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Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
Mary Roach | 2003 | Education
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Super entertaining tidbits (1 more)
Full of lines that beg to be shared with friends
A little gross, but a lot of fun
I read this book during a camping trip in which I constantly bugged my family by reading lines aloud to them. If you're looking for a fun, non-fiction book to read, this is a great choice. While it does go into some super gross details (it's about dead bodies), I learned so much. The chapter on how bodies are prepared for funerals was especially interesting to me.
Animal Defenses
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Animal Defenses by Mary Lindeen is a non-fiction book for early readers. This book is about how animals use their natural defenses that keep them safe. From rolling to a ball to spraying a nasty smell, animals are depicted with nice pictures and an illustration of their defense. The pictures are large and visually appealing, the animal species are varied  the information is educational and the information is presented in a way that is easy to understand.

I received this ARC from Norwood House Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated Kilimanjaro My Story in Books

Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)  
Kilimanjaro My Story
Rod Wood | 2016
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | Kilimanjaro My Story by Rod Wood

I love I had this opportunity to read this non-fiction book usually I don't read non-fiction I more read fiction books. But when I was given from the author I read the blurb (I always do this) the story grabbed me. The story is about Rod Wood (author) he had the dream to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. It wasn't easy for him as personal events affected him and the dream was pushed to the back of his mind.
While reading the story I felt for Rod as he struggled with his personal meltdown but I loved that he got support from his parents and his friends to push him to do this dream.
I am happy that he plucked up the courage and achieved this amazing experience. I loved he added the photos as this made it personal and heartwarming as it made you feel that you have gone on the journey with Rod.

It's amazing that through the book you can see Rod's confidence grown and how he bonded with the other team members and porters. It, not just the story of his achievement what grabbed its that the three volcanoes, Kilimanjaro, Mawenzi, and Meru are changing due to the climate change and the global warming, as we had periods of warmth, and periods of extreme cold so this helped the glaciers to grow and cover the summit. It also how people who visit these volcanoes treat them by leaving litter behind and not clean up after their selves.
..This book makes me what to write my own bucket list and achieve some goals what have been on my mind what I have pushed aside.
It is worth the read and I would recommend to you if you into traveling and what to climb Mount Kilimanjaro yourself.
*Thanks, Rod Wood for sending me the book to read and everything I have written is my honest review and opinion.
Thanks for reading.
 Q. What non-fiction book have you read this year and would like to share with me? Comment below please x
The Other Boleyn Girl
The Other Boleyn Girl
Philippa Gregory | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.6 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this quite a long time ago, but I have to say that I do read all of Philippa Gregory’s books because they’re just really good stories. I do have a bit of a thing about the Tudor period, and I’ve read a fair bit of both fiction and non-fiction around the period. I’m aware that this (and her others) may be heavily fictionalised, but part of reading is entertainment, no? But I do like how I feel immersed in these stories.
And who knew that Anne Boleyn’s sister had an affair with Henry VIII before Anne married him (well, when the book came out, not many people seemed to know - unless they were very heavily into their history!)? And honestly, I wouldn’t be overly surprised if a lot of goes on in the book actually happened!
On Writing
On Writing
Stephen King | 2012 | Biography
9.2 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's Stephen King, its all good (0 more)
Nothing I haven't already read (in the how to section) (0 more)
Short memoir follwed by a how to write fiction section.
Great book. I read it in a couple of days and it was exactly what I was looking for. I am not a Stephen King fan as I am not keen on the fantasy/ horror genre, but this book is non fiction. The first part of the book is a short memoir of writer's growth and early experiences, I found this part both funny and insightful and not at all what I expected from Stephen King. The 'On Writing' part was excellent. The author's hints and tips are subjective yet honest which is refreshing. Not all writers work the same and King is clear that this is only advice and may not be suitable for everyone. Bad habits and grammatical no-no's were probably the most helpful pieces of advice for myself, his huge dislike for the 'adverb' is something I may find myself becoming accustomed to in my own work revision. For non writers, do not dismiss this book, it is a little jewel that gives the reader a close and personal account of the authors honestly and quirks. I really loved it.
The End of Men
The End of Men
Christina Sweeney-Baird | 2021 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh. My. Goodness. This book is totally my cup of tea (unlike in this book, it has both tea and milk in it). I’ve always been drawn to science fiction, dystopian and apocalyptic styles of novels ever since I read Stephen Kings The Stand as a teenager. The End of Men drew me in and had me checking the news outlets, just to check that Covid-19 hadn’t taken a turn for the even worse - and I’m not joking here. I did question whether reading a book about a global pandemic during a global pandemic was a good idea, and then I told myself to shut up, sit back and just enjoy it (much the same as when I read Last One at The Party by Bethany Clift!). And I really did!

