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The Wolf Man (1941)
The Wolf Man (1941)
1941 | Horror
8.1 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A classic Universal Monster Movie (2 more)
Lon Chaney Jr
Claude Rains
Even a Man who is pure of heart....
Even a man who is pure of heart, and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfsbane blooms, and the Autumn moon is bright.

Heard that before in other werewolf movies, well this was it's origin. Created purely for the film, this poem even had some people believing it was an original folklore saying. If you have watched a handful of werewolf movies, then you will have noticed a lot of similarities;

- Silver bullets
- Wolfsbane
- Full Moon
- Not being able to retreat their acts from their loved ones
- Pentagrams
- Gypsies
- Gypsy Curses
- A Bite or scratch from the werewolf turns you

Some of these were originally created by the writers working on this film, and have become stereotypes that inspire many other werewolf films, TV Shows, Books, and Games etc.

The portrayal of Lawrence Talbot, by Lon Chaney Jr. is one that makes the classic Universal Monsters so special. Just like Frankenstein's Monster, the audiences of the 40's would have been frightened and horrified by these creatures, enough so that they wouldn't realise that they are in actual fact, suppose to sympathize with them, because when you watch the creatures being chased and hunted,the angry mobs fail to understand that these creatures never wanted this. Frankenstein's Monster never asked to be created, or to have the brain of a criminal mistakenly placed into his head instead of that of a civilized man. Larry Talbot never asked for the Wolf Man's curse, which he encountered whilst trying to save the life of a young female friend of his love interest.

With a great story and, at the time, revolutionary stop motion effects for the wolf man transformation, but of course the most important aspect, the beautifully crafted practical effects, the makeup that brings the creature to life, is incredible. My favourite of the classic Universal Monster Movies and one of my favourite movies of all time.
3.5 stars.

I liked this, mainly the sizzling attraction between Jolie and Rand. And don't forget Jolie and the werewolf who's name I've forgotten. Or Jolie and Sinjin, the vampire. Everybody wants her.

But I was all for Rand, though his reluctance to sleep with her annoyed me throughout the book. Though after his description of the joining of them, I'm not too surprised that he's resisted so far.

I'm a little disappointed with the ending, I guess I was expecting for the war with Belle to actually end ready for another story in the second but I can see it's likely to stretch across all the books in the series.

I will certainly be reading more of the series I just don't know when.
The Return of the Vampire (1944)
The Return of the Vampire (1944)
1944 | Classics, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bela Lugosi (0 more)
Vampire Telsa
The Return of the Vampire- at first I thought it was a sequel to "Mark of the Vampire", but it was not. Second i thought it might be a sequel to "Dracula", than i was like it couldnt be cause ths film was made by Columbia not Univerisal. So what is it than. Its a stand-alone. Its Bela Lugosi playing as a vampire, sound like anethor film? Anyways..

The Plot: In 1918 London, Hungarian vampire Armand Tesla (Bela Lugosi) uses his servant, werewolf Andreas Obry (Matt Willis), to assist in procuring victims. When a friend of Lady Jane Ainsley (Frieda Inescort) becomes Tesla's next victim, Jane and an acquaintance stalk the vampire and kill him by driving a stake through his heart. But 23 years later, a German bomb disturbs Tesla's grave, and cemetery workers restoring the site pull the stake from his corpse, bringing him back to life to seek revenge.

The Return of the Vampire is not an official sequel to Lugosi's 1931 Universal Studios film Dracula, but the film has been interpreted by David J. Skal as an unofficial follow-up with Lugosi's character renamed only because the film was not made by Universal.

Bela Lugosi's scenes were filmed in August and September 1943, prior to his final two Monogram films. This was also the last time he would receive top billing by a major Hollywood studio.

Its a really good film.
Awaiting Fate (Fated Immortals, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this so much. I read this one not realizing it was a spin off from another series, but it wasn't necessary to read the other series first even though I do have a feeling I would understand some of the characters more if I had. However, it is NOT needed at all. Cain is so hott. He is a demon, he is sexy, and when he turns demon so much yummy. He has insecurities and jealousy. He loves his mate so much but is worried she won't want or need him so he takes his time. Olivia is amazing. She is so strong but thinks she isn't. She was sheltered because of her fear and needing her brother so much. She falls for Cain who is a demon and she is a werewolf so she isn't supposed to love a demon. They both have to work through so much just to be together including his issues and her brother. This is an amazing start to this series and thanks to reading this one I now need to read the other series before this one. I highly recommend this book if you love paranormal romance.
The Wolf Next Door (Westfield Wolves, #3)
Lydia Dare | 2010
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Wolf Next Door by Lydia Dare
Genre: Paranormal werewolf romance, historical fiction
Published: June 1st 2010 by Sourcebooks Casablanca


Years ago, William Westfield and Pricia Hawthorne were in love—but Pricia's heart was broken and she refuses to let the scoundrel forget it. She knows now that he never committed the accused crime… but she can't bare to give her heart to him again. Even though she wants to.

Will has established his reputation as the best lover in six centuries. And he knows he did it to get Pricia out of his head. He still loves and adores her, snotty remarks and spirited personality and rule-breaking attitude and all. But when he is forced to visit the Hawthorne house to escort his sisters-in-law, he discovers that another man—another Lycan man—is pursuing her hand in marriage. Will doesn't think: The games are over. He decides that he will do anything and everything to keep the other werewolf away, and claim her forever.

This was, out of the three Westfield stories, my favorite. From the time I started reading, I couldn't put it down. It was fast-paced, exciting, and romantic. Although can I say that the covers—for this one and the others—could have been better? Still, I loved the story.

Will has always been my favorite Westfield, because of his happy, funny, warm, laid-back personality… and I loved seeing him desperately in love, trying his hardest to charm Pricia's socks off. Pricia is my favorite kind of heroine: the kind that can hold her own, especially with five brothers. Put Will and Pricia together, and you have an epic couple: They love each other, they hate each other. But they only hate each other because they love each other… a never-ending circle, a never-ending conversation, and a never-ending story… but a very satisfying ending to the book.

The plot was a lot more exciting than Dare's other werewolf stories—not to say the others aren't exciting. But this one surpassed the others. The other Lycan threatening Will's happiness added a good conflict to the story. Pricia's execution of torture on poor Will was both pitiful and hilarious. There was a war going on between the two wolves, and a war going on between the lovers, and it made for a stay-up-until-3-AM kind of book.

One of the reasons this one was probably my favorite, was because it wasn't sappy. I'm not saying the others are: but there was this running theme of the woman telling the man she was in love with him, and the man not admitting it until way too late, and causing problems because of it. There was none of that in The Wolf Next Door. Will straight up told Pricia that he loved her. He told her father he loved her. He told his brothers, and her brothers, that he loved her. And it made their romance much better and much more believable.

Magic, romance, heart-break, rivals, witches, and true love…all tied together with a sweet, naive, innocent little devil, and a very handsome werewolf. This one is begging to be re-read.

Content/recommendation: Little language, some sex. Ages 18+