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Little Fires Everywhere
Little Fires Everywhere
Celeste Ng | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (43 Ratings)
Book Rating
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
“But the problem with rules, he reflected, was that they implied a right way and a wrong way to do something. When, in fact, most of the time there were simply ways, none of them quite wrong or quite right, and nothing to tell you for sure which side of the line you stood on ”

This book focuses on the Richardsons, an idealistic suburban family; Mr Richardson a hotshot lawyer, Mrs Richardson a housewife cum reporter and the Richardson children; Lexi, Trip, Moody and Izzy. They live happily in their 6 bedroom house and had all the material belongings they could long for, but each had a void in their life. This would be filled in some way or another by Mia and her daughter Pearl, new tenants in one of Mrs Richardson’s properties. We watch the two families grow close and form relationships only to be divided by a custody battle taking place in the town.

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House of Small Shadows
House of Small Shadows
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
_ <b>1 Star Rating</b> _

I absolutely hate not finishing books, I really do, so I persevered with this one right to the end (mostly with the hope that it'll get better) but unfortunately I really didn't enjoy this. Instead of this one, I recommend reading <i>The Ritual</i> as I thought that one was a lot better.
My main reason for giving this one such a low rating was because I didn't understand it at all. None of it made sense! When I first started reading this book I was totally into it, I enjoy reading about freaky ass dolls as they creep me the hell out...I like that. The dolls weren't even the main focus of the that I mention it i'm not even sure what the main focus of the story was. I didn't like any of the characters, the MC was incredibly annoying with her constant 'This happened...but maybe it didn't...but then this definitely happened...oooh maybe it didn't'. <b>Boooooored<b/>.
I have a question; 'What the f*ck did happen woman'?
The Karate Kid (1984)
The Karate Kid (1984)
1984 | Adventure, Drama, Family
I wish I had a friend like Mr. Miyagi!
When high schooler Daniel moves to California with his mother, he soon discovers life on the West Coast is more intense then what he is used to back home and starts getting bullied by the local hooligans.

Enter Mr. Miyagi.

Daniel meets a quiet, Japanese man who gives Daniel odd jobs to do when he is supposed to be teaching Daniel to defend himself.

What does it all mean?

I could use so many phrases to describe the perfect elements of this film like coming-of-age, heroes, mentoring, positive role models, underdog story and none of them would do this movie justice.

I'm sure the younger generation would find some of this cheesy now (like the standard 80s montages), but the message is what's important and that has not changed.

It really is one of those films that just makes you feel good while watching and you always get swept up in the drama and want Daniel to succeed.

A triumph!

Gale Force (Weather Warden, #7)
Gale Force (Weather Warden, #7)
Rachel Caine | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poor old Joanne Baldwin

So far in this series she's been marked (literally) for Death, died and been re-born again as a Djinn, lost her Djinn-hood, survived the war Warden/Djinn war and the subsequent Djinn Civil War, and suffered from a severe case of amnesia.

While it felt like most of those various plot strands had been tied-up in the last Weather Warden novel (<i>Thin Air</i>), this proves NOT to be the case, as the backlash from those events continue on in this. In addition, Joanne has to deal with sorting out the details to her wedding to the Djinn leader David (a wedding that some in the Wardens and other Djinn are none to pleased about), as well coping with inquisitive reporters who are now investigating the Wardens.

To my mind, this novel comes across as the 'entry point' to a whole new Weather Warden story, with <i>Thin Air</i>] wrapping up the 'old' story. You would probably still need to read those books first, though!

Awix (3310 KP) rated IO (2019) in Movies

Jan 20, 2019 (Updated Jan 20, 2019)  
IO (2019)
IO (2019)
2019 | Drama, Sci-Fi
Rather derivative SF movie that takes bits of Interstellar, The Martian, Z for Zachariah, etc, and comes up with something commendably thoughtful but honestly rather stodgy and predictable. Earth has been all but abandoned because the air's gone bad; a young scientist struggles to find a way that life can survive. When it seems that the planet is to be abandoned entirely she must choose whether to leave on the last ship or take a leap of faith.

