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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Sony's 12 year answer to Smash Brothers. (0 more)
Does Anyone Remember This Game
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royle- does anyone remember this game? I guess this is where the term "Battle Royle" starting in video games. Now its "Battle Royle" this and "Battle Royle" that. Ohh lets put "Battle Royle" in Fallout, Battlefield and Call of Duty. Next you will tell me that Mario will have a battle royle game, ohhh.

Anyways, this was Sony's 12 year answer to Smash Brothers. 12 years, is a little late Sony. And uhh it shows. Were as Nintendo games were made by Nintendo, Sony on the other hand, is all over the place. I mean like Naughty dog to Insomnaic to San Monica Studios to Sucker Punch. So its not Sony itself, its hey were had this charcters on this system so lets put them in a battle royle. The ones their could.

The game features a traditional single-player arcade mode, in which players must defeat several randomly-selected opponents, followed by a character-specific rival battle and, ultimately, a battle against the game's main antagonist and final boss, Polygon Man, the former mascot for the Sony PlayStation in North America.

The game received mixed reviews. Critics praised the game's multiplayer components and gameplay mechanics, but the game was criticized for its lack of content and presentation.

The charcters are just all over the place, some of them dont made any sences to why their in the game like why have Good Cole and Evil Cole as two different charcters? Fat Princess?

Its a wired game and not alot of people liked it or know about it. It just came and went by.

Everything about this game is weird. I give sony credit, but 12 years is a little late. Ohh and ahh what happens when Ninento steals your main platform charcter that was exclusive to your consoles. Put in a different charcter that is not as well known. Cough- Raiden.
Mario Party 2
Mario Party 2
Music & Party
Let The Party Continue
Mario 2- is the sequel to Mario Party in the Mario Party franchise. That came out a year later on the N64. New boards, new minigames, same charcters, just with the number 2 on it.

In the game's storyline, Mario and his friends create a world built from their dreams and get into a debate over who the new world would be named after. When Bowser arrives and invades the land, the group takes Toad's suggestion to name it after the "Super Star" who defeats Bowser.

Mario Party 2 includes multiplayer compatibility; each game on a board map consists of four players, including at least one human player and up to four. Any character who is not controlled by a human will instead be controlled by the game as a computer-controlled character.

The goal of Mario Party 2 is to collect the most Stars within the allotted amount of turns. Stars must be purchased from Toad with coins, which can be earned through a selection from one of 64 mini-games that is played once at the end of each turn.

The players can obtain items for use on the board, and can each carry one at a time. If a player is carrying an item, they can use it before rolling the dice block. Items can aid the player in such ways as providing additional dice blocks or stealing another player's item. One item, the Skeleton Key, allows the player to use shortcuts located on each board map.

During the final five turns of a game, a one-on-one Duel mini-game is initiated when a player lands on the same space as another.

Its Mario Party but better. Why did nintendo not bring back the costumes. Only in this one, you see Mario dress up as a pirate. Come on Nintendo, Mario Party uhhh i lost count, better have it.

I like this one better than One. One is still good, but i fell this one is better.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Just Dance 2018 in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Just Dance 2018
Just Dance 2018
2017 | Music & Party
The latest game in the hit series Just Dance has released its 2018 edition and it is filled with slick dance moves and sizzling hits that will get you up and moving.

Playing on the Nintendo Switch Version, we enjoyed new hits from Bruno Mars, Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, and Ed Sheeran as well as classics from Queen, WHAM, and the Village People.

If you are familiar with the series than you know what to expect, as players have to copy dance moves portrayed by a graphic as the music plays.

The better you do; the higher your score and you can play on your own or with another player for an even greater challenge.

As players advance, they will be able to unlock more songs and options. I really enjoyed the HD Rumble function as the vibration of the JoyCon controller added a new level of feedback to the performance.

The game will give you a solid workout as well as after a few songs you will really feel like you have done a decent workout at your local gym. The fun of the game is evident as not only do you want to do a good job on the routines, but you are eager to unlock new songs and try the various modes the game offers.

For younger gamers, there is a kid’s mode which features songs and routines which are geared towards younger gamers.

Not only is the game great to play, but thanks to the portable nature of the Nintendo Switch version; Just Dance 2018 is a portable party for those on the go. Taking it on the road to various conventions and trips also allows for a fun workout on the go as well as a great entertainment at office and family gatherings.

Some may find the menu navigation takes a bit to get used to in order to find a song/mode that works best for them but in no time players will be up and moving.

The series shows no signs of slowing down and Just Dance 2018 continues the winning formula of the series as well as introduces new and very appealing features.
Nintendo continues their recent impressive run of exclusive titles with the quirky and addictive Splatoon which combines the color and fun of Paintball with a customizable shooter.

Playing either solo or multiplay, players compete in various arenas to battle it out for control of key locales and to score more points that the other team. That sounds simple enough, but when you factor in the ability to turn into a squid to hide yourself in one of the many paint puddles you can create or to scale a wall, then you have something entirely new.

