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Excalibur (1981)
Excalibur (1981)
1981 | Action, Sci-Fi
7.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Lush, beautiful visuals (1 more)
Stellar performances from all involved
Long movie, but feels like it rushes from highlight to highlight without fleshing out the story. (1 more)
More mythic fantasy of "knights in shining armor" as my younger self would have conceived it than anything grounded in reality.
Long on visuals, short on narrative cohesion and characterization
Excalibur is a classic, and deservedly so. The visuals and performances from the entire cast are outstanding, and you get to see early appearances from the likes of a then-unknown Patrick Stewart or Liam Neeson. The film is epic in scope, and that's part of the problem--in trying to tell the entire Arthurian legend, the film only has time (even at nearly two and a half hours) to hit the highlights without adding sufficient connective tissue to make sure that we care about the characters. Then there's the fact that the film caters to more of a child's fantasy version of knights in shining armor than anything else. I don't mind the anachronism of plate armor in the "dark ages," but characters living in their plate day on and day out, in peacetime, in the middle of their fortress? That crap is uncomfortable! Ten year old me would have bought that reality, but this film would have been (and in fact specifically WAS) denied to ten year old me based on the nudity and gore. I'm not asking for gritty realism, but I also wasn't expecting a return to the fantasties of my youth. Worth seeing, to be sure, but not timeless or without it's flaws.
Hustlers (2019)
Hustlers (2019)
2019 | Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
Based on a true story, Hustler's is the story of Destiny, an exotic dancer who falls on hard times. Teaming up with other dancers to con a number of rich bankers.
The premise of Hustler, strippers conning bankers, hides the actual depth of the story. At the start of the film, Destiny has just moved to a new strip club, we are shown the politics of the club and how Destiny befriends Ramona, one of the top dancers. Everything changes during the wall street crash, most of the club’s regular customers were bankers, most of whom had been affected by the crash had stopped going out and so a lot of the dancers lost their job. Destiny has a child but soon breaks up with the father and then find it hard to get a new job. Returning to the club, Destiny teams up with Ramona in scamming money out of the old clients.
One of the main themes of Hustlers is family, two of the main characters have children and the films shows what each of them would do to protect them. Beyond that we have the relationship between Destiny and her grandmother and also the family formed between the dancers and shows how these bonds can be formed and broken.
Being about strippers there is some nudity but Hustlers but they handle the sexual side of the dances job quite well.
The film is quite slow with a big part in the centre where not much seems to happen but it is still entertaining.
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    Lollipop - Gay Video Chat

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I received this copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

This a bind up of the first 5 comics in the series

First off I am not gonna lie, this wasn’t as good as I anticipated but does get better throughout. I really didn’t like the retro artwork that was going on, I felt that the artwork needed to be more sombre for this storyline. There is a lot of nudity in this book, like constantly and I really don’t think it was that necessary. I am not a prude but there was literally, tits, ass and vagina’s on every page

This graphic novel deals with several topics such as feminism, oppression, racism and voyeurism (lot’s of ism’s I know) so this book is not going to be for everyone. I liked the fact that not every women in this book had a bikini body, there were characters such as Penny that were bigger ladies and proud of it. There was also background information to why these women were on Bitch Planet, which helped with character development. The important message that is coming across in this graphic novel is that all women should be themselves and not to give a damn about other people’s opinions.I think the storyline is getting better as you get towards the end of this bind up and would be definitely interested in reading more

I had trouble with the layout as provided to me via Netgalley, it took the experience away from me and I would probably enjoyed it more in a physical format.

Overall I gave this 3 out of 5 stars.
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
1981 | Horror
7.0 (27 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After the runaway success of the first Friday the 13th a mere year earlier, Part 2 is the first of many sequels spaffed out in a short space of time. The sequels are mostly ok, certainly watchable, with only a couple that I would say step into crappy territory.
Part 2 is one of the half decent ones, and for better or worse, I actually quietly love it.
Not too dissimilar to its predecessor, it's overflowing with over acting. This time around, the dialogue is pretty much balls awful and cheesy, but it's not enough to stop me from enjoying what is a damn fun horror sequel.
It set the stage for what slasher follow ups would become known for - more gore, more victims, more nudity, more silliness. It's just the way these things go and Friday the 13th Part 2 arguably introduced these sequel tropes to the world.

Of course, this is our first proper introduction to Jason, pre hockey mask, and I've always found Part 2 Jason to be quite intimidating. The hockey mask is undoubtedly iconic, and cemented Jason as a horror icon, but here he dons some dungarees and a potato sack over his face. There's something truly unsettling about a big dude in that get up, chasing people with a massive pick axe.
The closing moments of the movie boasts a memorable 'gotcha' moment once again, whilst showing off the decent make up and effects work, and a returning Harry Manfredini is present once again to provide a jarring music score.

Part 2 is trashy in parts but I can't help but love it. 💀

Lorene Scafaria recommended GoodFellas (1990) in Movies (curated)

GoodFellas (1990)
GoodFellas (1990)
1990 | Crime, Drama, Thriller

"For me, it is the most alive and electric filmmaking. [Martin Scorsese is] obviously one of the greats, but he brought that ’70s filmmaking to 1990, which… I can’t believe it’s a 1990 film. I love gangster films and I love The Godfather, but I am a Goodfellas girl. I thought there was just so much captured in the masculinity of it and the relationships between men, the family dynamic, the structure of it, the mafia, that sort of hierarchy and camaraderie. I just think it’s one of the most exciting films ever made, of course. The writing is extraordinary, as is the improvisation of it. And seeing what he puts in a frame during a scene, like Joe Pesci telling the story, and you think it’s a funny scene when you realize it’s really just like these two setups over and over and that these… You sort of see the layout of the guys in the background who’s listening and the tension that he’s able to create by just hanging on something. That was something that I was trying to bring into [Hustlers]: in terms of how he treated violence, that was something that I felt about how to treat the nudity, in a way. So it was a touchstone for me in how to, not just approach anti-heroes or an underworld, but also just… What’s the difference between the gun and a body as being used, being weaponized? And an outfit, a bandage dress, being weaponized, you know? And the role that each of them play in that hustle and in the group."

Humanoids from the Deep (1980)
Humanoids from the Deep (1980)
1980 | Horror, Sci-Fi
5.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'm completely aware that Humanoids from the Deep (originally titled Monster) is trashy as hell, but dammit I'm just a sucker for this kind of film.

It has a lot of issues - it's pacing is off for a start. A lot of the narrative focuses on a new fishing cannery in the seaside community of Noyo, a plot point that of course turns out to be completely irrelevant. It has some absurdly choppy editing - it has scenes that take place at the same time, in the same location, from different character perspectives, that inexplicably take place at different times of day. The big final scene has a sudden shot of an earlier part of the movie for no apparent reason other than saving money and time.
The same scene also has horrendously obvious looped sound editing. It's incredibly messy.

And yet, its still way more entertaining than it deserves to be. The mutant fish monster things look ridiculous of course, but it's the kind of hammy and gratuitous man-in-a-rubber-suit creature horror you just don't see these days.
There's plenty of gore and the usual Roger Corman endorsed nudity that sold these kind of films.
It has a respectable cast as well, including Doug McClure, Vic Morrow, Ann Turkel and Anthony Pena. It's a far cry from the copious amounts of teenagers usually associated with the genre during this era, and lends the film a sense of class amongst all the silliness.

Humanoids from the Deep is a film not to be taken seriously. That way, it's a pretty good time despite it's many flaws, and is an entertaining enough creature feature.
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