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Army of Shadows (L'Armée des ombres) (1969)
Army of Shadows (L'Armée des ombres) (1969)
1969 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"To me, these are the two best resistance films ever made. And each is its director’s best film. I saw them very early, and they were very formative for me. They really show the complex nature of resistance, glorifying it but also showing the compromises you have to make when you’re in wartime. I love that The Battle of Algiers starts off with that line: “None of this is documentary footage.” What audacity to be like: this is going to feel and look so real that you’re going to think this is a documentary, so I need to tell you that it’s not. It’s a way of setting the bar so high, and then the film lives up to it and surpasses it! You feel the ambition in all of it. It’s just spectacular in every sense of the word. Army of Shadows is similar, though obviously it’s much more in Melville’s cinematic language. Something that has always struck me is that by the end of the film everyone does exactly what you would expect them to do, what they’re supposed to do, but it still just leads to fucked-up situations. It’s this real mess of an ending, but it’s all grounded in very real decisions that I can sympathize with across the board. It’s rare to see a film that gets to the humanity of every decision, to the point where they’re lived-in, not just plot points."

The Princess and the Frog (2009)
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
2009 | Animation, Comedy, Family
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘭𝘰𝘨. Offers wonderful animation and some really good voice work - but predictably so. As in... every chuckle or vividly crafted frame fits precisely in line with such a monotonous, hackneyed formula so not only are none of this film's assets particularly inspired or interesting, but they're all mostly forgotten as soon as that exhausting Ne-Yo song plays during the end credits. Not to mention knowing the exact beats this is going to take before it takes them makes it sadly *so* laborious to get through. Not that convention in these things is bad on its own, I mean these same directors made Moana which I enjoyed a ton despite its familiarity - but I found that one to be better than this one in every conceivable way: charm, storytelling, animation, etc. even if neither of them feel particularly well paced (the *only* thing this does better is that the lead is [[[slightly]]] more developed here). Doesn't help that the songs - I realize I'm in the minority to report - are only alright at best. Though admittedly that one's probably a me thing, since I've never really been a huge jazz guy. The cute little frogs are funny, and I loved the silly Jim Cummings firefly + wide-eyed Charlotte + lanky Keith David villain - but I'm sorry, at a certain point early on I just started waiting for this to be over.
The SpongeBob Musical: Live on Stage! (2019)
The SpongeBob Musical: Live on Stage! (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Comedy, Musical
An overall good musical event, mostly deserving of its Herculean 12 Tony nominations (there should be a criminal investigation into how it only took home one). As someone who's been a die-hard SpongeBob fan since I was a fetus, not only does this capture the essence of what makes the show so great both in appearance *and* in spirit - but I wasn't vetting on this being as timely as it was (tackles prejudice, media vs. government, and takes a jab at climate change deniers just for the hell of it which of course I always endorse). The casting couldn't be better (Ethan Slater is pretty much the human embodiment of SpongeBob), the production is like a vibrant splashpad of childhood wonderment and SpongeBob trademarks brought to life - some of the best aesthetics the theatre has to offer, the songs are good (even if none really stick out), it's very funny, and most importantly it has a deep understanding of the source material and a selfless willingness to please the fans without pandering (they even reference Battle for Bikini Bottom [!!]). The introduction of Tom Kenny's Patchy the Pirate sent my kid self to the moon and back again. This is what happens when you want to make something that's good out of an existing IP. Never cared for Best Day Ever as an SS song but this may have just converted me.
Hawkeye, Volume 3: L.A. Woman
Hawkeye, Volume 3: L.A. Woman
Matt Fraction | 2014 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been re-reading these HAWKEYE TPBs before bed, as a) they're a heckuva lot of fun, b) I've read them before, and c) I won't need to re-read them the next morning because I forgot what I read before I fell asleep. Peachy keen!

Outside of my wife, no one is really that close to me, 'cept maybe our dogs, Fez and Gracie, but neither of them reads. If you were to know me, you'd know that Matt Fraction's run on HAWKEYE is one of my favorite comic reads ever!

This volume brings the focus on Katie-Kate and Lucky ("Pizza Dog"), as she gives it a go as a private investigator in L.A., or, as the late comedian Bill Hicks called it, "Hell A". There is a more than fair amount of humor, and as it winds down to the final issue in this volume, a bit of seriousness, as Kate learns a deep, dark secret about her father.

As much as love Fraction's witty dialogue and pacing, I have an equally hearty amount of fondness for Annie Wu's art. Seriously, there have been some great artists for Kate, but, in my eyes, none captured her as well as Ms. Wu.

You want a fun read for your summer? This one would be perfect! And I can even recommend it to those not as acquainted with comics as some of us! #goodtimes!
The Zodiac Paradox (Fringe, #1)
The Zodiac Paradox (Fringe, #1)
Christa Faust | 2013 | Film & TV
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My wife and I were late bloomers, getting into the show as it entered its 5th, and final season. We "binge watched" on Netflix, getting caught up, and then left with a craving for more after series ended. Enter 'Fringe: The Zodiac Paradox', the 1st in Christa Faust's trilogy that serves as prequels for the the three main characters: Walter and Peter Bishop, as well as Olivia Dunham.

Reviewing a number of reviews on here, as well as via, I found complaints that Walter's characterization was more in-line with his character in the show, not the 1968 "scientist" version. And, yes, that is true enough, the story and dialogue were good enough that I could overlook that issue, in head, reworking his persona, as I read it.

