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I knew when I first “met” Grant I wanted to know his story. After reading A Tall Dark Cowboy Christmas it not only met my expectations, it exceeded them ten-fold. Grant Dodge touched my soul through the wonderful words of Maisey Yates, and had me feeling like I was along for the ride from his first words.

Grant Dodge was used to the pity head tilts, the supportive hand touches, the tsking and awwing whenever he was spoken to. He was Grant Dodge, widower. No longer just Grant or even just Grant Dodge because he lost his wife. He is old, cranky, tired and just wants to get on with his life, however that needs to happen. As it happens currently it is with a bottle of whatever alcohol he has on hand. He doesn’t like to be sober at bedtime and tonight was no exception. However the light coming from the small abandoned cabin abutting his property is. He has no idea what he’ll find but he knows his snarkyness will send them running.

McKenna Tate just needs a place to rest for a bit. Finding this abandoned cabin in the woods was a cherry on the crap sundae that has become her life. Her truck is toast, she has little to no money, clothes or food but she has made it to Gold Valley, which was her objective to begin with. The hunky cowboy that just interrupted her sleep was not on her to do list however.

Grant and McKenna are broken but together they start to heal each other. Each is looking to fulfill some part of their lives and not knowing how to truly trust someone else to walk the walk with them. Grant still lives with the guilt of losing his wife and how to move on while McKenna never had a “real life” and struggles with knowing her place in the world.

Grant has to delve deep inside to mourn his wife but to also let her go so he can move on. He lives daily with the reminders of his previous life, stuck in a sort of limbo both self-inflicted and by his surroundings. McKenna has a mission in mind to find her family, she has never been wanted by anyone so she doubts they’ll want her either. But if she doesn’t find out the answer she will drive herself crazy.

Such a wonderful story, diving deep into feelings we all have experienced at one point or another. Surprising for me was the fact that Grant was a virgin. Very unexpected but also makes so much sense when put in the bigger picture of his life from high school to the present. Just another wonderful way Ms Yates takes all aspects of someone’s life and incorporates those tiny details to weave an amazing story. 5 amazing stars for this incredible journey to the depths of Grant’s soul.
The Story of Doctor Dolittle (Doctor Dolittle, #1)
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"The first book that really made an impression was The Story of Dr. Doolittle by Hugh Lofting. An English country doctor who lived in Puddleby-on-the-Marsh who was taught how to speak to animals by his parrot, Polynesia. His amazing household ranging from Jip, the dog and Whitey the white mouse to Dab Dab the duck who took over as housekeeper when the Doctor’s sister left in a huff because he would have animals in the house and she found mice nesting in her linen cupboard…Mum got it for me from the library – we could not afford new books. I read it at least twice before it had to go back. In fact I loved it so much that Danny (my grandmother, with whom Mum, my sister Judy and I went to live after war broke out and my father joined up in the army) gave it to me as a great treat for Christmas, 1944. It was one of the most exciting presents I remember – my very own book!"

More Holmes for the Holidays
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
[a:Martin H. Greenberg|6436872|Martin H. Greenberg|] and company have provided a fine collection of Sherlockian holiday stories that fit in quite well with the traditional set.

"The Christmas Gift" by Anne Perry is a nice little piece about a stolen Stradivarius and a couple who want to marry against the wishes of the young lady's father. There is an excellent red herring, one of the few in this anthology.

In "The Four Wise Men" by Peter Lovesey, Watson must answer a call to duty from his former commanding officer in the Army, in order to help guard a medieval treasure in a Christmas pageant. The game is soon afoot, and Sherlock's powers of observation are as keen as ever.

Barbara Paul's "Eleemosynary, My Dear Watson" gives Holmes a jewel theft and a kidnapping to solve, which he does in his inimitable way. One clue seemed slightly too obvious to me, but it may not to other readers.

