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The Man on the Roof
The Man on the Roof
Michael Stephenson | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmmmm ... if I could only use one word to describe this book, it would be ... frustrating! Now don't get me wrong, it's not a bad book, it's just infuriatingly annoying. Let me try and explain.

The story is basically about the murder of a young lad found suspended from a banner in a cul-de-sac of houses where we find the main suspects who, we learn, all have secrets that they don't want to come out. In comes the police to investigate the crime and the various suspects that live in the cul-de-sac. Sounds ok so far however, therein lies the problem. There are so many suspects, none of which are particularly likeable, it was difficult to keep track of who was who and who was married to who and as the secrets were revealed, whose secret was it! In addition, each of the chapters is written in different styles from different people and you don't always know who the people are ... I ended up being very confused. There's lots of description and whilst some of it is good, e.g. people's gestures and behaviour, a lot of it is unnecessary and this makes it a very long book ... well it seemed long to me.

There are some inconsistencies as well which I found annoying. For example, the names of the police officers change ... one minute they were Detective Cady Lambert and Detective Braidey Fitzsimmons and then they were Cady and Braidey and then they were Lambert and Fitzsimmons ... this may seem trivial but when you have so many characters, it's hard to keep track so changing their names throughout causes you to lose the thread of who is who.

Now don't get me wrong, as I said this isn't a bad book, it actually has the bones of being an excellent dark and gritty thriller but there's just too much going on that affects the flow of reading for me and I just think it needs tidying up.

I am grateful to the author for sending me a copy of his book after finding my blog. I really appreciate the time and effort he has made in writing a complex story and putting it out there for people like me, who couldn't write a decent letter, to criticise and pick apart ... that is brave and I salute you Mr Stephenson and encourage you to keep going.
A Tyranny of petticoats is an all female written anthology about badass females. The 15 stories consist of Pirates, Assassins, Ghosts and Robbers whilst covering relevant American history such as Gold mining, the slave trade and war.

The stories are written in historical order, starting from 1710-1968. These are my ratings for each story:

Mother Carey's table by J.Anderson Coats ⭐.5 stars

The Journey by Marie Lu ⭐⭐⭐stars

Madeleine's choice by Jessica Spotswood ⭐⭐⭐.5 stars

El Destinos by Leslye Walton ⭐⭐⭐stars

High Stakes by Andrea Cremer ⭐⭐⭐ stars

The Red Ravenue Ball by Caroline Tung Richmond ⭐⭐stars

Pearls by Beth Revis ⭐⭐⭐.5 stars

Gold in the roots of grass by Marissa Meyer ⭐⭐⭐⭐stars

The Legendary Garnet Girls by Y.S.Lee ⭐⭐⭐stars

The colour of the sky by Elizabeth Wein ⭐⭐⭐ stars

Bonnie and Clydebank by Sundra Mitchell ⭐⭐⭐stars

Hard times by Catherine Longshore ⭐⭐⭐stars

City of Angels by Lindsay Smith ⭐⭐⭐.5 stars

Pulse of the Panthers by Kekla Magoon ⭐⭐⭐ stars

The whole world is watching by Robin Talley ⭐⭐stars

I wanted to read this collection of short stories as I had heard great things about it. This book should have been ideal for me, it's feminist historical fiction. Sadly this didn't deliver, none of the stories blew me away. In actual fact I have a hard time remembering what the stories were about. Some of the stories felt like they were an excerpt from a novel, some felt rushed and others under developed.

However,I am glad I got to read this as I get to explore authors that I have not read before and got to sample their work and see if I get on with their writing styles.

The book also has a short note from the author as to why they picked the era, why they contributed to the anthology and so on. I definitely want to explore more novels with American history such as the gold mining and slavery thanks to these authors.

Overall I rated this 3 out of 5 stars

MelanieTheresa (997 KP) rated Vox in Books

Sep 19, 2018  
Christina Dalcher | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.8 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book made me so ANGRY.
Contains spoilers, click to show
** spoiler alert ** Somewhere along the line, what was known as the Bible Belt, that swath of Southern states where religion ruled, started expanding. It morphed from belt to corset, covering all but the country’s limbs—the democratic utopias of California, New England, the Pacific Northwest, DC, the southern jurisdictions of Texas and Florida—places so far on the blue end of the spectrum they seemed untouchable. But the corset turned into a full bodysuit, eventually reaching all the way to Hawaii. And we never saw it coming.

This book made me so ANGRY. I read it in a flurry of outrage in less than 24 hours because I just.could.not.stop.