Not one moment of this film will genuinely surprise you; but the production is competent, and it never actually collapses into silliness, which is impressive given how seriously it takes itself. None of it is honestly what you could call badly made, and it looks very nice - and kudos to the makers for fighting the perception that all SF films must either be horror movies or action-adventure. This isn't either of those, but on the other hand it isn't dramatic, funny, or romantic either. Not as profound as it thinks it is; mostly just dull.
After You’re Gone
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suspense Thriller
Gigi missed dancing with her. Tara wanted to borrow that designer dress. Dimitri wanted to know when he’d see her again.

And she knew none of this because Nori was receiving all her messages.

Nori’s new phone number once belonged to a woman with a life much more exciting than her own. Almost immediately, she finds herself obsessed with the glamorous way in which Talia lived. But when Nori begins receiving her more urgent messages regarding missed prescriptions and late rent, it becomes clear that Talia abandoned her life without warning a soul. Driven by curiosity she can’t shake, Nori finds herself using Talia’s text messages like a map as she goes out in search for clues of where she may have gone. But as Nori becomes increasingly immersed in Talia’s job, friends, and romances, she finds their once separate lives too intertwined to untangle.

And Nori begins to see Talia may not have left of her own volition, she realizes her own life may now be in danger.

Rebecca Billcliff (2409 KP) rated Batman: The Animated Series in TV

Nov 12, 2019 (Updated Nov 13, 2019)  
Batman: The Animated Series
Batman: The Animated Series
1992 | Animation
8.3 (24 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Voice acting, animation style, story lines. (0 more)
Not well known enough. (0 more)
Best Batman
If you are a fan of this series, as soon as you see the cover, the opening music will be playing in your head. This is the GoT of 90s animation. It is all done so well, and on a big scale, a proper score, talented voice actors, quality animation, it's all here!
The odd episode may miss the mark, but otherwise you are fully drawn in to a Bat man that is dark, has depth, but also some humour. While it is suitable for kids (Not too young, and I would advise parents take a look, just incase) it does not pander to them and is great for adults too. Some other DC animations have tryed to emulate this, and done well. But none have quite found the same beauty the original has achieved.
A Must for any Bat-fans out there, and I can not wait for my son to join me in a binge session on this classic.
When I Hit You: Or, a Portrait of the Writer as a Young Wife
When I Hit You: Or, a Portrait of the Writer as a Young Wife
Meena Kandasamy | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
powerful and beautifully written (0 more)
this is happening to someone right now (0 more)
This book hit me
The writer searched for a tender embrace and found rape and punches. Kandasamy is a poet and beautifully she uses words to punch back or to make sense of a horrific and unimaginable monstrosity of a situation. However, when I say poetic please don't assume this is pretentious for it is not. you sometimes feel terrible for enjoying the words as a thing of beauty,and it is a beautiful piece of writing, but it is there to mind meaning in the inexcusable. It is a wonderful cathartic explosion of finding sense where there is none. of finding hope where there was only hatred in the name of love. My hope is it may give another legs to run or an abuser a reflection into their monstrosity. This may be listed as a feminist book but is fighting against evil cruelty, bullying and rape feminist or is it a struggle to be more human?
gouge my eyes out with a spork. please.
This godforsaken book. It took everything in me to finish this book. I had to read it for a class - Intro to American Studies: The 1920s and I thought it was going to be great. I was really looking forward to it. And then I started. The first couple of chapters are great. The introduction? Amazing! And then it just takes a turn for the worse.

I think this was the most poorly constructed book I've read in a long time. The chapters didn't have any sort of fluidity whatsoever and it felt like it was all over the place. I was reading about so many different people in really different orders and then 3 chapters later, we'd find ourselves back to those people and it just made no sense. Literally none.

I am almost proud of myself for finishing this book. It really was that hard. I had such high hopes and it just flopped. If my reviews mean anything to anyone, please don't read this book. Don't waste time.

Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Apr 4, 2020  
Freebie Alert*~* Stay at home and read *~*

Broken Masterpiece by Tee Smith ~~FREE~ Limited time only.

When nothing makes sense, who do you trust?

With no memory of her past, Charlie has no choice but to cling to what she knows, and what she’s been told. But what if none of that is real?

Desperate for answers, she searches for remnants of the life she had. Her last memory was more than ten years ago. She has a husband who loves her, a nice home in the suburbs, but she can’t shake the feeling he is hiding something.

What if everyone she trusts have their own agenda?

As her memory returns and the lies become known, there is no way of going back.

Sometimes not knowing the truth can be a blessing, rather than a curse.

Broken Masterpiece is a story of violence, manipulation and above all else, survival.

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