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Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Friday the 13th Part III (1982) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 21, 2019)  
Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
1982 | Horror
Chris and her friends just want to have a good time this weekend, so they're taking a trip to her family's nice, relaxing family cabin in Higgins Haven. Unfortunately for them, Jason survived his encounter with Ginny from the last film. He winds up at a store where he kills a married couple and gets a change of clothes. Higgins Haven just happens to be close by. Chris has more than one reason for going on this trip though. She was attacked a few years ago by a hideously disfigured man and is facing her fears in hopes of moving past it. Could this mysterious man and Jason have something in common?

This is the film that introduced us to the hockey mask and was originally in 3-D. It's a shame that's all it really offers though. Watching the 3-D version now will just leave you with a horrible headache. I actually prefer the film in 2-D. The nudity in the film is also rather light and before you jump on me for saying that, that's one of the main things you look forward to in a Friday the 13th film; Jason Voorhees, inventive kills, T&A, and maybe a few laughs. That's what makes the Friday the 13th films fun. Especially compared to the first two films, sideboob and a brief glimpse in the shower doesn't really cut it. I guess what really ruined it for me was the homages to the first film. By the way, what the hell is up with the ending? And why does Mrs. Voorhees suddenly have her head again? It wasn't a bad idea to do a few throwbacks to the original, but it felt like too much by the end of the film.
Swiss Army Man (2016)
Swiss Army Man (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
The movie ends with more questions than what it started with as turn after delightful turn unfold
Contains spoilers, click to show
OK so this is something that I thought looked absolutely stupid when I first saw the previews for it in the movies. I must say how horribly wrong I was. Swiss Army Man is unique and inspired. Daniel Radcliffe is amazing as Manny "the multipurpose tool man".

The movie opens with Hank (Dando) waking up on a deserted beach, unaware of where he is or what has transpired for him to be there. As he takes in his surroundings he gives way to despair and preps to commit suicide, when he notices a body on the beach. He races over to the body which begins to expel gas on which Hank rides Manny like a jet ski to get off an island. Shortly after,

Manny begins showing signs of semipermeable intelligence. At which point he slowly comes "alive" in a have animated have dead state, almost like a paraplegic zombie. The story centers around the two learning how to live again and a story of finding oneself and making it in the world.

Through out the movie Dano and Radcliffe are stuck in the middle of the woods, where Manny's many talents come to save Hank from the brink of death time and time again. While in the woods Hank tries to teach Manny how to live again, the two undergo a spiritual journey that eventually leads Hank and Manny back to civilization.

The movie ends with more questions than what it started with as turn after delightful turn unfold, you are left wondering what the hell is going on. It is a very funny, tongue in cheek, and almost campy movie at times, but I found it to be surprisingly delightful.

Due to some of the language and brief nudity of Daniel's butt, I would suggest that this not be watched with young children as it is Rated R.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 21, 2019)  
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
1986 | Horror
Tommy Jarvis is hellbent on proving that Jason is dead once and for all. That's why he's driving out to where he's buried to know for sure. A fellow inmate from the institution, Allen Hawes, tags along with him and once Tommy sees Jason's dilapidated body, the memories come flooding back to him. His temper gets the best of him as he rips off a piece of the iron fence nearby and stabs Jason repeatedly. Leaving the iron rod in Jason's chest, he turns his back for a moment only to have the rod be struck by lightning. To make things worse, Camp Crystal Lake (now renamed Camp Forest Green) is about to re-open with new counselors ripe for the picking. Now back from the dead and in a zombified state, Jason is back and is more unstoppable than ever.

This film begins the undead Jason trilogy of the Friday the 13th films and to be honest, that's my favorite version of Jason. I'm not sure if others view it as a guilty pleasure, but I enjoy this sequel almost as much as some of the first few sequels. And after the disappointment of the last film in the interesting kills department, we get quite a few this time around. One of the most memorable is Nikki getting her face shoved into the wall of the bathroom in the RV only to see the imprint of her face come through the other side. Sheriff Harris' death is also pretty incredible. Seeing a guy get bent in half in the opposite direction is always a crowd pleaser. Hawes' death has to be the best one though. Jason sticks his hand through Hawes and explodes through his back holding his heart. While there is sex in the film, there's no nudity that I can recall. Normally that would hurt a Friday the 13th film, but the great kills and overall entertaining feel of the entire film really made up for it for me.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated The Favourite (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
The Favourite (2018)
The Favourite (2018)
2018 | Biography, History
We're at yet another point in history that I'm not familiar with, let's just take that as read for all historical films from now on. As such I don't know how accurately it portrays things.

