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Nikki Massey (8 KP) rated Carrie in Books

Feb 7, 2019  
Stephen King | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (72 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong female lead (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Stephen King has been on my 'must read' list for many years. I've always wanted to read his books but never plucked up the courage.
I finally went down to my local library and the librarian raved about him - which books were good, what collections were interesting, all about the films, TV shows, similar authors. I was sold!
I went in expecting Carrie to be this evil witch using her telekinesis to harm others. I ended up feeling so sorry for her and in some way able to relate to her. She had a difficult time through school, singled out for being different and getting bullied for it. I didn't enjoy school myself and the people who say that it is the best time of your life are highly mistaken and lying through their teeth.
Carrie was just pushed one too many times and then all hell is let loose at her Senior Prom.
I found the writing method quite different to anything I had read in the past. It is an epistolary novel - in that it uses clippings of newspapers, diary entries and such to get the story across. It is also quite unusual in that due to the clippings you find you know what has happened quite early on in the novel but not how. I guess that is what keeps you reading, to find out exactly how it panned out.
I finished with a few questions remaining but perhaps that is part of the joy of a good novel - it gets you thinking and you end up questioning what actually happened and researching possible alternative endings.
I have found my new favourite author in Stephen King and already have Salem's Lot, The Shining and The Stand on order from the library!
The Lightkeeper's Daughters
The Lightkeeper's Daughters
Colleen Coble | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book I received from Thomas Nelson for reviewing, and because of shipping problems, by the time I recieved it I had forgotten why I originally picked it. I started reading the book out of obligation, and at first, had a hard time actually enjoying what I was reading. It felt a bit like a school assignment for the first 80 pages, which is generally how far I will go in a book before I decide whether or not I want to finish it. Luckily, at that point the book actually started to get interesting as Addie became snoopy around the house and began unearthing clues about her mother. I am not much for the mystery genre, but I found the detective-like aspects of this novel much more entertaining than the chaste romance between Addie Sullivan and Lieutenant North, which led up to a climax that was so exciting I chose finishing the novel to sleeping when I was sick with a cold.

Regarding the more religious aspects of the novel, I thought that the depiction of Addie's faith in God to be somewhat watered down and simplified with possibly not enough attention given to its place in her life. Often I find ithis is the case with literature in the genre of Christian fiction. The single time that scripture from the Bible is quoted, it's merely a few lines out of Psalms, and each time that we see Addie praying, she only spends a few moments in prayer before something else requires her attention. This is not to say that all Christian fiction - categorized works do this, as I have read some truly excellent portrayals of faith in Jesus, but this book certainly did.

Overall, I would recommend the book more for its plot elements of mystery and intrigue, not for its religious aspects.
The Lost Castle
The Lost Castle
Kristy Cambron | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a historical Christian fiction lover, but sometimes I find the multiple time lines hard to follow. However, reading this beautifully moving novel by the very talented Kristy Cambron was so easy to follow and was absolutely captivating. This book has what I call "all the feels". It's incredibly detailed, with characters that are chiseled magnificently. Each time line brings the reader to a character that will make way into your heart and stay their long after the book is finished.

The beautiful ruins of the castle that Ms. Cambron describes come to life for me. I could feel myself transported to the heart of France, finding the castle and living the life of these three women, Avaline, Vi and Ellie. I loved that feeling! It's not often that a multi timeline can do that and I was so pleased that it did.

Watching Ellie deal with her grandmother, brought back memories of my own dealings with Alzheimer's with my grandfather. It was a bittersweet time for me!

This incredible story is filled with longing, hope, faith, and finding love. I turned page after page of this 4 star novel until I reached the final one. I shut the novel, sat back and reflected on all I felt through this book, from smiles, to sadness, to butterflies in my stomach. Ms. Cambron has created another keeper in my opinion. This book will be one that I recommend to all, and have already asked my local libraries to carry it for others to read! Well done, Ms. Cambron! Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Book Look Bloggers/Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Imperfect Justice (Hidden Justice #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy Justice, Batman! This book was AH-mazing! Having read book one in this incredibly addictive, incredibly chiseled, incredibly captivating series, I was anxiously awaiting the chance to read this novel. When I got my greedy hands on it.......well, let's just say that this book right here, was absolutely one of the best books of 2017! I am always looking forward to a new Cara Putman novel now, and when she delivers one, I. Am. Hooked.