In "The Adventure of the Greatest Gift" by Loren D. Estleman, Holmes receives a wax cylinder containing a recording of a song popular in America. He takes it as a warning of a crime which could lead to war between Britain and France, and of course he leaps into action. This is Mycroft Holmes' only appearance in the volume.

There's plenty of misdirection in "The Case of the Rajah's Emerald" by Carolyn Wheat. Somehow, though, I suspected one of the great revelations in this one from the beginning, but I couldn't tell you exactly why. It didn't ruin the story for me, and there was still a surprise at the end.

On the other hand, Edward D. Hoch's "The Christmas Conspiracy" managed to take me completely unawares. I couldn't fathom why the crime would be committed or by whom, despite having a major clue dropped by one character. Very well done!

"The Music of Christmas" by L.B. Greenwood telegraphed the identity of the criminal from the start, but was well worth reading. One of the characters also tugged at the heartstrings.

Bill Crider's "The Adventure of the Christmas Bear" is largely memorable because of the appearance of Oscar Wilde as a character.

"The Adventure of the Naturalist's Stock Pin" by Jon L. Breen gives us Charles Darwin as Holmes' client. The mystery is less Sherlockian than some of the others, but I didn't mind reading it.

Daniel Stashower's "The Adventure of the Second Violet" was an interesting twist on a well-known Christmas story. I cannot say more without spoiling it, but he has a nice touch.

"The Human Mystery" by Tanith Lee is as dark as I expect from her, and was a depressing ending to the collection. It was, however, very well-written.

The anthology left me hungry for more Holmes, and wishing that I weren't between seasons of BBC's Sherlock or that I had another collection of stories on hand. That's the sign of a success, I think.
Dauntless (The Lost Fleet, #1)
Dauntless (The Lost Fleet, #1)
Jack Campbell | 2006 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not my cup of tea
I got this book through a Smashbomb Christmas, and it's a lot different from what I would normally read. The story follows caption John Geary as he attempts to get his fleet of space ships back home.
I did enjoy most of the characters in the book, and Geary was a great MC. He spends the majority of the story just trying to make the most out of a situation he was thrown into.
My least favorite part of this book was the extremely long chapters. I prefer short chapters and segments so I have plenty of opportunities to stop while reading. This book has 293 pages, but only 11 chapters. At times I had to stop reading mid chapter, and for me personally that really takes away from the experience.
I enjoyed having the opportunity to read something a little out of my comfort zone, but I will not be picking up the rest of the series. I would however suggest this to anyone who is interested in space adventures.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Daddy's Home 2 (2017) in Movies

Jun 28, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Daddy's Home 2 (2017)
Daddy's Home 2 (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Following the events of the first film, Brad and Dusty have to deal with their intrusive fathers, Don and Kurt during their first Together Christmas, along with Dusty's conflict with his stepchild's biological father, Roger.

Mini moan first... I'm super annoyed that the meet and greet at the airport that I kept seeing in the trailer was not how it happened in the actual movie.

I like Mark Wahlberg doing comedy, and there are a lot of good actors in this film doing some really funny work. The whole improv thing with John Lithgow was a little painful to watch, I really wish they'd found a different way to do that part of the story.

Generally though there are some good laughs, this isn't going to be one I buy, but I definitely wouldn't change the channel if it was on the TV.
The Wolves of Christmas
The Wolves of Christmas
Sandy Dengler | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Christmas Will Not Be Completely Festive
Phoenix Homicide Cops Joe, Tom, and Gretchen’s boss, Jerry, has announced that his retirement has been put on hold since someone has stolen his retirement investment. The fraud division of the police department is going to look into it, but Joe and Tom have just been given a case that may tie in. A dead body was found in Salt River Canyon, but since the victim lived in Phoenix, the case has been transferred to these two. The connection? He worked for the investment firm where Jerry had his money. Could the two tie together?