Our leading ladies each give outstanding performances, Weisz being the stand out of the three. Lady Sarah was the only one who's character seemed consistently believable the whole way through. Coleman gave a strong performance of Queen Anne and her moods. Stone though was the only one that suffered from the quirks of her character, Abigail's change towards the end of the film to a much more grotesque demeanor was not enjoyable.

That wasn't the only thing that was troublesome to watch. The camera work and the transition pieces were some strange choices. Early on we have a scene set in a dark shadowed room that means we're just watching two silhouettes, we see other scenes that are shot in darkened rooms and they're all handled much better than this shot. The other two issues I came across feel very old fashioned. Firstly cross fading transitions, I can't say added anything. Secondly the random fish eye lens, again it doesn't add anything and would be more at home in a sci-fi film than a historical one.

I can't say I enjoyed the film overall. It's a rather bland tale punctuated by overdone lavish moments, unnecessary sex and nudity, and all punctuated with some gratuitous additions of the C word. I'm not even offended by any of these things but none of it felt like it needed to be in the film, I genuinely feel it would have been a better production without some of it.

What you should do

I wouldn't bother with this one, and I'm aware I'm in a minority on this point. Personally I feel like time would be better spent researching the real point in history than this account.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Lady Sarah's shooting outfit.
Project X (2012)
Project X (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Project X is a wild ride fueled by drugs, booze, nudity, strong language, and a mob mentality. It starts off very slow, like every other day at high school (for most of us), and then quickly escalates into a series of events that seem inevitable, like watching dominoes fall.

The story follows three teens: Thomas, Costa, and JB. Costa and JB are on a mission to execute the biggest birthday bash known to man for their best friend Thomas. Their mission? To hopefully change their reputations as high school losers. Of these three, Costa is the only one whose real life name is not the same as his character. Many of the characters in this film used their real names, much to my surprise.

When I first read the film’s synopsis, the following phrase was included: “Project X is a warning to teens, parents and law enforcement.” Naturally, I assumed the film was going to be a documentary laced with lessons for the viewers. While I can’t say more without giving away what happens, I was surprised — and that’s saying something.

Nima Nourizadeh showcases his skills on the silver screen for the first time in a non-documentary capacity, though the film is very documentary-esque. I have to give him two thumbs up for creating a very funny, visually appealing, and emotionally charged film.

The best part for me was the comedy, which I’m sure resonated with younger viewers more, but was hilarious none-the-less. It’s a triumph for true laugh-out-loud film-making.

My only criticism comes from a scene near the end, which seems completely implausible given the realistic nature of the film. This particular scene felt very out of place. At the risk of ruining the moment for you, I will simply say that the drug dealer really lights up the scene, albeit
in a very unlikely manner.

I would call this underdog film an unexpected win.

KyleQ (267 KP) rated Halloween (2007) in Movies

Jul 20, 2020  
Halloween (2007)
Halloween (2007)
2007 | Horror
Intense and excessive
Before watching this I had become a fan of both House of 1,000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects, so I did appreciate Rob Zombie as a filmmaker. But it still seemed like a strange idea to have him direct the remake of Halloween.

This remake is 2 hours long, it's mostly stretched to that length due to the scenes involving 10-year-old Michael.
Daeg Faerch plays the young Mikey, and does well, he's creepy and disturbing. Rob's wife Sheri Moon Zombie of course has a role, here as Mikey's mom, she's fine here as the role fits her well. The problem is everyone else, William Forsythe plays Mike's stepdad who happens to be a disgusting excuse for a human being, as is the bully played by Daryl Sabara. The movie then shifts to events at the asylum. Malcolm Mcdowell plays Dr. Sam Loomis. Mcdowell is a good actor, and he gives a pretty good performance here. But he still pales in comparison to the great Donald Pleasence. The movie than movies to 15-years later.
Scout Taylor Compton plays Laurie Strode, she does good, but I was disappointed that she was introduced making a sex joke. Rob couldn't even let the nerdy final girl be sweet and innocent. Needless to say, others are worse.