This book is powerful. It's filled with edge of your seat twists, as Emilie and Reid work together to find the clues, the pieces of the puzzle, to find Reid's neice. The roller coaster ride that follows these two incredible characters is enough to take your breath away. I felt every bit of emotion that these two felt, every heartache, every heartpounding piece of evidence within the pages left me wanting to wrap them up and hug them close!

If you love suspense with a dash of romance, then this intricately woven novel is one that you don't want to miss out on. It's 5 star worthy. It's a book that you must stay up past your bed time to finish, as you'll not want it to end. Every page turn will leave you breathless. This is absolutely, simply put, award winning. Once again, Ms. Putman has used her skills to throw her fans a book that will satisfy their hunger for the intense justice, and Godly messages that is Putman trademark! Bravo and hats off to you, Ms. Putman!
*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The Melody of the Soul (Music of Hope #1)
Liz Tolsma | 2018
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a big fan of historical novels, particularly those centered around WWII. So, when I came across this one for reviewing, I jumped at the chance. I've not read any Liz Tolsma books before, so it was a double bonus for me. I sat down, opened the book, and wow. What feelings I got with this novel! Sadness, happiness, love.....all of it. It was so many feels!

Liz Tolsma's characters, Anna and Horst, truly came alive for me. Their interactions, their passion for their beliefs and their love for Anna's music....they truly captured my soul. These beautiful souls had a passion for God and I could feel that as I turned each page.

I can't imagine what it was like for the Nazis and the Jews back then, but through richly detailed accounts and beautifully chiseled characters, Ms. Tolsma made me feel a part of that time period. My heart burst for their love of God, but my soul was twisted up and crying when I felt myself enduring all that Anna had to endure. It was a bittersweet experience for sure!

This is definitely a 4 star novel that I will recommend to all who want a soul capturing novel. Ms. Tolsma knows just what to create for her readers that will keep them hooked and turning the pages long into the wee hours of the morning. Each page turn brings you closer to the characters' souls, and when the book ends, you're left reflecting on the melodies created within your own heart. This book is definitely a keeper! Well done, Ms. Tolsma!

*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pelican Point is the fourth novel in the Hope Harbor series. In this intriguing novel, we are introduced to Army doctor Ben Garrison who has arrived back to Hope Harbor for his grandfather's funeral.

Ben, being sole heir is left everything, including the run-down lighthouse at Pelican Point. Ben wants to settle his grandfather's affairs and move on to his new practice in Ohio and that means selling an old lighthouse no one wants to buy; until a developer puts in a bid to buy it and the whole town comes together thanks to Marci, the local newspaper editor to save the landmark.

Can Ben who wants nothing more to settle the estate can't push past the feelings he has for Marci, the strong-willed red headed newspaper editor. Both Ben and Marci are dealing with past issues that have made them skittish about forming relationships. Will they be able to move past these issues and yield to their feelings?

The writer has done a great job of bringing you into the small town of Hope Harbor and into the lives of the characters she has created. I especially appreciated the way all the characters in Hope Harbor revolved around the lighthouse and Charly the taco king.

I like the way she artfully interweaves the characters in this story and creates a subplot.

Although this novel is the fourth in a series, it can stand alone without reading the first three, but once you've read this one you will want to read the rest.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
How Do You Like Me Now?
How Do You Like Me Now?
Holly Bourne | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so I think I’m the only person left who hasn’t read anything by Holly Bourne before this point. I didn’t even realise she was a YA author before checking out her twitter, and I’m definitely going to get some of her YA novels now.

Tori is an author of a self-help novel about how to survive your twenties. Now in her thirties, she’s lost, unhappy, and worried about where her life is going. On top of that, she has got another inspirational book about how brilliant and perfect her life is waiting to be written.

Only her life isn’t perfect. She’s falling out of love with ‘The One’, constantly worried about looking too old and not seeming perfect enough on social media for her fans, and she feels unsuccessful.

It was really nice to read an honest book for once that shows that someone’s persona on social media is not who they really are. Tori is constantly posting on social media about how perfect her relationship is and how successful she is, when really, her life is the exact opposite.

The novel focused on Tori trying to find her happiness again without hurting people around her, and trying to write her next novel that thousands of people are desparate for.