This is told from multiple perspectives. There are mostly recurring characters, such as Dr Maclean, some scientists, the anthropologist, intelligence and government types, interspersed with ‘ordinary’ people who were also affected and lost friends and family. We see perspectives from all over the world. The voices of these people all seem so real: their pain, confusion and determination coming through in their own voices, as their stories are all told in journal form.

The End of Men had pretty much the same effect on me as World War Z: I was checking the news and the windows (just in case), completely preoccupied with the book whilst I was reading it, and I predictably experienced a stonking book-hangover when it ended.
This is science fiction for people who wouldn’t normally pick up science fiction (a bit like a gateway drug!). It reads like contemporary fiction - the here and now.

This novel had me on the edge of my seat and in tears - and a bit angry at times, truth be told. This doesn’t feel like you’re reading science-fiction, it has a tinge of the non-fiction about it. Perhaps that’s because of the times we’re living in...
Would I recommend it? You’d better believe I would!

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The Noise of Time in Books

Oct 9, 2017 (Updated Oct 9, 2017)  
The Noise of Time
The Noise of Time
Julian Barnes | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Historical fiction at its very best
There is a huge amount of non-fiction elements of this bleak novel about one of Russia's most noted composers and musicians Dmitri Shostakovich, who fought inner demons for the majority of his life due to the immense pressures and threats posed by the Soviet Union.

From his complex relationships with women, to the government, the artist was forced to live a life of paranoia, after many of his fellow composers and musicologists mysteriously disappeared following talks with the "Power" at the Big House. There were many moments where it resembled Room 101 from George Orwell's 1984, and the oppressive atmosphere that Shostakovich had to live through.

In the end, Julian Barnes explains that agreeing to Stalin's and Khrushchev's demands had been the ultimate downfall to his health. and in many ways it was a fate worse than death. It is grim and tragic to think about such an important composer in history being treated in such way.
The Bride Test
The Bride Test
Helen Hoang | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
As you may know, I have a child with Autism and reading books fiction or non-fiction that give me a little more insight into what is going on in his brain, always make me feel like I get to know him a little better. Stella doesn't always say and do the right things, but that is what makes her so lovable. I think everyone who reads this book will fall in love with Stella.

The Kiss Quotient had me wanting to know what was going to happen with Stella. Was she going to find the love she wanted? Was her relationship with Michael going to be just temporary? Will Michael stop helping Stella if he finds out about her labels? I laughed, and cried during while listening to this book. I was happy for Stella for going for what she wanted and making her own happiness.

I think I've found a new favorite author!! I will read everything she writes.
The Museum of Extraordinary Things
The Museum of Extraordinary Things
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
i think this book and me just met at the wrong time because when I finally got I to this I did really enjoy it however it took me a FRICKING long time to get into it. I was in a YA rut and this was the first non YA book that I read in a LONG time and I just don't think I was ready for the world of adult fiction again but this book honestly was so well written and such an uplifting story it just didn't agree with me right now but I would like to give it another chance but for now it's a no
Young Elizabeth: Princess. Prisoner. Queen
Young Elizabeth: Princess. Prisoner. Queen
Nicola Tallis | 2024 | History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Young Elizabeth: Princess. Prisoner. Queen by Nicola Tallis is such an interesting non-fiction account of Elizabeth’s life: from her mother, Anne Boleyn meeting Henry VIII, to the day she succeeds to the throne. In those intervening years, Elizabeth is pronounced a bastard after the execution of her mother, is predated on by her stepmothers husband, is accused of trying to topple her sister Mary from the throne, is imprisoned in the Tower and other great houses - as long as she is out of Mary’s way. She is spied on and may well have really been involved in plots against her sister.

Elizabeth was far too clever to be caught, and that comes across really clearly. She was her parent’s daughter: clever, resilient and she knew the best people to have around her. These personality traits and the things that happened to her, formed the young woman and queen she would later be.

Nicola Tallis read through, and included, a lot of Elizabeth’s personal correspondence. It must have been exhausting for Elizabeth. She was constantly under suspicion of treason. She may well have been though, and she certainly didn’t conform wholeheartedly to Catholicism as Mary wanted her to.

This was such a fascinating read - and I’m notoriously picky with non-fiction. I often find it dry and hard to concentrate on, but not with Young Elizabeth. It was riveting, and held my attention from start to finish!