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Nine Perfect Strangers
Nine Perfect Strangers
2021 | Drama
8.5 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Cast line up (0 more)
Nicole's Russian accent (0 more)
Good ensemble cast drama
A weird drama currently on Amazon Prime with a big cast line up. Including Nicole Kidman, Luke Evans, Melissa McCarthy and Samara Weaving to name a few. They all go to a wellness centre in a remote location to deal with their various issues. Is everything as it seems as Marsham (Kidman) who leads the retreat hand picked this group for other reasons. Her unconventional methods start to panic the group.
A decent drama with so many good actors on show. I did feel there would be a bizarre twist out of left field totally unexpected. However it never quite goes that extreme.
OK for a short series to distract you for a while.
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Jason Mamoa (1 more)
Visual effects
Never been a fan of Aquaman, he lives in the water... What can he do? Turns out, quite a lot. After seeing him in Justice League, I have been looking forward to seeing the Aquaman movie. I wasn't disappointed. It's Jason Mamoa and he owns the character. Nicole Kidman as his mum..... Plenty of action and a excellent storyline. The music and special effects are very reminiscent of TRON. I really enjoyed it.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Destroyer (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Destroyer (2018)
Destroyer (2018)
2018 | Thriller
It feels like Nicole Kidman has been making a big screen comeback recently. I enjoyed Aquaman and The Upside, we're also looking forward to seeing her in Boy Erased next month. I was aware that this one was going to be a little... different shall we say? But I hadn't read up much about it. It's a very surprising role to see her in.

Days after seeing Destroyer I'm still not any clearer about the whole thing. It almost felt like it had gritty TV crime drama potential but as a film I was a little underwhelmed.

I spent a long time wondering if I had missed something, the ending caused me the following reaction... "wait... oh... huh." I'm not sure that the way it tied itself up worked. It left me a little confused, not because the story didn't make sense but because of the way the film had been organised.

The main character, Erin, takes some pretty extreme measures during the film because of our bad guy. But out bad guy doesn't seem to warrant that behaviour. Sure he's a little nuts but as a catalyst for the messed up things she does I didn't find it to be very believable.

Kidman puts on a good show as you'd expect, trying to get past that hair and make-up though... I spent the first 30 minutes getting annoyed by it. I honestly don't know if I'm annoyed because it's bad or annoyed because it feels like they've disfigured Nicole Kidman.

The story is very familiar, a cop's past comes back to haunt them isn't new territory. Kidman takes on a very strong role and I can't deny she put some oomph into it but it's just another sort of okay film. Some less dramatic hair and make-up, a more organised timeline and a little more thought for the bad guy and I think I could have seen myself giving this four stars.

[As an after thought... the guy behind me at the screening kept laughing. Proper comedy gaffawing. I have to guess he was laughing at the violence being over the top because there wasn't anything amusing in it. I've seem films that are worse in that aspect though so I'm really just shrugging my shoulders about it.]

What you should do

There are other films that do much the same as this, but seeing Nicole Kidman as Erin Bell was an eye opener that you might benefit from seeing once.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I would like whatever Nicole Kidman has that makes her naturally look like she's no older that Sebastian Stan.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Birth (2004) in Movies

Feb 10, 2019  
Birth (2004)
Birth (2004)
2004 | Drama, Mystery
Interesting but disappointing
The director of Under the Skin shows us an interesting dynamic play out when a ten year old boy enters the scene while a wealthy man is engaged to a woman who had lost her husband 10 years earlier.

The young boy claims to be her dead husband come back to life in this small body. The young man wants to reenter the woman's life and wants her not to marry her current beau. The woman starts to struggle with her feelings, especially the ones she thought she had put behind her and she has to make some difficult choices.

The film is interesting and well acted by Nicole Kidman, but I feel the payoff was not that fulfilling and some scenes were sort of scrapped together with no real point.

There were a few awkward scenes between Nicole Kidman and the young boy which made me cringe in my seat a little which were kind of hard to watch.

A little disappointed.

Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Moulin Rouge! (2001)
2001 | Drama, Musical, Romance
Music (0 more)
A wonderfully tragic tale
This is one of those films that really brings you in and you just want to keep watching even though you know it has a tragic ending.
Both Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman are amazing, and the supporting cast is incredible. Then the music, well it is amazing. It is spot on for the era with modern music lyrics in there.
I absolutely love this film it is fun and romantic and just so colourful.