The book starts out well, but it gets a bit unfocused as it goes along with too many sub-plots. This is especially true when we learn that Tom’s cousin, and Joe’s infatuation, has been brutally raped and left for dead. The two fly over to Ireland to be by her side and help solve the crime, but we also get updates on what is happening in Phoenix thanks to scenes with Gretchen. I did enjoy the main mystery, and I found myself caught up in it, but I wish the book had been a little more focused. This is definitely more serious than the cozies I normally read, but we don’t get too many needless details. Since this is book eight in the series, I really do love the characters, and it was great to spend Christmas with them. In fact, the book stretches from mid-December into the New Year, so we get some nice holiday scenes. The early books in the series were written in the mid-90’s, and the author has kept that time period for the books, as this one makes very clear. All told, I was left smiling when I finished the book.
Copper Creek (Sawyer's Ferry #3)
Copper Creek (Sawyer's Ferry #3)
Cate Ashwood | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
such a fun read!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
This is book 3 in the Sawyer’s Ferry series. You don’t NEED to have read the other books, but I think you should. Not least because they are 4 and 5 stars from me, but they are really REALLY good!
Frankie is Holden’s best friend. He worked for Holden’s father. When the senior Prescott was arrested, his job went down the pan with the company. Now his cousin needs him out for the new baby, and he has no job. Holden calls him to Alaska to plan his wedding to Gage. In two freaking months! Meeting the mess that is at Cooper Creek brewery send him a little in to panic mode but working with Barrett has its benefits. The man is a magnet to Frankie. Barrett also is attracted to Frankie. But Jackson will leave in two months, and Barrett has to live in Sawyer’s Ferry.
This was a FUN read, but so so good!
Frankie is unique and makes no bones about it. He’s loud, and proud. Barrett, however, is not. Barrett is just trying to keep his business afloat after his assistant left. He can’t manage the business and the paperwork, and he feels like he is drowning in his beer. Frankie walks into his office and Barrett’s life will never be the same again!
What I particularly LOVED about this one was, while Barrett has immediate attraction to Frankie, he doesn’t act on it. And then the news that Barrett had been married, to a woman, comes out. And Barrett is not AT ALL questioning his attraction to Frankie. What he questions is whether he can KEEP Frankie. There is NO, not a single line, about him wondering if he’s gay, or bi, or has been in the closet forever. He just WANTS Frankie, and that Frankie is a man, is totally irrelevant. Loved that!
It is a much lighter read than books one and two, and I loved that it was. Neither Frankie nor Barrett have any deep dark secrets, or major trauma, but Barrett’s wife did leave him. There is no violence, unless you count what Frankie wanted to do to the woman who had been sharing Barrett’s bed in Juneau (is that spelt right?)
It’s sexy, oh yes ma’am it is! Frankie is a Master at the innuendo, and he makes Barrett squirm a lot! But Frankie knows what he wants, he knows what Barrett wants, even if he doesn’t say the words, and Frankie is nothing if not determined!
I loved Frankie’s reaction to Barrett’s declaration of love, I really did. Not gonna say what he does, but it made me laugh so much!
Some stunning scenery described here and why Holden and Gage chooses a bloody BARN over the lighthouse I will never know, (even if it was Logan’s refitted space!) but I loved what Barrett did there in the epilogue.
Are there any more planned? I have the short that comes between one and two to read, and the Christmas special that Holden plans for Gage, but are there any more MAIN books planned?? I hope so! Thoroughly enjoying these stories, and hope they continue!
5 full and shiny stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Killer Carol
A Killer Carol
Laura Bradford | 2019 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Killing at Christmas is Anything but Heavenly for Claire
Christmas is approaching in Heavenly, Pennsylvania, and Claire Weatherly has her hands full. Not only does she have the normal tourists coming into her shop, Heavenly Treasures, but she is organizing the first annual One Heavenly Night event designed as a chance for residence and tourists to enjoy the town at Christmas. However, murder rears its ugly head once again one night. Annie, the Amish teen who works for Claire, is out Christmas caroling with some friends, and when they stop at the Esch’s farm, they find both of the them dead. Detective Jakob Fisher is quick to realize it was murder. Unfortunately, the last people to visit the victims were Claire’s Amish friend Ruth and her new husband Samuel. Even worse, the couple appear to have a motive for committing the crime. Claire doesn’t believe they could have done it, but Jakob has to follow the evidence wherever it leads, even if it ruins the unofficial inroads he has made in building relationships with the people who used to be his family before he left the Amish community. Can Claire help him solve the case before that happens?

