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Since You've Been Gone
Since You've Been Gone
Morgan Matson | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a well ordered universe I wouldn't be left with so many questions! I loved this book,it's a story about friendship and finding out who you really are when your not in someone elses shadow. No matter how much you love and admire that person. As someone with social anxiety, I found Emily to be very relatable, and much braver than I if I had been handed this list.This book took me back to being a teenager and some of the summers I had, (none as eventful as this story!) A story of friendship and romance! My only little niggle is I want to know if she mends things with Dawn and Collins and if Gideon finds his perfect girl ( I have a rather large soft spot for him) In truth I wanted Emily to fall in love with him instead because he seemed so sweet, but I can't have everything!
The Strangers (2008)
The Strangers (2008)
2008 | Horror
6.9 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Some decent creepy moments
The first time I watched this I remember being ridiculously creeped out, mostly from one of the final lines that explains the stranger's motives. On watching this again, it is a little disappointing.

My main issue with this film is with the actions of the main characters. None of what they do to try and save themselves makes sense, and neither of them are made out to be likeable or endearing either, to the point where you really don't care what happens to them. It's a shame as this does have some creepy moments, from the "he's behind you" type scenes to that motive reveal at the end - these were really enjoyable.

I never thought I'd say this, but in the case of The Strangers the sequel is definitely better. These two films seem like worlds apart and sadly I think this original film is lacking in a lot that the sequel gave in abundance.