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Warrior of Magick (Cambrexian Realm #1)
Warrior of Magick (Cambrexian Realm #1)
Jessica Wayne | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
66 of 250

Warrior of Magick ( Cambrexian Realm book 1)
By Jessica Wayne

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

There is a war coming.
And it will change everything.

For Sienna Faremin, staying alive has been merely a byproduct of the torture she received for over a decade.
Running one mission after another for the Magick council, she is nothing more than their personal assassin, leaving her hands bloodier than most.

When she's tasked with killing a man believed to be the last surviving member of a Guardian family, Sienna accepts, only to discover the man she's supposed to kill, is none other than Daxon Ward, one of only two survivors she saved the night the Guardian academy burned to the ground.

As she dives deeper into the truth behind the attack, Sienna discovers a web of lies and deceit carefully woven into place in order to cover a deadly plot that would change the realm...forever.

I’ve grown to really enjoy Jessica Wayne and she didn’t disappoint with this book. I read the prequel The Last Ward and knew it showed promise so I was really looking forward to seeing where she took the fist book and I really enjoyed it! Her character me are solid and this had a kind of Throne of Glass by Sarah j Maas feel to it! Definitely a series worth sticking with if you like a fast paced adventure!
Dawn of Vengeance (Droseran Saga, #2)
Dawn of Vengeance (Droseran Saga, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

Have you read Brand of Light? Well, let me warn you. If you do (and I highly encourage you to read it) you will want to have Dawn of Vengeance already on your nightstand ready to read unlike the rest of us mortals who had to wait A YEAR to find out what the heck HAPPENED after the spectacular mic drop ending Ronie Kendig devised to keep us all engaged and going through a gauntlet of emotions.

I honestly was not sure where Ronie Kendig would take us in this new story as the ending of the last one (have I mentioned that enough yet?) was spectacular. I was a little confused in the first book by all the different names, new places, and character personality switches that seemed to go on, however, the storyline was bar none. So, needless to say, Dawn of Vengeance had a lot to live up to and boy did it. I was hooked again by the character interactions, the storyline, and the outta this world adventures.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great story, the oh so good character turns, and for leaving me wanting more. Thank you Ronie Kendig for continuing to expand my imagination.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Dark Star (1974)
Dark Star (1974)
1974 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
What Resolution?
Satirical movie revolving around bumbling astronauts on a mission to destroy rogue planets.

Acting: 8

Beginning: 0

Characters: 3
I honestly couldn’t tell you one redeeming thing about these characters. About the only redeeming quality was the weird ball monster that appears throughout Dark Star. Seriously, none of these characters sparked the slightest bit of interest for me.

Cinematography/Visuals: 8
I will say not bad for 1974, a year before the release of Star Wars. You get a legit space feel with this crew and I enjoyed the setpieces on-ship. The ball monster (again with this guy) was a bit offputting, but not a terrible job otherwise.

Conflict: 6

Entertainment Value: 4

Memorability: 8

Pace: 10
Sure it’s a kooky movie and you never truly understand what’s going on, but at least it’s a quick eighty-three minutes. Moves pretty quickly by the time it’s all said and done.

Plot: 3
Even after doing a quick Wiki search, I was still lost of what was going on. Just a bunch of weirdo shit happening that is random and not enjoyable. I’ve seen weird but this takes the cake.

Resolution: 0

Overall: 50
Say what you want about my scoring system, this movie got a zero in two categories and still managed to walk away with a 50. It starts off terribly and doesn’t get much better after that. Do yourself a favor and steer clear.
Swift Edge
Swift Edge
Laura DiSilverio | 2011 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Book Swiftly Had me on the Edge of My Seat
PI Charlette “Charlie” Swift has a new client. Dara Peterson needs Charlie to track down her ice skating partner, Dmitri Fane, before the Olympic trials start in just a few days. With her new business partner, Gigi Goldman, semi-helping, Charlie begins investigating. She quickly gets attacked and finds someone left for dead on the ice. What has happened to Dmitri?

I read the first book in this series years ago, and I kept meaning to go back and read this one. I’m so glad I did. This book is as much fun as I remember the first being. The plot is fast paced with plenty of action and a page turning climax. What Gigi doesn’t know about the PI business she makes up for in enthusiasm, and her antics add some great laughs. Yet none of the characters come across as caricatures; there is a depth to all of them. Mostly, we only see glimpses of that depth, but it is enough to make them seem real. The book skirts around the edges of the cozy genre with just a touch more violence and language than a traditional cozy, but as long as you expect that, you’ll be fine. I really did enjoy this book, and it won’t be as long before I go back to visit these characters again.