The whole book was a nice surprise, as it was brutally honest and still an entertaining read. I devoured it in a couple of days, never wanting to put it down.

I did feel that the plot was lacking a bit. It did just seem like the whole thing was a bit of a sub-plot, but that did make it a nice, easy, and quick read.

I will definitely be checking out more of Holly Bourne’s books now.
Charming Olivia (Geary Brothers, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I requested this from NetGalley’s erotica section, and boy is it erotica. So much so that it overshadows much of the plot that I almost missed it. While there is a plot, it wasn’t one I was interested in. I am tired of the women with “tragic pasts” that have been hurt in some way.

What I appreciated about this novel is that it shows that people are able to separate love and sex. I think our society is so caught up in the idea that only people who are in love should have sex and if there isn’t love involved, then there is something wrong with those people taking part (i.e. sluts, perverts, etc.) That’s not the case at all. Adults should be allowed to explore their sexuality without judgement and be able to enjoy themselves. That is what this novel is about: two people (one more so than the other) discovering their sexuality.

It was an idea I could definitely get behind and that is why I enjoyed this novel so much. While I am a highly monogamous person in my own relationship, I fully support those who aren’t. I am not saying I condone cheating; that is a completely different ballpark. I just understand that monogamy isn’t the only way and people should be able to have a happy healthy sex life without being by judge.

To get back to the story. Harper is a talented writer who knows how to write steamy scenes and a plotline present enough to keep the story moving. Her characters weren’t my favorite but they were realistic enough with their own flaws and quirks. The best part was the variety and open-mindedness of the erotic.
Based on a True Story
Based on a True Story
Delphine de Vigan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a slow burner, don’t expect to go into this one and be met with action and mystery straight away… Or at any point, really. This whole book is a character study, and if you’ve been following my reviews for a while, you know I’m not hugely into these kinds of books, unless I’m absolutely captivated. Unfortunately, I wasn’t complete captivated by this one.

I really loved the writing in this novel, it was superb and if de Vigan wrote more books in my favourite genres, I’d likely read them just for her style of telling a story. This book is written as though you are reading a book… if that makes sense, so you are instantly pulled in to the narrator’s life, but unfortunately, it wasn’t all that exciting.

I was waiting for some big reveal in the story, as others had claimed this was to come… but nothing happened that I wasn’t expecting to happen. This lack of twist was a real let down for me, it’s one of those books that’s left me thinking “really, that was it?”.

I don’t hate this book. It was well thought out, well written and has very well developed characters. The tension of the novel is built perfectly, but it leads to nothing. Yes, this leaves you questioning the truth, it makes you think, but it didn’t leave me excited, shocked or thrilled, and that’s ultimately what I look for in a mystery / thriller novel.

<i>(Don't read this book if you haven't watched The Usual Suspects but you want to, it spoils the entire plot... I hate when books do that! Good thing I've already seen the movie (it's one of my faves))

Thanks to Netgalley and Bloomsbury Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>

Erika Kehlet (21 KP) rated Ashley Bell in Books

Feb 19, 2018  
Ashley Bell
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was the best Dean Koontz novel I've read since the first Odd Thomas. I loved Bibi, and there was a great cast of supporting characters, including her parents, her best pal Pogo, and her fiance, a Navy Seal named Pax. Not everyone was on Bibi's side, however, and once again Mr. Koontz proves that sometimes the scariest monsters are those who wear human faces.

This is one of those stories that is very hard to talk about without giving too much away, and I would not want to ruin the surprises for anyone who might choose to read the book. With that said, here's what I can tell you without spoiling anything.... The novel starts out with Bibi, a novelist, discovering that she has brain cancer. After hearing that she has less then a year to live, she surprises everyone (except maybe herself) by waking completely cancer free the next morning. As a celebratory gift, her parents send a psychic to Bibi, and during her reading, she discovers that her life was spared so that she could save someone named Ashley Bell. The journey that Bibi has to make in her quest to locate Ashley forces her to revisit places and experiences from her own past that she has long since forgotten.

The buildup in this novel started out slow but constant, and once it got moving I couldn't put it down. Any Dean Koontz fan, or any thriller fan for that matter, will love this one. While Dean Koontz may be thought of as a horror writer, and there are some paranormal elements to this story, non-horror fans should enjoy this one also.

<i>Note: I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest </i>review.