Splatoon also offers a campaign mode where players go through a training course as well as get to enjoy leaping from one launch point to another to battle enemy forces. Clever trimming can be required as there is not an infinite supply of paint, so gamers will have to reload which is key when you’re laying down your colors in an effort to control and area.

I especially liked the paint bombs you could throw at an enemy as the colorful nature of the game is really one of the most unique action shooter elements in recent memory.

The multiplay matching was fast and in no time I found myself on a team battling it out. The motion control aspects did take some getting used to as tilting the control up, down, left, and right to aim while using the control sticks to move did take some adjustment and this is not a game you want to play standing for long periods of time, as the action is fast.

The social area of the game allows players to customize their characters with new clothes and weapons so players have an incentive to do well in their games for more than simple bragging rights.

While the graphics will not set new standards, they are in keeping with what players expect from Nintendo and the action and fun of the game makes Splatoon a must own for Wii U owners and one that any shooter fan, especially those with younger gamers will want to experience.
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch
Games Consoles > Games Consoles
Games are WAY too expensive. (0 more)
I've played the Switch before, with my bro and my cousins. I was hesitant on buying one myself, since I have limited time to play video games. I was also hesitant because I have a 3DS. For Christmas, my bro bought me a Switch, and I've been making time to play it.
I've owned/played a lot of consoles in my life, starting with the NES. Nintendo, of course, keeps a choke hold on their original characters and games, such as Mario, Kirby, Legends of Zelda, Pokemon, and the list goes on.
The controllers are awkward if you're playing on the TV, but when the console is mobile, they feel natural in your hands. Thus far, I've only played Zelda, which I love.
A major con is that the games are so dang expensive. Zelda is at least 3 years old and is still nearly 60 bucks. I need to do more exploring on the eShop for indie games and whatnot.
Overall, I do like it slightly better than the 3DS and the Wii.

Lee (2222 KP) Jan 5, 2020

I got a Switch last year, been a Nintendo guy all my life since the NES. Totally agree on the game price - I had Breath of the Wild on WiiU but have been hoping for a price drop so that I can get the Switch version. I’ve been making good use of the recent Nintendo sales though 😊


Mothergamer (1521 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Forager in Video Games

Mar 16, 2020  
2019 | Action/Adventure, Casual
I played the game on PS4, but it's available on the Nintendo Switch and PC too. Forager is an idle game that does a great mix of crafting, exploration, and adventure. Automation is the biggest factor in the game as it encourages you to always have things crafting on your machines while foraging for more resources and adventuring. There are dungeons to explore where you can solve puzzles and fight monsters which reward you with special weapons and items that you can use on your adventure. You can play as little or as much as you want. Forager gives you a lot of freedom to craft, build, farm, and forage. There are mini quests you can do and islands you can buy and unlock adding more areas for you to explore. It is a bit of a grind, but you don't really notice because the game is so much fun to play. It's a laid back relaxing game that gives you a lot of freedom to explore, craft, and build.

Connor Sheffield (293 KP) rated the Nintendo Switch version of PuPaiPo Space Deluxe in Video Games

Jan 21, 2020  
PuPaiPo Space Deluxe
PuPaiPo Space Deluxe
2020 | Action, Shooter
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Quick Gameplay (2 more)
Adorable design
A Fun Fast Game
PuPaiPo Space Deluxe is a fun, fast paced game in which you battle wave after wave of enemies, shooting and dodging in order to survive and continue to the next stage. Each stage has it's own unique design which come with their own unique looking NPC's for you to dodge and shoot.

From developers BolHut, who also made the challenging yet entertaining game 'You Died But A Necromancer Revived You', have brought their adorable sprites to Nintendo Switch once again with their remastered deluxe edition of their very first game PuPaiPo Space.

You have a choice of characters to play as such as a rocket man, a pink octopus, a wooden character and a star man (not their official names), and with the choice to gather your friends and all play at once, you can enjoy a challenging battle to find the legendary space pizza. So gather your friends for a fun head to head co-op and see who can get the highest score and reach the pizza first, or play solo and take every slice for yourself!

The bosses of this game are challenging and fun to battle, as each loss is a learning curve in order for the player to learn each bosses move set, so that the next time you face them you can beat them with ease. Each sprite whether it's a common NPC, a boss, or the player themselves, has it's own unique personality that makes each design stand out from one another on screen, meaning you shouldn't get lost whilst flying around the armada of bullets and rockets fired.

The backgrounds for each stage give every level it's own personality as well, as each one comes with it's own types of enemies from fish in the deep water levels, to the fiery asteroids and bombs of the space levels. This keeps the game play interesting as there isn't much you can do with a shoot and dodge game, so each stage has to feel fresh and BolHut have managed to do just that with their retro art style and unique designs.

Among the battlefield, you'll also come across a variety of cool little power-ups that will aid you in your quest for the space pizza, from bigger bullets, to faster bullets, to a simple shield that helps add a little extra life to your character as you do your best to dodge the incoming dangers.