It's the very near future, and the religious right has (seemingly) won in the United States. Women no longer hold jobs, are no longer allowed to read or write, and are limited to speaking 100 words per day, enforced by an electric-shock "bracelet" counter, their voices effectively silenced, their rights taken away. A religious zealot is pulling the strings of the puppet-President. School textbooks are replaced with religious tomes. The LGBTQ community is forced into prison/work camps for "conversion" to the "normal" way (read: man/woman). Engage in premarital or extramarital sex? Work camp in the Black Hills of South Dakota for the rest of your life, with a counter on your wrist set to ZERO. You may think "none of this would ever happen!" .....wouldn't it, though? Consider the current political climate and treatment of women, folks. Maybe it's not that far off the mark.

“Whose fault do you think it was?” he said. I stood in my kitchen, wanting to explain, careful not to, while he told me we’d marched one too many times, written one too many letters, screamed one too many words. “You women. You need to be taught a lesson.”

There will be the inevitable comparisons to The Handmaid's Tale, of course. I personally could not slog my way through The Handmaid's Tale,, so I can't speak to those comparisons. I can only tell you that if you aren't outraged by the very IDEA that this could happen, there may be something wrong with you.

I did feel like the ending was slightly rushed, but not to the point that it took away from the rest of the story. It was a satisfying, hopeful ending.

What would you do to be free?
Escaping Exile (Escape Trilogy #1)
Escaping Exile (Escape Trilogy #1)
Sara Dobie Bauer | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
kinda creeps up on ya!
I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

Andrew didn't know how long he'd been on the island, but it was a long time. When a ship wrecks on his beach, a scent pulls him to find Edmund, half dead from the wreck. But there are others who want Edmund, and they don't mean to save him. Andrew has to keep HIS monster at bay, along with those on the island, if he wants to keep Edmund safe.

So! I'm in a bit of a quandary about this book!

If you follow my reviews, you'll know I'm not a fan of books written in the present tense and first person. I don't know why I don't like them, I just don't. You'll also know, I will ALMOST always say I wanted to hear from the other main character, if a book is written from a single point of view.

And thus: my quandary. This book is written present tense AND first person. Had this book been written from both Andrew AND Edmund's point of view, in resent tense/first person, I have no doubt, NONE at all, I would have dumped this book as soon as that became clear. But it's ONLY Andrew who has a voice here. And of course, at this point I'm gonna say I needed to hear from Edmund, because I really did! But HAD Edmund had a say, I might not have finished it! You see my problem?!?!?!

Putting that fact aside, I really did enjoy these 80 pages of a vampire falling in love with his rescue, who in turn rescues him from his banishment. Andrew has been banished for killing one to many humans and keeping this human alive might just be his salvation. Edmund, curious mind that he has, wants to study Andrew's kind. And as they grow closer, Andrew's beast pushes hard for Andrew to bite Edmund, which Andrew doesn't want to do. But Edmund takes the choice away from him.

Andrew's voice is strong and clear, and he tells his story well. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

It's just my bloody quandary!

So, since I really am surprised I enjoyed this first person/present tense...

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Tell Me Three Things
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve been in a book slump since I read Swear on This Life by Renee Carlino back in May. I’ve read other books but none have grabbed me and made me fall in love with the characters. Every time I picked up another book I would hope and wonder if this was the book that was going to give me all the feels. Was this the book that would pull me out of my slump?
Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum was that book. I related so much with Jessie. Like Jessie I too had recently lost my mom. I too counted the days she had been gone; now I count by years. Jessie’s life has been turned upside down and she’s unable to find her way out. She’s thrust into a new environment and forced to try and make new friends. Her saving grace is Somebody Nobody and anonymous classmate that emails Jessie and says he will help her navigate her way through her new school.
Liam, Theo, and Ethan are all amazing in their own ways. Liam the rocker/jock who befriends Jessie when she least expects it. Theo her dramatic, but secretly sweet step-brother. Finally, Ethan, the brooding, book reading, batman t-shirt wearing mysterious guy that can’t seem to stay out of Jessie’s head.
All the characters when put together make up the special recipe for an amazing book. The character development is on point, the dialogue moves the story along and adds to the plot. The characters are relatable and they give you all the feels. I cried right along with Jessie as she worked through her mother’s death, and all the changes in her life. I cheered for her successes and laughed with all their jokes.
The only thing this book was missing for me was… more. More story, more feels. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to these amazing characters. I didn’t want to come back to Iowa where it’s -35 outside, I wanted to stay in sunny LA with all my new friends.
If you’re looking for a quick read that will give you the feels and leave you wanting more than I suggest you pick this book up. It’s not something you’ll regret. Give yourself a chance to fall in love with these characters.
UglyDolls (2019)
UglyDolls (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
u.g.l.y. You ain't got no alibi.
Ugly Dolls is a garish & heartless mess of stolen ideas & mixed messages. Ugly Dolls at its core is a film about being different, believing in yourself, being proud of who you are & the way you look but I found these positive messages to be all very contradictory & one sided. For instance we are told certain types of people are the evil ones because of how they dress, think & behave etc but the message of the film is to not discriminate or judge people so how is slating, stereotyping, victimising, hating & bullying them morally ok? its basically like saying using racism to combat racism is makes it fine. I know its a kids film & most of this will go over their heads but when my little nephew is turning to me questioning which characters are the villains then it must be that obvious its a problem. Now this would all be fine if the film at least looked nice or had interesting set pieces but it doesnt at all. Animation is ugly with texture work that seems lazy & unfinished in parts making what should be vibrant fluffy creatures feel a blurry texturless mess especially around the eyes & mouth areas. Lacking also in any excitement the film most of the time crawls along at a snails pace with lengthy painful sections just there to flesh out its unnecessarily complex plot. When action does start its drab & void of excitement with big scenes shamelessly stolen from films such as toy story 3 & replicated exactly just with less care & budget. While my nephew enjoyed it I could definitely see him becoming restless at times especially when nothing much was happening & talking to him when we left he knew none of the characters names either (usually he wont shut up about the plot, characters & songs after we see a film hyper & grinning from ear to ear but with this film he wasnt). Song wise theres nothing remotley catchy or memorable here & i get the sense the film was just trying to cash in on the success of the greatest showman. All in all its a film thats had minimum effort put into it designed just to sell the McDonalds happy meals it shamelessly promotes just before it starts.