The movie has LOTS of profanity which honestly drags down any attempts at actually making characters likable. The sex and nudity have also been ramped up.
The violence is definitely brutal, but that's Zombie's style, I felt that Michael was quite terrifying here. Tyler Mane plays Michael, and his 7-foot tall stature is so intimidating.

Overall, Rob Zombie does a good job at developing the story of Michael Myers, and at making some really intense and brutal death scenes. But he does so at the expense of having likable characters and good dialog. I still like it, but I can understand why others wouldn't.
The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
1982 | Horror
This film has a slumber party and it also has a massacre. In that respect, The Slumber Party Massacre does exactly what is says on the tin, but actually has more to it underneath it's trashy exterior.
It may very well be another 80s slasher following in the wake of Friday the 13th, but a few things make it stick out above some of the rest.
The short 77 minute runtime means that the plot steams along at a snappy pace. The expected killer chase scenes are genuinely tense. The characters are all fairly realistic. All good stuff.

Its important to note that this film was directed by Amy Holden Jones, and written by Rita Mae Brown. The presence of two females in these usually male dominated roles is certainly noteworthy, especially in the 80s. As a result, we have female characters who aren't afraid to fight back, and who don't rely on men to save them. There's not even an obvious Final Girl candidate, any one of the main cast could have filled that role. It's refreshing to see.
However, TSPM is produced by Roger Corman, which would go someway in explaining the excessive nudity, and why the finished product is far different to what Rita Mae Brown had initially envisioned.

The practical effects are fairly minimal, but what we do get is pretty good, and there's some semi decent gore dished out by Russ Thorn, this movies antagonist. He's obviously not a patch on slasher icons such as Jason or Freddy, but he's still a weird enough dude to make his mark on the genre. (Not quite as weird as the dude who hunts snails though, what the fuck was that all about)

The Slumber Party Massacre is a straight shooting horror that may have a cheap look, but it's fun for the most part, and has some memorable slasher moments.

Darren Fisher (2454 KP) rated Tough to Kill (Duri a morire) (1978) in Movies

Dec 13, 2020 (Updated Dec 13, 2020)  
Tough to Kill (Duri a morire) (1978)
Tough to Kill (Duri a morire) (1978)
1978 | Action, International, Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not so much Tough to Kill as Probably Quite Easy to Kill
Not so much Tough to Kill as Probably Quite Easy to Kill, as the main character gets a bullet in the leg early on in the film and is carried around a lot in the jungle. Poor bloke doesn't really get a chance to prove if he's tough to kill or not until nearer the end of the film. Even then, I'd rate my chances if we had to fight it out in a sweaty jungle...
Our main protagonist Martin (Luc Merenda), is a (apparently) ruthless mercenary who accepts a mission to find a hired killer who is hiding out with a group of mercenaries in a South American jungle. When members of the group get wind that there is a price on the hired killers head things get a tad messy and they end up fighting amongst themselves to claim the bounty.
Certainly not directors Joe D'Amato's finest hour but it is a fun ride nonetheless.
Those expecting the usual nudity and gore from a D'Amato flick will be disappointed though, as this is a pure Boys Own testosterone fueled adventure.
Not that I'm complaining, as it has all the ingredients of a staple low budget film. Bad and often hilarious dialogue. Check. Gaping plot holes. Check. Nonsensical narrative. Check. Stock footage. Check. Crap explosions. Check. And so on...
Donald O'Brien, who is no stranger to low budget flicks, is great to watch as Major Hagerty. He pretty much dominates the film, outacting the entire cast (although that isn't particularly difficult).
The 'specially adapted' assault course, the shootout barrel run, and saving the rabbit from drowning scenes are some of the highlights on show. The twist ending is blindingly obvious though. Pure trash fun!
NOTE: The transfer I watched was terrible. More grain, dropouts, and interference than you could shake an exploitation stick at. Although it did kind of add to the enjoyment, if like myself, it gets you yearning for the good old days of vhs.