This series works best when the characters are driving a strong mystery, and that’s definitely the case here. I’ve felt like I knew the series regulars from their first appearances in the series, so it was fantastic to spend time with them again. They are still just as strong as ever, and the new character are just as compelling. Since Heavenly sits on the edge of an Amish community, life is a bit slower, and that is reflected in the plot. This isn’t a twist a page type of book, but that faster pace wouldn’t feel right. Don’t get me wrong, we do have twists and surprises, but the impact on the characters is just as important, and the two combined keep me glued to the book. I had to fight to keep from peaking ahead and making sure everyone was going to be okay. Honestly, just reading about Heavenly refreshes my soul, so picking up this book was great. The Christmas setting was an added bonus since I love that season so much. There are a couple of niggles with the book, but they are minor. This is a fantastic addition to a favorite series.
What if angels really did come from the most unlikely of places? That’s exactly what happens in this heartwarming story, set in a homeless community in Anywhere USA. Sent to Planet Earth by his Maker, disguised as a homeless person, Enoch was on a mission: to rescue a man whose life was slowly but steadily spiraling out of control Inspired by Hebrews 13:2, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it,” this story will stir your soul like never be afore, guaranteed! 2016 IPA (INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHER AWARDS) GOLD MEDAL AWARD WINNER.

My Thoughts: This novel is certainly a winner! It comes just in time for the holiday and Christmas season, reminding us how important hospitality and loving others is. It's not about receiving but in giving from the heart. Patrick Higgins has done an incredible job of showing us through his writing how important it is to give to others. How we need to have the love of God in us in order to feel complete. This novel truly moved me and it will certainly speak to those who are feeling lost, depressed or not knowing their God-given purpose.

This book will make the reader think twice about how society treats the homeless and what would your church do if a homeless person came into the church next Sunday? Patrick Higgins hit a lot of points in this book and I recommend that every Christian give this book a read.

I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
12 Nights of Christmas
12 Nights of Christmas
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reviewed multiple books from anthology (see below)


Ashley Webbar remembers the exact moment Zane Fletcher stormed in to her life, and her salon. Over the past 6 months she has watched him fall for someone else and wished with everything that it was her that caught his eye. Not that she would ever think he could fall for someone like her. She isn’t worthy, she never has been but maybe the magical love fruitcake knows something she doesn’t.

Zane has been trying to months to let Ashley know how he feels about her. Each time he tries they get interrupted in some way, shape or form. It is now or never, he has to lay it all out on the line. Too bad when he starts she shoves a fruitcake in his face. What??

Can Ashley and Zane finally realize they are falling for each other with or without the fruitcake? Back to Burton in this quick read that is part of a multiple author Christmas anthology. I received an advance copy without any expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own. The Meant to be Girl gets 4 stars from this reader.

****Scrooge You by MK Schiller ******

Eva is a total scrooge for Christmas, well not just for Christmas it seems anymore. She works for a small company, owned by the man that has been part of her family as long as she can remember so that should account for something, right? She is restless and looking to move on but also feeling guilty like she is abandoning them. She doesn’t know what else to do. When she gets home and finds her boyfriend has invited more people over for the holiday, then finds an engagement ring hidden in a drawer she freaks out. When Jack leaves, Eva goes to bed and is then visited by the ghosts (Jack) of Christmases past, present and future. Figure in the magical romance fruitcake from Delilah’s Cove and you have a quick, romantic, holiday spirit filled story fitting for the anthology.

I’ve never read anything by this author before and this was a cute, quick read. I voluntarily read a copy of this 3 ½ star story from Booksprout without expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own.