I am probably biased, as I am fan of 'Fringe', as well as having an interest of sorts in stories involving the Zodiac Killer, but I liked the book. Is it perfect? No, but, as I am finding these days - in books, newspapers/magazines, and even scrolling text on TV, spelling, grammar, and/or syntax have gone the way of the dinosaur! The errors were minimal, at worse, and the only character that appeared "off" was Walter. None of that, though, affected my appreciation of the story.

If you are looking for a good fix to fill your 'Fringe' void, you could do a heckuva lot worse. Try it, I think you may surprise yourself..

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated The ABCs of Death (2013) in Movies

Oct 3, 2020 (Updated Oct 3, 2020)  
The ABCs of Death (2013)
The ABCs of Death (2013)
2013 | Horror, Mystery
"𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘢 𝘴𝘯𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘮, 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘵." - Adam Wingard.

Q > O > T > L > J > I > Y > F > H > R > Z > A > D > G > M > P > S > U > X > B > W > V > C > K > N > E

I know everyone else generally has a distaste for them but I have such a soft spot for horror anthology films. Even the ones I don't really like such as 𝘟𝘟 I always find myself remembering vividly. This one in particular I not only thought was an absolute blast, but it also has a mightily commendable gimmick at the forefront (26 different directors of 26 different nationalities). Legit one of the weirdest, most devilishly fucked-up, humorous, grotesquely fetishistic + scatological horror films I've ever seen - a few of these segments I'm convinced are just actual kink porn lmfao. As you can probably surmise, a handful of the segments aren't so hot but truthfully none of them I thought were even close to awful (well, E was kind of crappy); the vast majority of them I found to be immensely enjoyable and all of them strung together make this a super fun ride as a whole. Guessing which word each director will utilize for their assigned letter is nearly as fun as watching them all play out. Luridly singular, sincerely morbid, and entertaining as hell - I'm fine with being one of the only ones who finds this surreal curio legitimately great.
From Beer to Eternity
From Beer to Eternity
Sherry Harris | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cheers to a New Series
When Chloe Jackson promised her friend Boone she would help his grandmother, Vivi, if something happened to him, she never expected she’s have to follow through. But after his untimely death, she heads to Emerald Cove, Florida, to help her with her beach side bar. Things get complicated when Chloe finds one of the regulars dead behind the bar one morning. With the police looking at Vivi as a suspect, Chloe has to figure out what really happened. Can she do it?

Picking up this book, I was immediately transported to the beach, a place I love. The setting was fantastic, and I would love to visit in person. The mystery was a little slow to get going as we were introduced to the characters and setting, but once it did, I was fully engaged. There were plenty of twists along the way. The climax was a bit rushed, but it still answered all of my questions. There are several times where Chloe seemed to have more time in her day than normal, and one chapter with a wonky timeline, but none of this impacted the plot in a meaningful way. Chloe had been working as a children’s librarian before this story started, so I loved the occasional references to children’s books. She leads a group of fantastic characters, some of whom already feel like friends. I will definitely be back for the next round.
Hustlers (2019)
Hustlers (2019)
2019 | Drama
Tries too hard... and fails
I've had this on my Amazon to watch list for quite some time and finally decided to give it a go last night, and to be honest I wish I hadn't bothered.

This makes out like it's going to be a stylish crime caper similar to films like Ocean's Eleven etc, but it really is as far from it as you can get. It's very dull and considering it has a less than 2 hour run time, it drags on for a very long time. The plot sounds interesting but in reality it's completely lacklustre. It tries to pull off this heartwarming friendship tale but it fails miserably - none of the characters in this are particularly likeable and endearing and aren't helped by some rather terrible acting from the likes of Constance Wu and Julia Stiles. I am very glad though that Cardi B and Lizzo were only cameos as they were bad enough in those, I couldn't have dealt with Cardi B especially for the entire duration. Also the stripping scenes have been handled very badly. Yes it's a film about strippers, but rather than showing this aspect in a powerful and respectable way, it actually feels really seedy and is a bit cringey to watch.

Overall there wasn't really much to like about this film, although Jennifer Lopez was bareable. Could've been done so much better.
Going Nowhere Fast
Going Nowhere Fast
Gar Anthony Haywood | 1994 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Corpse in the Airstream Bathroom
When Joe Loudermilk took his retirement from the Los Angeles police department, he and his wife, Dottie, bought an Airstream trailer and hit the road, enjoying the sights and sounds of wherever they decide to visit. They also left their grown kids behind, so returning to their trailer one day, they are surprised to find their youngest son inside. Even more surprising is their son’s announcement that there is a dead body in the bathroom. None of them recognize the corpse. Who is he? Why is their son there?

I grew up camping, so this is one of several series I’ve wanted to try that involve camping. The plot is fun, with plenty of twists and turns that kept me guessing until the end. I did find a couple of the characters – Joe especially – annoying. I’m sure he was supposed to be funny, but the fact that he seemed to always be mad at others didn’t make me laugh. Still, this is a minor complaint, and I loved Dottie, our main character. The book was originally released in the mid-90’s, so it provides a fun reminder of just how much our life has changed since then. At least the physical book I read does; I don’t know if anything was updated before the ebook was released. This book has been sitting on my to be read pile for years, and I’m glad I finally pulled it out and read it.