ClareR (5637 KP) rated Starve Acre in Books

Oct 28, 2019 (Updated Oct 28, 2019)  
Starve Acre
Starve Acre
Andrew Michael Hurley | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Prepare for a tense, rather scary read!
Starve Acre was a novel that had me wondering whether I’d picked up the right book. I thought I’d chosen a book about a couple struggling to deal with the death of their young son, but by about a third of the way through, I was so gripped and jumping at shadows that I couldn’t decide whether this was a thriller or a horror! It is, I’ve decided, my favourite kind of scary book. You’re never quite sure what you’re supposed to be scared of, but the hairs standing up on the back of your neck would tell you that whatever it is, it’s THERE on the page in front of you! I should’ve guessed that it would be like this. I mean, who lives in a house called Starve Acre and doesn’t expect something to go wrong? And that cover! Jo McLaren has done an amazing piece of art - it’s what made me want to read it, after all.

Children are always the ones that seem to be more sensitive to the supernatural, and Richard and Juliette’s son Ewan is no exception. Before his death, he talks of a menacing figure called Jack Grey, who tells him to do certain things - none of which make him popular in the village. Ewan becomes more and more unhappy, and his behaviour becomes more erratic.

After Ewan’s death, Richard and Juliette’s grief becomes suffocating - I could feel it coming off the page. Juliette’s sister expects her to pull herself together, but Juliette is convinced that Ewan is still in the house. So she invites The Beacons, a group of Spiritualists, to come and contact him and put him to rest. And this is where it starts to get really macabre. If I could have read this with my eyes shut, I would have. The fact that this isn’t written in your stereotypical ‘horror story’ fashion, is what makes it truly unsettling. I was never sure what was real and what was some sort of mass hallucination.

I just loved this book, and it’s going on my Keeper Shelf(yes, it has capital letters). Highly recommended to be read during daylight hours only, unless you like being chilled to the bone!

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and Readers First for my copy of this book to read and review.

Ross (3284 KP) Oct 28, 2019

I have just requested this on Netgalley. That really is a cover that stands out and sounds like the perfect book for this time of year.


ClareR (5637 KP) Oct 28, 2019

I really loved it. I keep thinking about it as well, going back to the bookshelf and picking it up to read the end - because it was so weird!!


Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) in Movies

Oct 23, 2019 (Updated Oct 23, 2019)  
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Dull Fate
Terminator Dark Fate only isnt the worst film in the Terminator franschise but only because Genisys exists. Dark Fate is basically a reskin of Terminator 2 but minus everything that made that movie one of the greatest films of all time. Dark Fates main problem is its just dull and after the opening nothing intresting, unique, creative or thrilling happenes leaving the movie with almost no redeeming features and nothing that sets it apart from the other terrible sequels. Dark Fate seems to think pure nostalgia alone will make an entertaining movie and while it certainly can do Dark Fate doesnt understand how nostalgia works even coming across like its mocking the very film it ows its existance too. Plot wise its increadibly generic/unintresting, characters are one dimentional/unlikable, acting is stale and lacks drama, dialog is painful and every interaction only serves as exposition explaining every single part of the very basic plot repeatedly just so even the most brain dead of viewer understands whats happened or what is about to happen. Worst of all it doesnt feel like a Terminator film, wheres the grit, the dark atmosphere, the horror, the tension, the realistic humour, the high stakes, the menacing and relentlessly intimidating bad guy, the memorable action set pieces, the complicated story, character depth, quotable dialog and most importantly the soul because this movie has none. Linda Hamilton is back but shes wasted and doesnt even feel like the same person with the film thinking what made her such an iconic character was just her gratuitios swearing. Arnie is great but feels pushed to the side serving to be nothing more than a joke/nostalgia piece. Cgi is bad/texturless and animation is cheap looking, infact there are some cgi moments so bad its almost like they didnt have time to finish them off. Action has a few ok sequences but they lack tension, weight and a high stake plot to fully find them exciting. If you are a Terminator fan to save dissapointment I would just forget everything after T2 exists because this just like the others is souless hollow mess. An utter shambles of a film, I wish I could send myself back to stop the past me from seeing it.
The Priory of the Orange Tree
The Priory of the Orange Tree
Samantha Shannon | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong female characters (2 more)
No filler
Deep history and lore
Battles could of been stronger (0 more)
Compelling Fantasy
Wanting to try and branch out from just reading mainly thrillers this year I decided to get back on the fantasy track and picked this up at the library. I’m really glad I did it’s a great fantasy adventure set in a lore and history-rich world. I did have to get the ebook as well, as my wrists couldn’t cope with long reading sessions of the hardback copy and I didn’t want to put it down…..

It’s not an overly complicated fantasy tale and despite its 800+ pages, I found I was breezing through it at pace. It easily kept my interest and didn’t get too bogged down at any point. We have a tale of ancient evil rising, and a divided world will need to find a way to work together to defeat it.

Brimmed full of strong female characters we meet Ead hiding in the royal household of Inys under the guise of a maid-in-waiting but really is a kick-ass slayer/mage type, trying to protect the Queen. Meanwhile, on the other side of the great Abyss (big continent dividing ocean), we have Tane who has spent most of her life training to be a fearless dragon-riding warrior. The story is told from 4 different POVs but those two are the most engaging.

We have some romance (sigh lovey-dovey stuff - gross) but we don’t get bogged down in it and it feels entirely part of the story (not just tits and arse for the sake of it).

None of this book felt like unnecessary filler, despite epic journey's, we didn't have to read about every breakfast and lunch eaten (cough...). If anything some of the coincidences in characters meeting felt like it could of had more embellishment but I’m not really complaining it kept the story moving at a good clip. I felt the world that was built deserved a bit more of a complicated/nuanced tale but appreciate not having to slog through many years of sequels to get a conclusion. I didn’t feel the battles lived up to the overall size of the story but that may just be me watching too much TV...

Overall just what I needed to get me to want to keep branching out and reading a more diverse selection of genres - Go libraries!!!.
Blade (1998)
Blade (1998)
1998 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
7.4 (31 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Blade is undeniably a product of it's time. It's the late 90s, everyone loves leather and shades, everyone loves Wesley Snipes, everyone loves dumb one liners, so the character of Blade is ripe for adaption.
But the importance of this gory action flick should absolutely not be understated. Not only was it the first proper big (ish) budget Marvel film, but it's pre dates Black Panther as the first superhero film with a black lead, and it pre dates The Punisher as the first R-rated Marvel blockbuster.
But in a pre X-Men world, comic book movies weren't a big deal at this point. I actually remember me and my friends sneakily renting and watching it (we were 10 at the time...) and none of them even knowing that Blade was even a comic book!

Here we are all these years later and the Blade trilogy is now remembered fondly (well, at least the first two are!)
Wesley Snipes is of course the star of this particular vehicle, and here, he is the most Wesley Snipes he's ever been. The cheesy one liners still come off well, and lend a nice comedic edge to the buckets of blood on display. The charm that he brings to the Blade character is the main reason why it's been hard to imagine anyone else in the role for so long (although I am here all day long for Mahershala Ali)
The other big character throughout the trilogy is Whistler, played by Kris Kristofferson, just generally being old, grumpy and badass, and is honestly the best character in the whole thing (here's hoping the MCU introduce a Whistler series on Disney+...)
Stephen Dorff plays Deacon Frost, the films villain, and he's really not much more than a generic superhero bad guy (the first of many).

The choreography and the fight scenes are pretty great, and the willingness to go hard R is what set Blade apart before comic book movies became a thing. It's sooooo bloody in parts, that it verges heavily into horror territory.
The CGI effects are utterly horrible by todays standards, but it's not used nearly enough to discredit the film too much.

Blade is a decent enough adaption of the cult Marvel series, and is a fun, gory blockbuster, but as mentioned, it's an important step in comic book cinema. Long live Blade!