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Scott Tostik (389 KP) rated Holliston in TV

Dec 17, 2017  
2012 | Comedy, Drama, Horror
7.3 (9 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Some good writing (2 more)
Great cast
What would happen if Friends met Hatchet in a dark alley
A horror/comedy series that leaves you begging for more
I love Adam Green!!!! The man has proven with this series that he can wear many hats in the industry. As can co-star Joe Lynch (director of Mayhem).
This show is everything a horror fan needs wrapped up in a 45 minute(first season) and 22 minute(second season) episodes. Some great dialogue and brilliant acting by co-stars Corri English (country band Brokedown Cadillac) and Laura Ortiz (The Hills Have Eyes remake) make this show easy to swallow and a fun time for even the mildest of horror watchers.
Don't forget some great guest appearances by Kane Hodder(Hatchet), Danielle Harris(Halloween 4 & 5), Derek Mears (Friday the 13th remake), Colton Dunn(hatchet 2), Ray Wise(Digging Up the Marrow and TV's Twin Peaks), Tony Todd(Candyman) and David Naughton(An American Werewolf in London) who all go to lengths to prove that horror is not the only genre they belong in.
Twisted Sister's Dee Snider is a series regular as Cable Station Managere Lance Rockett and provides the viewer with some great one liners and laugh filled on screen moments that can not be easily forgotten. Dave Brockie or Oderus Urungas as he was better known to metal fans as the lead singer of the band Gwar also appeared regularly as Adam's imaginary friend who lived in his closet and came out occasionally to give words of wisdom, advice and shots to the nuts. Sadly Dave lost his life in April of 2014 causing Adam to put the series on hold for the time being because of the death of his longtime friend.
Holliston is nothing short of brilliance to people who not only love the horror genre. it is nothing short of amazing. With laughs, scares and even a few tears shed during its brief interlude on This show will forever remain in my heart and mind as one of the best sitcom/horror shows I have ever watched. Give it a try people
Rating: 3.75

Lord Benjamin, the youngest of the Westfeld brothers, is a broken werewolf. He can no longer change in the light of the full moon. Horrified at himself, he seeks out a healer—a witch, although he isn't sure he believes in them—and comes across the beautiful Elspeth Campbell. But in order to let Elspeth heal him, he has to tell her everything. And spilling his guts to a beautiful Scottish girl isn't the easiest thing in the world.

Elspeth isn't quite sure what to think of Lord Benjamin… especially when her sister witch, a seer, claims that he will take her away from them forever. She vows not to leave them, but when she meets him… she begins to have second thoughts. Falling in love with him hadn't been part of the plan.

Tall, Dark, and Wolfish was really cute. I adored Elspeth: she was a fun, stubborn, slightly sarcastic character who was strong in herself. And Benjamin… poor broken Benjamin who lost his wolf-ness. I loved their interactions and I loved their dialogue. I especially liked the interactions between Ben and Will, his brother. They're just… great.

The writing was satisfactory… but the accents were great. Elspeth and her witch sisters spoke in their Scottish accents, and it was written with the accent. Although it was a little hard to read at first, you can catch onto the sound of their voices quickly, and it adds to the character.

I was pleased at the plot: at first I was wondering how Dare would stretch the limited romantic plot into a full length novel, but there were a lot of aspects and sub-plots that were woven in, making it an exciting fun story.

Although, all things considered, it was just a tad sappy. But not enough to make me put it down. I think I read it through from beginning to end in about four hours.

Content/recommendation: some language, some sex. Ages 18+
Hunted (Werewolf Academy #2)
Hunted (Werewolf Academy #2)
Cheree Alsop | 2014 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunted is the second book in the Werewolf Academy series and follows on from Strays. Alex and Cassie are still being hunted but it seems Alex remains the number one target. Alex is doing all he can to protect Cassie and live up to being Jet's brother. It all becomes too much for a fifteen-year-old boy to cope with though and he starts down the path of self-destruction. Luckily for him, Jaze is there before he explodes and helps to channel some of the anger into different avenues.

Second book into the series and I'm already wanting the next. Alex is a complex character with good parts and bad. His reaction to Boris and Kalia's house (and I use the word deliberately as it was not a home,) was funny and I loved how he refused to speak down to the servants. I want Amos back though!!! It's not right, him being with a different Pack. He belongs with Jericho and Alex.

There are some errors in here but, to be honest, I paid them no attention as they do not detract from the story at all. My stars are for the story and how it gripped me. The minute I started reading, I was hooked. I love the characters, new and old. The story continues to fascinate and lead you onto the next book.

