prospective end of the world.
Shaun of the Dead is a 'slice of fried gold,' with consistent irony throughout that contributes towards the comedic content, uncommon throughout differentiating zombie movies. 'Next time I see him, he's dead,' is an ironic quote from Shaun of the Dead (2004) that is also foreshadowing.
Progressing from this, the casting for Shaun of the Dead (2004) was exceptional. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have done alternative movies together, encompassing Hot Fuzz and The World's End. Their undeniable friendship contributes significantly towards their ability to collectively produce fantastic movie's, all of which have no fault.
Furthermore, the prosthetic makeup is also an imperative aspect to confer when deliberating the positive aspects of Shaun of the Dead (2004). When taking into consideration that this film was released in 2004, the prosthetic makeup was beyond expectation, with multiple scenes that are hard to watch attributable to the gore.
Comparable to this, an alternative aspect to confer when deliberating the positive aspects of Shaun of the Dead would be the emotional investment in each character. Shaun of the Dead (2004) makes evident an imperative moral; to not take those you love for granted. One of many subtle morals throughout Shaun of the Dead (2004), which subsequently contribute towards the emotional investment in each character, to be understood upon watching the movie.
To conclude, Shaun of the Dead (2004) is a contributor towards the extensive amount of zombie movies released. However, it is an innovative, unique zombie movie, integrating comedic content and irony, whilst maintaining the high quality of prosthetic makeup and emotional investment you would expect from a movie depicting the prospective end of the world.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018) in Movies
Nov 14, 2018
Such a disappointment
I've seen a lot of horrendous reviews for this film and whilst I'd agree that it isn't great, it's not nearly as bad as expected.
The problem is that this film has a stellar cast with impressive comedy credentials, yet apart from one or two titters, it just isn't funny. The humour falls completely flat. Michael Sheen, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost ham it up the best they can but their performances border on cringeworthy. Even the cameo from Margot Robbie is wasted. I did quite like Asa Butterfield though, who managed to get away with some of the best lines in the film.
The plot isn't the worst, and is surprisingly relevant to current affairs. Considering the ongoing debate over fracking and the fracking going on in Lancashire (30 mins down the road from where I live), I was impressed at the relevance even if they didn't really touch on any of the serious issues. The start of the story is a little bit cliched too. Fish out of water Northerner going to a posh Southern boarding school? Some originality would be nice, as a northerner myself it's gets a little frustrating seeing so many films choose this sort of plot mechanism.
The creatures themselves are underdeveloped and aren't scary, although the amount of blood and gore was a nice touch. And it all just gets a little bit silly and ridiculous with them towards the end, which is a shame as there was some potential hidden here somewhere.
That said, as horror comedies go it's fairly inoffensive. Whilst I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to watch it, if you're ever at a loss for something easy to watch, there are worse films you could choose. Just don't expect another of the Cornetto films...
The problem is that this film has a stellar cast with impressive comedy credentials, yet apart from one or two titters, it just isn't funny. The humour falls completely flat. Michael Sheen, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost ham it up the best they can but their performances border on cringeworthy. Even the cameo from Margot Robbie is wasted. I did quite like Asa Butterfield though, who managed to get away with some of the best lines in the film.
The plot isn't the worst, and is surprisingly relevant to current affairs. Considering the ongoing debate over fracking and the fracking going on in Lancashire (30 mins down the road from where I live), I was impressed at the relevance even if they didn't really touch on any of the serious issues. The start of the story is a little bit cliched too. Fish out of water Northerner going to a posh Southern boarding school? Some originality would be nice, as a northerner myself it's gets a little frustrating seeing so many films choose this sort of plot mechanism.
The creatures themselves are underdeveloped and aren't scary, although the amount of blood and gore was a nice touch. And it all just gets a little bit silly and ridiculous with them towards the end, which is a shame as there was some potential hidden here somewhere.
That said, as horror comedies go it's fairly inoffensive. Whilst I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to watch it, if you're ever at a loss for something easy to watch, there are worse films you could choose. Just don't expect another of the Cornetto films...

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Ravage (Ravaged World Trilogy #2) in Books
Sep 28, 2019
I just love a good horror book every now and then as it enables me to put all believability aside and just go along for the ride ... this one did the job and is another great story from Iain Rob Wright. Despite it being the second in the series ("Sea Sick" being the first), it can easily be read as a standalone.
I don't read an awful lot of zombie apocalypse books so don't have anything to compare this one with which, I think, is probably a good thing as I had no expectations but I was a lover of The Walking Dead and I do think this is similar in it's plot, i.e. a band of survivors coming up against hordes of the living dead and various miscreants in society where no one is safe and anyone can meet their end at any time regardless of their importance.
There is your usual set of characters in this book from the nice to the downright nasty some of which are more developed than others which I think is out of necessity as there are many of them. The various settings are perfect and "normal", the writing is set at a good pace and is easy to read. There are, as you would expect, many scenes of peril and death with a good smattering of blood and gore (not always due to the zombies) but also more tender moments that provided some relief and softness in what would otherwise be a bleak read.
I felt the addition of "The Path of Infection" at the end was excellent and provided an explanation as to how the virus spread from when it came ashore to reaching one of the main characters, Nick, and it makes you think just how easily this could happen in the real world with any virus or infection such as flu, Ebola, etc.
Overall, a thoroughly enjoyable read and now I'm off to read "Savage", the last in the series.
I don't read an awful lot of zombie apocalypse books so don't have anything to compare this one with which, I think, is probably a good thing as I had no expectations but I was a lover of The Walking Dead and I do think this is similar in it's plot, i.e. a band of survivors coming up against hordes of the living dead and various miscreants in society where no one is safe and anyone can meet their end at any time regardless of their importance.
There is your usual set of characters in this book from the nice to the downright nasty some of which are more developed than others which I think is out of necessity as there are many of them. The various settings are perfect and "normal", the writing is set at a good pace and is easy to read. There are, as you would expect, many scenes of peril and death with a good smattering of blood and gore (not always due to the zombies) but also more tender moments that provided some relief and softness in what would otherwise be a bleak read.
I felt the addition of "The Path of Infection" at the end was excellent and provided an explanation as to how the virus spread from when it came ashore to reaching one of the main characters, Nick, and it makes you think just how easily this could happen in the real world with any virus or infection such as flu, Ebola, etc.
Overall, a thoroughly enjoyable read and now I'm off to read "Savage", the last in the series.
Stephen (210 KP) Mar 3, 2019
Madbatdan82 (341 KP) Mar 3, 2019