Overall the game is a fun and fast paced experience that you can either jump into to kill some time, or set up for a group of friends and challenge one another to see who can reach the pizza. It looks amazing on the switch and the sprites are adorable and unique to BolHut's style. I hope this company continues to bring more games out onto the Nintendo Switch because their designs and game play are always challenging and unique, which allows them to stand out among the ever growing library of indie games on the market.

PuPaiPo Space Deluxe is available on PC and will be available on Nintendo Switch on Thursday 23rd January 2020, but is available to pre-order now at a discounted price. However, talking of price, the release price of this game is £3.99 and any game that's this fun for under £5 is worth every penny, so go get this game, select which character you like best, give them a name that's better than any of the names I've given them in this review and find that delicious space pizza!

Dakota Morrill (17 KP) rated the Nintendo Switch version of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in Video Games

Mar 4, 2018  
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2017 | Action/Adventure
Graphics, storytelling (0 more)
Boring simple combat, stamina, sudden difficult puzzles (0 more)
Beautiful world, nice story, but some flaws
In the beautiful land of Hyrule you'll experience a wonderful modern story of the famous knight Link and his adventures to aid Princess Zelda. In a beautiful world full of interesting creatures and sometimes unique ways to kill them using your environment or smacking them with their own hand, you will also find yourself drowning after 30 seconds of swimming in a river or trying to rock climb as you'd expect a famous knight to be capable of. You will also find yourself in epic battles with giant mechanical beasts then inside of them doing insanely difficult puzzles that will make you give up and just google the solutions only to realize you still have no idea how to get through them.

This game is the high praise game of the year for all the Nintendo die hards and young adults who grew up with the Zelda series, but in reality is an average game that feels like it took way too much spotlight away from better games such as Horizon: Zero Dawn, or Super Mario Odyssey.
Yoshi's Crafted World
Yoshi's Crafted World
2019 | Action
Simple mechanics (3 more)
Beautiful Art style
Yoshi (all of them)
Some level of difficulty in some areas
Feels very similar to the many Mario themed games before it (0 more)
Tons of adorable fun for all ages!
So Yoshi's crafted world was one of the two games I recieved as part of a bundle deal when I bought my Nintendo Switch Console. I was looking forward to playing the game as I hadn't played a Yoshi based game for some time and Yoshi is one of my all time fave characters. I didn't get chance to play wooly world as I haven't owned a new Nintendo console since DS Lite and the Wii. (I know it sucks, I just never had the money for them and by the time I did the next gen console was out and I was torn)

Anyways, as I began playing Yoshi's Crafted world and working my through the many incredibly awesome looking levels which not only have collectibles but has a flip side to each level in which you go through the level from the back which adds to the awesome game design as a whole, I realised that whilst it all looked new and had a new interesting yet simple plot to play through, the gameplay was the same mechanics that we've been playing for years in almost all the Mario Themed 2D platformers/side scrollers. You run across, bounce on enemies heads, throw eggs to smash things, collect coins and move on to the next level, then repeat. It works as a mechanic but at the same time I felt like there wasn't much of a change. However, they did add some more directions to this game, as you no longer just side scroll (although that is the majority of the game) but on the levels there will be certain areas where you can turn and head either towards the screen or away from it, in order to reach secrets or to simply continue through the level. So they mixed it up a little bit, but not much in my opinion.

One aspect I enjoyed was the outfits you could buy which worked as armour in a way. The designs are all made to look as though they are crafted out of cardboard boxes and other household items (hence the name 'crafted world') and this gives the game and adorable and very clever asthetic.

However if you're a fan of sidescrollers, the Mario world or just Yoshi in general then I would recommend giving it a go because it is fun, especially if you get a friend to join you and you can choose which outfits you want to wear and more importantly which colour Yoshi you want to be.

Paige (277 KP) rated Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp in Apps

Nov 15, 2018 (Updated Nov 15, 2018)  
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
Nostalgic (2 more)
Original Characters from Animal Crossing: Wild World
Implementation of a levelling system
Repetitive (1 more)
Connection Errors
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is an exceptionally nostalgic app. As a child, I received a Nintendo DS for my 11th Birthday, accompanied by Animal Crossing: Wild World and therefore, I was excited for the release of the Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp app attributable to the implementation of original characters.

However, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp becomes repetitive as the game itself is based on the premise of completing requests for characters that you meet at one of four locations, or your campsite. But, even so the extent to which this can be considered as a detrimental aspect of the app is lessened owing to the introduction of new characters each time you level up, rewarded with 10 Leaf Tickets and 1,000 Bells in-game currency.

To elaborate on this, events are continuously being implemented throughout the game, contributing towards lessening the extent to which Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is repetitive; currently, the event is ‘First Year Anniversary,’ to commemorate the app’s first year since its launch!?

However, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is highly recommended, especially for those whom have played either Animal a Crossing: Wild World or Animal Crossing: New Leaf beforehand, and is suitable for ages 4+.