No 'second book slump' here and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
My Soul Immortal (Fated Eternals #1)
My Soul Immortal (Fated Eternals #1)
Jen Printy | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don't you just love it when you get a book that is completely different from anything you have read before? I know I do, which is why I thoroughly enjoyed this story by Jen Printy. She has set up a world completely different from anything I have read before, with not a vampire or werewolf in sight. Instead, it is a whole new world, most of which you learn from Jack's point of view. This, as well, makes a nice change, to read it mainly from the male's perspective.

The writing and editing were fantastic and I didn't spot any errors in here at all. There is a lot that goes on, from how we first meet Jack, to his moving to Portland, to meeting Leah and so on. That being said, I did feel that certain parts of the book could have done with being tightened up somehow. It just felt a bit 'slow' in places, which is not a bad thing!

For a fresh and new story with excellent world-building and characters, then I can definitely recommend this book. I am looking forward to reading more in this series, as I certainly want to know how the new trainee copes!!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 16, 2016
Midnight Hunt (Bonded By Blood Vampire Chronicles #3)
Midnight Hunt (Bonded By Blood Vampire Chronicles #3)
Arial Burnz | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
We have moved forward 80 years with book 3, and Broderick is still mourning the loss of his Davina to consumption. He suddenly feels the urge to leave Scotland and ends up in Germany where, after a few stops, he starts to dream again. This shocks him as the only time he has dreamed was when he was with Davina. The prophetess turns up and tells him snippets which are enough to entice him in Monika's direction. Monika is the reincarnation of Davina, but without the abuse that Davina went through. She is a Fire Witch, her grandmother is an Air Witch, and her father has been turned into a werewolf! Not only that but Angus is around and causing trouble again.

Exceedingly well-written, with Monika/Davina being a completely new, sassy character, whilst still retaining the charms of Davina. It's no wonder Broderick couldn't resist. This is a wonderful continuation of the series and I can't wait to see where else we shall go. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 24, 2016
Chosen (Werewolf Academy #7)
Chosen (Werewolf Academy #7)
Cheree Alsop | 2015 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you ready for this? Chosen is the last book in the Werewolf Academy series and I can guarantee you will have your heart ripped to shreds.

One thing Ms. Alsop is not afraid of is killing off favourite characters. This has happened before and it hurts every time, you know?! Things are coming to a head and Drogan now has his Demons who seem to be more than a match for Alex.

Do people get hurt in this finale? Yes, they do. Do people die? Oh my god, yes. Will it rip your heart out? Absolutely. Will you enjoy every moment? But, of course!!! I'm going to try to be as vague as possible here but when *** happened, I wondered when *** would, and when it did, I wasn't that surprised. Heartbroken but not surprised.

This book has everything you could ask for. Emotions of every type, heartbreak, sorrow, death, hope, joy, birth, and most of all, a HEA. This is an amazing series that will take you from the first word of book one to the last word of book seven without any problem; each book leaving you wanting more.

I can't believe I've reached the end of both this series and Silver. I love Cheree Alsop's werewolves and I hope to read more about them in the future. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Thicker Than Water
Thicker Than Water
Becca Seymour | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I needed Thatch!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
Callen finds Thatch, the leader of a black ops task force, bleeding and bitten when he goes against orders, again. But Thatch was bitten by Callen's sister, and his niece is now missing and Thatch might be the only link to finding the child. But as the investigation spreads its net, Callen is forced to make some decisions, decisions that could cost him his heart.
I really REALLY enjoyed this from Ms Seymour! She usually writes fairly fluffy, contemporaries and this isn't fluffy, nor contemporary but it is great!
I loved the twist to werewolf lore, that the oly way for a wolf to be made is to be bitten. But that act kills the wolf and transfers all their memories to the new wolf.
I loved the supporting cast, and all the little . .hints/clues/dropped comments . . .about them. Some questions wre thrown up, that haven't been answered here. However, in my personal experience, its best not to wait for those questions to be answered cos the last time I felt like this, I had a right proper hissy fit when those questions were NOT answered LOL So I won't voice those questions, and then I can't be dissappointed, right?
I loved Callen. He is funny and hilarious, and dark and deadly. He is deep and meaningful, but takes great pleasure in winding his friends up.
I loved that fact tht the bond between Callen and Thatch creep up on them, and there isn't that MINE moment at first meeting. It DOES come, but it's more growled out of Callen in reaction to someone else touching Thatch.
So why only 4 stars with all those things I loved?
Thatch isn't given a voice.
Now, I know I say it a lot, and I will continue to say it where I think it necessary but HERE I think it really needed. Thatch takes ALL of his Hazel's, Callen's sister, memories and thoughts and feelings. ALL of them. And that had to be confusing when they start to come through! When those memories sends them far north to find Hazel's daughter. When he comes face to face with that daughter. What was Thatch feeling? I needed that, I really did, and if I HAD Thatch, I have no doubt, not a single one, that this would have been a 5 star read.
I don't know if this is a stand alone, or there will be more of this group of people, I hope so, I really do!
But I don't get Thatch, and so. . .
4 good, great solid stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Midlife Bounty Hunter (Forty Proof, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've read a few books in the past by this author and enjoyed them, so I'm hoping this one plays out the same way.

It starts with Breena heading to a graveyard where she's supposed to be attending an interview but things take a decidedly paranormal turn when she meets a skeleton and is chased by a werewolf up a steep come-out-of-nowhere mountain where she finds out she's passed the interview and is now working for a group who do bounty work for the supernatural community.

I did enjoy this but I wasn't fully invested in it. The most exciting thing for me was Crash...and Breena trying to get her house back, but mainly Crash. There was just something about him that drew my attention and intrigued me. Him, I would like to see more of. The rest of the gang...meh. They didn't grow on me that much and I didn't feel like I grew to know them that well.

I feel I should mention Robert and Feish, too. They were the closest people - loosely used term - to Breena in this and they were pretty likeable in this one. I'm sure she'll grow closer to them over the course of the series and they'll turn into valuable allies.

One thing I wasn't a fan of: the continuous referral of her ex husband as "Himself" rather annoying after a while. Why not just "Him" or his name or even "ex"? He does sound like a piece of work, though, and I feel like seeing him get his comeuppance is going to be good.
Strays (Werewolf Academy #1)
Strays (Werewolf Academy #1)
Cheree Alsop | 2014 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strays is the first book in the Werewolf Academy series and is a spin-off from the Silver series. As you may know if you follow my reviews, that last book about killed me and was the very thing that set me onto this series. This one focuses on Alex and Cassie, Jet's younger twin siblings.

In the Academy, you are not split into years. You are split into Packs but for one year only. Alex and Cassie are usually one of the last to be picked so it comes as a huge surprise when one of the newcomers picks Alex to be his Second. Usually the Packs stay divided between Lifers and Termers but Alex shakes things up by giving Jericho names of both, in the hope of making a strong, all-rounded Pack.

I love Cheree Alsop's worlds. I really do! This one drew me in just as much as Silver did. It was great to see Jaze and the others that bit older. I'm still not keen on Chet but he does provide a great counter-balance to Dray. With excitements, hormones, hunts, training, this is a fast-paced book that still managed to have me in tears!

Seriously, this is an amazing start to the series with a new cast of brilliant characters, supported by old characters that I adore. I can't wait to continue and have no hesitation in recommending this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1)
Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1)
Maggie Stiefvater | 2010 | Young Adult (YA)
7.1 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this book as a recommendation from a friend. Even though I knew lots of other book bloggers love this series, all I kept thinking was "not another werewolf book." I am very glad that I read this anyways. It is very different from what I expected, and most of the book was unpredictable.
The idea of werewolves brings to mind extra strength, no weakness, and no fear, but these werewolves are more victims of a progressive disease with lives that are dictated by changes in the weather. Even in wolf form, they behave as a normal wolf would with no extras to benefit themselves.
Grace is quite an anomaly in the book, and she spends half the book in denial of the obvious. What bothered me about her character was that even though she is "book-smart," she never thinks to question what she is and how she became this way. Outside forces had to propel her out her denial. I really like Sam's character, especially because he tries so hard to hang on to his humanity, not just presently, but ever since he was bitten. The memories he shares of being home-schooled by the other werewolves shows me that even then he understood the importance of this. I grew to really like Isabel's character, too. Even though she has attitude to spare, she still has a heart and wants to do what is right. She actually reminds me a bit of the character of Cordelia from BTVS.
I was a little disappointed about what happened to Jack, but he wasn't exactly the most likable character. I was also a little confused about Olivia, as she seemed to lack uniformity in her character - at one point she seemed to not care too much about the wolves, and then I get the idea that she is supposed to be obsessed with them.
The ending came as a complete shock to me, as I really thought something else would happen right up until the very end. So now I have tons of questions, and I can not wait to get my hands on the next book, Linger (Wolves of Mercy Falls, Book 2).